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Module 3. Cross-Cultural communication

2021-06-23 120
Module 3. Cross-Cultural communication 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Unit 7.

Foreign Language as a Means of Cross-Cultural Communication


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever communicated with someone who doesn’t know your language? How did you communicate, what language did you use?

2. Do you use English in your life? Where?

3. Which languages in your opinion had, have or will have the same popularity as English language has now?

Task 2. Work in pairs. How far do you agree with these opinions on language? Talk about them with your partner(s).

1. The number of languages you speak is the number of times you are human.

2. If the whole world learned English, there would be fewer communication problems.

3. To be successful in the world, it is now better to learn Chinese.

4. English should become the official world language.

5. The English language is a form of imperialism. It erodes other cultures.

6. It is a sin for any nation not to make its citizens at least bilingual.

7. There should be just one world language in the future.

8. My mother tongue is too beautiful to die.

Task 3. Chart the history of your English language learning over the years on a piece of paper. Can you remember your first lesson and teacher? What have been the low points and high points? Are you happy with your current level? In pairs / groups, talk about your charted histories.



Task 4. Match the words and phrases on the left with their synonyms.


1. Lingua franca 2. Essential 3. To get a deep understanding of 4. To rely on 5. To conduct business 6. Airplane announcements 7. To access 8. Enormous number a. To know something very good b. Huge number c. To do business d. Notices in airport e. To get to f. Interlanguage g. To count on h. Necessary  

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list.

health benefits An enormous number street signs official language an active mind conduct business language of diplomacy improve life


1. Attention was also drawn to the _______ of walking.

2. _______of development policies, however, affect this social group in both positive and negative ways.

3. They did a study saying that _______are more noticeable if only the first letter is capitalized, not the whole name.

4. It also stated that the _______ of communication was English.

5. _______, able to range freely and widely, is one of the joys and rewards of human existence.

6. At present many organizations and consumers remain reluctant to _______electronically, for example on the Internet.

7. French was the _______.

8. That is a positive sign that may _______ in that city and in the entire region.


Task 6. Match the name of an international organization with its definition:

1. European Union (EU) 2. United Nations (UN) 3. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 4. European Free Trade Association (EFTA)   a. a regional trade organization and free trade area consisting of four European states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland b. an intergovernmental military alliance between three of the five official nuclear-weapon states c. a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe d. an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order


Task 7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Если ты решил изучать иностранный язык, тебе следует глубже понимать культуру народов, говорящих на этом языке.

2. Английский язык стал языком межнационального общения, как когда-то латынь.

3. На земле существует огромное количество языков, но самым распространенным языком является английский язык.

4. Вы можете легко добраться до остальных районов города отсюда.

5. Департаменту следует ускорить создание эффективной системы управления информацией о чрезвычайных ситуациях.

6. Теперь компании стало легче вести дела со своими партнерами.

7. Он может рассчитывать на поддержку Европейского союза, его государств-членов и всего международного сообщества.

8. Мы ставим цель обретения навыков, необходимых для достижения независимости, в частности, это изучение иностранного языка.



Why Should I Learn English? [1]


There are many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. It allows you to communicate with new people. It helps you to get a deeper understanding of another culture.

It even has health benefits, as studies have shown that people who speak two or more languages have more active minds later in life! Those are all reasons to learn any language – but did you know that there are 6,500 languages still spoken in the world today?With such an enormous number to choose from, why pick English?

Here are five big reasons that learning English can improve your life.



Track 7 [2]



Unit 8.


Task 2. In 1976, Edward T. Hall (an American anthropologist) developed the iceberg analogy of culture. Hall reasoned that if culture is an iceberg, there are some aspects which are visible and can be seen (above the water), and a larger aspect which is hidden beneath the surface (below the water). How reasonable is such a comparison from you point of view?

Task 3. Do you think cultures are becoming more alike? Is this a good or bad thing? Think about:

· Improved communications

· Cheap foreign travel

· Global business

· Trading groups (EU, ASEAN, etc.)




Business across cultures [3]

“Culture is the way we do things here”, they say. Here may be a country, an area, or a company. We tend to assume that the way we see the world and the way we do things is best. However, doing business across cultures asks for a more flexible approach. Recent literature suggests that cultural awareness is essential for doing business abroad. What is considered acceptable behavior in Croatia does not have to be so desirable in Saudi Arabia.    

Western cultures are in general time-conscious, deadline-oriented, and focused on results. On the other hand, Latin and Eastern cultures are more interested in getting to know the people involved in the transaction and business is built on trust ever a long period of time. The best way to build a business relationship in a Latin American country, China, Japan or even Spain and Italy, is through networking. Get yourself introduced by a trusted relation of your new client and expect many lunches and dinners before the deal is made.

Though it is impossible to fully master all the intricacies of other societies, it is worth learning at least the basics.


In America and most of Europe, handshake with good eye-contact is expected at introductions and departures. The Japanese often shake hands with westerners as sign of respect and appreciate when westerners bow out of respect to their culture. In most European countries, people like to be addressed by their academic and professional titles followed by their surname. The exceptions are the egalitarian societies of Scandinavia and the Netherlands, where every person is considered as equal and titles are usually not used.


If you don't know the rules of non-verbal communication, you may transmit unintended messages. In European countries and America, a person who is reluctant to maintain eye-contact arouses suspicion. But in Asian countries, maintaining eye-contact is perceived as a sign of aggression. In Arab cultures, eye-contact and other gestures of openness are important and welcome. Europeans and Americans feel uncomfortable with silent moments but in Japan long pauses in conversation are normal.


Americans and northern Europeans may be made uncomfortable by the close conversation distance of Arabs, Africans or southern Europeans, who also tend to touch each other on the arm, back and shoulder. If you feel uncomfortable with that proximity, don't step back as that would be considered impolite.


In North America or the UK, gift-giving is rare in the business world and may be seen as bribery. In many other countries gift giving and its etiquette are very important, especially in Asia.



Passive voice.

Study information on the grammar topicin Appendix 2 (p…)



Track 8 [4]

Task 16.


Task 18. Study the information about effective presentations in Appendix 3. Choose a country and make a presentation about its business etiquette. You should cover the following points:

1. How to get connected

2. How to meet, greet and address people

3. Time needed to establish rapport and get down to business

4. Gift giving

5. Attitude to time

6. Decision making process (where decisions are made, who makes decisions)

Unit 9.





The Top Problems Faced by Immigrants [5]

Settling in a new region poses many challenges, and there are some that are common experiences for migrants across the globe.

1. It's no great surprise that language tops the list of issues facing immigrants to any country. Being able to communicate (or not) affects every area of life in which we have to interact with others.

2. The next barrier that many new immigrants commonly cite when starting life in a new country is finding suitable employment. Many new immigrants face two particular problems: getting their credentials recognized and relevant local work experience.

3. A big priority for anybody moving to a new area or country is to secure housing. Lack of local knowledge or how the housing market works in the new country can present problems. 

4. Access to transportation can be essential in that it will make access to education and employment far easier. Immigrants face particular problems in this respect on two levels.

Firstly, the driver’s license may not be recognized in the new country, which means there may be costs associated with becoming qualified. Secondly, that language barrier can, again, make understanding or even finding useful local public transit services a hard task.

5. Many immigrants report that, on arrival, it is the cultural differences that really make a big impression. This can range from social customs to more significant issues such as attitudes towards gender, religious diversity, ethnicity and sexuality, which can all be vastly different in a new country. This can raise a host of problems for both immigrants and the people they interact with. It can also lead to a sense of isolation for immigrants and even affect mental health negatively. It is important to accept that values will be different and that this is something that you cannot control. 

6. Missing the support of friends, family and extended social circles is a big factor for most migrants. Those who come from societies where traditional support structures within communities are strong can find that they feel lost, alienated and disorientated when moving to a Western country where individualism is often prized over family.



Modal verbs must, shall, should, have to, be to, need, be obliged to, ought to.

Articles with proper names.


Study information on the grammar topicsin Appendix 2 (p…)



Track 9 [6]




Unit 7.

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