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1) Автоматическая вахтенная система получает информацию от судовых механизмов в виде двух основных форм.
2) Они предназначены для измерениям и записи постепенных изменений в работе судового оборудования.
3) Автоматическая вахтенная система работает так, что любое ухудшение быстро становится очевидным.
4) Компьютер представляет данные механикам.
5) Связь между оборудованием управления с мостика и двигателями в машинном отделений с безвахтенным обслуживанием пневматическая.
6) Щит управления позволяет запустить и остановить работу двигателей нажатием одной единственной кнопки.
7) Дистанционное и ручное управление имеется для всего главного и вспомогательного машинного оборудования.
III. Составьте па английском языке текст телекса о том, что произошла поломка турбогенератора вспомогательного двигателя. Возможная причина – дисбаланс ротора турбины. Попросите организовать ремонт турбонагревателя, откорректировать балансировку и проверить турбонагреватель в работе. Адрес: Mr. Watson, British Petroleum, Operational Department, London.
I. Translate the text into Russian in a written form:
Improving Ship Efficiency By the Use of a Computer and Automation.
Although marine automation is now a well-established fact, the impact of the use of a computer in marine automation system has not yet been fully realized.
System Requirements
To be completely effective, the system had to satisfy certain fundamental requirements, and these are outlined below.
Simplicity and reliability. Since no qualified marine engineers are to be carried at sea, simplicity and reliability are of particular importance. As a basis for simple and reliable operation, all essential machinery in the vessel is duplicated. This policy has been followed throughout starting with the choice of twin-screw propulsion and extending to the duplicated bilge pumping system.
All machinery simply controlled from the bridge. The bridge control equipment is simple and direct. It is contained in five floor-standing consoles on which the control panels are laid out clearly in a fashion, which is directly related to their importance in the management of the ship. Wherever possible, operation of machinery is direct from pushbuttons and indication is taken straight from the machine itself. This is applied to valve operation and pump motor operation.
No maintenance carried out while at sea. The vessel and its machinery will be examined and cleared by qualified shore-based engineers in the period between each ten hour voyage, and the controls and displays which give clear and precise information about the condition and performance of plant are designed to eliminate the need for maintenance when the vessel is at sea. This information is immediately available in printed form when the vessel arrives in port and can be used as a basis for all maintenance operations. In extreme cases it can be radioed ahead to arrange for specialist attention or components to be made available when the ship berths.
Preventive maintenance in port. Maintenance of this nature will be-based on programmes recommended by English Electric, but more important will be the information concerning plant condition and performance gathered by the electronic watch-keeping system from 80 analogue and 128 state inputs around the vessel. Information collected in this way is thoroughly analyzed, correlated and presented in typewritten form. This information, combined with the maintenance programs, serves as an immediate and long-term basis for preventive maintenance. The electronics watch-keeping scheme forms a major part of the system and is, therefore, dealt with in some detail later in this article.
Protection against major machinery failure. Comprehensive protection facilities are an integral part of the total system and these include:
1. Shut-down protection on the main engines.
2. An “over-ride “ shut-down switch on the main engines for use under hazardous
manoeuvring conditions.
3. Automatic use of standby pumps for engine services.
4. Monitoring of critical areas in the system, such as the fuel header tank.
5. Early warning of deterioration or malfunction by trend monitoring and overload
indication on running machinery.
6. Automatic start of the emergency generator if voltage on the bus bars drops.
Adequate record keeping and-monitoring facilities. The information, which is required for three separate classes of personnel - the deck officers, maintenance engineers and administrative staff-is supplied primarily by the watchkeeping system.
Ex.1. Answer the following questions based on the text:
1) What requirements does the system have to satisfy?
2) Why is all essential machinery in the vessel duplicated?
3) What can you say about the bridge control equipment?
4) What is the information taken from?
5) What are controls and displays designed for?
6) When is the information radioed ahead?
7) What is preventive maintenance based on?
8) What forms a major part of the system?
9) In what case do the protection facilities include automatic start of the emergency generator?
Ex.2. Translate the following statements into English:
1) Система автоматики должна отвечать определенным требованиям для того, чтобы быть полностью эффективной.
2) Простота и надежность в работе очень важны, поэтому все основное оборудование на судне продублировано.
3) Там, где это возможно, работа оборудования осуществляется непосредственно нажатием на кнопки.
4) Никакого технического обслуживания оборудования во время рейса не проводится.
5) Точная информация о работе установки исключает необходимость технического обслуживания судна во время рейса.
6) Эта информация служит в качестве незамедлительной и долгосрочной основы для профилактического обслуживания.
7) Защитная система включает в себя автоматическое использование резервных насосов для эксплуатации двигателя.
8) Защитная система быстро дает предупреждение об ухудшении или неисправном функционировании оборудования.
9) Требуемую информацию получают все три класса персонала:
судоводители, механики и административный штат.
III. Составьте на английском языке текст телекса о том, что во время шторма был поврежден гребной винт. Назовите возможные причины его повреждения (выход из воды, превышение скорости). Договоритесь о ремонте гребного винта в ближайшем порту захода. Адрес: Mr. Fisher, ship agent, British Petroleum, Operational Department, London.
I. Translate the text into Russian in a written form:
Maritime Pollution
With the substantial growth of vessel traffic in the world ocean the pollution of the sea has greatly increased resulting in damage to life in it and along its shores. The open sea is being polluted these days mainly from ships, while the coastal waters are being contaminated either from ships, or from offshore oil drilling rigs, or from port cities and sea-side settlements. What are the main potential sources of marine pollution? These are oil, oil products, noxious liquid substances carried in bulk, vessel generated and industrial wastes, sewage, domestic rubbish, etc. The effect of pollution of the sea is beginning to bе felt by an ever-growing number of people. For many of them it is evident now that marine environment protection is becoming a global problem which can be solved only by the united efforts of the whole of the mankind.
When we speak of oil pollution, we should keep in mind that the principal cause of such pollution is the discharge of oily mixtures from ships (e.g. tank washings from tankers) or oil spillage as a result of accidents at sea.
Below is given a newspaper report on one of such accidents.
Supertanker sinks off South Africa, causing spill.
The drifting bow section of a Spanish supertanker that caught fire off the South African coast was fitted with a tow line, and a tugboat was preparing to pull it out to sea and sink it, salvage experts said.
The stern section of the 271,00-ton tanker Castillo de Bellver sank about 25 miles (40 kilometers) off the Cape of Good Hope. The oil that had spilled was not considered a threat to sea life, but farmers up to 65 miles inland reported an oily mist setting on their crops.
The five-year-old tanker caught fire as it rounded the Cape with 250,000 tons of crude oil from the Gulf. The cause of the fire was not immediately determined.
The vessel broke apart eight hours later, after 31 crewmen and two passengers had abandoned it. Three crewmen were missing.
About 40,000 tons of crude oil was thought to have spilled into the ocean, but a 20-mph offshore wind was blowing the slick away from the rich fishing and lobster grounds near the shore.
Mike Garnett, technical manager of the International Owners Pollution Federation, flew over the area and said he was "happily surprised" that the oil slick was "not nearly as large, as dense and as big a pollution threat as he had imagined".
"In fact, with nature in our favor, with the wind blowing the oil to deep sea, and with the aid of the Benguela is an offshore Current, it is not a significant threat at the moment”. The Benguela is an off shore Current.
He added, however, that the wind could change, and that he was not sure how much oil was still leaking from the holds of the sunken section.
II. Ex.1. Answer the following questions based on the text:
1) What is the gravest area of concern in safety at sea?
2) What measures were adopted to improve safety on board a tanker?
3) In what ways safety of navigation will be improved?
4) Will better training of crews help to prevent accidents?
5) What surveys are the ships subject to?
6) What IMCO recommendations are most important?
Ex.2. Translate the following statements into English:
1) Загрязнение моря нефтью в настоящее время является наиболее злободневным вопросом в безопасности мореплавания.
2) На конференции по безопасности танкеров и предотвращению загрязнения моря нефтью организация ИМКО приняла некоторые меры, касающиеся танкеров.
3) Новые танкеры будут оборудованы изолированными балластными танками, а также системой мойки танков от груза сырой нефти и системой инертного газа.
4) Система мойки танков не только предотвращает загрязнение моря нефтью, но также увеличивает грузоподъемность судна.
5) Для предотвращения аварий танкеры будут оснащены двойными радарными установками, двумя системами дистанционного управлениями и несколькими идентичными силовыми установками.
6) Грузовые суда подлежат периодическому осмотру не менее одного раза в пять лет, а танкеры, кроме того, подлежат, по крайней мере, одному промежуточному осмотру.
7) Для работы с судовым оборудование требуется квалифицированная и умелая команда: поэтому более тщательная подготовка специалистов - наилучший способ уменьшить аварийность.
III. Составьте на английском языке текст телекса о том, что масло-водяные сепараторы в машинном отделении вышли из строя. Назовите возможные причины. Проинформируйте, что поломка устранена силами экипажа. Адрес: Mr. Fisher, ship agent, British Petroleum, London.
I. Translate the text into Russian in a written form:
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