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Topics:  1. International Network of Customs Universities (INCU)

2021-05-28 66
Topics:  1. International Network of Customs Universities (INCU) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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International Network of Customs Universities (INCU)

The International Network of Customs Universities (INCU) has been established to provide the World Customs Organization (WCO) and other organizations with a single point of contact with universities and research institutes that are active in the field of customs research, education and training. The INCU is also designed to provide a global resource for governments and the private sector, and an educational source for students wishing to further their knowledge in the field of customs management and administration, and international trade and logistics management.

While there is a substantial and diverse knowledge base on customs and international trade amongst tertiary institutions, international organizations, government and the private sector, this knowledge base is often difficult to integrate in an efficient and meaningful way. That remains the case notwithstanding the increased demands for information in these areas, particularly in the context of the trade facilitation agenda which represents a key element in the current WTO Doha Round of negotiations, and the reform and modernization push by many customs administrations.

In order to address this demand in a way that is both accessible and relevant to individual countries, the INCU provides a mechanism for progressively establishing a knowledge base on these important aspects of international trade and allow a free exchange of ideas and best practice that will not only assist countries undertaking reform processes, but will also serve to build closer links between government and the private sector in facilitating legitimate international trade and assisting to secure the international supply chain.

In addition, the greater visibility of customs and international trade that can be achieved by such a network is likely to attract talented people to the industry and assist the sustainability of best practice in customs law and administration and international trade. In this regard the INCU is likely to prove to be a valuable tool for publicizing the importance of conventions such as the WCO Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (the Revised Kyoto Convention) and encouraging accession to it.

The INCU produces the World Customs Journal (WCJ), which is its flagship publication. The first edition of the WCJ was successfully launched at the WCO PICARD Conference in March 2007, initially as an e-journal, but with the option of also releasing it as a paper journal at a later date. The Journal includes contributions from both academics and other interested parties.

INCU Administration

The INCU is managed by the International Network of Customs Universities Management Group (INCU MG Incorporated), which is a not-for-profit association incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory (registration no. A04701).

The INCU Management Group comprises the following institutions:

Centre for Customs and Excise Studies, University of Canberra, Australia

(represented by Prof David Widdowson)

University of Munster, Germany

(represented by Prof Michael Wolffgang)

Cross-Border Research Association, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

(represented by Mr Juha Hintsa)

Riga Technical University, Latvia

(represented by Prof Aivars Krastins and Mr Jan Janson)

Administrative support to the Management Group is provided by the Secretariat, located in Canberra, Australia. Among other things, the INCU Secretariat is responsible for circulating materials among INCU affiliates and, where appropriate providing the WCO with consolidated feedback. The Secretariat is headed by Mr. Mikhail Kashubsky, who is also the principal contact for the INCU website.




a. Read the headline and the first sentence of each paragraph of the text. Pair up to discuss the guessed-at topic of the article.

b. R ead the first paragraph and the last paragraph of the text. Then work in pairs to discuss the guessed-at contents of the piece.

c. Read the text during two minutes. After two minutes, get into pairs to discuss the contents of the piece.


a. While scanning the text find the answers for content-specific questions given by the teacher.

b. While scanning the text read the sentences containing the key vocabulary words given by the teacher.

Ex.3. READING: Read and translate the text “International Network of Customs Universities (INCU)”.

Ex.4. INTERNET SEARCH: Find in the Internet the additional information on

the INCU. Share your findings with your classmates.

Ex.5. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

Ex.6. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text.

Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.

Ex.7. T EXT QUESTIONS: Look back at the text and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.

  • Share your questions with other classmates / groups.
  • Ask your partner / group your questions.

Ex.8. CHAT: Discuss with your classmates the key ideas of the text.

Ex.9. INTERNET: Examine the site of INCU. Find some additional information

on INCU activities.

EX.10. WRITING: Consult the ADDENDUM on Writing Instructions. Write a

Newsletter on the nearest INCU event.

Ex.11. SPEAKING: In pairs speak about the INCU.

Text 2

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