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Т. П. Волкова, А. В. Малаева, И. В. Смирнова
Допущено Ученым советом университета
в качестве учебного пособия по дисциплине
"Иностранный язык" для студентов младших курсов
всех направлений подготовки
Издательство МГТУ
УДК 811.111 (075.8)
ББК 81.432.1я73
В 67
А. И. Архангельская, канд. филол. наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры английского языка для обществоведческих факультетов Санкт-Петербургского
государственного университета;
С. А. Виноградова, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков
Мурманского арктического государственного университета
В 67 Волкова, Т. П. English for Bachelor's Degree Students (Английский язык для сту-дентов-бакалавров): учеб. пособие по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" для бака-лавров неязыковых направлений подготовки / Т. П. Волкова, А. В. Малаева,
И. В. Смирнова. – Мурманск: Изд-во МГТУ, 2018. – 238 с.: ил.
ISBN 978-5-86185-958-5
Учебное пособие разработано в соответствии с требованиями и содержанием ра-бочей программы по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" для студентов младших курсов всех неязыковых направлений подготовки бакалавриата. Способствует формированию общекультурных компетенций в соответствии с требованиями федеральных государст-венных стандартов высшего образования. Включает разнообразные тексты для чтения
и обсуждения, задания на закрепление лексико-грамматического материала. Эффективная методика и система упражнений обеспечивают формирование устойчивых навыков го-ворения, чтения, письма. Помимо традиционных упражнений коммуникативной нап-равленности каждый раздел пособия содержит творческие задания, способствующие активизации приобретенных речевых умений и навыков, а также повышению мотива-ции к изучению иностранного языка.
Предназначено для использования в процессе обучения иностранному (английскому) языку студентов-бакалавров младших курсов.
The text-book has been written in accordance with the requirements and contents of the "Foreign language" syllabus for bachelor's degree students. It promotes the formation of general cultural competences in accordance with the requirements of the federal state standards of higher education. The text-book includes a variety of texts for reading and discussion, assignments for consolidating lexical and grammar material. The effective method and exercise system ensures the formation of sustainable skills of speaking, reading, writing. In addition to traditional communicative exercises each section of the text-book contains creative tasks, contributing to the enhancement of acquired language skills and increasing the motivation to learn a foreign language.
It is intended for teaching English for junior bachelor's degree students.
УДК 811.111 (075.8)
ББК 81.432.1я73
© Мурманский государственный
технический университет, 2018
© Т. П. Волкова, 2018
© А. В. Малаева, 2018
© И. В. Смирнова, 2018
ISBN 978-5-86185-958-5
Введение. 5
MODULE 1. System of Higher Education in Russia and Abroad. 6
TEXT 1A.. 6
TEXT 1B.. 12
TEXT 2A.. 18
TEXT 2B.. 24
TEXT 3A.. 29
TEXT 3B.. 35
MODULE 2. Foreign Universities. 46
TEXT 1. 47
TEXT 2. 52
TEXT 3. 57
MODULE 3. Achievements of Scientific Progress.
Great Scientists and Their Discoveries. 67
TEXT 1. 67
TEXT 2A.. 79
TEXT 2B.. 84
TEXT 3. 92
MODULE 4. Modern Technologies. Famous Inventors and Their Inventions. 97
TEXT 1. 97
TEXT 2A.. 107
TEXT 2B.. 115
TEXT 3A.. 122
TEXT 3B.. 125
MODULE 5. Social and Economic Problems of Modern Society.
Challenges of Young People. 134
TEXT 1. 134
TEXT 2. 146
TEXT 3A.. 153
TEXT 3B.. 155
MODULE 6. Global Environmental Issues: Ecological Problems
and Nature Preservation. 165
TEXT 1. 165
TEXT 2. 174
TEXT 3. 186
MODULE 7. Work and Business. 197
TEXT 1. 197
TEXT 2. 208
TEXT 3A.. 215
TEXT 3B.. 218
Список литературы.. 237
Основной целью учебного пособия "English for Bachelor's Degree Students" является повышение исходного уровня владения иностранным языком и формирование у бакалавров общекультурных, общепрофессио-нальных и профессиональных компетенций, позволяющих им осуществлять коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на иностранном языке для решения задач общекоммуникативной и профессиональной деятельности.
Отбор материала для учебного пособия осуществлен с учетом целей
и задач обучения, которые определяются коммуникативными и познава-тельными способностями студентов первой ступени обучения в вузе. Учеб-ное пособие состоит из четырех разделов, в каждом из которых выделены тематические части, содержащие информативные аутентичные тексты, те-матика которых определена программой дисциплины "Иностранный язык".
В пособии представлены разнообразные упражнения по овладению лекси-ческими, грамматическими и стилистическими особенностями английского языка, работа над которыми будет способствовать развитию умений и на-выков, необходимых для осуществления адекватной и грамотной коммуни-кации на изучаемом языке. Проблемные задания пособия развивают твор-ческий потенциал обучающихся и стимулируют поиск различных источников информации для самостоятельного получения знаний.
Warming Up | |
Congratulations! You are a student now! You have entered the largest university in the North of Russia – the Murmansk State Technical University! We wish you success in studies and unforgettable campus life!!! |
My life as a student
Warming Up |
Reading Comprehension
Read the dialogues.
1. A: How many classes do you usually have?
B: We usually have four classes but on Wednesday we have only three.
A: What are they?
B: First we have the History of Culture, then Physics and the third class is English.
A: Where do you have your English classes?
B: Building P, on the 4th floor, just above the girls' hostel.
A: I see. I am sorry I have to go. See you later in the reading hall. Bye.
2. C: Hello, old chap. Where are you going?
D: I'm going to the University for the first class.
C: What time does it start?
D: It starts at 9 a.m. and I think I am going to be late.
C: But why?
D: You see, I missed my trolley-bus and it was hard to get on the next one but I managed.
C: How much time does it take you to get to the University?
D: About 20 minutes.
C: Hurry up and you will be on time. Good luck.
3. A: Hello, Andrew. You look quite upset. What's wrong with you? Any problems?
B: I have to prepare for the seminar in the History of Culture and I don't know where to find the information.
A: You'd better go to the reading hall. There are all necessary books you need there.
B: Where is it? It's easy to get lost here.
A: You are right. The reading hall is in building B, on the 2nd floor. Come with me and I will show you the way.
B: Thanks a lot.
A: You are welcome.
Answer the questions.
1. Who has no problems with self-discipline?
2. Who is independent from his/her parents now?
3. Who has to read a lot of books?
4. Who takes part in student projects?
Vocabulary Development |
Higher Education in Russia
Russia's higher education system started with the foundation of the universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the middle of the 18th century. The first Russian university was established in Moscow in 1755 on the initiative of M. V. Lomonosov. The system of higher education was constructed similar to that of Germany. In Soviet times all of the population in Russia had at least a secondary education. The pursuit of higher education was and still is considered to be very prestigious. More than 50 % of people have a higher education.
The Russians have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the constitution of the Russian Federation. It's provided by compulsory secondary schools, colleges and higher education establishments. It is ensured by the development of extramural and evening courses and the system of state scholarships and grants. Education in Russia is compulsory up to the 9th form inclusive. If a pupil of a secondary school wishes to go on with education, he or she can stay at school for two more years. Primary and secondary schools together comprise 11 years of study.
After finishing the 9th form one can go to a college which offers programmes of academic subjects and a programme of training in a professional field. After finishing the 11th form of a secondary school, a lyceum or a gymnasium one can go into higher education. Higher education is provided by public and non-public (non-state) accredited higher educational institutions such as universities, academies and institutes covering a wide range of fields of study.
University entrance is based on the results of the Uniform State Exam usually in three subjects, passed at schools. The subjects depend on the special field of a future student. They can be mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology etc. and the Russian language.
According to the two level educational system, we have:
– Bachelor's degree course – 4 years of full time university level study, leading to the Bachelor's degree (equivalent to the Bachelor's degree in the US or Western Europe);
– Master's degree course – 2 years. After two years of studying post-graduates are entitled to receive the Master's degree (this is equivalent to the Master's degree in the US or Western Europe). After getting the Master's degree students can continue to study towards the doctoral degree: Candidate of Science degree (the first level, equivalent to PhD) and Doctor of Science degree (the second highest level, no equivalent in the American and British education systems).
A distinguishing feature of our universities is that they are becoming internationally oriented. We have joined the European Cultural Convention which enables us to participate in all projects concerning higher and further education, academic mobility and recognition of qualification. The programmes are elaborated in accordance with the State Educational Standards which regulate almost 80 % of their content. The other 20 % are elaborated by the university itself.
The programmes include professional and special courses in sciences, the Humanities and socio-economic disciplines, professional training, completion of a research paper / project and passing of State final exams. The Bachelor's degree is awarded after defending a Diploma project prepared under the guidance of a supervisor and passing the final exams. The Bachelor's degree is awarded in all fields, except medicine, mining, marine specialities such as navigation, marine engineering etc. Having obtained the Bachelor's degree, students may apply to enter the Master's programme.
Access to Master's programmes is competitive. The Master's degree is awarded after successful completion of two-years' full-time study. Students must carry out a one-year research including practice and prepare and defend a thesis which constitutes an original contribution and sit for final examinations.
After obtaining the Master's degree there is a chance of taking post-graduate course. The average term of study for a PhD (Candidate degree as it is called in Russia) is three years. A post-graduate student must take a required number of courses and at the end of his study write and prove a dissertation.
Translate into English.
1. В Великобритании студенты могут получить высшее образование не только в университетах, но и в колледжах.
2. Колледжи осуществляют профессиональное обучение в различных сфе-рах, включая педагогическое, художественное, театральное и музыкаль-ное образование.
3. Прием в высшие учебные заведения в Британии основан на процессе отбора по результатам собеседования.
4. Студенты получают степень бакалавра после трех лет обучения.
5. Открытый Университет – это самое большое образовательное учрежде-ние, которое предлагает заочное обучение.
6. Несмотря на различия в методах преподавания обучение во всех бри-танских университетах состоит из лекций и семинарских занятий.
7. На семинарах студенты обсуждают различные вопросы в маленьких группах.
8. У студентов-заочников мало свободного времени, так как они сочетают работу с учебой.
9. Студенты очного отделения получают стипендию, которая компенси-рует их затраты на обучение и некоторые расходы на проживание.
10. Учебный год в Великобритании начинается в октябре и заканчивается
в начале июля.
Talking Points |
Higher Education in the USA
Vocabulary Focus |
1.62. Read and translate the following words and phrases:
quantitatively, in addition to, though, full-time education, public institution, private institution, successfully, to attend, federal loans, contribution, state campuses, academic staff, the best-known private universities, informally, nearby, to obtain, hair styling, either… or…, accounting, computer programming, funding, official count, religious, lobby.
Writing e-mail
E-mail guidelines
E-mails generally contain fewer fixed expressions and are less formal than business letters. Rewrite the following extracts from business letters as e-mails using the expressions from the box instead of words printed in bold type.
Sorry about… Bad news… Could you do me a favour and …? Got your message on… Cheers. Sorry, but I can't make… Hi… Good news: from… Shall I …? |
1. Dear Louisa,
Thank you for your letter of September 12th. Unfortunately, I shall be unable to attend the meeting on the 21st. I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy of the minutes.
Best wishes,
Tom Hunt.
2. I'm delighted to tell you that as of Jan 2 we are offering substantial discounts on all orders over 1000. If you wish, I would be happy to send you further details and a copy of our new catalogue.
3. I regret to inform you that the board turned down your proposal. I would like to apologize for not getting back to you sooner on this, but I've been in Montreal all week.
If you have any questions, let me know. Following… Are we still OK for…? About… I'm sending you … as an attachment. Speak to you soon. Please… Thanks. See you… |
4. I am writing to confirm our appointment on May 3rd. My flight gets in about 11 a.m. With regard to my presentation on the 4th, could you make the necessary arrangements? I enclose a list of the equipment I'll need.
I look forward to meeting you next week.
Charlotte de Vere
5. Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I'd be grateful if you could send me a full description of the problem and I'll pass it on to our technical department.
Work in pairs or groups. Ask and answer the following questions: What are the most famous universities of Great Britain? When were they founded? How do students study there? You will find the answer to these questions if you read the following text.
Vocabulary Focus |
Fill in the prepositions.
1. Oxford and Cambridge universities consist … a number of colleges.
2. All the students must pay … their education.
3. The cost … education depends … the college and speciality.
4. Teaching is carried out … tutorial system.
5. These universities are known all … the world.
6. Tutor practically guides a student … the whole course of studies.
7. Once or twice a week a student goes … his tutor to discuss his work … him.
8. The degrees are awarded … public degree ceremonies.
9. Their debates are shown … TV.
Our University
Warming Up |
2.15. Work in pairs or groups. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. What do you know about our University, its history and traditions?
2. When was the MSTU founded?
3. Was it difficult for you to enter the Technical University? Why?
4. In what way is university life different from school life?
5. Do you like the system of education at our University? Why? What would you like to change in the educational system of our University?
Vocabulary Focus |
MIT is a private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological research.
Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, the institute adopted the European polytechnic university model and emphasized laboratory instruction from an early date. MIT's early emphasis on applied technology at the undergraduate and graduate levels led to close cooperation with industry but curricular reforms under Karl Compton and Vannevar Bush in the 1930s re-emphasized basic scientific research.
MIT was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1934 and researchers were involved in efforts to develop computers, radar, and inertial guidance in connection with defense research during World War II and the Cold War. Post-war defense research contributed to the rapid expansion of the faculty and campus under James Killian.
MIT enrolled 4,232 undergraduates and 6,152 graduate students for 2017–2018. It employs about 1,009 faculty members. 76 Nobel Laureates, 50 National Medal of Science recipients, and 35 MacArthur Fellows are currently or have previously been affiliated with the university. MIT has a strong entrepreneurial culture and the aggregated revenues of companies founded by MIT alumni would be the seventeenth largest economy in the world.
MIT was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1934 and remains a research university with a very high level of research activity.
In electronics, magnetic core memory, radar, single electron transistors, and inertial guidance controls were invented or substantially developed by MIT researchers. In the domain of computer science, MIT faculty and researchers made fundamental contributions to cybernetics, artificial intelligence, computer languages, machine learning, robotics, and cryptography.
Current and previous physics faculty have won eight Nobel Prizes, four Dirac Medals, and three Wolf Prizes predominantly for their contributions to subatomic and quantum theory. In the domain of humanities, arts, and social sciences, MIT economists have been awarded five Nobel Prizes and nine John Bates Clark Medals Linguists Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle authored seminal texts on generative grammar and phonology.
The MIT Media Lab, founded in 1985 within the School of Architecture and Planning and known for its unconventional research has been home to influential researchers such as constructivist educator and Logo creator Seymour Papert.
MIT has over 380 recognized student activity groups, including a campus radio station, The Tech student newspaper, an annual entrepreneurship competition, and weekly screenings of popular films by the Lecture Series Committee. Less traditional activities include the "world's largest open-shelf collection of science fiction" in English, a model railroad club, and a vibrant folk dance scene. Students, faculty, and staff are involved in over 50 educational outreach and public service programmes through the MIT Museum, Edgerton Center, and MIT Public Service Center. The Independent Activities Period is a four-week long "term" offering hundreds of optional classes, lectures, demonstrations, and other activities throughout the month of January between the Fall and Spring semesters. Students also have the opportunity of pursuing externships at companies in the U.S. and abroad.
Many MIT students also engage in "hacking", which encompasses both the physical exploration of areas that are generally off-limits (such as rooftops and steam tunnels), as well as elaborate practical jokes. Recent hacks have included the theft of Caltech's cannon, reconstructing a Wright Flyer atop the Great Dome, and adorning the John Harvard statue with the Master Chief's Spartan Helmet. It is a popular misconception and myth though that MIT students have the hobby of creatively editing Wikipedia articles.
Answer the questions.
1. Is MIT a public or private university?
2. Where is it located?
3. When was MIT founded?
4. What did MIT's early emphasis on applied technology at the undergraduate and graduate levels lead to?
5. What was invented or developed in electronics, computer science by MIT researchers?
6. What kind of activity do MIT students take part?
Writing Points |
Descriptive Essay Descriptive essay is a piece of creative writing that contains many descriptions. This type of essay often provides information about a person, a place, an object etc. In this type of an essay, the writer can capture the attention of the readers by using a lot of sensory details (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste). There is no strict format as this genre of essays permits lot of artistic freedom to the writer. | Narrative Essay As the name suggests, a narrative essay narrates a story. A good writer of a narrative essay can make the readers feel that whatever he is writing is genuine and interesting. First person point of view is generally used in narrative essays. A conversational tone is used in this genre as the essay contains a story. |
Paragraph Essay
A 5 paragraph essay is the simplest and most usual form of essay. The basic structure contains an introduction, three paragraphs forming the main body of the essay and a conclusion summarising the main thesis of the essay.
§ The introduction briefly states the thesis of the essay and the method to be used in the essay to examine and prove the thesis in such a way as to engage the reader's attention.
§ The first paragraph of the main body contains the point that the writer considers primary to the thesis.
§ The second paragraph contains either the second strongest point or a follow-up to the point made in paragraph one, extending and enlarging it.
§ The third paragraph follows the pattern established in paragraphs one and two, i. e. point or continuation plus supplementary evidence.
§ The conclusion is a summation of the thesis of the essay. Whilst no new evidence will be included at this stage, it is permissible to use quotation. The conclusion to the essay should restate the thesis, summarise the three main points and indicate the direction that further study might take.
Questions for the Credit Test |
1. Where do you study?
2. What is your special field?
3. What is the role of education nowadays?
4. What are your favourite subjects?
5. What did the higher education system start with?
6. What is the higher education ensured by?
7. What are the two levels of education in Russia?
8. What should a student do to get a Bachelor's Degree? Master's Degree? PhD?
9. What educational institutions provide degree courses in Great Britain?
10. What degrees do the students get after the graduation?
11. What system are Oxford and Cambridge universities known all over the world for?
12. When was the Murmansk Higher Engineering Marine College founded?
13. What kind of specialists does the MSTU train?
14. Why did you decide to enter this university?
15. Is it easy to get a job after graduation in our country?
16. Should university education be free?
17. How would you compare the quality of education in your country to other countries?
18. Is "the student life" the best time in people's lives?
19. How does our country's education system rate globally?
20. How has technology changed teaching methods?
Topics for Essay |
1. Education: its meaning and importance
2. MSTU is the best university in the world
3. Role of science and technology in education
4. European Universities are the cradle of higher education
5. American Universities as the centres of research
Project Work |
Interview other students of your group, course, university about advantages and problems of modern higher education, make some notes. Discuss the results of your interview with your group mates. Make a short presentation of your study (not more than 3 minutes).
Lexical Minimum
A cademic year
according to
admit / accept to university
apply for admissions
apply to university
assistant dean
assistant professor
associate professor
average term
award / confer a degree
B achelor of arts (ba)
bachelor of science (bsc)
bachelor's thesis
be at the disposal
be dead on one's feet
be keen on
become familiar
C ampus
carry out
coat of arms
complete the assignment
consult teachers
correspond to
correspondence department
D ean
defend a thesis
degree course
degree exam
design / to tailor a course
distant learning department
do / to be engaged in research
double period
E ducation
education services
Warming Up |
3.1.Answer the questions expressing your own ideas and experience.
1. Which predictions of the past made by scientists or science fiction writers came true after all?
2. Can you think of things which are very important and common today but have never been predicted?
3. What role will science play in the future?
4. Do you think the world will be a better / worse place to live if research is going on?
5. Should there be things / themes forbidden for research?
An age of science
The word "science" is derived from the Latin word "scientia" which means knowledge. Contemporary science is typically subdivided into the natural sciences which study the material world, the social sciences which study people and societies, and the formal sciences like physics and mathematics. Therefore, science is gaining knowledge either through observing, studying, experience, or practice. Entire knowledge acquired through science means discovering truths, finding facts, uncovering phenomenon hidden by the nature. Science is an intellectual set of activities designed to uncover information about anything related to this world in which we live. The information gathered is organized by means of scientific methods to form eloquent patterns. The primary objective
of science is to gather information and to distinguish the order found between facts.
Today science is advancing at an amazing speed and everything in our life has changed greatly. It constitutes an attempt to conquer the forces of nature and aims to give a man the increasing power over his surroundings.
This is an age of science. We all enjoy the fruits of science. A modern man minus science is a nonentity. He uses the gifts of science every moment. In fact, science makes our daily life smooth, easy-going and convenient. It also makes us intellectually sound and strong. Scientific study helps people to judge everything in the light of reason. False beliefs no longer rule our life. We become free from dogmas.
Science not only extends but also enriches and improves our life. It expands our vision, create imagination and release us from ghosts of false notion and ignorance. By using science people can systematically collect knowledge about laws and theories by testing the ideas and derived results. Scientists work to discover natural resources like petroleum being a vital requirement in daily life. Scientists strive to find new ways in agriculture sector to keep us nutritionally enrich. New chemical substances are being discovered by the scientists. Almost every nation in the world is involved in competing with others on economic fronts, discoveries as well as technological developments.
Scientists are working continuously to serve humanity by increasing their control over world and its environment. Scientific knowledge makes us understand how persistent changes have caused the oceans and atmosphere to transform, altering the climate of world. So, at present we are no longer in dark about the mysteries of nature. Science supports us in controlling the main source of our being – food and water.
Thanks to the scientists whose intense study and researches made the mankind so comfort and pleasure. The blessings of science can also be seen in the field of transportation. The modern modes of transportation have destroyed the barriers of time and distance. The invention of engine, cars and buses made the distance area closer. Human beings can fly in the air. Aeroplane made the world nearer to us. Railway and water transport let the travels lovers move throughout the countries and continents. Science has already helped to travel in space, space tourism is now really possible for people.
The message communication system through phones and by e-mails made us favourable and happy to communicate in a very quick and short period of time. A great amount of important discoveries have been made in the field of microbiology and in the fields of special medicine to get rid of many fatal diseases. It also can be said that different types of natural deficiencies are corrected by oral intakes of vitamins and minerals. Science has also given eyes to the blind peoples and ability to hear for the deaf peoples. Surgery and X-rays and microscopes also simplified the complications of treatment.
Science provides people with the things of daily use. The following examples explain the importance of science in everyday life.
• People can't go without electricity.
• People moves from one place to another with the help of vehicles.
• They read books, newspapers, etc.
• TV and radio entertains us, computer lessens the manual work.
• Internet transmits communication in the swiftest time possible.
• Air-conditioner and refrigerator are ready to serve us in hot summer.
Everyone benefits from science because almost everything has something to do with or involves science. All this explains why a man of today is fond of the study of science.
The Sun
Fortunately for life on the Earth, the Sun's production of heat is remarkably consistent. But scientists are aware that even a small change would have grave 1 … for the future, triggering either a new ice age, or runaway global warming. There is 2 … that this has happened before. In 17th century England, for example, the River Thames in London was regularly 3 … over. Scientists now think that fluctuations in the Sun's temperature caused a "Little Ice Age" at that time. Indeed, the latest theory is that the processes going on in the centre of the Sun are inherently 4 …. If the experts are right, there could be many changes in the Sun's 5 … this century and the 6 … is that the temperature here on the Earth will get 7 … hotter and hotter.
Language Development |
Discussing items
Jack Peterson: Before I begin the report, I'd like to get some ideas from you all. How do you feel … in your branch of science? I suggest we go round the table first to get all of your ideas.
John Ruting: In my opinion, we have been focusing too much on …. The way I see things, we need to return to … developing an … to focus on their particular ….
Alice Linnes: I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I think … I suggest we give our … more help with advanced information reporting.
Donald Peters: Excuse me, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?
Alice Linnes: I just stated that we need to give our … better information reporting.
John Ruting: I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
Alice Linnes: Well, we provide our … with database information on all of our …. We should be providing the same sort of knowledge on ….
Jack Peterson: Would you like to add anything, Jennifer?
Jennifer Miles: I must admit I never thought about … that way before. I have to agree with Alice.
Jack Peterson: Well, let me begin with this Power Point presentation (Jack presents his report). As you can see, we are developing new methods to reach out to our ….
John Ruting: I suggest we break up into groups and discuss the ideas we've seen presented.
3.14. a) Imagine that you are a young scientist. You have been studying abroad for several years and now you have returned to Russia. Write a letter of request to your scientific supervisor and ask him / her about the changes occurred and current state in your sphere of science. Use sample of letter of request and useful language given below.
b) Study the following information about ways of writing a letter of request.
A request letter is written to ask for a favour. Hence the language should be simple and polite. Introduce yourself and tactfully address the reader. Put forward reasonable demands as polite requests. Mention the exact point and be brief in communication.
Outline Introduction Paragraph 1 State reason(s) for writing Main body Paragraphs 2-3 Explain reasons for making the request Paragraphs 4-5 State expected results / consequences Conclusion Final paragraph Closing remarks Full name |
The first paragraph should contain reason(s) for writing. The next several paragraphs explain reasons for making the request and possible results of this request. The last paragraph(s) should have information where the person can contact you for further details. If asking for a favour, mention your ways of returning it. Do not apologize for asking for the favour. Make it look like it will return another good turn. Ask for an appointment or a personal meeting if the favour is too big and requires the involvement of people in higher positions. Mention alternatives if the favour is too big or according to you maybe beyond the means of the addressee. Don't forget to thank the person.
c) Useful language for letters of request
Opening remarks
d) Work in pairs and check your groupmate's letter.
Warming Up |
Warming Up |
Vocabulary Focus
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension |
Applications of electricity
in industry
Writing Points
Warming Up |
What Is Technology? Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to, processing actions and extracting of materials. The term "technology" is wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technology to extend our abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any technological system.
Technology is also an application of science to solve a problem. But what you have to know is that technology and science are different subjects which work hand-in-hand to accomplish a specific task or solve a particular problem.
We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives, we use technology at work, we use it to extract materials, we use technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data, scaling businesses and so much more. Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials and systems. The application of technology results in artifacts or products. If technology is well applied, it can benefit humans, but if it is wrongly applied, it can cause harm to human beings.
Many businesses are using technology to stay competitive, they create new products and services using technology, and they also use technology to deliver those products and services to their customers on time. A good example is mobile phones companies like Apple &Samsung, these two electronics companies, use high end technology to create new smartphones and other electronic devices to stay competitive. This competitive edge is gained through employing advanced technology.
Let's take a simple example on how people use technology on a daily basis.
1. Pover plant operators, distributors and dispatchers control the system that generate and distribute electric power 2. A designer is using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to create 3D design models |
Advancing Technology: Technology is dynamic; it keeps on improving because even our needs and demands for technology keep on changing. We have moved from the industrial age (industrial revolution) to an information age. The information age provides a different work environment and this has helped small businesses gain position in highly competitive markets.
Let's take a simple example and see how technology has advanced.
1. Creating design objects using hardware tools 2. Creating design objects using 3D technology |
What is the difference between technology and science? Technology is not applied science, both technology and science are closely related but they are different in so many ways. Technology develops and explains the human-made world; it involves development, processing and management.
While science explains the natural world; science refers to systematic methodology which is used to gather accurate information about the shared reality. During the process of gathering this information, technological tools are used. For example, microscopes are biological tools which can be used to study specific facts about anything with life.
Scientific knowledge is gathered from detached observations. Scientists can use this gathered information using technological tools to explain why certain things happen and this all process can be described as research.
As humans, we use both technology and science together, that is why we confuse these two to be the same. Science is knowledge of the natural world while technology is human-made world determined by processing, development and management.
For you to understand the difference between science and technology, see example in the picture below.
Look closely at image (a), it shows you a volcanic mountain erupting, this is a natural state of our world, and it is only science which explains how this volcanic activity happens basing on extensive research and data gathered by scientist. In image (b), we see a scientist using a microscope to make research and gather data. A microscope is human-made technology designed to help scientists make research. So that means that both concepts work hand in hand, but they are completely different. Humans have developed various technological tools to help us solve problems during our daily lives, but also this technology can affect the natural setup of our environment if applied wrongly.
1. SCIENCE: Volcanic eruption (Natural cause) 2. SCIENTIST: Use a microscope (Technology – human made) |
How to solve problems using technology? Technology is designed with a purpose of solving problems; it has to meet human needs and wants. We use technology in so many ways; at least everyone uses technology in one-way or another. A problem exists when we encounter difficulty; problem solving is a human behavior, though our approach varies from person-to-person. During the process of solving a problem, the following is taken into consideration:
· Develop an understanding of the problem through observation.
· Devise a plan for solving that problem.
· Implementing the plan.
· Evaluating the plan.
Technology will be used in all those four stages of problem solving, however, for you to easily understand how to solve problems using technology, see example in the picture below.
Look closely at the photo above, on the left we see the problem is traffic jam in the city and on the right, you can see that one of the solutions of solving this traffic jam is by using high speed electronic trains. The problem was identified and technology was used to plan the solution and implement that solution in the city.
1. PROBLEM: Traffic jam in the city 2. SOLUTION: Use high speed electronic trains to reduce traffic in cities |
The technology we are using started with an idea of solving a problem or meeting an opportunity. A person or a group of people saw the problem or the opportunity and they designed solutions of meeting that problem or opportunity. Today we have various technologies which where designed to solve simple problems, for example, social networks like Facebook.com, twitter.com have solved communication and social interaction problem.
Warming Up |
Warming Up |
The Mothers of Invention
When we think of famous inventors we usually think of men, people like Alexander Graham Bell, Guglielmo Marconi, Thomas Edison. But many of the things which make our lives easier today were invented by women. Since the 1800's, women have fought with determination to create equality between genders. Through time, women have earned the right to vote, become CEOs of Fortune 500 companies as well as run for president of the United States. It is time to take a look at all of the accomplishments women have made in the past and how much of a role they have in our society.
Let's take the dishwasher for example. This was invented by a woman called Josephine Cochrane in 1886. She was a rich American who gave a lot of dinner parties. But she was annoyed that her servants used to break plates and glasses when they were washing them after the party. So, Josephine decided to try and invent a machine which could wash a lot of plates and glasses safely. Today the dishwasher is used by millions of people all over the world.
The car was invented by a man, but it was a woman, Mary Anderson, who in 1903 solved one of the biggest problems of driving. Until her invention it was impossible for drivers to see where they were going when it was raining or snowing. The name of her invention? – Windscreen wipers.
A fantastic invention that definitely improved the lives of millions of people was disposable nappies. They were invented by a woman called Marion Donovan in 1950. Anybody who has a small baby will know what a big difference disposable nappies make to our lives. Today more than 55 million nappies are used every day in the world.
A few years later in 1956, Bette Nesmith Graham was working as a secretary. She used to get very frustrated and angry when she made typing mistakes. In those days if you made a mistake, you had to get a new sheet of paper and start again from the beginning. She had a brilliant idea, which was to use a white liquid to paint over mistakes. Her invention is called Tipp-Ex today. Mrs Graham was a divorced mother and her invention made her a very rich woman.
Mandy Haberman is an English inventor and entrepreneur known for her inventions, the Haberman Feeder and the Anyway Cup is Mandy Haberman. After having a child born with Stickler syndrome, a congenital abnormality that included a cleft lip, Haberman invented a necessity for her daughter. The Haberman Feeder was her first invention which was a bottle designed for infants with sucking difficulties and is now widely used in hospitals. Haberman revolutionized baby products with her second invention known as the Anyway Cup, the world's first totally non-spill cup for kids.
And finally… policemen, soldiers, and politicians all over the world are protected by something which was invented by a woman. In 1966 Stephanie Kwolek invented Kevlar, a special material which was very light but incredibly strong, much stronger than metal. This material is used to make the bullet-proof vest. Her invention has probably saved thousands of lives.
Women are continuing to change the world along aside men. There is still a gender gap, however women are leading the way to close it quickly. Leaders like these women inventors and innovators are becoming cultural icons that are representing society today. So, let's take a moment to applaud these influential figures and all of the other ladies making history.
Answer the questions.
1. What happened after Josephine Cochrane's dinner parties?
2. What was the problem with cars in 1903 when it rained or snowed?
3. How many disposable nappies are used every day?
4. What was Bette Nesmith Graham's job?
5. What was special about the material Stephanie Kwolek invented?
6. Why the inventions of Mandy Haberman are so essential?
7. Which of the five inventions do you think was the best?
What do you think are the most important scientific discoveries or technological inventions? Make your own list according to the importance of a discovery or invention. Read the following list, and think about how these things have changed the way we live. Write down at least one reason why you think each of them is important.
1 | Nuclear energy |
2 | Cars |
3 | Antibiotics |
4 | Space research |
5 | Genome |
6 | The Internet |
Reading Comprehension |
Reading Comprehension |
Questions for the Credit Test |
Lexical Minimum
A bility
amino acid
applied research
B acteria
basic research
C alcium
carbon dioxide
D amage
decibel (dB)
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