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Task 17. Look at the words below. Try to recall exactly how these were used in the text you listened to.
Task 18. Study the information about effective presentations in Appendix 3. Choose a country and make a presentation about its business etiquette. You should cover the following points:
1. How to get connected
2. How to meet, greet and address people
3. Time needed to establish rapport and get down to business
4. Gift giving
5. Attitude to time
6. Decision making process (where decisions are made, who makes decisions)
Unit 9.
How to Adapt to a Different Culture
Task 1. Answer the following questions.
1. Have you lived in another culture, or do you know someone who has? What have been your/their experiences with the new culture?
2. What countries have a similar culture to your own? Which are totally different?
3. What makes people change country of living?
Think about:
· Earning more money
· Having more relaxing life
· For political reasons
· To study
· To retire in a sunny place
· Something else
Task 2. Discuss the following statements. Do you agree with them? Why/why not? Give your reasons.
“As migrants we leave home in search of a future, but we lose the past.”
Gary Younge
“A fish only discovers its need for water when it is no longer in it. Our own culture is like water to a fish. It sustains us. We live and breathe through it."
Dr. F. Trompenaars
Task 3. Match the words and phrases on the left with their synonyms.
1. To cite 2. Host of 3. Alienated 4. Values 5. Settle in 6. Qualified 7. Housing 8. Mental health | a. Great number of b. Accommodation c. Make one's permanent home somewhere d. Refer to e. Licensed f. Psychological state g. Moral principles h. Estranged |
Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list.
religious diversity social circle public transport services sense of isolation cultural difference prize over social customs |
1. The fact that their families are often far away and are difficult to keep in touch with further increases their _______.
2. Soon, Indian political parties began to break up, giving rise to a large number of regional and caste-based parties. Most of these parties are led by political dynasties that _______ loyalty _______ merit.
3. This is not really a disagreement; it is a _______ that international society has to live with.
4. Dialogue on racial, cultural and _______ was key to fighting intolerance and discrimination.
5. However, _______ and stereotypes predominate that are stronger than the law and produce a powerful influence on the minds of young people, especially those who lack extensive familiarity with the cultures of other peoples.
6. This woman is a very important person in our _______.
7. This, combined with low quality of _______ and a lack of investments for renewal of the public transport system, results in serious urban mobility problems.
8. This change does not mean that protection against discrimination on grounds of _______ is weakened.
Task 5. Translate the following adjectives, which describe feelings and emotions, put them in three groups to describe 1) happiness 2) anger and 3) fear.
Afraid Aggressive Cautious Critical Delighted Disorientated Displeased Doubtful Encouraged | Excited Fearful Frustrated Hateful Hesitant Hopeful Horrified Hostile Impatient | Insecure Nervous Offended Open Optimistic Peaceful Satisfied Shocked Worried |
Now think of the situations when immigrants can have these feeling, give your examples.
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