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Air bag - подушка безопасности

2017-06-11 539
Air bag - подушка безопасности 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Bending — изгиб

Excessive - чрезмерный

For this purpose — для этой цели

guide the car - управлять автомо­билем

Hydraulic pump — гидравлическийнасос

Leakage — утечка

Lever — рычаг

Leverage - рычажный механизм

Linkage — соединение

means of turning - средство пово­рота

Pitman arm - рулевая сошка

Pitman shaft - рулевой вал

Pivot — шарнир

Rack and pinion assembly - реечно-шестеренчатый механизм

rack and pinion type steering gear - ру­левой механизм с рейкой и ше­стерней

Recirculating ball type steering gear - pyлевой механизм с шариковой гайкой

steering box — картер рулевого меха­низма

Steering column - рулевая колонка

steering knuckle arm — рычаг поворот­ного кулака

Steering wheel — рулевое колесо

swing (swang, swung) — поворачи­ваться

Tie-rod — поперечная тяга

worm and sector type — рулевой меха­низм с червяком и сектором


Unit Ten

Text: Using Computer


Предтекстовые упражнения

The exercises to be done before reading the text

Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и словосочетания и запомните их русские эквиваленты.

invent — изобретать

a breaker point ignition — прерывистое зажигание

advanced — усовершенствованный

fire the spark plug – воспламенять свечой зажигания

meet emission control levels — отвечать требованиям по ограничению уровня вредных компонентов в выхлопных газах gas mileage - пробег в милях на гал­лон топлива

smooth operation — плавная работа

provide – обеспечить

onboard computer system – бортовой компьютер

hardware - аппаратная часть ком­пьютера

software - программное обеспечение

CPU — Central Processing Unit - цен­тральный процессор

integrated circuit — интегральная схема

semiconductor — полупроводник

silicon — кремний

until - пока не

specific sequence — специальная по­следовательность

permanent memory — постоянная память

ROM — read only memory — постоян­ная память, постоянное запоми­нающее устройство, ПЗУ

RAM - random access memory - опе­ративная память, оперативное запоминающее устройство, ОЗУ

PROM — programmable read only memory - программируемое по­стоянное запоминающее устрой­ство, ППЗУ

trouble code — неисправный код

expensive — дорогостоящий

adaptive memory— адаптивная память



Упражнение 2. Прочтите слова и сопоставьте их с русскими значениями.

transform, battery, voltage, regulation, system, computer, micro­processor, transistor, diod, chip, material, electricity, magnetic, pro­gram, defective, limit, compensate, variation, code.

Упражнение 3*. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы и префиксы.

ignite — ignit ion, transform — transform ation, regulate — regula- t ion, break — break er, conduct — conduct or, process — process or, specify - specif ic, adapt — adapt er — adapt ive, expense -expens ive, adjust — adjust ment, connect — dis connect, learn - re learn.

Прочтите и переведите текст, а затем выполните следующие за ним упражнения.


Using Computer

Ever since the car was first invented, a breaker point ignition has been used to transform battery voltage into 20,000 volts to fire the spark plugs. With government intervention and regulation, more advanced system was needed. This system had to meet emission control levels, gas mileage, and provide a smooth and continuous operation. The answer was found in an on-board computer system. The computer mounted on modern cars has two components. One is the hardware and the other is the software.

The computer hardware on an automobile uses a Central Process­ing Unit (CPU), which, when made in an integrated circuit, is referred I о as a microprocessor. The integrated circuit (IС) combines transis­tors, diodes, and capacitors, which are placed on a tiny chip of semi­conductor material that is smaller and thinner that an eraser on a pen­cil. The material used most of the time is silicon. Silicon, like any semiconductor, does not conduct electricity until either voltage, a mag­netic field, heat, or light is directed to the semiconductor. A program instructs the microprocessor what to do.

The computer software on a car carries a program. The program (ells the computer what to do, and when to do it in a specific sequence. The program is stored in a permanent memory, which is referred to as Read Only Memory (ROM).The computer knows only what is placed in its memory.

There is another variation, which is called the Program­mable Read Only Memory (PROM), which can be readily removed und replaced, while the ROM cannot. This makes it less expensive if the memory becomes defective. Only the PROM has to be replaced, not the entire microprocessor. The microprocessor contains a ROM (or PROM) and a RAM. RAM stands for Randon Access Memory, which can be accessed with­out going through a specific sequence. The technician interfaces with the RAM whenever trouble codes are accessed. Not all computerized ignition systems have trouble codes, however. Some computers have the ability to learn. This is referred to as an adaptive memory. When a value falls outside of a specified limit, due to engine wear, the adaptive memory makes a slight adjustment in the program to compensate. The car must be driven from 20 to 30 miles, as it takes the computer this long to learn. Any time that power is disconnected from the computer, it will have to relearn everything.

Послетекстовые упражнения

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