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Children of men (Дитя человеческое) 9

2022-09-11 84
Children of men (Дитя человеческое) 9 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Рекомендации для преподавателей

Проект English in Movies позволит вам провести ряд интересных и познавательных занятий! Однако, для более комфортного проведения занятия рекомендуется заранее ознакомиться со всеми материалами к кино для выстраивания необходимой и наиболее эффективной модели занятия.

Предлагается следующая модель проведения занятия:

1. Заблаговременно до видео-занятия производится рассылка словарной статьи учащимся. В зависимости от занятости и уровня группы это может быть заполненная статья (но тогда это потребует от преподавателя обязательное первичное закрепление лексики до просмотра видео), либо частично заполненная или незаполненная словарная статья (которая вынудит учащихся работать со словарем и потребует от преподавателя проверки лексики до просмотра видео для подтверждения того, что найденные учащимися значения совпадают с необходимыми для просмотра киноленты).

Вы также должны понимать, что словарная статья делается не столько по принципу «важная новая лексика», сколько следуя идеи отображения той лексики, которая обеспечит увеличение уровня комфорта восприятия киноленты. Важная лексика выделяется и обыгрывается, прежде всего, в заданиях.

2. Просмотр киноленты. Следует заранее оговориться, что данная публикация не содержит кинолент, только материалы к ним!

3. Изложение преподавателем интересной информации о кино, для чего может быть использована секция о наградах и фактах.

4. Дискуссионная часть, которая может быть построена на предложенных темах из соответствующей секции материалов.

5. Задания на закрепление полезной лексики или на понимание видео-материала. Могут быть использованы как материалы печатного издания, так и материалы, находящиеся на CD (возможна распечатка невыполненных заданий)

6. Проверка заданий с помощью секции «ответы», подведение итогов, оценка практической значимости просмотренной киноленты.

Если занятие не позволяет провести всего комплекса упражнений на закрепление лексического материала, малый размер интерактивных заданий делает возможным пересылку по e-mail или через skype. Учащиеся смогут выполнить задания и произвести распечатку, которую преподаватель может проверить с помощью секции «ответы» с минимальными временными затратами, гарантируя при этом лучшее усвоение лексического материала учащимися.

Также преподаватель имеет возможность переслать или передать путем копирования на носители  озвученный словарь по кинолентам, что делает возможным последующее проведение теста на уровень владения лексикой по всем кинолентам, представленным в издании.

Преподаватель также может использовать материалы для дистанционного обучения, при котором просмотр кино осуществляется слушателями самостоятельно.

В частности, данные материалы могут быть использованы для занятий посредством skype. Предлагается следующая модель проведения занятия:

1. Заблаговременная пересылка учащемуся незаполненной или частично заполненной словарной статьи для самостоятельного перевода и подготовки;

2. Проверка словарной статьи, контроль и проверка того, чтобы найденные учащимся значения совпадали с необходимыми для просмотра кино;

3. Выполнение 1-2 устных упражнений для проверки уровня усвоения лексики;

4. Просмотр учащимся киноленты;

5. Обсуждение актуальных тем, связанных с кинолентой (используется соответствующая секция печатного издания);

6. Пересылка интерактивных заданий учащемуся, отведение фиксированных отрезков времени для выполнения частей заданий;

7. Проверка правильности выполнения заданий (используется секция «ответы»);

8. Подведение итогов, оценки успешности проведения комплекса работ по усвоению нового материала.

Также, в образовательных целях можно использовать синопсис – довольно подробное описание сюжета фильма, которое предваряет материалы к каждому кино. В зависимости от группы и целей, вы можете разобрать синопсис (на англ.яз.) либо до просмотра ленты и, тем самым, добиться большего понимания видео. Если вы считаете, что подобные материалы понизят интерес к просмотру, то используйте данный материал в качестве домашнего задания на перевод. В таком случае, вы гарантируете, что учащийся еще раз визуально представит весь просмотренный фильм, и, вероятно, сможет проявить гораздо более активную деятельность при обсуждении киноленты или дополнительной работы с лексикой из кино.

Рекомендации для изучающих английский язык


Для вас данная публикация интересна в том случае, если вам нравится английский язык, культура кино и если вам хочется получить больше информации из уже полюбившихся фильмов и от приятных актеров.

Индивидуальная работа с данным пособием заключается, прежде всего, в работе с экспериментальной интерактивной программой. Предлагается следующий порядок работы (считается наиболее эффективным):

1. Просмотр дополнительных материалов о кино в соответствующей секции печатного издания;

2. Просмотр словарной статьи, устная или письменная практика, сводимая к одной цели: попытке ощутить новые для вас слова в контексте;

3. Просмотр озвученного словаря для фонетического подкрепления нового лексического материала;

4. Просмотр фильма (к материалам фильмы не прикреплены, здесь вы найдете только задания);

5. Выполнение ответов на вопросы, путем использования интерактивного заполнения вопросных форм, последующая распечатка;

6. Выполнение заданий на понимание видео-материала и новую лексику, распечатка заданий с ответами;

7. Использование секции «ответы» печатного издания для проверки правильности выполнения заданий.

8. Просмотр краткой информации о ключевых актерах, задействованных в фильме, выполнение задания, прикрепленного к ним, распечатка, последующая проверка в секции «ответы».

Таким образом, следует отметить, что изучающему материалы индивидуально не придется ничего писать от руки, только производить сверку правильности ответов на вопросы и задания.

Каждое кино обладает «изюминкой» – уникально оформленным или преподнесенным заданием, на выполнение которого вам, возможно, потребуется не только время, но и смекалка или помощь ваших друзей, что, в свою очередь, гарантирует вам интересное время препровождение в компании приятных вам людей.

Подобное изучение знакомых фильмов поможет по-другому взглянуть на богатство сокрытой в нем информации. Просмотр кино на языке оригинала, в данном случае, английском, привнесет новые оттенки восприятия заложенного режиссерами актуального социально-психологического контекста. Ваш уровень восприятия неминуемо возрастет, так как язык кино максимально приближен к реальной жизни, что позволяет утверждать, что кино – это самый верный способ к овладению иностранным языком.

Если вы студент или учащийся иного учебного заведения, вы всегда можете использовать предложенные в соответствующем разделе темы к фильму для свободных дискуссий на уроках английского.

Вы также можете задействовать специальные тестовые задания после просмотра и работы со всеми кинолентами в данном издании, которые помогут вам объективно оценить процент усвоения нового для вас лексического набора.

Интересные факты о кино, приведенные в материалах могут вам дать не только повод для переводческой практики, но и повод блеснуть полученной переведенной информацией перед знакомыми или друзьями.

Каждая кинолента предваряется подробным описанием сюжетной линии, что всегда сможет вам помочь быстро и эффективно вспомнить видео материал, использовать его в беседе или при пересказе, если того требует ситуация. Данный материал также можно использовать как упражнение на практику перевода. Рекомендуется читать полное описание кино после его просмотра, однако, если вы считаете, что знание сюжетной линии никак не повлияет на ваш интерес к киноленте, то тогда синопсис можно прочитать и перевести и до просмотра.

English in Movies – это идеальный способ получить максимальное эстетическое и практическое удовольствие от одного из любимых времяпрепровождений человечества – просмотра кино!


Read and translate the synopsis of the film.

The film opens on November 16th, 2027. A brief newscast reports on the state of the world: women have become infertile and no children have been born for 18 years. Most of the world's societies have collapsed and in Britain, all foreigners have been declared illegal immigrants and are rounded up by British military forces to be deported. Additionally, the youngest person in the world, Baby Diego, has been murdered, having been a celebrity all his life.

The film's protagonist, Theo Faron, has narrowly escaped being killed when the London coffee shop he frequents is bombed, an act attributed to an underground guerrilla group, the Fishes. Theo is shaken by the incident and leaves work early to visit his friend, Jasper, who lives outside London. Jasper, a former political activist, now lives in seclusion in a well-hidden house with his catatonic wife, Janice, growing variants of cannabis. 

The next day Theo is captured by The Fishes and is reunited with his former wife, Julian, who leads the group. She and Theo have not seen each other for nearly 20 years after their son, Dylan, died in a flu epidemic. She first tells him that the Fishes were not responsible for the bombing of the cafe the previous day. She also asks for his help in securing transit papers; Theo's cousin, Nigel, has influence within the government. Theo is able to get the papers but they specifically state that Theo himself must accompany the refugee they are meant for. Theo agrees and he joins Julian, her associate Luke, the refugee Kee and her midwife, Miriam as they drive to the southern coast of England. Along the way, they are attacked in a forested area by a large mob and Julian is killed. As they flee the scene of the attack, they are pulled over by the police. When asked for their papers, Luke kills both policemen. A small funeral is held in the forest for Julian and Luke drives them to a safe house on a farm after finding another car.

At the farm, Kee, reveals to Theo that she is about eight months pregnant. She also tells Theo that Julian had told Kee that she could trust Theo only. The Fishes hold a meeting to decide what to do with Kee. They conclude, despite Theo's objections, that Kee should stay with them until the child is born. Theo thinks the pregnancy should be made public, the Fishes think that the British government would seize both Kee and the baby for their own political ends. Kee agrees to stay in the custody of the Fishes.

Later that night, Theo awakens to a commotion outside. Two of the men who attacked the travelers that day have come to the safe house, one of them badly wounded. Theo discovers that the attack on the car and Julian's murder were both arranged by Luke and the Fishes, who wish to use the baby for their own ends. Theo quietly awakes Kee and Miriam and convinces them to leave with him. They steal a car and narrowly escape the farm. Theo takes them to Jasper's house. While there, Jasper promises to arrange for Kee to meet a ship called the Tomorrow, a vessel belonging to a group called the Human Project, a collection of scientists based in the Azores off Portugal, and dedicated to restoring human fertility. Jasper arranges for his friend, Sid, to help Kee, Miriam and Theo enter the immigrant camp at Bexhill. From there, they will make arrangements for Kee to slip into the waters near Bexhill to meet the Tomorrow.

The Fishes find Jasper's hidden home, setting off the alarms. Jasper gives Theo his car and gives them an escape route. From a nearby bluff, Theo watches as Jasper refuses to give the Fishes any information and is murdered. Before the Fishes arrival, Jasper had euthanized his wife.

Theo drives himself and his charges to a nearby school to rest and wait for Sid. While there, Miriam talks of her past work as a maternity nurse and the onset of female sterilization 18 years prior. Sid arrives, acting very intimidating at first, and takes the fugitives in his truck to Bexhill. As they approach the detention center, Kee goes into labor. When they arrive, Miriam, while trying to protect Kee from the guards, fakes religious mania and is taken off the bus, hooded and detained, however, her fate is not revealed. Theo and Kee manage to enter Bexhill with her pregnancy undetected and meet a woman named Marichka who gives them a room. Right after they reach the room, Kee gives birth to a girl.

The next morning they are met by Marichka and Sid, who tells them about an uprising that has taken over Bexhill. The Fishes have broken into the city and the national guard have been called out to restore control. Both Sid and Marichka are also astonished to see the baby. Sid, having seen Theo on television the night before, plans to turn Theo in for a large reward, as Theo is a prime suspect to be responsible for the attack on the road. With Marichka's help, they escape Sid and find a temporary haven with Marichka's people. Marichka is also supposed to take them to a boat that will get them to the Tomorrow in Bexhill's harbor.

Theo, Marichka and Kee enter the city & are quickly found by Luke and his cohorts. They take Kee and leave Theo & Marichka to be executed by Patric, one of Luke's lieutenants. They are able to escape when a skirmish erupts nearby. Theo goes looking for Kee, finding her in a decrepit apartment building which is under fire from the military. Theo finds Kee with Luke, who has joined the battle with the British forces outside. As Theo attempts to take Kee and the baby out, Luke opens fire in Theo's direction -- Luke is killed a few moments later. As Theo and Kee walk out of the building, everyone who sees the baby stands in awe and the fighting stops, many of them break into prayer. The two walk outside the building and begin to walk away. The fighting resumes. They find their way back to Marichka and the rowboat she's found for them and float out into Bexhill's harbor. Marichka refuses to leave with them.

The two make it out to a nearby buoy which marks the rendezvous point. As they wait, two jets fly overhead and begin a bombardment of Bexhill. Kee sees blood in the bottom of the boat and panicks, thinking it's hers. Theo tells her he was hit in the abdomen when Luke shot at him. Theo has just enough time to teach Kee how to burp the baby and she tells him that she'll name her after Theo's son, Dylan. Theo loses consciousness just as the Tomorrow arrives. Just before the closing credits roll the sound of children laughing is heard.

(Text is taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0206634/synopsis)


Check your general knowledge about the movie:

1. Who is the director of the movie? 2. Why didn’t Theo see his wife for 20 years? 3. What is so special about Kee? 4. What is Tomorrow? 5. Why did Theo take Fishes as enemies? 6. Why was Theo shown on TV? 7. Whom did Kee give a birth to: a boy or a girl? 8. What did Kee choose for her child? 9. Why no one shot on seeing Kee with a baby? 10. Did Kee reach the destination?

Children of men


(you can print the vocabulary section from the CD)


1. Antenatal [ ᴂnti' neitə l] – предродовой

2. Ascend [ə' send] – подниматься, восходить

3. Atrocity [ə' trɔ sə ti] – жестокость, зверство

4. Brawl [ brɔ: l] – скандал

5. Collapse [ kə' lᴂps] – сильно ослабеть, пасть духом

6. Commodity [ kə' mɔ də ti] – нечто ценное, полезное; предмет потребления

7. Contraction [kənt'rekʃən] – схватки

8. Cord [kɔd] – пуповина

9. Disguise [ dis' gaiz] – изменять внешность, маскировать

10. Endure [ in' djuə] – вынести, выдержать

11. Ensuing [ in' sju: iɳ] – следующий, последующий, неотвратимый

12. Famine ['fᴂmin] – голод, голодание

13. Flagellate ['flᴂʤəleit] – бить, бичевать, пороть

14. Forensic [fə'rensik] – судебный (=judicial, legal)

15. Gawky ['gɔ:ki] – неуклюжий, неловкий

16. Hangover ['hᴂɳəuvə] – похмелье

17. Infertility [infə'tiləti] – бесплодие

18. Intercept [ intə' sept] – служить/быть помехой, препятствием

19. Irrelevant [i'reləvənt] – неуместный, неподходящий

20. Jeopardize ['ʤepədaiz] – подвергать опасности

21. Miscarry [ mis' kᴂri] – иметь выкидыш; потерпеть неудачу

22. Posh [pɔʃ] – отличный, прекрасный

23. Quietus [ kwai' i: tə s] – конец, смерть, что-либо успокаивающее

24. Renounce [ri'nauns] – отказаться

25. Sage [seiʤ] – мудрец; шалфей

26. Smash up ['smeʃʌp] – разориться

27. Spick [spik] – латиноамериканец

28. Spooky ['spu:ki] – страшный, зловещий

29. Squat [ skwɔ t] – сидеть на корточках; незаконное вселение в пустой дом или квартиру группы бездомных людей; дом или квартира, незаконно занятые группой бездомных людей

30. Stint [stint] – норма (работы)

31. Stunned [ stʌ nd] – ошеломленный

32. Suave [ swa: v] – учтивый, вежливый

33. Surveillance [ sə:' veilens] – наблюдение, ведение слежения

34. Wacko ['wᴂkəu] – сумасшедший

35. Wrath [rɔɵ] – гнев, ярость



Children of men

Children of men

Interesting details (trivia) about the movie



Theo Faron is Greek for "The God of the Lighthouses".


Children of men

Children of men

Task №2. Anagrams

(Solve the anagram according to the meaning given)


1. Change ‘ages’ into a wise and experienced person – __________

2. Change ‘shop’ into something perfect or very fine – __________

3. Change ‘scary IRM [1] into the synonym to ‘fail’ – __________

4. Change ‘tints’ into an amount of job necessary to be done – __________

5. Change ‘rental rive [2] into something unimportant – __________

6. Change ‘case poll’ into the synonym to ‘destruct’ – __________

7. Change ‘conifers [3] into something judicial – __________

8. Change ‘I guess id’ into ‘camouflage’, ‘conceal’ – __________

9. Change ‘recent tip’ into the synonym to ‘bother’ – __________

10. Change ‘cure none’ into the synonym to ‘refuse’ – __________

11. Change ‘trinity [4] life’ into the inability to conceive a baby – __________

12. Change ‘nuclear veils’ into a supervision or tracing – __________

13. Change ‘eaglet [5] fall’ into the synonym to ‘beat’ – __________

14. Change ‘send nut’ into a shocked or surprised person – __________

15. Change ‘overhang [6] into the morning after – __________

16. Change ‘I try taco’ into cruelty, brutality – __________

Children of men

Task №3. Chronology

(Put the description for the episode and put a number to define what event happened earlier, where 1 – is the earliest, 5 – the latest)



Children of men

Task №4. Translation

(Give your translations of the expressions given either from Russian into English, or vice versa. Use the vocabulary section if necessary)

1. Неуклюжий мудрец – ____________________

2. Irrelevant joke – ____________________

3. Неотвратимый скандал – ____________________

4. Spooky quietus – ____________________

5. Предродовые схватки – ____________________

6. Disguised wrath – ____________________

7. Падший духом сумасшедший – ____________________

8. To endure flagellation – ____________________

9. Jeopardized surveillance – ____________________

10. Прерванное зверство – ____________________

11. Smashed up spick – ____________________

12. Последующее похмелье – ____________________

13. Stunned lad – ____________________

14. Вежливый отказ – ____________________

15. Wacko famine – _____________________



Read and translate the synopsis of film.

A man revealed to be Jacques Saunière is being pursued by a mysterious hooded character known as Silas through the Grand Gallery in the Louvre in Paris. Silas demands the location of the Priory's clef de voûte or "keystone." Under threat of death, Saunière finally confesses the keystone is kept in the sacristy of Church of Saint-Sulpice, "beneath the Rose." Silas thanks him, and then shoots him in the stomach.

Meanwhile, American symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), who is in Paris as an AUP guest lecturer on symbols and the sacred feminine, is contacted by the French police, and summoned to the Louvre to view the crime scene. He discovers the dying Saunière had created an intricate display using black light ink and his own body and blood. Captain Bezu Fache (Jean Reno) asks him for his interpretation of the puzzling scene.

Silas calls a mysterious man known as "The Teacher", revealing that he has killed all four protectors of the keystone and that all confirmed the same location. He dons a metal cilice on his thigh and proceeds to flagellate himself with a whip for the sins of murder. Facilitated by Bishop Manuel Aringarosa, Silas then travels to Saint-Sulpice and is admitted by an elderly nun; left alone, he excavates beneath the floor of the church to find a stone saying only JOB 38:11. He confronts the nun, who quotes the passage: "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further." Realizing that he has been deceived, Silas is enraged and kills the nun.

Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou), a cryptologist with the French police, enters the Louvre as well and slips Langdon a message which leads him to the men's room. There, Sophie meets him and tells him that he is being tracked, a GPS tracking dot has been (unknown by him) slipped into his jacket and that he is a primary suspect in the murder case because of a line of text found by the corpse ("P.S. find Robert Langdon"). Sophie however, believes that Saunière, who is revealed to be her grandfather, wanted to pass a hidden message on to her, and that he had wanted to bring Langdon into the equation so that he could help her crack the code.

Having bought some time by removing the tracking device, the pair begin exploring the Louvre, finding more anagram messages that Saunière had left behind. Many of these relate to Leonardo da Vinci's art, and the pair find a key with a Fleur-de-lis behind Madonna of the Rocks.

Pursued by the French police and cut off from the United States Embassy, the pair escape to the Bois de Boulogne where Langdon closely inspects the key. He notices an inscription on the side - an address. The address directs them to the Depository Bank of Zurich where the key is used for a safety deposit box.

In the bank, they find Saunière's deposit box and open it using the 10 digit Fibonacci numbers in order (1123581321). Inside the box, they find a rosewood container, which contains a cryptex: a cylindrical container with five alphabetical dials which must be arranged in the correct sequence to spell out a 5-letter code word, in order to open and access the parchment message inside. Using force to open the cryptex would break a vial of vinegar inside, which would dissolve the parchment and destroy the message.

Unfortunately, the police are called by a security guard and they are forced to leave. The bank manager, Andre Vernet, assists them in escaping by taking them as passengers in an armoured van to escape the routine checks of the police. In the back of the truck Langdon and Neveu have a lengthy discussion about the cryptex and Neveu says that her grandfather often played games with her involving cryptexes. Langdon says that the cryptex might hold valuable information or another clue about what they are trying to discover. Eventually, they come to a sudden stop and Vernet forces them at gunpoint to give him the cryptex. Langdon tricks Vernet and disarms him and he and Sophie escape with the cryptex in their hands.

Langdon suggests that they visit his friend, Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen), for assistance to opening the cryptex. Leigh Teabing turns out to be an enthusiastic seeker of the Holy Grail, which he believes is not actually a cup but instead Mary Magdalene, who was driven away because Jesus's followers didn't want to follow a woman after their leader was killed. Mary was pregnant at the time, and Teabing tells Sophie that a secret society was formed to protect the descendants of Jesus. Jacques Saunière was believed to be a part of this society and Teabing suspects that he was training Sophie to join it also. Silas, meanwhile, breaks into Teabing's mansion and attempts to steal the cryptex. Teabing uses his cane to knock Silas out and they escape again, taking the butler, Remy Jean, and Silas with them. The group escapes in Teabing's plane, following the next clue to London.

The small pyramid beneath the Inverse Glass Pyramid removed from underneath, revealing that there is no chamber as shown in the film's closing scene. It is revealed that Remy Jean is actually a follower of The Teacher as well, however he is killed by the mysterious man after freeing Silas. Silas is attacked by the police and, in the ensuing gunfire, accidentally shoots Bishop Manuel Aringarosa. In his grief, Silas dies in police-assisted suicide and Aringarosa is taken to the hospital, as well as being arrested by Fache for betraying him.

As Langdon gets closer to solving the mystery, he is betrayed by Teabing, who is revealed to be The Teacher. Teabing explained that he wanted to find Mary Magdalene's remains to prove he was correct about the Holy Grail and threatens to shoot Sophie if Langdon does not crack the code. Langdon responds by throwing the cryptex into the air. Teabing catches it, but drops it, and it hits the ground. The vial of vinegar breaks and apparently spreads onto the document, destroying it.

After Teabing is arrested, however it is revealed that Langdon had cracked the code ('Apple') and removed the clue from the cryptex before throwing it. Using the clue, they travel to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland where Magdalene's remains had previously been hidden. There, they meet other members of the secret organization that protected her. It is revealed that Sophie is actually Magdalene's descendant and therefore is the current living descendant of Jesus Christ. They vow to keep her safe. Langdon and Sophie part ways shortly after.

Back in Paris, Langdon accidentally cuts himself while shaving and the line of blood on the sink reminds him of the Rose Line. He follows the Rose Line and finds the location of the Holy Grail, buried under the pyramid in the Louvre. Langdon then kneels above Mary Magdalene's tomb as the Templar Knights did before him.

(Text is taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382625/synopsis)


Check your general knowledge about the movie:

1. Who is the director of the movie? 2. Why was it so important for Saunière to protect his own granddaughter? 3. Who turned out to be ‘The Teacher’? 4. What was Robert Langdon’s specialization? 5. Why was the tracking device attached to Langdon by the French police? 6. What did Robert and Sophie find in Depository Bank of Zurich? 7. Did Langdon find Mary Magdalene’s tomb?

Da Vinci Code


(you can print the vocabulary section from the CD)

1. Abetting [ə'betiɳ] – соучастие, подстрекательство

2. Amend [ə'mend] – исправлять, совершенствовать

3. Atonement [ə' tə unmə nt] – расплата, искупление

4. Bizarre [ bi' za:] – неестественный, причудливый

5. Bloodshed [' blʌ dʃə d] – кровопролитие

6. Brethren [' breð rin] – собратья, братия

7. Chastise [ʧ ᴂs' taiz] – пороть, сечь, карать, наказывать

8. Cherub ['ʧerəb] – херувим

9. Cilice [' silis] – ткань из волоса

10. Clergy [' klə:ʤ i] – духовенство

11. Con [ kɔ n] – учить наизусть, контраргумент, мошенничать, мошенник

12. Conceivable [kən'sivəbl] – мыслимый, постижимый, возможный

13. Cost- prohibitive [ kɔ stprə' hibitiv] – чрезмерно, непомерно, невероятно высокий (о ценах)

14. Cripple [ kripl] – ущербный, калека

15. Decoy [' di: kɔ i] – приманка, подсадная утка

16. Detain [ di' tein] – задерживать, арестовывать

17. Devastate ['devəsteit] – истощать, опустошать, разорять

18. Elude [ i' lu: d] – избежать, спастись, уклоняться (от ответственности)

19. Endeavor [in'devə] – попытка, стремление

20. Gospel ['gɔspəl] – Евангелие

21. Hoax [həuks] – обман, ложь, мистификация

22. Heir [ɛə] – наследник, преемник

23. Impious [im'paiəs] – нечестивый

24. Implicate [' implikeit] – вовлекать, спутывать, переплетать, содержать в себе, подразумевать, влечь за собой

25. Incur [ in' kə:] – вытекать, следовать из, подвергаться

26. Indulge [ in' dʌʤ] – потворствовать, удовлетворять свои желания

27. Infuse [in'fju:z] – воодушевлять, привносить

28. Inter [ in' tə:] – предавать земле, хоронить

29. Jammed [ʤ ᴂmd] – туго затянутый, сжатый, тесный

30. Lame [ leim] – хромой, неубедительный

31. Omen ['ə umə n] – знамение, предзнаменование

32. Orb [ɔ: b] – небесное тело

33. Orchestrate ['ɔ: kistreit] – тренировать, организовывать

34. Penance ['penəns] – покаяние, раскаяние, искупление

35. Pendant [' pendə nt] – подвеска, дополнение, приложение

36. Preside [pri'zaid] – осуществлять контроль, руководство

37. Presume [ pri:' zju: m] – предполагать, осмелиться, притворяться

38. Ratio ['reiʃiəu] – коэффициент, соотношение, пропорция

39. Ruse [ru:z] – уловка, ухищрение

40. Sanction [' sᴂɳ kʃə n] – официальное одобрение, разрешение

41. Self- flagellation [ selfˏ flᴂʤə' leiʃə n] – самобичевание

42. Sermon ['sə:mən] – проповедь, нотация

43. Scramble [' skrᴂmbl] – пробираться, протискиваться

44. Sift [ sift] – отсеивать, анализировать

45. Splash [ splᴂʃ] – всплеск, сенсация

46. Tread [tred] – идти, ступать

47. Turmoil [' tə: mɔ il] – шум, суматоха, беспорядок

48. Wrath [rɔɵ] – гнев, глубокое возмущение

49. Zealot [' zelə t] – фанатик

Da Vinci Code

Da Vinci Code

Interesting details (trivia) about the movie


In the novel, Dan Brown claims that the Disney film The Little Mermaid (1989) gave its heroine, Ariel, red hair, as a reference to paganism and a symbolic grail story. This is inaccurate. Ariel, in fact, had red hair to distinguish her from Madison in the film Splash (1984). That film was the first collaboration between director Ron Howard and Tom Hanks.


Da Vinci Code

Task №1. Synonyms

(Match the words from the film in the left column with their synonyms in the right column)

1.rigorously 2.a bargain 3. precisely 4.an ally 5. conceivable 6.to abandon 7.simultaniously 8.a vulture 9.unprecedented 10.betterment 11.humanity 12.to slay 13. ecumenical 14.an adversary 15.an effigy 16.a whine 17. wrath 18. to endeavor 19.an invasion 20. atrocity a. to kill b. possible c. an intrusion d. improvement e. worldwide f. an agreement g. cruelty h. a claim i. thoroughly j. an enemy k. anger l. a predator m. exactly n. unexampled o. to try p. a friend q. at the same time r. mankind s. a portrait t. to leave




Da Vinci Code

Task №2. Dice questionnaire

(Throw the dice twice and answer a question or a riddle)

  Name the city where the head of the Catholics lives   What does the word “pagan” mean in Russian?   Name the mountain where Jesus was crucified   Name the city Jesus originally comes from When does Armenian Church celebrate Christmas? What country started using fur-tree as Christmas one?
What country started exchanging gifts for Christmas?   What do Russians celebrate on January, 13?   What city is considered to be central in Orthodoxy? As they say, this liquid was turned into wine by Jesus A religious feast celebrated between March 22 and April 25   What is the English for “Евангелие”?  
Exactly this object was taken by Jesus to his crucifixion When the person is too religious he or she can be called ….     An animal connected with Catholic Easter   What is obtained from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?     Christians adopted lily as the symbol of …   A flower that represents Jesus’ blood shed on the cross
  What does the word “omen” mean in Russian? Name the date when Catholics celebrate Christmas This fruit became the reason to depart Adam and Eve   The holiest book for any Muslim     Jesus’ follower that betrayed him one day The man who sentenced Jesus Christ to death by crucifixion
  What is the English for Russian “покаяние”?   A word that unifies all religious figures   A. Nevsky is a patron ___ of St.-Petersburg   A cathedral in St.-Petersburg that has the third largest dome Name a cathedral in London erected by Sir Christopher Wren They say that this church was created by Henry VIII to have a divorce
The unity of Father, Son and Holly Spirit is called…     What is the English for Russian “калека”?     Name the symbol of bishop’s power A group of singers, singing in church services       Name Seven Deadly Sins The holiest book both for Catholicism and Orthodoxy


Da Vinci Code

Task №3. Symbols

(Guess the ancient god or creature by the symbol or feature describing it)

1. Trident, Fish, Dolphin, Horse and Bull are the symbols of this ancient god. 2. Thunderbolt, Eagle, Bull and Oak are considered to be symbols of this god. 3. Bow, arrows, stags, hunting dog, and moon are symbol of this goddess. 4. Thyrsus, grapevine, leopard skin, panther, tiger, leopard are this god’s symbols. 5. A mythological creature that has a long, straight horn extending from its forehead. 6. Legendary creatures, with reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. 7. Caduceus, Talaria, Tortoise, Lyre and Rooster are the symbols of this god. 8. A mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf. 9. Spear, helmet, dog, chariot and boar are considered to symbolize this god. 10. A composite race of creatures, partly human and partly horse. 11. Lyre, laurel wreath, python, raven, bow and arrows are the symbols of this god. 12. Dolphin, Scallop Shell, Myrtle, Mirror, and Swan are this goddess’s symbols. 13. A winged divine horse, usually white in color depicted in many mythologies. [P][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][U][_] [_][R][_][_][_][_][_] [D][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_][N][_][_][_][_][_] [_][R][_][_][_][_] [_][_][R][_][_][_] [W][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][E][_] [C][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_][P][_][_][_][_] [_][_][H][_][_][_][_][_][_] [P][_][_][_][_][_][_]

Da Vinci Code


Read and translate the synopsis of the film.

In Baltimore, five women and four men try to sort out the signals that the sexes exchange.

Since the age of 5, Gigi has been told that when men act like jerks, it means they like her.

Years later, Gigi is now struggling to find true love while shifting through men who are simply not interested. After her latest date, Conor has failed to call her, Gigi visits a bar he said he frequented in order to see him. There, she is approached by Alex, a friend of Conor's who works at the bar. Gigi claims she is waiting for Conor, since she needs to return a dentist's pen to him. However, Alex quickly sees through her lie, claiming Conor's dentist is his father. Gigi admits that Conor is not expecting her, and explains her confusion over his lack of response. Alex tells her that Conor isn't interested, and then takes it upon himself to explain the "signs" to Gigi.

Meanwhile, Conor, having just left his date with Gigi, calls his girlfriend Anna. Anna is shopping in the supermarket and runs into Ben. He tells her to go before her in line, citing an indecision about gum as the reason. Anna tells Conor she has to go, and, as she is checking out, is awarded a cooler as a 1000th visitor gift. The two exchange numbers outside when Ben says he knows someone who can help Anna with her singing career. After a few moments of hesitation, Ben admits that he is married. The two part, and Ben walks over to a car and gets in. Neil then asks Ben what that was about.

When Neil returns home, he is greeted by his girlfriend of seven years, Beth. She announces that her younger sister is getting married. Neil, who is in the kitchen making tea, tells Beth that he doesn't believe in marriage. Beth, who desperately wants to get married to Neil, doesn't understand why he dislikes the idea so much.

Ben meets his wife Janine back at their new townhouse, currently being renovated.

Gigi, excited about the tips Alex gave her, eagerly shares them with her coworkers, Janine and Beth. Gigi explains that if he's interested, he'll make the first move, and if he's not, he won't. When she claims that there are exceptions, but that the majority are not, she unintentionally implies that Neil will never marry Beth, since they have been together for 7 years and they haven't married yet.

Beth confronts Neil when she goes home, saying she can't deal with it anymore. When Neil continues to refuse to get married, the two break up.

Ben decides to call Anna and after some moments he realizes that he is into her. Eventually their “friendship” turns out to be a cheating for Ben. Meanwhile Conor, Anna’s boyfriend, feels that something is wrong but continues to believe that everything is o.k. Conor has got an advertising agent, Mary who is trying to find her Mr. Right by the means of Internet, every attempt fail the last one – the most embarrassing way.

While shopping, Ben shocks his wife that he has cheated on her, being sure that this confession will kill their relationship.

Beth is accompanied by her dog instead of her boyfriend at her sister’s wedding. Everybody understands the difficulty of the situation.

Gigi is invited to Alex’s party, helps him around because she came to a conclusion that Alex helped her because he was into her. In fact, Alex wasn’t as he claimed. Gigi was very displeased but stated that it was better to be constantly seeking for true love despite of seeing all the world in black tones. Exactly these words turned Alex’s world upside down.

Beth’s father fell unwell during the wedding and the party had to be cut short. Next morning Beth receives no help from anyone around the house, everyone seems to be “busy” and not caring at all.

Janine, Ben’s wife tries to find mistakes in her and, instead of breaking the relationship and divorcing she tries to reinforce their marriage by coming to Ben’s office in order to have intimate moment with him right there. The thin is that Ben is already having this kind of moment with Anna. He hurriedly hides her in the closet and eventually has sex with his wife. No wonder that Anna is utterly displeased and sends Ben to hell.

Alex is trying to get to Gigi, because finally he is into her, for real. He loses his concentration, his thoughts are about her and only.

Conor gets intimacy with Anna because she is disappointed about what happened with Ben, though, she is certain afterwards that Conor is not for her.

The only man who just started helping Beth around was her ex-boyfriend, Neil. And Beth understood that Neil does for her more than any husband in the world, so, she is ready to be with him even not being married to.

Conor shows Anna a house he bought in order to live there, with her. And Anna is not able to lie any longer as it’s getting too far. Conor understands her and lets her go.

Janine has left Ben because of his lying about cigarettes. She could have forgotten cheating, but not lying.

Alex is returning Gigi a “forgotten” pen that symbolizes his being deeply in love with her. He calls her his exception and gets her heart, eventually they start a strong relationship.

Meanwhile, Mary, Conor’s agent sees her client alive and decides to have a chat with him, being tired of all those virtual attempts to find her love.

Neil is moving into to Beth’s again and he refuses to follow his own considerations about the marriage in order to make the best woman in his life, Beth, happy. They have a very romantic wedding on board of their yacht.

Mary and Conor started a relationship as well and they both are happy about finding each other.

Finally, almost everyone is happy about the ending of their “search” stories. The only who seem to be lost are Anna, Ben and Janine. Janine is eager to start a new life, Anna is in desperate search again and Ben understands that he has lost stability and misses his marriage.

(Text is partly taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1001508/synopsis)


Check your general knowledge about the movie:

1. What city is the place where all these love stories happen? 2. What was the reason of Gigi’s talking to Alex at the bar? 3. Why did Anna win a cooler while paying for her shopping? 4. Why are Beth and Neil not married while have been living together for 7 years already? 5. What was the stimulus for Beth to break up the relationship with Neil? 6. Who accompanied Beth on her sister’s wedding? 7. How did Mary understand that the guy that left a message on her answering machine was not fair and sincere? 8. Why did Janine forgive her husband cheating and didn’t forgive cigarettes? 9. What was the reason for Beth to start her relationships with Neil again? 10. How did Marry meet Conor?

He’s just not that into you


(you can print the vocabulary section from the CD)


1. Bug [bʌg] – надоедать

2. Burgeoning ['bə:ʤəniɳ] – зарождение; растущий (e.g. flower)

3. Caddy [' kᴂdi ] – банка/коробка с крышкой

4. Cheesy ['ʧ i: zi ] – в значении "плохой", "вульгарный"

5. Co-opt [ k ə u 'ɔ pt ] – кооптировать (включать)

6. Cursory [' k ə: s ə ri ] – беглый, поверхностный

7. Delusional [de'lu:ʒənəl] – бредовый

8. Dill [dil] – укроп, "лопух"

9. Dipshit [' dip ʃ it ] – недоумок, очень недалекий человек

10. Doodling [' du: dli ɳ] – машинальное рисование (чего-либо); обманывать

11. Derive [di'raiv] – получать, извлекать

12. Gelled ['ʤeld] – загущенный

13. Gross [grəus] – грубый, вульгарный

14. Lure [ljuə] – соблазн; привлекать

15. Lull [ l ʌ l ] – убаюкивать; временное затишье

16. Mind-trick [' maindtrik ] – шутка памяти (вспомнить о произошедшем в самый неподходящий момент, например)

17. Oatmeal ['ə utmi: l ] – овсяная мука/крупа; серо-желтый

18. Obsess [ə b ' ses ] – мучить (о навязчивой идее)

19. Pitch in [' pi ʧ' in ] – энергично браться (за дело)

20. Pep talk [ pep ' t ɔ: k ] – ободряющие слова; зажигательная речь

21. Prejudice ['preʤədis] – предубеждение; предубеждать

22. Pro bono [prɔ'bəunə] – безвозмездно

23. Process server ['prəusəs'sə:və] – судебный пристав

24. Psyched [saikt] – взвинченный

25. Spritzer ['spritsə] – пульверизатор

26. Stalk [ st ɔ: k ] – преследовать (папарацци – с целью фотографирования, не папарацци – с целью осуществления, таким образом, тайного желания обладать связью с данным человеком)

27. String (strung, strung) out [striɳ'aut] – изматывать; расставлять

28. Tarping [' ta: pi ɳ] – покрытие брезентом

29. Thrive (throve, thriven) [ɵraiv] – преуспевать, процветать.

30. Trump [ tr ʌ mp ] – козырь (карта); превзойти (кого-либо)

31. Tile [ tail ] – черепица, крыть черепицей

32. Vague [veig] – неопределенность; неопределенный

33. Vow [vau] – обет, клятва

34. Ziti [' ziti ] – макароны в виде гофрированных трубочек средних размеров



He’s just not that into you

He’s just not that into you

Interesting details (trivia) and goofs about the movie


he’s just not that into you

Task №1. The Board Game

(Play with a partner and answer the questions and get to finish)



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