Дополнительные упражнения по темам «Определение» и «Неличные формы глагола» — КиберПедия 

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Дополнительные упражнения по темам «Определение» и «Неличные формы глагола»

2020-12-27 225
Дополнительные упражнения по темам «Определение» и «Неличные формы глагола» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Упражнение 123. Выберите правильный вариант перевода определения, выраженного причастием.

1. The results described do not prescribe a specific method of synthesizing data compression system:

a) описывающие, b) описанные, c) которые будут описаны.

2. Satellites using very short microwaves could make high – capacity communication between cities cheaper:

a) использующие, b) используемые, c) которые должны использоваться.

3. The machine can also shift the sounds being played:

a) воспроизводящие, b) воспроизведенные, c) которые воспроизводятся.

Упражнение124. Укажите, какое из слов с -ed является определением.

1. The article published suggested a different reaction:

a) published, b) suggested.

2. The data obtained outweighed those that we had had before:

a) obtained, b) outweighed.

3. The recent talks resulted in the agreement just signed:

a) resulted, b) signed.

Упражнение 125. Выберите правильный вариант перевода определения, выраженного пассивной формой инфинитива.

1. We should decrease the rate of information to be sent through the channel:

a) которая передается, b) которая будет передана, c) которую передали.

2. The problem to be solved at this stage is an entirely geometric one:

a) которую решили, b) которую нужно решить, c) которая решается.

Упражнение126. Найдите в предложении неличные формы глагола и переведите их.

1. When keyed, the data are held in a small memory called buffer. 2. Data keyed into the memory of a computer by typing on a keyboard are readable by humans. 3. Keyboard enables inputting numerical and text data. 4. The mouse provides the cursor control simplifying user's orientation on the display. 5. Having been constructed recently, a new electronic device has important applications in space exploration. 6. Being supplied with a special appliance,*83, a television set may have a remote control. 7. The control unit operates by reading one instruction at a time. 8. Improved methods of obtaining three – dimensional television pictures have been worked out on the basis of holography. 9. Input devices are used to enter into primary storage. 10. These data appeared*84 to have been investigated long ago. 11. We are glad to have obtained such valuable results. 12. You should have known wonderful features of computers long ago. 13. The problem to be solved is of great importance to the development of this branch of industry. 14. The first amplifying semiconductor devices (transistors) are known to have been developed in the USA in 1948. 15. He ordered these devices to be repaired as soon as possible.


Упражнение127. Определите неличные формы глагола, содержащиеся в следующих предложениях. Переведите их.

1. The problems to be studied are of great importance. 2. The problem studied helped us understand many things. 3. To study the problem we must make some experiments. 4. To study the problem means to give answers to many questions 5. Having studied the problem, we could answer many questions. 6. The problem studied is unlikely to be of great importance. 7. Scientists studying the problem made a lot of experiments to get answers to the required questions. 8. The problem to have been studied last year will not help us to solve our task now. 9. Having been well prepared for the examination, the pupils could answer all the questions the teacher asked them. 10. The problem to be discussed at the meeting requires careful consideration.


Упражнение128. Прочтите предложения, определите функцию инфинитива: (обстоятельство/ определение/ подлежащее/ сложное подлежащее/ сложное дополнение/ в составе инфинитивной конструкции с предлогом for) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We study English in order to read English books on our speciality. 2. To prove this problem means to find a solution for the whole problem. 3. To check the results of the calculation is very important. 4. To know the truth you must make sure that you have considered every detail. 5. He is said to be a new director. 6. This question is sure to arise. 7. For correct conclusion to be drawn all the conditions must be observed. 8. To adjust the new program we shall have to do a great deal of work. 9. To adjust the new program is the purpose of this work. 10. They did not believe this cooperation to be of great consequence. 11. The computation is expected to have been carried out. 12. Certain mistakes appear to have occurred. *73 13. We study the element to be able to make use of their properties. 14. This phenomenon does not seem to obey the general law. 15. For the problem to be understood it must be read carefully. 16. He found the modification to require a lot of work. 17. They should be aware of potential of computers to influence our live.


Упражнение129. Прочтите и переведите следующие сочетания и предложения, обращая внимание на причастия в роли определения, обстоятельства, смысловой части сказуемого и вводного члена предложения.

а) When cooled, the metal provides…; if coated with a photosensitive organic compound the surface of the silicon dioxide can change…; although accepted for different purposes, the computers have the same…; as previously pointed, there exist two lines of development.

б) 1. Generally speaking, a liquid having a free surface is one on whose surface there is absolutely no pressure. 2. A gram of water is proved to change exactly to a gram of ice when freezing and to a gram of water vapor when evaporating. 3. This means that a space program must be flexible and diverse, making it possible to explore completely new fields. 4. Strictly speaking, this somewhat arbitrary division may be justified taking into account an imperfect technique. 5. More or less saturated chloraparaffines are formed, depending on the temperature of reaction. 6. However, speed and power consumption specifications for the devices can be misleading (mislead = вводить в заблуждение). 7. This country embracing over four millions of square miles, being thus larger than the whole of Europe, contained but about two millions of inhabitants.



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