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С помощью словаря
Для формирования этого умения предлагается несколько основных рекомендаций:
1. Запомните английский алфавит.
2. Запомните в искомом слове три первые буквы (это облегчит его поиск в словаре).
3. Прежде чем искать слово в словаре, восстановите его исходную форму (инфинитив глагола, единственное число существительного и т. д.).
4. Из всех значений слов выберите в словаре то, которое подходит по контексту.
Без помощи словаря
К категории слов, значение которых можно определить без помощи словаря, относятся интернациональные слова, производные слова, слова, образованные по конверсии.
Интернациональные слова. В английском языке большое место занимают слова, заимствованные из других языков, в основном латинского и греческого. Эти слова получили широкое распространение и стали интернациональными. По корню таких слов легко догадаться об их переводе на русский язык, например: mechanization – механизация, atom – атом и т.д., поэтому очень важно уметь выявлять их в тексте и делать опорами для извлечения смысла.
Однако, нужно помнить, что многие интернационализмы расходятся в своем значении в русском и английском языках, поэтому их часто называют «ложными друзьями» переводчика. Например: accurate – точный, а не аккуратный, resin – смола, а не резина, control – не только контролировать, но и управлять и т.д.
Производные слова. Эффективным средством расширения запаса слов служит знание способов словообразования. Расчленив производное слово на корень, суффикс и префикс, легче определить значение известного слова. Кроме того, зная значения наиболее употребительных префиксов и суффиксов, вы сможете без труда узнать, какой частью речи является данное слово и понять значение гнезда слов, образованных из одного корневого слова, которое вам известно. Часто встречаются префиксы, имеющие международный характер, например:
anti — анти: антитело; со – со: сосуществовать; de – де: дестабилизировать.
Определение грамматической формы слов и их синтаксические связи в предложении
Данное умение формируется в опоре на информацию, изложенную в учебниках английского языка. Необходимо отметить, что не следует начинать работу с текстом с его дословного перевода. Сначала нужно попытаться по заголовку, по известным вам словам текста и в опоре на имеющиеся у вас знания определить, о чем идет речь в тексте. Это поможет вам в процессе работы над ним прогнозировать содержание и тот лексико-грамматический материал, которым это содержание выражено, поможет определить по контексту значение части незнакомых слов, отыскать в словаре то значение многозначного слова, которое требуется.
Для того, чтобы достичь указанного в целевой установке уровня владения языком, следует систематически тренировать память, заучивая иноязычные слова и тексты. Надо помнить, что способности развиваются в процессе работы, что осмысленный материал запоминается легче, чем неосмысленный, что навык вырабатывается путем многократно выполняемого действия.
Упражнение№ 1. Напишите транскрипцию гласных звуков следующих слов:
а) be, feel, we, me, see, meet, deed, feet, need
b) it, is, in, ill, sit, fill, live, win, till, mill
c) bed, pen, ten, tell, set, let, met
d) tie, lie, my, pie, die, life, time, five, nine, smile
e) man, bad, hat, lamp, glad, fat, cat, black, sack
f) day, late, tale, main, pain, rain, male, fail
g) park, mark, arm, are, car, farm, large
h) air, chair, care, fair, rare, parent
i) there, where
j) here, near, mere, clear, fear, bear
k) hire, fire, tyre, buyer, flyer
l) our, flour, power, flower, down, town
m) her, term, bird, firm, burn, turn, fur, learn
n) sorry, story, warm, word, door, all, taught, talk
Упражнение№ 2. Напишите транскрипцию согласных звуков следующих слов:
a) think, thing, thin, thought, death, threat.
b) sing, song, bang, long, something, going, hung, wrong.
c) this, that, those, the, these, there, other, another.
d) ship, shop, she, clash, sharp, shine, shame, shape.
e) chess, chop, chamber, charm, charity, future.
f) phone, photo, phenomenon, phantom, pharos, philharmonic, phase.
g) knife, know, knock, knit, knight, knee, knack.
h) what, where, when, wheel, whiff, whig, whip, whim.
Скороговорки. Tongue-twisters.
The black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
Betty Botta bought some butter, But she said, this butter’s bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my batter better.
She sells seashells on the seashore, the shells that she sells are seashells, I’m sure.
A big black bug bit a big black bear, A big black bear bit a big black bug.
Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.
What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.
Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.
Blake’s black bike’s back brake bracket block broke.
Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
She slits the sheet she sits on.
A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed.
A twister of twists once twisted a twist. and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist. now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist, would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists.
1. Чтение английских гласных букв в открытом положении
Прочтите слова и объясните, почему они так произносятся:
1. В, К, C,D, go, be, he, me, she, we, by, my, spy, try, fly, dry, cry, shy, pry, lo, no, so, Q, P, Z, V, T.
Aid, hail, claim, chain, waist, raise, bay, day, play, pray, stay, pay, sea, tea, beach, feast, breathe, free, tree, feed, beech, sleeve, freeze, die, lie, died, tried, bye, dyed, boat, cloak, foe, sloe, toe, pie, tie, ceaze, ceiling, week, sweep, dial, phial, bias.
Bake, pale, take, pane, tape, eke, eve, cede, globe, Crete, Swede, lime, mine, mite, side, size, style, hole, home, robe, rape, vote, yoke, duke, dupe, fume, mule, tube, tune.
Cede, seed, lone, loan, bike, bake, Jane, jade, baize, bays, lace, lake, beach, beech, mice, Mike, die, dye, cage, gage, vague, plague, guide, lie, lye, yale, due.
Fatal, vacant, raven, agent, bacon, typist, evil, famous, final, silent, pilot, tyrant, total, open, moment, human, student, pupil, music, cubic, client.
2. Чтение английских гласных букв в закрытом положении
Прочтите слова и объясните, почему они так произносятся:
Pad, pat, bad, bat, fan, fat, van, vat, cell, tent, dell, den, keg, get, yet, yelp.Kid, kiss, grin, wig, wit, Lynn, Pym, Sod, sop, mod, moss, nod, hot, rod, yon, F, L, M. Nun, nut, hug, hut, ruff, buzz, gulf.
Sac, sack, lac, lack, lacks, lax, tacks, tax, links, lynx, sticks, Styx, cell, sell, cent, sent, hiss, his, lacks, bags, bets, beds, cups, cubs, pence, pens, phlox, flocks, fizz, phiz, fill, Phil, batch, badge, rich, ridge; bank, hang.
Bed, had; led, lad; Ned, pad; bet, net; bend, bent; bat, set, sat; land, lend; fact, pact, plan, flag, act; slap, slab; cup, cap; lit, lid; shot, shod.
Cab, cup, cling, crest, scrub; tacks, sacks, kicks, rocks, ducks, cell, cent, hence, rince, dunce, lick, lack, pick, pack, sick, sack, dick, dig, pick, pig, rick, rig, bank, ink, drink, drunk, fact, sect, back, neck, gem, gent, gin, gist, badge, hedge, bridge, lodge, plunge, as, has, beds, rugs, prism, jam, job, jib, jest, just, yes, yet, yelp, yen, yell, bang, spring, thing, strong, lung, sell, shell, sip, ship, self, shan, shut, shrub, crash, smash, rush, shell, shelf, ship, shift, fish, mesh, smash, chip, chop, chest, rich, such, match, fetch, ditch, Scotch, crutch. Thin, thrift, width, length. That, then, this, thus, with. Phiz, phlox, lymph, nymph. Tax, sex, fix, fox, box, text, next.
Pit, pen, par, pun; fin, fen, fan, fun; tin, ten, tan, tun; red, rest, rent; risk, rim, did, tin, lid, nib, fill, drill, mill, mat, hot, pet, guest, press, stress, string, strong, stretch.
Sandal, vessel, system, children, absent, tempest, bonnet, pocket, commit, public, horrid, dwelling, summit, battle, bottom, seldom, lesson, dinner, waggon, parrot, butter, button, sister, doctor. Lapse, dense, steppe, twelve, bronze, solve.
3. Чтение английских букв в открытом и закрытом положении
Pan, pane, tap, tape, red, rede, them, theme, miss, mice, shin, shine, rob, robe, dot, dote, tub, tube, duck, duke, pad, pat, bad, bat, fan, fat, tell, tent, kid, grin, wig. Pym, Bake, pale, eke, globe, we, sweep, side, style, hole, robe, yoke, duke, sod, yon, hot, nun, hug, ruff, fume, tube, be, go, my, K, gulf, sham, shame, dense, solve, aid, hail, shut, smash, chip, chain, waist, bay, day, by, chop, chest, ship, shelf, shape, C, D, fish, chip, pea, sea, tea, beach, spring, lung, die, lie, bye, join, job, tea, tree, beech, jest, thin, freeze, this, that, these, those, foe, pie, cease, lymph, nymph, cab, cup, fact, fat, fatal, vat, vacant, back, bake, neck, yes, yet, agent, back, bacon, yell, typist, tax, sex, famous, final, cell, cent, ceiling, prince, dunce, silent, as, has, pilot, match, mate, fetch, fate, crutch, gent, gin, total, badge, open, bridge, moment, mob, pig, page, red, rage, sell, shell, human, pet, pete, student, stud, fill, file, lack, lace, music, land, mice, lake, back, bake, bike, flag, act, jade, cage, cup, yale, slab, guide, guest, shot, cap, value, due.
4. Чтение английских гласных букв в сочетании с буквой 'r' в открытом и закрытом положении
Прочтите слова и объясните причину переосмысливания звукового восприятия английских гласных букв:
Bare, care, chair, hair, fair, mare, pair, dare, square, rare, hare, Here, mere, near, fear, beer, cheer, dear. Fire, briar, mire, tire, liar, byre, lyre, tyre, dire. More, shore, board, roar, horse. Cure, mure, pure, lure. Fare, fair, hare, hair, here, hear, dear, deer, tire, tyre, boar, bore, sore, soar.,
Bar, far, jar, star, hard, farm, harsh, starve. Her, verb, serve, bird, skirt, shirt, herb, fern, berth, germ, verse, serve. Fir, sir, birch, girl, first, third. For, nor, sort, short, lord, horse. Urn, turn, nurse, burn, perfect, fur, furl, burn, hurt, curve, purse. Word, worm, work, world, worker, farmer, former, furnish, varnish. Earl, learn, early, earth, heard.
Bar, bare, car, care, her, here, per, peer, fir, fire, sir, sire, or, ore, for, fore, cur, cure.
5. Чтение английских гласных букв во всех положениях подударением
Прочтите слова и объясните, почему они так произносятся:
Bare, fat, fan, fire, pad, tell, chair, kid, grin, more, wig, Pym, cure, bake, pale, bar, far, eke, globe, herb, fir, we, sweep, for, fur, word, side, style, urn, farmer, hole, robe, care, here, lure, farm, yoke, duke, sod, horn, worm, serve, burn, nun, ruff, fume, tube, be, hair, dare, mere, go, my, K, gulf, hair, fear, mire, harsh, sham, shame, dense, board, berth, sir, burn, world, aid, hail, shut, smash, chip, turn, former, hare, chain, waist, bay, day, by, chop, chest, ship, girl, horse, starve, roar, shelf, shape, C, D, fish, chip, mure, square, pea, sea, beach, spring, sort, fair, star, lung, die, bye, jam, jar, byre, job, tea, tree, beech, jest, germ, thin, freeze, this, these, that, those, foe, nor, pie, first, fern, dire, ceaze, lymph, furnish, tyrant, sturdy, studen, care, cab, cup, fair, fact, fatal, mare, mat, note, rare, vat, hare, vacant, near, back, lake, beer, tyre, shore, neck, hoarse, yes, yet, agent, pure, back, during, bacon, third, yell, birch, typist, err, tax, sex, famous, short, final, cell. Lord, hurt, cent, ceiling, purse, prince, silent, work, as, has, pilot, worker, mate, her, fetch, fate, verb, tyrant, serve, tyre, bird, crutch, gent, gin, total, burn, perfect, badge, open, bridge, moment, mob, sell, shell, guide, due, varnish.
Back, bark, had, hard, gem, germ, ten, tern, twill, twirl, spit, spirt, cock, cork, shot, short, cub, curb.
6. Чтение слов, рассмотренных выше
Прочтите слова и объясните, почему они так произносятся:
Feud, neutral, feudal, deuce, cue, Europe, dew, few, new, newt, ewe. Diece, niece, field, yield, chief, grief, grieve, belief, believe, achieve, brief, thief, shriek, priest, shield, siege. Great, break, steak; bear, year, wear, tear, pear, swear. They, grey, prey, whey, rein, vein, feint, eight, freight, weight. Eye, height, either, neither. Dead, head, bread, ready, meadow, steady, thread, death, feather, leather, weather, breath, health, wealth, peasant, pleasant, pheasant, measure, treasure, pleasure. Range, change, haste, waste, paste, strange, danger. Find, mind, bind, child, wild, mild, able, table, fable, cradle, idle, rifle, trifle, bible, bridle, cycle, noble, bugle. Scarce, negro, nitrogen, hydrogen, micron, migrant. Old, told, sold, fold, hold, gold, droll, bolt. Live, love, about, above, give, clever, river, vivid, seven, eleven, every, heavy, ever, never, heaven. Solid, valid, static, visit, physics, rapid, Spanish, Latin, cabin, radish, satin, credit, merit, limit, finish, profit, polish, florin, punish. Capital, family, energy, medical, mineral, physical, comedy, opera, origin, probably, enemy, melody.
7. Чтение слов, правописание которых связано с влияниемфранцузской графики
Some, come, comfort, company, son, done, none, Monday, month, London, front, among, tongue, other, another, mother, brother, nothing, dozen, colour, won, wonder, fraud, haul, maul, Paul, fault, chaw, jaw, straw, shawl, lawn, drawn, cause, because, pause, author, clause, applause, August, autumn. Ground, count, stout, loud, house, spout, ounce, cow, now, crowd, fowl, down, town, out, shout, scout, how, towel, brown, about, without, trousers. Our, flour, power, tower, flower, shower. Young, country, cousin, courage, couple, double, trouble, touch. Oil, boil, joint, hoist, voice, noise, boy, coy, joy, toy, cloy, Troy, floy, hoy.
Four, your, pour, Row, brow, throw, low, flow, blow, slow, yellow, fellow, sorrow, meadow, swallow, sparrow. You, through, could, should, would, group, tour, lose, do, prove, move, to, soup, does, done.
8 Чтение слов, рассмотренных выше
Прочтите слова и объясните, почему они так произносятся:
Ask, cask, mask, fast, last, clasp, grass, after, master. Too, moon, stool, woo, pool, gloom, shoot, groove, soon, boot, soot. Book, hook, took, shook, Boor, moor, poor. Ball, small, fall, wall, bald, salt, false. Talk, stalk, chalk, walk. Dance, glance, prance, branch, grant, plant, cant, shant, command, demand, reprimand. What, water, was, war, wash, watch, watt, want, swamp, swan, wasp, warm, war, ward. Bull, pull, full, bullet. Brutal, plural, prudent, truly, true, blew, rude, rule, June, July, brute, grew, screw, threw, drew, flew, jew, blew, crew, include, junior.
9. Чтение английских слов на все приведенные правила
Прочтите нижеприводимые слова и объясните, почему они так произносятся:
1. Light, fight, might, straight, caught, daughter, haughty, neigh, sleight, eight, freight; rough, enough, laugh, nigh, Hugh, knight, height, weight, weigh, taught, thought, bought, fought, ought; special, mission, passion, session, nation, action, caution, tradition, mention, collection, dictation, option, demonstration, special, Asia, Russia, Russian, politician, musician, glacial, especial, explosion, corrosion, illusion, collision, vision, confusion; lecture, future, furniture, nature, culture, century; pressure, sure, exposure, measure, treasure, pleasure; when, why, which, white, where, what; who, whom, whose; wrong, write, writer, writ, wring, khight, know, knew, knit, gnat, gnash, monarch, echo, school, chemistry, mechanics, architect, machine, moustache, niche, limb, lamb, bomb, autumn, hymn, guard, guest, guild.
2. Due, dew; muse, mews; tub, tube; fare, far; rede, red; duck, dutch; duke, dark; faint, feint; dot, dote; asp, wasp; has, was; that, what; watch, natch; bar, bare; car, care; her, here; heal, health; on, son; ponder, wonder; home, come; grove, glove; per, peer; fir, fire; sir, sire; mood, blood; rouse, cousin; cut, put; rush, bush; far, fare; cur, cure; ruddy, pudding; go, to, rood, good, rather, father; duty, truly; nude, rude; suit, brute; rout, route; dew, drew; later, water; go, do; rose, lose; duty, truly; nude, rude; dew, drew; stew, strew; strange, haste, steak, speak; riddle, bridle; lost, post; cloth, both; cobble, nobble; now, know; bady, puny, cabin, radish, finish, civil, polish, florin, duty, eight, weight, field; great, break, year, pear; eye, height, either, neither; deed, dead, weather, wealth; pea, peasant; please, pleasant; ear, early, earth; hear, heard; ran, range; has, haste; was, waste; will, wild; mill, mild; pran, plant; can, can't; comma, command; small, smell, slang; sale, salt; face, fast; lace, last; class, clasp; bathe, bath; father, mother, close, cloth; sole, sold; hole, hold; bull, pull, full; moon, too, book, took, shook, poor, door, floor, blood, flood; out, now, how, row, brow, low, blow, meadow; our, four; reply; friend, heart, good; say.
3. Father, man, what, they, girl, first, who, no, son, daughter, child, I, work, learn, boys, works, live, four, fifth, your, Tuesday, Monday, good, food, school, go, do, room, all, small, wall, walk, sun, why, very, light, night, eight, twice, air, shine, young, cousin, shut, niece, weak, write, Thursday, chair, those, these, meal, each, year, weather, cook, book, dina, give, live, have, always, third, girl, bread, colour, house, flower, window, warm, fruit. June, August, heat, great, break, pear, feather, finger, longer, friend, also, throw, soon, trees.
4. Grow, how, dead, meadow, eat, weak, water, this, thing, chalk, board, coat, teeth, tooth, thick, thin, white, night, red, nose, low, moustache, eye, blind, tear, learn, hear, ear, year, deaf, head, bed, road, mount, horse, word, board, work, heavy, town, cow, along, among, field, mice, men, country, cousin, young, see, eat, people, we, pure, here, learn, early, crow, now, grow, how, snow, fowl, house, geese, leather, beak, great, head, eat, swallow, straw, call, worm, word, near, hear, early, year, learn, bush, jug, put, such, jam, son, month, fond, catch, saucer, pour, our, your.
5. Yesterday, excite, except, during, run, brought, caught, bite, right, quite, quick, thank, this, thing, those, thin, thirsty, home, early, nearly, clear, bear, learn, six, fox, eggs, go, throw, finger, hunger, longer, book, look, looked, ice, sauce, eyes, thirst, please, freeze, sees, easy, rose, houses, horses, as, this, has, us, is, was, bag, back, alone, saw, sauce, here, hair, dear, who, whose, write, shine, poor, door, pour, heap, heard, clear, early, now, bought, house, town, interesting, evening, several, page, change, hunger, thing, no, know, nose, knows.
6. Smooth, tooth, month, mouth, bright, brought, mighty, caught, daughter, eight, own, blown, town, word, world, tomorrow, whose, froze, grows, nose, throws, write, who, whole, while, wrong, tear, earth, third, learn, work, girl, return, think, true, blue, grew, who, blew, too, wisdom, husband, give, alive, five, live, hive, drive, door, blood, floor, could, good, wood, turn, learn, early, paid, made, laid, said, put, butter, trunk, sure, quite, quiet, want, water, walk, what, remember, understand, invite, arrive, cent, pence, few, knew, you, eleven, even, seven, could, would, stood, right, wrong, guard, hard, move, love, firm, sight, side, stone, ship, sheep, heart.
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