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Task 6. Translate the sentences into English.

2021-06-23 100
Task 6. Translate the sentences into English. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Языковой барьер является серьезным препятствием для осуществления проектов технического сотрудничества в Центральной Азии.

2. Терроризм, насилие и конфликты стоят в начале списка нынешних угроз международному и региональному миру и безопасности.

3. Как кадровые службы, так и соответствующие департаменты должны тщательно проверять квалификационные документы и рекомендации всех кандидатов.

4. Сбор и распространение соответствующей информации о национальном и местном опыте может помочь адаптироваться в новой стране.

5. Правительство, безусловно, со всей серьезностью подходит к проблеме интеграции иммигрантов.

6. Если вы хотите основательно обосноваться в новой стране, вам необходимо изучить особенности культуры и устранить языковой барьер, чтобы свободно общаться с другими людьми.

7. Иммигранты часто чувствуют себя отчужденными, дезориентированными и незащищенными.

8. Даже после нескольких лет проживания в стране иммигранты по-прежнему сталкиваются с множеством проблем.



The Top Problems Faced by Immigrants [5]

Settling in a new region poses many challenges, and there are some that are common experiences for migrants across the globe.

1. It's no great surprise that language tops the list of issues facing immigrants to any country. Being able to communicate (or not) affects every area of life in which we have to interact with others.

2. The next barrier that many new immigrants commonly cite when starting life in a new country is finding suitable employment. Many new immigrants face two particular problems: getting their credentials recognized and relevant local work experience.

3. A big priority for anybody moving to a new area or country is to secure housing. Lack of local knowledge or how the housing market works in the new country can present problems. 

4. Access to transportation can be essential in that it will make access to education and employment far easier. Immigrants face particular problems in this respect on two levels.

Firstly, the driver’s license may not be recognized in the new country, which means there may be costs associated with becoming qualified. Secondly, that language barrier can, again, make understanding or even finding useful local public transit services a hard task.

5. Many immigrants report that, on arrival, it is the cultural differences that really make a big impression. This can range from social customs to more significant issues such as attitudes towards gender, religious diversity, ethnicity and sexuality, which can all be vastly different in a new country. This can raise a host of problems for both immigrants and the people they interact with. It can also lead to a sense of isolation for immigrants and even affect mental health negatively. It is important to accept that values will be different and that this is something that you cannot control. 

6. Missing the support of friends, family and extended social circles is a big factor for most migrants. Those who come from societies where traditional support structures within communities are strong can find that they feel lost, alienated and disorientated when moving to a Western country where individualism is often prized over family.


Task 7. Read the article. Choose from the list (a-g) the heading which best fits each

Paragraph. There is one heading you do not need to use.

a) Housing

b) Cultural differences

c) Language barriers

d) Health problems

e) Transportation issues

f) Employment

g) Isolation


Task 8. Answer the questions.

1. Why does languagetops the list of issues facing immigrants to any country?

2. What should a person do to find a suitable employment in a new country?

3. What are the two levels problems with transportation immigrants may face?

4. What are possible cultural differences?  

5. What is the advice for immigrants to cope with cultural differences given in the text?

6. In which part of the world is individualism prized over family? What is your priority: family, your friends, yourself, community, your company, your nation.

7. Would you like to move to a new country?

8. Do you think immigration is a good or bad thing?



Modal verbs must, shall, should, have to, be to, need, be obliged to, ought to.

Articles with proper names.


Study information on the grammar topicsin Appendix 2 (p…)


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