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a) place, iron, lift, house, light, heat, use, form, change, wire
1. The conductor wires are placed high up.
2. Electromagnets lift iron weights.
3. The plastic box houses the conducting and the insulating elements of the apparatus.
4. The house is lighted and heated by solar energy.
5. The light went out. Light the candle, please.
6. After the metal was heated it changed its colour to a red heat.
7. Numerous changes are taking place in the uses of atomic energy.
8. Electric power is used universally.
9. The newly made invention has a great number of uses.
10. The wire and the source form a circuit.
b) balance, amount, water, fuel, control, measure, cause, increase
1. The fuel-and-energy balance is important for industry.
2. Conductivity increases with heating.
3. The machine should be re-fuelled.
4. The amount of power used in the world in a year amounts to 12,000 million tons of equivalent fuel.
5. Water barriers are crossed by submarine cables.
6. The instrument is foot-controlled by a pedal.
7. Force and motion go together; one is a cause, the other, a result.
8. An electromotive force causes the electrons to move.
9. Control of the apparatus is placed on the panel.
10. The volt is a measure of electromotive force.
0 | zero | [ˈziːrou], [ou] | 11 | eleven | [ɪˈlevn] |
1 | one | [wʌn] | 12 | twelve | [twelv] |
2 | two | [tuː] | 13 | thirteen | [ˈθəːˈtiːn] |
3 | three | [θriː] | 14 | fourteen | [ˈfɔːˈtiːn] |
4 | four | [fɔː] | 15 | fifteen | [ˈfɪfˈtiːn] |
5 | five | [faɪv] | 16 | sixteen | [ˈsɪksˈtiːn] |
6 | six | [sɪks] | 17 | seventeen | [ˈsevnˈtiːn] |
7 | seven | [ˈsevn] | 18 | eighteen | [ˈeɪˈtiːn] |
8 | eight | [eɪt] | 19 | nineteen | [ˌnaɪnˈtiːn] |
9 | nine | [naɪn] | 20 | twenty | [ˈtwentɪ] |
10 | ten | [ten] | |||
30 | thirty | [ˈθəːtɪ] | 80 | eighty | [ˈeɪtɪ] |
40 | forty | [ˈfɔːtɪ] | 90 | ninety | [ˈnaɪntɪ] |
50 | fifty | [ˈfɪftɪ] | 100 | hundred | [ˈhʌndrəd] |
60 | sixty | [ˈsɪkstɪ] | 1000 | thousand | [ˈθauzənd] |
70 | seventy | [ˈsevntɪ] |
27 twenty-seven
51 fifty-one
118 one hundred and eighteen
365 three hundred and sixty-five
1,674 one thousand six hundred and seventy-four
5,803 five thousand eight hundred and three
75,000 seventy-five thousand
16. Read the following extracts aloud:
1. The initial world supply of minable coal amounted to 7.64 × 1012 metric tons, of which 65 percent occur in Asia, 27 percent in North America, 5 percent in Western Europe, and only 2.4 percent in the three countries of Africa, South America and Australia.
2. There has been a continuous trend toward higher transmission voltages ever since the first a.c. power plant was built in 1886. By 1900 transmission lines at 40,000 volts were carrying power for distances up to 75 miles (120 km). In 1916 a 132,000-volt line was built to carry power for a distance of 55 miles (90 km). In 1948 the record was held by a 220,000 volt line. In 1948 the Hoover Dam’s hydroelectric plant was sending power over a 287,000-volt line to Los Angeles, about 275 miles (440 km) away. By 1959 maximum transmission voltages had increased to 345,000 volts. In that year, in the United States there were 320,000 miles (515,000 km) of transmission lines carrying power at voltages above 23,000 volts and more than 3 million miles (4.8 million km) of distribution lines at 22,000 volts or less. By 1970, 560 miles (900 km) of transmission lines carrying power at 765,000 volts had been constructed. A transmission line operating at such a high voltage has the capability to carry enough power to meet the needs of a city with a population of one million people.
By 1990 10,200 miles (16,400 km) of 765,000-volt transmission lines had been built in the US.
Простые и десятичные дроби
В простых дробях числитель выражается количественным числительным, а знаменатель - порядковым. Если числитель больше единицы, то знаменатель имеет окончание - s: twofifths- две пятых. В смешанном числе целое число читается как количественные числительные, а дробь присоединяется при помощи союза and: fiveandtwofifths- пять и две пятых.
В десятичных дробях «нуль» произносится zero или o, за ним следует слово point (точка) и затем дробь: о pointfive- ноль целых и пять десятых. Между целым числом и десятичной дробью в английском языке ставится точка, а не запятая, как в русском языке.
Pronoun О ne
Местоимение one
Значения one | Примеры | Перевод |
…один из … | Nuclear energy is one of the forms of energy. | Ядерная энергия - одна из форм энергии. |
Заменитель ранее упомянутого существительного | The old turbine was a water turbine and the new one is a steam turbine. | Старая турбина была водной турбиной, а новая - паровая турбина. |
Неопределенно-личноеподлежащее | One should control the chain reaction. | Следует контролировать цепную реакцию. |
17. Translate the sentences. Mind one.
1. The second sputnik was launched about a month after the first one.
2. There are many insulating materials from which one may choose.
3. Some substances are efficient conductors, others, poor ones.
4. One uses special devices to measure current, voltage, and resistance.
5. The new method proved to be much more efficient than the old one.
6. One knows that these installations do not operate on nuclear power.
7. One must choose only one of those variants.
The Verb
The English Tenses
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