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Give Russian equivalents of the following: (10)
Private school, primary school, secondary school, lyceum, vocational school, a wide choice, free of charge, school-leavers, the majority of schools, the Certificate of Basic Secondary Education, take State Final exams, get a diploma, post graduate courses.
Give English equivalents of the following: (10)
Ясли, большой выбор, государственная школа, детский сад, большинство школ, предметы, уроки ведутся, включать, ручной труд, Аттестат о полном среднем образовании, выпускник, академия, аспирантура.
Translate the following words in brackets: -(10)
1.(Курс обучения) is eleven years.
2. Children (младше шести лет) are taken to crèches and nursery schools.
3. (Большинство школ) are free of charge.
4. At the age of 6 children (идут в начальную школу).
5. After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (профессиональное училище или колледж).
16. Find in the text and read the information about: (10)
- The list of subjects in primary schools;
- Types of schools existing in Russia;
- Secondary education;
- School-leaving examinations;
- Higher educational establishments.
Write chains of words in English: (20)
А. Ясли - детсад- начальная школа- средняя школа- лицей- профессиональная школа- гимназия- колледж.
Б. Высшее учебное заведение- институт- университет- академия- аспирантура.
В. Школьник (ученик) - выпускник- абитуриент- студент (без степени, со степенью), бакалавр - магистр- аспирант- кандидат- доктор- профессор.
Г. Экзамены – вступительные – семестровые - итоговые- государственные.
Belgorod is an educational centre of the region
Belgorod is an educational centre of the region. In it there are five state establishments of higher education: Belgorod State Technological University of Building Materials, the Agricultural Academy, Belgorod State University, the Consumers' Cooperative University, the Institute of Law, where over 45,000 students are studying now. There are also some commercial educational establishments in Belgorod.
The new building of Belgorod State University (BelSU) is the pride of the townspeople. The University has a long and interesting history. It is one of the oldest educational establishments in the region. Its history dates back to 1876 when a Teachers' College was opened in Belgorod. Later, in 1939, it was reorganized into Pedagogical Institute which existed till 1994 when it was renamed into Belgorod State Pedagogical University. In 1996 the institution was granted University Status.
Today the University has four departments: Day-Time department, Extra-Mural department, Evening department, Preliminary department. The Day-Time department includes 12 faculties. The educational process and scientific researchers are carried out by the highly skilled specialists. Among them are over 40 Professors and Doctors of Sciences, over 200 Associate- professors and Candidates of Sciences.
During the years of its existence the University has trained over 100,000 highly qualified teachers for education system and its institutions.
The University is the largest centre of science.
The University has its own publishing house supplied with modern computer
In general, Belgorod State University is an extended multi-faceted institution of higher learning. It is the largest scientific, cultural and pedagogical establishment in the South of Russia.
Belgorod has a lot of secondary educational establishments, including 51 secondary schools of all types: lyceums, gymnasiums, daytime, evening and extramural general secondary schools, and music schools. Highly-skilled workers are trained in vocational technical schools.
Упражнение 1.
В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Look! Someone is coming up to the back door.
2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem.
3. I am learning a poem.
4. She is telling them an interesting story.
5. Kate is sweeping the floor.
6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
7. The students are writing a dictation.
8. They are having tea.
9. I am buying milk for milk shakes.
10. You are putting the dishes on the table.
Упражнение 2.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.
2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (tо leave) my report at home.
3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully.
4. Poor Oliver was lying unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him.
5. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home.
6. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin).
7. Where you (to work) before you (to enter) the University?
8. Lanny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town.
9. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me she (to receive) a letter.
10. She (to think) Gert and Lanny (to quarrel).
Упражнение 3.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен.
1. I (to do) my homework by 6 tomorrow.
2. I (to do) all my work by the time you come.
3. You (to repair) this car by next Sunday?
4. You (to come) to my place tomorrow?
5. She (to see off) me after they (to arrive) next time?
6. All the students (to pass) their exams by the end of this year.
7. I (to eat) before I (to go) to the university.
8. You (to give) all the documents for checking by the end of the working day.
9. I (to check up) my homework before she (to question) me.
10. I (to call) you every week.
Упражнение 4.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1.Ты съел весь кекс?
2. Что вы делаете? – Мы собираем яблоки. – Сколько вы уже собрали? – Мы собрали пять корзин.
3. Я сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла тебе новые туфли.
4. Я работаю над этой темой с весны.
5. Секретарь еще не напечатала всех писем, когда я пришел.
6. Дождь еще не прекратился, кода мы вышли из дома.
7. Я вспомнил, что обещал своему приятелю вернуть ему английский учебник.
8. Я пойду домой после того, как закончу работу.
9. Она будет обедать после того, как распакует свои вещи.
10. Я дам вам знать, как только получу письмо от него.
11. К тридцати годам он станет великим музыкантом.
Classify the words into categories and add some of your own to each category:
Chat show, blog, magazine, sitcom, social media, reality show, web page, chat room, documentary, newspaper, soap opera, tabloid, text message updates, game show, text voting.
Skim the text and choose the most suitable word/phrase to substitute the words in bold in the given context:
1) audiences - a) people, b) viewers, c) listeners;
2) tool – a) means, b) device, c) appliance;
3) current – a) modern, b) real, c) happeningnow;
4) can be classified – a) can be divided, b) can be split, c) can be called;
5) fortnightly – a) every forty weeks, b) every two weeks, c) every four nights;
6) yearly – a) very early, b) during one year, c) once a year;
7) has taken a back seat – a) has become less important, b) has failed, c) has taken a vacation;
8) gadgets – a) things, b) smart devices, c) smart phones;
9) provides – a) gives, b) recommends, c) promotes;
10) participate – a) make parts, b) take part, c) impersonate;
11) booming – a) successful, b) very loud, c) making a lot of noise;
12) to evolve – a) to become different, b) to adapt, c) to develop.
Mass media is a term which refers to communication devices, used to communicate and interact with a large number of audiences in different languages.Mass media are an inseparable part of our lives. They have become an effective tool of communication, spreading information, advertising and marketing, as well as entertainment and sharing views and ideas.
Print media include newspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures, newsletters, flyers, billboards, press releases, and books. Before electronic communication was invented, newspapers had been the best way to reach a wider audience. They were the only way people could learn about the daily news. Today newspapers carry all kinds of information from topics related to politics, current events and economy to entertainment, book and movie reviews. In general, newspapers can be classified into three main groups: popular newspapers or “tabloids” which have gossip and no serious news; quality newspapers, also called “broad sheets” which have more pages and serious articles about business, politics and science; and finally, local newspapers which report local news.
Magazines are another type of the culture print media. They can be published weekly, fortnightly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly. Magazines are often more popular and have a longer “lifespan” than newspapers.
All in all the printed form of communication was popular earlier. However, with the coming of electronic media, print media has taken a backseat.
Electronic media is the kind of media which requires the user to utilize an electric connection to access it. It is also known as 'Broadcast Media'. It includes television, radio, the Internet, computers, telephones, and other modern gadgets.
For many people, it is impossible to imagine a life without their television sets, be it the daily news, or even the soap operas. It is a popular means of communication which provides both information and entertainment. This category also includes electronic media like movies, CDs and DVDs.
Radio lost its popularity with the boom of television. But even today, radio remains one of the favourite means of electronic communication. Moreover, it is an interactive means of communication with all the dial-in programmes which give the listeners an opportunity to participate.
Mobile phones, computers, and Internet are often referred to as the new-age media. Internet has opened up several new opportunities for mass communication which include e-mail, websites, podcasts, e-forums, e-books, blogging, Internet TV, and many others which are booming today. Internet has also started social networking sites which have redefined mass communication all together. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made communication to the masses all the more entertaining, interesting, and easier! More and more people are choosing e-newspapers, eBooks, e-brochures, etc. Internet has completely transformed the traditional ideas of communication.
With the advancements in technology, mass media will continue to evolve and all you will have to do is to keep yourself informed about the latest innovations in mass communication!
Read the text again and ask/answer the questions in pairs:
1) Using the information from the text explain the meaning of the term “Mass Media”
2) How did people know what was happening in the world before TV and the Internet appeared?
3) What print media do you use in your everyday life?
4) What is the other name for “electronic media”?
5) What media do you use for everyday communication?
6) In your opinion what new hi-tech communication gadget will be invented in the next five years?
7) Why radio is still one of the favourite types of the media?
1. Pros and cons of the Internet. Choose advantages and disadvantages among the given statements
- it can provide us with a huge amount of useful information
- you can find out the latest news there
- you neglect (пренебрегать, игнорировать) work, school, our relatives
- you can’t stop surfing the Internet for hours
- using the computer for a long time can cause headaches and loss of sleep
- it gives us a unique possibility to communicate online with people living in another country, even on another continent
-you can shop online
- you can download innumerable games, music, videos, movies, most of which are free
- your personal information such as your name, address, etc. can be accessed by other people
- … your own ideas
2. Text “Caught in the Net”
Glossary solitaire – вид пасьянса custody - опека compound -осложнять cure -лечение | Maressa Orzak, a Harvard University psychologist, runs a special clinic for computer addicts. She is researching computer addiction, which she sees as a growing problem. She experienced it herself when she became hooked on playing solitaire on the computer instead of teaching herself a difficult new software programme, and since then she has studied people whose lives have been taken over by computers. One of them was a divorcee who lost custody of her children when her husband discovered she was neglecting them to spend ten or more hours a day on the web. Orzak defines computer addiction as “a disorder suffered by people who find virtual reality more attractive than everyday reality”. Symptoms include strange behavior, spending large sums of money on computers and software, and even mental health problems, but most sufferers compound the problem by denying it. One of the strategies Orzak uses to treat the condition, based on her own experience of addiction, is to encourage her patients to limit the amount of time they spend in front of a computer. |
3. Make a list of signs of computer addiction mentioned in the article:
Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...
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