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Содержание книги
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1. Части речи (Parts of Speech) Имя существительное (The Noun). Категория числа и падежа
2. Артикль (The Article) Употребление определенного и неопределённого артикля. Отсутствие артикля.
3. Прилагательное (The Adjective). Степени сравнения.
4. Наречие (The Adverb) Степени сравнения.
5. Местоимения (The Pronoun). Личные, притяжательные, указательные, возвратные, вопросительные, неопределённые
6. Числительное (The Numeral)
7. Глагол (The Verb). Действительный залог (The Active Voice).
8. Глаголы to be;to have. Оборот there + to be.
9. Времена групп: Simple. Continuous,
Темы грамматических категорий (II семестр)
1.Времена групп Perfect.
2.Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)
3.Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
4.Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses) Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and Indirect Speech)
5.Неличные формы глагола (The Verbals) Инфинитив (The Infinitive); Сложное дополнение (Complex Object); Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject); Причастие (The Participle) Герундий (The Gerund)
6.Предлог (The Preposition)
7.Сослагательное (Subjunctive Mood)
8.Союз (The Conjunction)
Прочитать и перевести текст
Свободно говорить на одну из следующих тем ( Speak on the topic) - (I семестр):
(I I семестр)
2. My motherland Kazakhstan. Capitals. Traditions. Outstanding people.
3. The United Kingdom.
4. Environment.
5.Sport in our Life
6. My Favorite Book.
7 The USA Shopping.
«» августа 2012 г. Протокол № __
Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш. Уалиханова
Решением заседания кафедры
Заведующий кафедрой,
к.ф.н., доцент
______Жуманбекова Н.З.
(подпись) (ФИО)
Материалы итогового контроля
По дисциплине Английский язык
Специальность:: Психология (5В050300), Биология (5B011300), Химия (5B011200), География (5B011600), Экология (5B060800), Социальная работа (5B090500)
Факультет естественно-педагогический
Курс 1, семестр 1-2
Форма обучения очная
Утверждено на заседании кафедры «__» ______ 2012 г. Протокол № ___
Одобрено учебно-методической комиссией филологического факультета
«__» февраля 2012г. Протокол № __
Кокшетауский государственный университет им.Ш.Уалиханова
Кафедра иностранных языков
Специальность: : Психология (5В050300), Биология (5B011300), Химия (5B011200), География (5B011600), Экология (5B060800), Социальная работа (5B090500)
Для итогового контроля по дисциплине: английский язык
Экзаменационный билет № 1
1. Read the extract. Translate the extract.
2. Speak on the topic "About Myself".
3. Do the lexical-grammar task.
Составил: Плохенко Валерия Борисовна
Преподаватель \ФИО\
Экзаменационные тесты
Have you seen my … new office?
a) brothers
b) brother
c) brother’s
d) brothers’s
e) brother’
2. <test>
This is his … dress.
A) wife’s
B) wifes’
C) wifes
D) wifes’s
E) wives
3. There are … textbooks on the table.
A) students
B) students’s
C) students’
D) student
E) student’
4. Комната наших родителей.
A) our’s parents bedroom
B) our parents’ bedroom
C) our parents’s bedroom
D) ours parents bedroom
E) our parent’ bedroom
5. Where are the … toys?
A) boys
B) boy
C) boys’
D) boys’s
E) boy’
6. Конец книги.
A) the end’s of the book.
B) the end of the book.
C) the end of the book’s.
D) the end’s of the book’.
E) the end of the book’.
7. Those are … hats.
A) woman’
B) women’
C) womens’s
D) women’s
E) womens’
8. Лодка рыбаков.
A) the fishermens’ boat
B) the fishermen’ boat
C) the fishermen’s boat
D) the fishermen’ boat
E) the fisherman’s boat
9. My … working day begins at 8 o’clock.
A) fathers
B) fathers’
C) fathers’s
D) father’s
E) father
10. I don’t know her … address.
A) cousins
B) cousins’s
C) cousins’
D) cousin
E) cousin’
2. Article
11. … help came at … last and … unfortunate bathers were rescued.
A) -, -, the
B) the, -, a
C) a, the, the
D) -, -, -
E) a, the, -
12. He came to see me … last week and said it was … last opportunity he would have.
A) the, -
B) -, -
C) -, the
D) a, the
E) -, a
13. In … last week of … year we had … lot of … snow.
A) the, a, -, the
B) the, the, a, -
C) a, -, a, -
D) the, the, the, the
E) -, a, the, the
14. … rest and … sleep in … moderation are good for … health.
A) the, a, -, the
B) a, a, a, -
C) -, a, the, the
D) a, -, -, the
E) -, -, -, -
15. He is … man for … job! None other can do it so well.
A) the, a
B) -, the
C) the, the
D) -, -
E) a, a
16. This is … answer to … problem that Mr. Jones gave us.
A) the, the
B) a, a
C) -, -,
D) the, -
E) an, the
17. She is … Indian but her husband is … European.
A) -, -,
B) a, an
C) an, a
D) the, the
E) a, the
18. Take … chair and make yourself at … home; I’ll be back in … minute and we‘ll have … chat.
A) the, the, a, the
B) a, -, a, a
C) a, the, -, -,
D) -, -, the, the
E) an, -, the, a
19. … supper is … last meal of … day.
A) the, -, -,
B) a, a, -,
C) the, -, -,
D) -, the, the
E) -, a, -
20. … bad drivers are punished by … law; they may be sent to … prison.
A) -,-,the
B) -, the, -
C) the, a, -
D) a, a, -
E) -, a. –
21. I like … lot of … milk in my tea, and … few lumps of … sugar.
A) a, -, a, -
B) -, -, a, a,
C) the, -, the, the
D) -, the, -, the
E) a, a, -, -
22. To make … bread we mix … flour, … water, … yeast and … pinch of salt.
A) a, a, a, a, -
B) -, -, -, -, a
C) a, -, a, -, a
D) -, a, a, a, -
E) -, -, a, a, -
23. After … good cold shower you will feel as fresh as … daisy.
A) -, a
B) a, the
C) a, a,
D) the, the,
E) a, -
24. … little village in … mountains often makes … pretty picture.
A) the, -, the
B) a, a, -
C) the, the, the
D) a, the, a
E) -, a, the
25. Out of … sight, out of … mind.
A) a, a,
B) the, -
C) -, a
D) the, the
E) -, -
26. One law is for … rich and another for … poor.
A) a, the
B) the, the
C) a, a
D) the, a
E) -, -
27. One drop of … poison infects … whole ton of wine.
A) -, the
B) the, the
C) a, a
D) the, a
E) -, -
28. Closed mouth catches no … flies.
A) a
B) the
C) an
D) –
E) any
29. Which is longer: … Volga or … Danube?
A) a, a
B) the, the
C) a, the
D) the, -
E) an, an
30. They say … sugar is bad for you.
A) a
B) the
C) an
D) any
E) –
31. “This is my … book, do you have … book?” “I have no … book.”
A) a / the/ -
B) - / the / -
C) - / a /-
D) - / -/-
E) a / a / -
32. My … father is … engineer.
A) a / the
B) - / the
C) - / an
D) - / -
E) A / an
33. This is … book. … book is very interesting.
A) a / the
B) - / the
C) - / an
D) - / -
E) A / an
34. …rich have to undergo fewer difficulties than … poor.
A) - / –
B) the / the
C) a / the
D) a / a
E) the / -
35. There is … apple on … plate.
A) a / the
B) an / the
C) - / an
D) - / -
E) a / a
3. Adjectives and Adverbs.
Degrees of Comparison.
36. My car is (fast) than of my friend's.
A) the fastest
B) fastest
C) the faster
D) faster
E) the faster
37. Your brother is (tall) than you.
A) taller
B) the tallest
C) tall
D) tallest
E) the taller
38. It was (cold) day of the year.
A) the coldest
B) colder
C) cold
D) coldest
E) the colder
39. Everest is (big) mountain in the world.
A) bigger
B) the biggest
C) big
D) biggest
E) the bigger
40. Did you hear (late) news?
A) the latest
B) the last
C) the late
D) latest
E) laster
41. … university in the world is in Great Britain.
A) the oldest
B) older
C) more old
D) the older
E) old
42. He is a … engineer than Petrov.
A) better
B) near
C) gooder
D) helper
E) smallest
43. That’s … film I have ever seen.
A) a good
B) the best
C) gooder
D) the goodest
E) better
44. This box is … than that one.
A) more heavy
B) heavyer
C) heavier
D) heavy
E) the heaviest
45. She is the … daughter in the family.
A) youngest
B) the younger
C) most young
D) more young
E) younger
46. Jack studies … than Mike.
A) badly
B) badder
C) worst
D) bad
E) worse
47. It was the … days in her life.
A) happiest
B) hapier
C) hapyiest
D) more happyer
E) most happyiest
48. Let’s go by train. It is much ….
A) cheaperest
B) cheaper
C) cheap
D) more cheap
E) the cheapest
49. He has … mistakes than she does.
A) littler
B) littlest
C) little
D) less
E) more little
50. The Amazon is … than the Mississippi.
A) longerest
B) long
C) longer
D) the longest
E) more long.
51. Where is … post-office, please?
A) the nextest
B) the nearest
C) nearest
D) near
E) nearer
52. She is nearly as … as her father.
A) taller
B) more tall
C) tallerer
D) the tallest
E) tall
53. Which do you think is …: a holiday in the country or a holiday in a summer camp.
A) interestinger
B) more interesting
C) interestingerest
D) interesting
E) the most interesting
54. This is … theatre in London.
A) elder
B) the oldest
C) the older
D) old
E) the eldest
55. A tiger is as … as a lion.
A) strong
B) the strongest
C) stronger
D) more strong
E) much stronger
56. This child is not so … as that one.
A) more small
B) smaller
C) small
D) the smallest
E) most small
57. I need to get a … flat than I have now.
A) the cheapest
B) more cheap
C) the much cheapest
D) cheap
E) cheaper
58. She is much … than her sister.
A) youngerer
B) young
C) younger
D) youngest
E) youngester
59. … university in the world is in Great Britain.
A) old
B) older
C) the older
D) the oldest
E) more old
60. He is … of the three brothers.
A) more intelligent.
B) the most intelligent
C) intelligent
D) the more intelligent
E) intelligentest
61. The Mississippi River is the … waterway in the United States.
A) greaterest
B) greatest
C) greater
D) greaterer
E) most greater
62. Good health is … than money.
A) more important
B) the most important
C) important
D) importanter
E) most important
63. The twenty second of December is … day in the year.
A) the short
B) the shorter
C) the shortest
D) shorter
E) short
64. Her mother is always … than her father.
A) busier
B) the busiest
C) more busy
D) busyer
E) busiest
65. Pluto is … of all the planets.
A) cold
B) a colder
C) colder
D) a coldest
E) the coldest
4. Numerals.
66. Не lives in flat number 8.
A) eighth.
B) the eighth.
C) eightth.
D) the cightth.
E) eight.
67. John lives in flat (40).
A) the fortieth.
B) fortieth.
C) forth.
D) forty.
E) fourty.
68. Не left his land some years ago, in 1950.
A) Nineteen fifties.
B) Ninety fifteen.
C) Nineteen fifty.
D) The fifty.
E) Ninety fifty.
69. Three thousand eight hundred and seventy five.
A) 3375.
B) 3575.
C) 3057.
D) 3875.
E) 3777.
70. «235»
A) two hundreds of thirty five.
B) two hundreds and thirty five.
C) two hundreds thirty five.
D) two hundred and thirty five.
E) two hundred of thirty five.
71. «2639»
A) Two thousands six hundred and thirty nine.
B) Two thousand six hundreds and thirty nine.
C) Two thousands six hundreds thirty nine
D) Two thousand six hundred and thirty nine.
E) Two thousand six hundred thirty nine.
72. We go to school at a quarter to eight.
A) 8.45.
B) 8.10.
C) 8.15.
D) 7.45.
E) 7.30.
73. Порядковое числительное образуется не по правилам у числительного:
A) Nine.
B) Twenty.
C) Hundred.
D) Two.
E) Eleven.
5. Pronouns.
74. That is his daughter. How old is …?
A) He
B) She
C) It
D) I
E) E
75. These are books. … are interesting.
A) They
C) She
D) We
E) He
76. Where are … from? … am from Kazakhstan.
A) You\ He
B) You\ I
C) She\ She
D) I\ I
E) He\He
77. What is your friend? …is a student.
A) He
B) I
C) We
D) They
E) It
78. This is a bag. …is brown.
A) He
B) I
C) We
D) They
E) It
79. My wife learns English. … likes it.
A) He
B) She
C) It
D) We
E) They
80. My sister’s name is Helen. … is a good doctor.
A) He
B) She
C) It
D) We
E) They
81. We are students. These are … books.
A) Our
B) Your
C) His
D) My
E) Ours
82. These are my sons. … names are Pete and Jack.
A) His
B) Her
C) Their
D) My
E) Our
83. Where is … watch, Nick?
A) Your
B) Its
C) Their
D) Mine
E) Ours
84. Children, sit down and take … pens.
A) My
B) Their
C) His
D) Your
E) Her
85. These men are engineers. These are … desks.
A) My
B) Their
C) His
D) Her
E) Our
86. My sister is a house-wife. … name is Jane.
A) His
B) Her
C) Its
D) Their
E) Our
87. This man is my friend. … name is Pete.
A) His
B) Her
C) Its
D) Our
E) Their
88. … University is named after Ualikhanov.
A) Our
B) Your
C) Her
D) His
E) Their
89.... flowers for you.
A) these
B) this
C) those
D) they
E) that
90. I’d like to buy... book, please.
A) this
B) these
C) those
D) it's
E) they
91.... are my sisters Kate and Ann.
A) this
B) she
C) these
D) that
E) those
92. Who are... people?
A) those
B) this
C) that
D) it's
E) they
93. We often meet … here.
A) I
B) he
C) she
D) they
E) them
94. I have left … dictionary at home. Please, give me ….
A) you /mine
B) my /yours
C) mine /her
D) my /your
E) hers /yours
95. We are proud of … parents.
A) he
B) she
C) they
D) it
E) our
96. We saw … and … family.
A) his /he
B) her /she
C) him /his
D) he /hers
E) my /mine
97. Could you help …, please.
A) us
B) I
C) you
D) we
E) she
98. Where is the blue pencil? – I saw … on the table.
A) him
B) her
C) us
D) it
E) me
99. How old is your mother? - … is 45.
A) he
B) I
C) you
D) we
E) she
100. She doesn’t like to speak about ….
A) myself
B) yourself
C) yourselves
D) herself
E) himself
101. Be careful! Don’t cut …!
A) oneself
B) yourself
C) herself
D) himself
E) itself
102. I was the first to come. … came later.
A) the others
B) other
C) another
D) ones
E) others
103. … of you knows English well?
A) what
B) who
C) which
D) when
E) whom
104. … children are these?
A) who
B) when
C) whose
D) whom
E) why
6. Much, little, many, few, a little, a few. Infinitive. (34 questions)
105. I drink... coffee.
A) little
B) many
C) few
D) some
E) more
106. There are... beautiful flowers in the garden.
A) some
B) any
C) much
D) little
E) a little
107. Have you got... brothers or sisters?
A) any
B) some
C) many
D) few
E) much
108. I haven't got... stamps.
A) some
B) any
C) many
D) much
E) little
109. There was... food at the party.
A) many
B) any
C) much
D) little
E) few
110. He didn't ask me... question.
A) much
B) any
C) many
D) few
E) little
111. How... pictures do you have in your house?
A) many
B) much
C) any
D) little
E) few
112. There are … teachers at our school, and … of them are women.
A) many, many
B) much, many
C) many, much
D) much, much
E) no, much
113. How (много) money do you have?
A) much
B) many
C) more
D) few
E) a few
114. I have a little time.
A) У меня мало времени.
B) У меня нет времени.
C) У меня достаточно времени.
D) У меня совсем нет времени.
E) У меня есть немного времени.
115. У меня есть несколько книг.
A) I have few books.
B) I have a few books.
C) I have no books.
D) I have little books.
E) I have a few book.
116. Robert wrote so … letters that he is never going to write a letter again.
A) much
B) no
C) a much
D) a few
E) many
117. I have … money, so we can not go to the cinema.
A) little
B) much
C) many
D) a few
E) few
118. Я много работаю.
A) I work many.
B) I work hard.
C) I work much.
D) I work little.
E) I don’t work much.
119. В нашей группе учится мало мальчиков.
A) There is few boys in our group.
B) There are few boy in our group.
C) There are many boys in our group.
D) There are few boys in our group.
E) There are a few boys in our group.
120. Укажите предложение, в котором используется many.
A) The pupils of our class ask … questions at the lesson.
B) I have … time, so I can’t go with you.
C) Have you got … ink?
D) The Smiths have … money.
E) Does your sister read …?
121. Укажите предложение, в котором используется much.
A) My brother has so … books, but he reads very little.
B) There was too … light in the room, and I could not read.
C) My sister asks questions at the lesson.
D) … of these students go to the theatre.
E) She ate so …ice- cream that she is going to have a sore throat.
122. Укажите предложение, в котором используется little.
A) This student reads … books.
B) I drink … coffee. I don’t like it.
C) Do you have … books?
D) … books are interesting.
E) Your son asks … questions.
123. Укажите предложение, в котором используется a little.
A) Would you like … salad?
B) He had … English books at home.
C) At the conference we met … people.
D) I’d like to say … words about my work.
E) I have … money, so we can not go to the theatre.
124. Укажите предложение, в котором используется a few.
A) Put … sugar in coffee.
B) There were very …people in the room.
C) I have … books.
D) I have … time.
E) There is … salad left in this bowl.
125. Многое в этой работе было для меня слишком трудным.
A) A few in this work was too difficult for me.
B) Many in this work was too difficult for me.
C) Much in this work was too difficult for me.
D) Little in this work was too difficult for me.
E) Few in this work was too difficult for me.
126. У него мало друзей.
A) He has got no friends.
B) He has got few friends.
C) He has got many friends.
D) He have got few friends.
E) He has got much friends.
127. У моего брата так много книг, но он читает очень мало.
A) My brother has so many books, but he reads very little.
B) My brother has so many books, but he reads very many.
C) My brother has so much books, but he reads very little.
D) My brother has so little books, but he reads very few.
E) My brother has so few books, but he reads very much.
128. Я пью мало кофе.
A) I drink much coffee.
B) I drink little coffee.
C) I drink many coffee.
D) I drink few coffee.
E) I drink no coffee.
129. У него мало книг на английском языке.
A) He has few English books.
B) He has many English books.
C) He has little English books.
D) He has much English books.
E) They have few English books.
130. У меня есть несколько книг.
A) I have many books.
B) I have little books.
C) I have few books.
D) I have a few books.
E) I have no books.
131. У меня мало времени, поэтому я не могу пойти с тобой.
A) I have many time, so I can’t go with you.
B) I have much time, so I can’t go with you.
C) I have little time, so I can’t go with you.
D) I have few time, so I can’t go with you.
E) I have a little time, so I can’t go with you.
132. Вы сделали много ошибок в вашем диктанте.
A) You made much mistakes in your dictation.
B) You made little mistakes in your dictation.
C) You made a little mistakes in your dictation.
D) You didn’t make many mistakes in your dictation.
E) You made many mistakes in your dictation.
133. He spends too much time on this kind of work.
A) Он тратит на эту работу слишком мало времени.
B) Он тратит на эту работу много времени.
C) Он тратит на эту работу мало времени.
D) Он тратит на эту работу слишком много времени.
E) Он тратит на эту работу не мало времени.
134. Do you get … telegrams every day?
A) much
B) little
C) many
D) a little
E) a much
135. How much time do you usually spend on this kind of work?
A) Сколько времени вы обычно тратите эту работу?
B) Как долго вы выполняете эту работу?
C) Вы тратите много времени эту работу?
D) Тратите ли вы своё время на эту работу?
E) Сколько времени вы обычно тратите на такую работу?
136. Он обычно не задаёт много вопросов.
A) He doesn’t usually ask many questions.
B) He doesn’t ask much questions.
C) He doesn’t ask many questions.
D) He doesn’t ask many questions.
E) He doesn’t ask many question.
137. Сколько времени вы обычно тратите на эту работу?
A) How many time do you usually spend on this kind of work?
B) How time do you usually spend on this kind of work?
C) How little time do you usually spend on this kind of work?
D) How much time do you usually spend on this kind of work?
E) How long time do you usually spend on this kind of work?
138. There is …waiting for you in the lobby.
A) somebody
B) some
C) any
D) anybody
E) no
139. Give me … water, please!
A) any
B) anything
C) something
D) some
E) nothing
140. How … chalk is there in the box?
A) many
B) few
C) a few
D) much
E) less
141. There are two bikes in the garage. I think you can take ….
A) some
B) any
C) no
D) little
E) a little
142. Does he read …? – It’s a pity, but he reads too …
A) few /much
B) little /few
C) much /little
D) many /much
E) few /many
143. How … students are there in your group?
A) much
B) few
C) little
D) a few
E) many
144. I don’t want to stay at home. Let’s go ….
A) no
B) some
C) somebody
D) somewhere
E) where
145. Did you say …? – No, I said ….
A) anything /anything
B) something /something
C) nothing /anything
D) anything /nothing
E) nothing /something
8. Prepositions.
146. I won’t go there. Everybody will laugh … me.
A) at
B) of
C) about
D) in
E) to
147. We waited … him till late at night.
A) –
B) for
C) to
D) at
E) in
148. She is different … him.
A) with
B) of
C) from
D) out
E) about
149. Are you afraid … spiders?
A) of
B) on
C) with
D) from
E) for
150. How did you get to London? - … plane.
A) on
B) by
C) in
D) out of
E) with
151. Two men with guns got … the car and went into the shop.
A) by
B) on
C) out of
D) into
E) off
152. The rooms … Ted’s house are very small.
A) at
B) in
C) off
D) on
E) –
153. I didn’t see you … the party yesterday.
A) at
B) in
C) on
D) by
E) into
154. You cannot start the car … kicking it.
A) by
B) with
C) –
D) to
E) at
155. This soup tastes … soap.
A) of
B) at
C) as
D) to
E) by
156. Can you play... the piano?
A) on
B) in
C) ---
D) at
E) by
157. We often take the bus... town.
A) in
B) by
C) at
D) to
E) on
158. What do you have... breakfast?
A) to
B) at
C) for
D) on
E) by
159. Mary is good... sports.
A) in
B) on
C) of
D) at
E) by
160.You can write... pencil.
A) at
B) on
C) by
D) with
E) in
161. I often get up... 7 o'clock.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) by
E) of
162. I have studied English... three years.
A) for
B) since
C) in
D) to
E) on
163. We have known him... last year.
A) for
B) since
C) in
D) on
E) by
164. Asel has learnt English... she was 7.
A) from
B) for
C) since
D) at
E) on
165. His plane arrives... Saturday morning.
A) in
B) at
C) by
D) on
E) for
166. I care... my friend.
A) for
B) with
C) to
D) on
E) by
167. I share my book... my friend.
A) for
B) with
C) to
D) at
E) in
168. He is … the blackboard.
A) At
B) To
C) Out
D) On
E) From
169. Please go … … the classroom.
A) At
B) out
C) Out of
D) On
E) From
170. The walls … the rooms … my flat are yellow and white.
A) At\Of
B) In\Of
C) Out/Of
D) On\Of
E) OF\From
171. Please close the book and put it … your bag.
A) At
B) Onto
C) Out
D) Into
E) From
172. They are looking … the girls.
A) At
B) To
C) Out
D) On
E) In
173. Take a piece … chalk … the table and go … the blackboard.
A) On\From\To
B) To\From\To
C) Of\From\To
D) Of\From\Into
E) Of\In\On
174. What is he looking …?
A) At
B) To
C) Out
D) On
E) In
175. Open your book … page ten.
A) To
B) At
C) On
D) In
E) Out
176. Take the exercise -book … Peter.
A) To
B) From
C) Out
D) On
E) In
177. She is a girl … ten.
A) On
B) Of
C) From
D) At
E) It
178. My house is … the end of the street.
A) on
B) in
C) at
D) by
E) under
179. What did you have … breakfast?
A) on
B) for
C) in
D) by
E) into
180. I finish work … five o’clock every day.
A) for
B) on
C) into
D) to
E) at
181. I’m tired. I’m going … bed.
A) to
B) for
C) in
D) to a
E) on
182. The Square Time is … New York.
A) at
B) by
C) into
D) in
183. My friends are staying … Hilton Hotel.
A) to
B) at
C) for
D) on
E) near
184. There are millions of stars … the space.
A) in
B) into
C) on
D) to
E) at
185. Hurry up! The train leaves … five minutes.
A) at
B) on
C) from
D) after
E) in
186. “How long will you be away?” – “… Monday.”
A) on
B) into
C) until
D) till
E) since
187. I always have breakfast … I go to work.
A) before
B) on
C) to
D) in
E) for
188. Write your name … the top of the page.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) to
E) into
189. There are a lot of apples … those trees.
A) at
B) for
C) in
D) to
E) into
190. What’s the largest city … the world?
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) of
E) into
191. The office is … the first floor.
A) at
B) onto
C) in
D) to
E) into
192. Ann stayed … her brother’s house.
A) with
B) on
C) to
D) in
E) at
193. I want to go … Italy next year.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) to
E) for
194. What time did you arrive … the hotel?
A) at
B) on
C) for
D) to
E) for
195. “Where is David in this picture?” - “He’s … Barbara.”
A) at front of
B) in the front of
C) in front of
D) in front from
E) between
196. I jumped … the wall into the garden.
A) on
B) through
C) across
D) over
E) above
197. Do you like traveling … train?
A) with
B) within
C) in
D) on
E) by
198. Tina is very bad … writing letters.
A) on
B) with
C) at
D) in
E) for
199. “Do you like eating in restaurants?” – “It depends … the restaurant.”
A) in
B) at
C) of
D) on
E) over
200. I’ll be at home … Friday morning. You can phone me then.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) for
E) after
201. I’m going away … the end of January.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) into
E) to
202. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days … Venice.
A) at
B) to
C) in
D) on
E) for
203. I saw Jack … the concert last Saturday.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) for
E) to
204. Tom’s away at the moment. He’s … holiday in France.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) for
E) to
205. We traveled … train last summer.
A) in the
B) on
C) by the
D) by
E) to
206. Have you read any books … Agatha Christie?
A) of
B) from
C) by
D) to
E) for
207. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage … the other car.
A) of
B) from
C) by
D) to
E) for
208. Why were you so unfriendly … Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?
A) of
B) for
C) to
D) with
E) in
9.Verbs. Active Voice.
To be, to have. There + to be.
209. There (to be) a cupboard in the kitchen.
A) is
B) are
C) were
D) be
E) been
210. There (to be) twenty students in my group.
A) was
B) is
C) are
D) be
E) been
211. There (to be) a big sofa at home last year.
A) were
B) was
C) are
D) is
E) be
112. There (to be) one table and a book in front of the house.
A) are
B) were
C) is
D) be
E) been
213. There (to be) a great concert at the stadium next week.
A) will be
B) was
C) were
D) is
E) are
214. There … about fifty cinemas in the West End in London.
A) was
B) is
C) be
D) am
E) are
215. We … citizens of Kazakhstan.
A) is
B) are
C) am
D) been
E) be
216. There … some flowers in the vase.
A) be
B) am
C) are
D) was
E) is
217. How much … they?
A) be
B) been
C) am
D) is
E) are
218. What kind of sport … they fond of?
A) is
B) does
C) have
D) are
E) do
219. What city … the capital of Kazakhstan?
A) am
B) are
C) be
D) is
E) are
220. The lessons … over.
A) been
B) am
C) is
D) be
E) are
221. There … three lamps in the room.
A) are
B) be
C) is
D) am
E) was
222. It … a nice fairy-tale.
A) are
B) am
C) be
D) is
E) been
223. My sister and I … twins.
A) am
B) is
C) are
D) be
E) been
224. I don’t know why I … so tired.
A) is
B) are
C) am
D) were
E) does
225. I … from Kazakhstan.
A) am
B) be
C) is
D) been
E) are
226. … you a teacher?
A) be
B) am
C) been
D) are
E) is
227. What … the official language in Kazakhstan?
A) is
B) be
C) am
D) been
E) are
228. This pair of shoes … not good.
A) be
B) been
C) are
D) is
E) am
229. My grandmother’s geese … very big.
A) am
B) is
C) are
D) been
E) was
230. We (to be) good friends for many years.
A) were
B) is
C) am
D) was
E) been
231. There … a piece of meat and a cucumber on the table.
A) are
B) –
C) Be
D) Am
E) Is
232. The level of his earnings … very low.
A) is
B) am
C) are
D) been
E) were
233. I … a student.
A) Am.
B) Are.
C) Is.
D) Do.
E) Were.
234. Your son … a good doctor.
A) Am.
B) Are.
C) Is.
D) Do.
E) Were.
235. I … a teacher, and my sister … an economist.
A) Am\are
B) Are\am
C) Is\am
D) Am\is
E) Were\were
236. How … you? - Thank you, I … fine.
A) Is\are
B) Are\am
C) Is\am
D) Am\is
E) IS\is
237. … they at home? No, they … not at home.
A) Are\are
B) Are\is
C) Am\are
D) Is\is
E) Am\are
238. His family … not in Kokshetau. It … in Astana.
A) Is\am
B) Is\is
C) Am\are
D) Are\is
E) Are\are
239. Where … my pencil? It … on the table.
A) Are\is
B) Is\are
C) Is\is
D) Am\am
E) Are\are
240. What colour … his pen? It … blue.
A) Is\are
B) Is\is
C) IS\am
D) Am\are
E) Are\are
241. What … her name? Her name … Jane.
A) Is\is
B) Are\are
C) Is/are
D) Am/am
E) Are\is
242. Where … your students? They … in the room.
A) Is/is
B) Are/are
C) Is/are
D) Are/is
E) Am/am
243. What colour … these desks? They … brown.
A) Is/is
B) Are/are
C) Is/are
D) Are/is
E) Am/am
244. Where … my pens? They … under the book.
A) Is/is
B) Are/are
C) Is/are
D) Are/is
E) Am/am
245. He … at the hospital today.
A) am
B) were
C) are
D) is
E) will be
246. I … a doctor.
A) Am
B) are
C) Is
D) to be
E) Was
247. What … your friend? He … a teacher.
A) Am/are
B) are /is
C) Is/is
D) to be/is
E) Are /am
248. У него есть два кота.
A) She has two cats.
B) He had two cats.
C) He have two cats.
D) He has got two cats.
E) She have two cats.
249. У нас есть десять карандашей.
A) We have the ten pencils.
B) We had ten pencils.
C) We has ten pencils.
D) We have got ten pencils.
E) I have ten pencils.
250. У вас есть яблоки?
A) Have you some apples?
B) has you the apples?
C) Have you got any apples?
D) Had you the apples?
E) Have we any apples?
251. У них сегодня диктант?
A) They are going have a dictation today?
B) To have they a dictation today?
C) Are they going to have a dictation today?
D) Had they a dictation today?
E) Has they a dictation today?
252. У нее есть своя квартира.
A) She has got a flat of her own.
B) She have a flat.
C) She had a flat.
D) She to have a flat.
E) He has a flat.
10.Indefinite Tenses.
Present Simple.
253. Where … you from?
A) am
B) is
C) are
D) do
E) does
254. How old….you? How old….your brother?
A) do / does
B) are / is
C) am / are
D) are / is
E) is / are
255. … you hungry?
A) am
B) is
C) are
D) do
E) Does
256. … Tom and Bob good football players?
A) do
B) is
C) are
D) am
E) does
257. How much … this sweater cost?
A) is
B) does
C) do
D) am
E) are
258. I … at home on Sundays.
A) am not
B) doesn’t
C) don’t
D) ist’t
E) aren’t
259. Maggie and her sister … in Rome.
A) aren’t
B) doesn’t
C) isn’t
D) don’t
E) am not
260. Where the Petrovs (to live)?
A) Where do the Petrovs live?
B) Where are the Petrovs live?
C) Where does the Petrovs live?
D) Where is the Petrov live?
E) Where Petrov live?
261. Bob (to know) what I want?
A) Bob knows?
B) Do Bob knows?
C) Does Bob know?
D) Is Bob knows?
E) Are Bob knows?
262. Mary … mathematics at school.
A) teach
B) teached
C) is teaching
D) teaches
E) are teaching
263. My wife often … plum cakes.
A) makes
B) is often making
C) maked
D) are making
E) is making cakes
264. She lives not far from us, but we (to see) him often.
A) not see
B) doesn’t see
C) don’t see
D) isn’t see
E) are not see
265. Can you help me? I (to know) the way to the market.
A) am not know
B) not know
C) knowing
D) don’t know
E) know
266. It (to rain) very often in Britain.
A) rains
B) have rain
C) rain
D) has rain
E) will rains
267. Before you (to leave) the room you should switch off the light.
A) leave
B) to leave
C) leaves
D) left
E) will leave
268. I often (to have) a lot of work to do at home.
A) have
B) is having
C) has
D) having
E) was having
269. … your mother like cooking?
A) Do
B) Does
C) Has
D) Have
E) Is
270. What time … you get up?
A) do
B) does
C) has
D) have
E) is
Past Simple.
271. He (to live) in Kiev five years ago.
A) lived
B) lives
C) live
D) to live
272. He (to open) the window before classes.
A) opening
B) open
C) to open
D) opens
E) have opened
273. He (to translate) a lot of foreign letters at the office last week.
A) to translate
B) translated
С) translate
В) translating
E) translates
274. They (to discuss) a lot of articles from these French magazines last week-end.
A) discuss
B) discussed
C) to discuss
D) discussing
E) discusses
275. He (to be) in Kiev last week.
A) were
B) be
C) being
D) to be
E) was
276. My friend (to write) to me very often last year.
A) writing
B) had written
C) wrote
D) write
E) to write
277. … you go to the cinema yesterday?
A) Did
B) To do
C) Do
D) Shall
E) Will
278. … you meet Mr. Brown last week.
A) Shall
B) Do
C) To do
D) Did
E) Will
279. I (to come) to the university at 8 a.m. yesterday.
A) come
B) came
C) to comу
D) will come
E) coming
280. … you (to go) to the shop yesterday?
А) Do …go
B) Does … go
C) Will … go
D) Did … go
E) Shall … go
281. Why … you (to do) this work?
A) didn’t … do
B) did
C) do… do
D) were … do
E) was …do
282. When Ann (to ring) me up I was doing the washing.
A) ring
B) rung
C) rings
D) rang
E) ringing
283. My parents (to give) me some money.
A) giving
B) gave
C) given
D) gives
E) gived
284. Our friends (to like) walking in snowy weather.
A) liking
B) likes
C) liked
D) did like
E) do like
285. I (not to read) a book last Sunday.
A) does not read
B) not to read
C) do not read
D) did not read
E) will not read
286. I (to have) two good dictionaries two years ago.
A) had
B) have
C) did have
D) has
E) had had
287. Where (to be) you last Sunday?
A) are
B) were
C) was
D) did
E) is
288. (to be) you at school last Saturday?
A) was
B) is
C) does
D) were
E) are
289. I (to go) to Astana last summer.
A) go
B) went
C) goes
D) going
E) gos
290. What did you do yesterday?
A) I watch TV.
B) I watched TV.
C) I was at home.
D) Yes, I did.
E) I am watching TV.
291.Where did you go?
A) Yes, I go.
B) I went to Astana.
C) I go to Paris.
D) I did my task.
E) I am going.
292.Yesterday I (to phone) you, but I couldn’t get you.
A) phoned
B) were phoning
C) have phoned
D) is phoned
E) phone
293. We (not to have) a holiday last year.
A) didn’t have
B) haven’t had
C) hadn’t have
D) haven’t had
E) hadn’t have
294. I … not see Andrew yesterday.
A) did
B) have
C) had
D) do
E) will
295. They … a lot of crying last night.
A) do
B) have
C) did
D) are
E) were
296. George went to the cinema, but he (not to enjoy) the film much.
A) hasn’t enjoy
B) doesn’t enjoy
C) was not enjoying
D) didn’t enjoy
E) won’t enjoy
297. … you come here last Friday?
A) Do
B) Does
C) Were
D) Did
E) Have
Future Tenses.
Future Simple.
298. How old (to be) you next birthday?
A) are
B) have been
C) will be
D) were
E) had been
299. Next year (to begin) on the 1st of January.
A) is going to begin
B) will begin
C) began
D) has begun
E) had begun
300. I hope he (to come) soon.
A) comes
B) is coming
C) will come
D) has come soon
E) came
301. They (to come) by train next week.
A) come
B) has come
C) came
D) comes
E) will come
302. I (to go) to the library tomorrow.
A) shall gone
B) shall be go
C) shall go
D) will to go
E) shall to go
303. They (to buy) a new flat next year.
A) will buy
B) shall buy
C) will bought
D) will be buy
E) shall be buy
304. He (to come) tomorrow.
A) shall comes
B) will comes
C) will came
D) will to come
E) will come
305. Mary (to translate) the text tomorrow.
A) shall translate
B) will translate
C) shall be translate
D) will be translate
E) will been translate
306. It (to rain) soon.
A) will be rain
B) will been rain
C) shall rain
D) shall be rain
E) will rain
307. … we (to finish) the work in a week?
A) will / finishes
B) shall / finish
C) will / be finish
D) shall / be finish
E) will be / finish
308. He (to stay) here.
A) shan’t / stay
B) won’t / stay
C) won’t be / stay
D) willn’t / stay
E) shalln’t / stay
309. What … they … tomorrow?
A) shall / say
B) will / be say
C) - / will say
D) will say / -
E) will / say
310. Ben (to answer) their questions tomorrow afternoon.
A) will be answer
B) shall be answer
C) will answer
D) shall answer
E) will is answer
311. She (to prepare) for her examination next week.
A) will be prepare
B) will prepare
C) shall be prepare
D) shall prepare
E) will been prepare
312. It (to be) difficult for her.
A) were
B) will
C) will be
D) shall
E) shall be
313. They (to be) angry with us.
A) shall
B) shall be
C) will
D) will be
E) be
314. There (to be) many people at the concert.
A) will not be
B) won’t
C) be won’t
D) shall not be
E) shan’t be
315. He (to be) hungry.
A) were
B) have been
C) will be
D) shall be
E) are
316. I (to be) at home tomorrow.
A) shall not been
B) shalln’t be
C) shan’t be
D) won’t
E) willn’t be
Future Continuous.
317. I (to work) at six o’clock when you ring me up.
A) shall be working
B) were was working
C) has been working
D) was been working
E) is working
318. Henry (to prepare) for his examination during the summer.
A) shall be preparing
B) were was preparing
C) has been preparing
D) will be preparing
E) has preparing
319. He (to wait) for us at five o’clock tomorrow.
A) shall be waiting
B) have was waiting
C) has been waiting
D) will be waiting
E) has waiting
320. Ben (to make) his report at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.
A) have was making
B) has been making
C) will be making
D) has making
E) shall be making
321. She (to read) the whole evening.
A) was been reading
B) have been reading
C) will reading
D) will be read
E) will be reading
322. They (to work) all day long next Saturday.
A) was working
B) is working
C) will working
D) will be working
E) shall be working
323. We (to play) tennis from five to seven tomorrow.
A) was playing
B) is playing
C) will playing
D) will be playing
E) shall be playing
324. Mary (to play) the piano the whole evening.
A) were playing
B) is being playing
C) was being playing
D) have playing
E) will be playing
325. We (to ski) at noon tomorrow.
A) shall not be skiing
B) will not skiing
C) was not skiing
D) has not skiing
E) shall not be ski
326. …she (to translate) the article the whole morning?
A) shall / translating
B) will be / translating
C) be shall / translating
D) will / b
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