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Analyze the essays below and say what types of essays they are and what structural parts they contain.

2020-05-07 423
Analyze the essays below and say what types of essays they are and what structural parts they contain. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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5.40. Use the information and the words / phrases from the table when writing an essay on one of the topics (page 193).

Эссе с аргументацией "за" и "против" Эссе с элементами рассуждения
1. Введение: начните с общего пред-ставления темы (In today ' s world... it is important)ипредложения, выража-ющего ее двойственный характер (It can be regarded as... but not without its problems). 2. Основная часть: представьте ар-гументы "за" (In its favour)и затем аргументы "против" (However, critics are quick to point out). Как показано в образце, вы можете представить ар-гументы "за" и "против" в отдельных абзацах. Старайтесь представлять их симметрично, например, социальные, образовательные и психологические аспекты проблемы. Помните, что эссе такого типа требует сбаланси-рованной аргументации. 3. Заключение: четко подведите итог сказанному (All in all)и снова напи-шите предложение, отражающее про-тиворечивость темы, но в то же время выражающее надежду на на-хождение компромисса (One can only hope... minimizing the danger and taking full advantage of benefits). Рекомендуемый языковой репертуар Введение: The problem / issue / phenomenon of... is / appears to be / has always been... People always say / have always thought / agreed / said / believed... It is a controversial / burning / hot question... There is a dispute / discussion / no agreement... Основная часть: Типичные союзы и союзные обороты: On the one hand...on the other hand; Firstly, To begin with, Secondly, Finally; In addition, Besides, Moreover, What is more, Furthermore; However, Despite this, In spite of this; In fact, As a matter of fact; As a result, Consequently Другие выражения: One major advantage is..., As advocates of... claim / argue, As critics point out / claim..., There are a number of disadvantages / weaknesses / drawbacks / downsides Заключение: All in all, To sum up, In conclusion, In summary, In general; it seems important to add / point out / remind that..., the issue / debate is far from solving / resolving yet, but... 1. Введение: начните с перефрази-рования проблемы, заявленной в теме, используя, например, посло-вицу или афоризм (All work and по play...). Так как в эссе такого типа вам не нужно обязательно использовать аргументы "за" и "против", вы мо-жете остановиться только на поло-жительных или на отрицательных аспектах темы (в данном образце это положительные стороны: traditions remind us about real needs, old pieces of wisdom are right). 2. Основная часть: четко обоз-начьте различные аспекты проблемы (socially; educational aim; from psychological angle). Так как объем эссе ограничен, лучше всего взять три аспекта темы: в первом пред-ложении представляется данный аспект (например,... the gap year may also have some educational aims),а в следующем можно дать более детальное его раскрытие (например, As it is usually spent on traveling... it helps widen one ' s intellectual horizons...). 3. Заключение: так как такое эссе носит более философский характер, в последнем абзаце следует обоб-щить высказанное и сделать заклю-чение. Оно должно относиться к теме и к введению (And so, coming back... they have the chance of becoming not only more interesting, ...).   Рекомендуемый языковой репертуар Введение: I have always wondered if / why / whether... There are so many differing views on / possible approaches to..., In order to present this problem, let me begin with a paradox / proverb / famous quote... Основная часть: Economically / socially / psychologically..., From a historical / personal / global perspective..., From the angle / viewpoint of... Заключение: Surely, it would be impossible to give full justice to... I exhaust this issue, To come back to the point raised at the beginning... However, it must be added...

5.41. a) Read the writing task below and answer the questions that follow.

Imagine that you have been asked to submit an essay to your tutor addressing the issues raised in the article and offering your own opinion.

Vandalism is a social problem which seems to be spreading. And it is mainly young people who are responsible. Where, can anyone tell me, is the fun in destroying a public telephone or smashing windows, or spray-painting walls with graffiti? More importantly, how can we stop it happening? I, for one, am tired of being a victim of these mindless individuals who have nothing better to do.

1. Which type of discursive essay do you have to write?

2. Who is the target reader? How formal should your writing be?

3. Each of the following points is raised or hinted at in the prompt.

b) Discuss which of the ideas you need to address in your essay.

• Vandalism is a social problem.

• Vandalism seems to be spreading.

• Young people are responsible.

• There is no fun in destroying a public telephone.

• There is no fun in smashing windows.

• There is no fun in spray-painting walls with graffiti.

• We need to stop it happening.

• The writer is tired of being a victim.

• Vandals are mindless individuals.

• Vandals have nothing better to do.

c) Read the model paying careful attention to the words and phrases in bold.

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