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принимая во внимание многозначность английских глаголов should и would:
1. The workers insisted that the new method should be introduced without delay. 2. I thought that I should meet you in the laboratory. 3. We should meet today or tomorrow to discuss some of the common problems. 4. Should we have any trouble with the machine, we may ask the engineer to give instructions to us. 5. I believed that we should double the output after having introduced new machine tools. 6. I thought it would be difficult to
avoid the motor overheating. 7. It would be difficult to avoid the overheating of the motor without introducing an effective cooling system. 8. If we began the work immediately, it would be finished by the end of the day. 9. I remember when I was at school I had a motorbike and I would spend hours overhauling it. 10. If the motor wouldn’t start in spite of all that, I would ask my father to help me and he would locate the trouble in no time.
7. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные ниже предложения, учитывая особенности перевода зависимого и независимого причастного оборота:
1. When calculating the weight of a body, we have to multiply its specific gravity by its volume. 2. While working at his new computer, the inventor made numerous improvements. 3. When translating some new text he used to write out all new words. 4. An electron computer forms an impressively complex device, when viewed as a whole. 5. When using a controller on a modern military aircraft, it can perform automatic testing of aircraft equipment. 6. Other conditions being equal, iron heats up faster than aluminum. 7. Personal computers being used for many purposes, scientists go on improving their characteristics. 8. There were some reports concerning electric waves at the Congress of 1896, Popov’s report of the new type of communication being the center of attention. 9. The machines arriving to day, we shall proceed to mount them. 10. The new instrument being designed in our laboratory will be used in radio engineering research. 11. The box is then turned, with its lid being gradually raised. 12. My father, being an engineer himself, was very pleased when he heard me speaking to my schoolmates about the methods of making various kinds of steel.
8. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, принимая во внимание, что инфинитив в конструкциях Complex Object и Complex Subject часто соответствует придаточным предложениям в русском языке:
A. 1. We expect this discovery to produce great changes in the field of
electronics. 2. We want this machinery to be utilized to 80 % of its capacity. 3. He assumed the vacuum tubes to have been made of all sizes. 4. The engineer wants this new computer to be tested under very severe conditions. 5. Many people believe computers to be able to solve problems yet unsolved. 6. We observe the precision required during processing be
constant. 7. The test has shown the system to be oriented principally to general business and industrial data processing. 8. The scientist believes a microcomputer system designed for severe-environment industrial application to have been constructed.
B. 1. The use of mercury in thermometers appears to have been first
mentioned in the middle of the 18th century. 2. The rocket is known to be an engine, which propels itself by using liquids as fuel. 3. Every educated person is supposed to know Newton’s Third Law “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. 4. The human beings seem not to be able to add or multiply without using auxiliary devices such as pencil and paper. 5. The first stage appears to have taken almost a month to complete. 6. A party to investigate the local materials available for construction is expected to submit its report by the first of March. 7. These devices are considered to be very effective. 8. These changes are expected to take place due to the Earth magnetism.
9. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие конструкции с герундием:
1. They heard of the 8.30 train having left some minutes before. 2. I remember this weapon having been mentioned in the history of the First World War. 3. He mentioned his having tested this particular material for strength with entirely satisfactory results. 5. We know of his having been instructed to find a satisfactory substitute for copper. 6. The engineer insisted on plywood being used instead of metal for some parts of the car. 7. I can’t help his confiding his troubles on me. 8. She was displeased with her daughter’s having accepted the invitation.
10. Перепишите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения, подчеркните в них придаточные и укажите, являются ли они дополнительными (Д) или определительными (О):
1. In this case we can suppose that a molecule consists of two equal
atoms. 2. Perhaps, the most important uses of radar are those that give greater reliability to sea and air travel. 3. It is necessary to know whether or not the molecules can still rotate freely in the crystal at the lowest temperature. 4. The asymmetry we observe indicates that the electrons strike the plate with a tendency to spin to the right rather than to the left. 5. The latest investigations show how this deflection system works. 6. It is interesting to know if this circuit is a low-level noise device. 7. The computer, which can utilize both analog and digital data is called hybrid computer.
Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначенные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...
Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...
Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...
Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...
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