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(Read the post card from Jacques Saunière to his granddaughter and do the tasks)
Dear, Sophie! I know, I was not the best grandfather and I’m sorry for that. You had a lot of questions, but there were reasons to conceal the truth from you. Now it’s a high time you seek and find the answers within the works of Italian masters represented in Louvre. Focus your search around really big masters like Raphael and Michelangelo and study thoroughly all the distinctive details. Remember everything I taught you and told you. I feel that my days are nearly over, they’ve got really close. It’s a pity I will never see you again, my dear. I tried to save you from the burden of the truth as long as I could. P.S. Find Robert Langdon Love you always, your grandfather, Jacques Saunière |
Find the synonyms in the text: 1. Hide is a synonym to _______________ 2. Look for is a synonym to _______________ 3. Virtuoso is a synonym to _______________ 4. Peculiar is a synonym to _______________ 5. Depict is a synonym to _______________ 6. Entirely is a synonym to _______________ 7. Sympathy is a synonym to _______________ 8. Load is a synonym to _______________ Compose a sentence using two new synonyms __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ | Answer the questions: 1. Can we say that Jacques was a good granny? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2. Why did Jacques conceal the truth from his granddaughter? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 3. Why won’t be Jacques able to see his granddaughter again? ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 4. Who can help Sophie to find the answers she is searching for? ________________________________________ |
He’s just not that into you (Обещать – не значит жениться)
Read and translate the synopsis of the film.
In Baltimore, five women and four men try to sort out the signals that the sexes exchange.
Since the age of 5, Gigi has been told that when men act like jerks, it means they like her.
Years later, Gigi is now struggling to find true love while shifting through men who are simply not interested. After her latest date, Conor has failed to call her, Gigi visits a bar he said he frequented in order to see him. There, she is approached by Alex, a friend of Conor's who works at the bar. Gigi claims she is waiting for Conor, since she needs to return a dentist's pen to him. However, Alex quickly sees through her lie, claiming Conor's dentist is his father. Gigi admits that Conor is not expecting her, and explains her confusion over his lack of response. Alex tells her that Conor isn't interested, and then takes it upon himself to explain the "signs" to Gigi.
Meanwhile, Conor, having just left his date with Gigi, calls his girlfriend Anna. Anna is shopping in the supermarket and runs into Ben. He tells her to go before her in line, citing an indecision about gum as the reason. Anna tells Conor she has to go, and, as she is checking out, is awarded a cooler as a 1000th visitor gift. The two exchange numbers outside when Ben says he knows someone who can help Anna with her singing career. After a few moments of hesitation, Ben admits that he is married. The two part, and Ben walks over to a car and gets in. Neil then asks Ben what that was about.
When Neil returns home, he is greeted by his girlfriend of seven years, Beth. She announces that her younger sister is getting married. Neil, who is in the kitchen making tea, tells Beth that he doesn't believe in marriage. Beth, who desperately wants to get married to Neil, doesn't understand why he dislikes the idea so much.
Ben meets his wife Janine back at their new townhouse, currently being renovated.
Gigi, excited about the tips Alex gave her, eagerly shares them with her coworkers, Janine and Beth. Gigi explains that if he's interested, he'll make the first move, and if he's not, he won't. When she claims that there are exceptions, but that the majority are not, she unintentionally implies that Neil will never marry Beth, since they have been together for 7 years and they haven't married yet.
Beth confronts Neil when she goes home, saying she can't deal with it anymore. When Neil continues to refuse to get married, the two break up.
Ben decides to call Anna and after some moments he realizes that he is into her. Eventually their “friendship” turns out to be a cheating for Ben. Meanwhile Conor, Anna’s boyfriend, feels that something is wrong but continues to believe that everything is o.k. Conor has got an advertising agent, Mary who is trying to find her Mr. Right by the means of Internet, every attempt fail the last one – the most embarrassing way.
While shopping, Ben shocks his wife that he has cheated on her, being sure that this confession will kill their relationship.
Beth is accompanied by her dog instead of her boyfriend at her sister’s wedding. Everybody understands the difficulty of the situation.
Gigi is invited to Alex’s party, helps him around because she came to a conclusion that Alex helped her because he was into her. In fact, Alex wasn’t as he claimed. Gigi was very displeased but stated that it was better to be constantly seeking for true love despite of seeing all the world in black tones. Exactly these words turned Alex’s world upside down.
Beth’s father fell unwell during the wedding and the party had to be cut short. Next morning Beth receives no help from anyone around the house, everyone seems to be “busy” and not caring at all.
Janine, Ben’s wife tries to find mistakes in her and, instead of breaking the relationship and divorcing she tries to reinforce their marriage by coming to Ben’s office in order to have intimate moment with him right there. The thin is that Ben is already having this kind of moment with Anna. He hurriedly hides her in the closet and eventually has sex with his wife. No wonder that Anna is utterly displeased and sends Ben to hell.
Alex is trying to get to Gigi, because finally he is into her, for real. He loses his concentration, his thoughts are about her and only.
Conor gets intimacy with Anna because she is disappointed about what happened with Ben, though, she is certain afterwards that Conor is not for her.
The only man who just started helping Beth around was her ex-boyfriend, Neil. And Beth understood that Neil does for her more than any husband in the world, so, she is ready to be with him even not being married to.
Conor shows Anna a house he bought in order to live there, with her. And Anna is not able to lie any longer as it’s getting too far. Conor understands her and lets her go.
Janine has left Ben because of his lying about cigarettes. She could have forgotten cheating, but not lying.
Alex is returning Gigi a “forgotten” pen that symbolizes his being deeply in love with her. He calls her his exception and gets her heart, eventually they start a strong relationship.
Meanwhile, Mary, Conor’s agent sees her client alive and decides to have a chat with him, being tired of all those virtual attempts to find her love.
Neil is moving into to Beth’s again and he refuses to follow his own considerations about the marriage in order to make the best woman in his life, Beth, happy. They have a very romantic wedding on board of their yacht.
Mary and Conor started a relationship as well and they both are happy about finding each other.
Finally, almost everyone is happy about the ending of their “search” stories. The only who seem to be lost are Anna, Ben and Janine. Janine is eager to start a new life, Anna is in desperate search again and Ben understands that he has lost stability and misses his marriage.
(Text is partly taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1001508/synopsis)
Check your general knowledge about the movie:
1. What city is the place where all these love stories happen? 2. What was the reason of Gigi’s talking to Alex at the bar? 3. Why did Anna win a cooler while paying for her shopping? 4. Why are Beth and Neil not married while have been living together for 7 years already? 5. What was the stimulus for Beth to break up the relationship with Neil? | 6. Who accompanied Beth on her sister’s wedding? 7. How did Mary understand that the guy that left a message on her answering machine was not fair and sincere? 8. Why did Janine forgive her husband cheating and didn’t forgive cigarettes? 9. What was the reason for Beth to start her relationships with Neil again? 10. How did Marry meet Conor? |
He’s just not that into you
(you can print the vocabulary section from the CD)
1. Bug [bʌg] – надоедать
2. Burgeoning ['bə:ʤəniɳ] – зарождение; растущий (e.g. flower)
3. Caddy [' kᴂdi ] – банка/коробка с крышкой
4. Cheesy ['ʧ i: zi ] – в значении "плохой", "вульгарный"
5. Co-opt [ k ə u 'ɔ pt ] – кооптировать (включать)
6. Cursory [' k ə: s ə ri ] – беглый, поверхностный
7. Delusional [de'lu:ʒənəl] – бредовый
8. Dill [dil] – укроп, "лопух"
9. Dipshit [' dip ʃ it ] – недоумок, очень недалекий человек
10. Doodling [' du: dli ɳ] – машинальное рисование (чего-либо); обманывать
11. Derive [di'raiv] – получать, извлекать
12. Gelled ['ʤeld] – загущенный
13. Gross [grəus] – грубый, вульгарный
14. Lure [ljuə] – соблазн; привлекать
15. Lull [ l ʌ l ] – убаюкивать; временное затишье
16. Mind-trick [' maindtrik ] – шутка памяти (вспомнить о произошедшем в самый неподходящий момент, например)
17. Oatmeal ['ə utmi: l ] – овсяная мука/крупа; серо-желтый
18. Obsess [ə b ' ses ] – мучить (о навязчивой идее)
19. Pitch in [' pi ʧ' in ] – энергично браться (за дело)
20. Pep talk [ pep ' t ɔ: k ] – ободряющие слова; зажигательная речь
21. Prejudice ['preʤədis] – предубеждение; предубеждать
22. Pro bono [prɔ'bəunə] – безвозмездно
23. Process server ['prəusəs'sə:və] – судебный пристав
24. Psyched [saikt] – взвинченный
25. Spritzer ['spritsə] – пульверизатор
26. Stalk [ st ɔ: k ] – преследовать (папарацци – с целью фотографирования, не папарацци – с целью осуществления, таким образом, тайного желания обладать связью с данным человеком)
27. String (strung, strung) out [striɳ'aut] – изматывать; расставлять
28. Tarping [' ta: pi ɳ] – покрытие брезентом
29. Thrive (throve, thriven) [ɵraiv] – преуспевать, процветать.
30. Trump [ tr ʌ mp ] – козырь (карта); превзойти (кого-либо)
31. Tile [ tail ] – черепица, крыть черепицей
32. Vague [veig] – неопределенность; неопределенный
33. Vow [vau] – обет, клятва
34. Ziti [' ziti ] – макароны в виде гофрированных трубочек средних размеров
He’s just not that into you
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