Представь, что комната на рисунке 3 стр. 31 твоя. — КиберПедия 

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Представь, что комната на рисунке 3 стр. 31 твоя.

2017-09-28 411
Представь, что комната на рисунке 3 стр. 31 твоя. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ответь Да, у меня есть. (Yes, I have.) или

Нет, у меня нету. (No, I haven’t)


Have you got a red sofa? ____________________________

Have you got a green chair? ____________________________

Have you got an armchair? ____________________________

Have you got a mirror? ____________________________

Have you got a blue carpet? ____________________________

Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Начни с него вопрос.

a) She has got a nice room.

_________________________ a nice room?

b) The chairs are yellow.

_________________________ yellow?

c) Bob can see a window.

__________________________ a window?

244. Начни вопрос с Do..? или Does..?

a) The boys play computer games.

____________________________ computer games?

b) His sister wants a new mirror.

_____________________________ a new mirror?

c) Her aunt likes big windows.

_____________________________ big windows?

d) The kittens walk on the floor.

_____________________________ on the floor?



Переведи. Цифры пиши словами.

4 зелёных лампы ____________________________________

8 коричневых дверей _________________________________

11 белых окон _______________________________________

12 синих стульев ____________________________________

13 красных кресел ___________________________________



Разгадай кроссворд (слова - названия мебели).



[æ] cat, lamp, bag (сумка), a bag – bags, one bag – three bags, my bag, her bag, his bag, your bag. My mother has got a new green bag. Does she like it? – Yes, she does.

[e] p e t, r e d, bed, d e sk (письменный стол, парта) a desk – desks,a big desk, a yellow desk. Look!Your desk is new and nice! Do you like it? – Yes, I do.

[ɔ] not, from, on, on the desk, on the sofa, on the floor, on the bed. His book is on the table. Where is your book? My book is on the table, too. Her two bags are on the floor.

[i] is, it, in, in the bag, in the bookcase, in the house. Your apple is in the bag. Where is her computer? It is in her room. Sam has got fifteen windows in his house.

[Λ] p u ppy, u ncle, u nder, under the table, under the bed, under the sofa. His dog is under the table. Where is his bag? It is under the desk. What is under your desk? - Look! A book!

[iə] n ear near the table, near the desk, near the house. Is your desk near the door?- Yes, it is. Is his bag near the chair? - No, it isn’t.Can he see it? -Yes, he can.

248. Обведи правильный вариант.

a) My desk is / are near the door.

b) My friend and I has / have got new bags.

c) His armchairs is / are in the room.

d) This carpet is / are on the floor.

e) Her sister has / have got a nice mirror.

f) I go / goes to school.

g) His sons drink / drinks mineral water.

h) My friend swim/ swims at school.

i) The girls dance / dances at school.

j) His brother go / goes to bed at 9.

k) Tom like / likes his room.


near …… in ……


Напиши, что где находится.

a) The lamp is _______________ the desk.

b) The chairs are ______________ the desk.

c) The desk is ________________ the window.

d) The computer is ______________ the desk.

e) The cat is ___________________ the desk.

f) The bookcase is _______________ the desk.

g) The books are ______________ the bookcase.

h) The bed is ________________ the door.

i) The armchair is ______________ the bed.

j) The carpet is ______________ the armchair.

k) The carpet is ______________ the floor.


250. Вставь артикли a, an или the, если нужно.

a) I read ___ book. ____ book is funny.

b) She’s got ____ orange. _____ orange is big.

c) They ‘ve got ____ house. _____ house is new.

d) _____ family is happy.

e) He has got ___ uncle. _____ uncle is a teacher.

f) We have got ____ twelve books. _____ books are in the bookcase.


x = [ks] si x, fo x, bo x (коробка) a box – boxes, one box – two boxes, twelve boxes, thirteen boxes, on the box, in the box, under the box, near the box The cat is on the box. Where is the box? The box is under the table. Where are his robots? His robots are in the box.

[eə] f air h air, ch air, b ear (медведь), a bear - bears, one bear – three bears, a big bear, a little bear, a brown bear, a white bear

The three bears have got a house. This book is about a little girl and three bears. Do you want to read this book? Yes, I do.

[eə] f air h air, ch air, b ear, h are (заяц), a hare – hares, one hare – four hares, a hare and a fox, a grey hare, a white hare It isn’t a hare, it is a rabbit. What colour is your hare? It is white. Where is your hare? It is near the bear. What is this? It is a hare.


Напиши полную форму.

Where’s your hare? = ______________________ your hare?

What’s this? = _______________________ this?

It’s a bear. = ___________________________________.

He’s got a hare. = __________________________________.



253. Начни вопрос с Do..? или Does..?

a) The children play on the carpet.

____________________________ on the carpet?

b) His mum wants a new house.

_____________________________ a new house?

c) Liz likes this armchair.

_____________________________ this armchair?

d) The kittens drink milk.

_____________________________ milk?

e) The hare eats carrots.

_____________________________ carrots?

254. Посмотри на рисунок учебника стр. 39 и напиши, где что.


near …… in ……


1. The cat is _____________________ the bookcase.

2. The chair is ___________________ the bookcase.

3. The dog is _____________________ the sofa.

4. The rat is _____________________ the armchair.

5. The armchair is _________________ the sofa.

6. The frog is _____________________ the bed.

7. The rabbit is ___________________ the table.

8. The book is ____________________ the carpet.


255. Посмотри на рисунок учебника стр. 39 и ответь, где находятся животные.

a) Where is the dog? The dog is on the sofa.____________

b) Where is the cat? _______________________________

c) Where is the rabbit? _______________________________

d) Where is the frog? _______________________________

e) Where is the rat? _______________________________



256. Посмотри на рисунок 1 стр. 43 учебника и ответь, что ты можешь увидеть: Yes, I can. (Да, могу увидеть.)

No, I can’t. (Нет, не могу.)

Can you see a window? _____________________

Can you see three chairs? _____________________

Can you see a brown desk? _____________________

Can you see a blue lamp? _____________________

Can you see a green bed? _____________________

Can you see a mirror? _____________________

Can you see a computer? _____________________


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