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Meet the world through English

2017-12-21 1858
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Л. Г. Ярмолинец

Н. Т. Агафонова


Рабочая тетрадь № 1

для студентов-бакалавров заочной формы обучения



4-е издание, стереотипное



УДК 811.111 (076)

ББК 81.2 Англ я 73

Я 75


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета
ФГБОУ ВПО «Кубанский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и туризма»



кандидат филологических наук, доцент М. Н. Кунина;

кандидат филологических наук, доцент Ф. Н. Шарикова.


Ярмолинец Л. Г.

Л. Г. Ярмолинец, Н. Т. Агафонова. – 4-е изд., стер. – Краснодар: КГУФКСТ, 2015. –84 с.


Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов – бакалавров I курса заочной формы обучения, являет собой систему языковых и речевых упражнений, дополняющих теоретический материал, представленный в пособии в виде таблиц. Для снятия грамматических трудностей практический материал в рабочей тетради представлен блоками, по частям речи.

Система послетекстовых упражнений в разделе «Работа с текстом» направлена на контроль понимания прочитанного, развитие навыков различных видов чтения.


УДК 811.111 (076)

ББК 81.2 Англ я 73





© Ярмолинец Л. Г., Агафонова Н. Т., 2015

I Семестр




Самостоятельная работа. Упражнения 5

Местоимения 5

Прилагательные 7

Существительные 9

Числительные 13

Предлоги 15

Глаголы Be и Have 18

Времена английского глагола. Действительный залог 20

Страдательный залог 28

Модальные глаголы 30

Многозначность глаголов Be и Have 31

Контрольная работа № 1 34

Вариант 1 34

Вариант 2 46

Вариант 3 58

Вариант 4 71





Определите, к какой группе относится каждое из данных местоимений, заполните таблицу.

Личные Притяжательные Вопросительные Указательные Неопределенные


His, I, nothing, he, them, what, any, me, you, this, it, whose, which, their, somebody, who, our, him, its, us, whom, that, anywhere, your, we, she, my, everyone.


1.2. Подберите английские местоимения, эквивалентные русским местоимениям:

Я, он, она, мы, вы, они;

мой, его ваш, наш, их; мне,

ей, ему, нам, им, кто-то,

что-то, где-то, никто, ничто,

нигде, кто-то?, что-то?, где-то?,

этот, эти, тот, те.


This, something, my, nothing, her, we, nobody, that, they, your, them, anything, his, those, I, our, nowhere, she, him, these, anywhere, their, you, anybody, he, us, me, somewhere, somebody


1.3. Подчеркните правильный ответ:

1. I/Me don’t understand you. Do you understand I/me?

2. Tell them you/your address. They/Them don’t know it.

3. Ask she/her why she/her is laughing.

4. Where are my books? It/They are on the chair.

5. Did you like the film? It/He was horrible!


1.4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения:

1. Tom lost ……….. keys.

2. John meets ………….. girlfriend every day.

3. Please put ………… things over there.

4. I’m going to sell ………car.

5. The students have passed ……… exams.


1.5. Вставьте this, that, these или those:

1. I like to study in ………University.

2. She looked beautiful in ……… dress.

3. Who are ………people over there?

4. Have you read all ………books?

5. I don’t understand ……… language.


1.6. Подчеркните правильный ответ:

1. We haven’t got no/any bread. Go any buy some /any.

2. Would you like some/any biscuits and juice? No, thank you. I can eat some/nothing more.

3. Has somebody/anybody helped you?

4. I was looking for something/nothing, but now can’t remember what it was.

5. I think you need some/no good advice.




2.1. Найдите в предложениях прилагательные и переведите их:

1. Olympic Games are the greatest sports competitions of our time. 2. The match between Torpedo and Spartak was the most interesting. 3. This method of training is the best. 4. Our opponents were stronger than we expected. 5. Football is more interesting than tennis. 6. She speaks French worse than English. 7. He is much better today. 8. Moscow Spartak is doing better than before.

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________

7. ____________________________________

8. ____________________________________


2.2. Подчеркните в предложениях сравнительные конструкции и переведите их:

1. These tactic elements are as important as technique. 2. The longer is the training time, the better are the results. 3. The more you train, the better are the results. 4. His results are not аs good as yours. 5. The more you miss your classes, the less you know. 6. The second exercise is not as difficult as the first one.

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________


2.3. Из приведенных ниже слов выберите прилагательные, показателями которых являются суффиксы:

Almost, exotic, chess, beat, larger, each, contain, various, the highest, result, spacious, witness, captain, European, provide, different, racial.



____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________



2.4. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. Colin is older/olders than all his friends.

2. Mark says his leg hurts more bad/ worse today.

3. Of all your friends Fanny is nicer/ the nicest.

4. Ice hockey is a more dangerous/most dangerous sport than tennis.


2.5. Исправьте ошибки:

1. He is the goodest student in our group. _______________________________

2. Every year the situation is getting difficultier. ____________________________________

3. Winter days are more short than summer ones. ____________________________________

4. I feel more bad than I did yesterday. _________________________________

5. Last week was weter than this one. _________________________________




4.1. Напишите соответствующее число:

twenty one point five ___________ thirty third__________________

twelve ______________________ fifteen hundred_______________

second ______________________ three quarters ________________

nineteen fifty eight_____________ three thousand and forty seven____

one thousand nine hundred and fifty eight _________



У улитки около 25000 зубов. ______________________________________


0, 013 миллиграмма ядовитой слюны жабы аги достаточно, чтобы умертвить кошку. ___________________________________________________

900 килограмм – рекордный вес белого медведя.________________________

313 килограмм – вес самого большого африканского льва. __________________________________________________________________

13 метров – длина прыжка рыжего кенгуру. ____________________________

360 000 000 лет назад появилась рыба латимерия. __________________________________________________________________

15480 – число видов морских рыб. ____________________________________

13 000 Гц – верхний предел слуха рыбы. _____________________________

65 км/ч – скорость полета летучей рыбы, длина полета – 200 метров.



7 900 000 $ стоили рисунки Гойи на аукционе «Кристи» – абсолютный рекорд. __________________________________________________________

3000 платьев было у королевы Англии Елизаветы I. _________________________________________________________________

1000 с лишним языков в Африке. __________________________________

365 изобретений и открытий принадлежат Альфреду Нобелю. _________________________________________________________________

Самые большие озера: 372 000 км ² -Каспийское море (Азия),


82 103 км ² - озеро Верхнее (Сев. Америка). _________________________

4000 лет назад уже знали о пересадке органов (Древний Египет).


75 º С – температура почвы, на которой может расти фисташка.


600 км/ч - самый быстрый в мире грузовик (США).


1,8 см – самый тонкий в мире ноутбук (Япония).


4749 кг – самый тяжелый в мире мотоцикл (Германия).


233,6 см – самый высокий в мире человек (Пакистан).





5.1. Вставьте предлоги in, on или at:

1. I like to listen to pop music … the radio.

2. My parents' flat is … the 21st floor.

3. I'll meet you … the airport.

4. My house is … the corner of Krasnaya and Gorky streets.

5. Vera now lives … 32 The Avenue.

6. I only bought this car … Saturday.

7. Are you sure the shop opens … half past 8?

8. Will you wait a bit? I'll be back … 10 minutes.

9. I prefer to travel … summer, not autumn.

10. J.F. Kennedy was shot... 22 November 1963.


5.2. Вставьте предлоги for, during, since, ago, before:

1. She has been waiting for us……… an hour!

2. The tourists visited the Red Square ……… their stay in Moscow.

3. My CD player is working it was repaired 2 hours ………

4. Sarah received her friend's letter that had been sent 2 weeks………

5. I haven’t seen her ……… her marriage.


5.3. Выберите нужный предлог:

1. She likes to sit...… a window in a plane (behind, by, in front of).

2. The little boy's kite was flying high up ……….. the trees (above, by, under).

3. Helen wants to have a house...…… a river (above, by, under).

4. He sat down ……Laura and looked into her eyes (above, behind, by).

5. Let's meet in the park ……… the clock (above, between, under).


Present Simple

7.1.1. Заполните таблицу соответствующими глагольными формами:

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple

will contain, named, beats, run, stood, worked, shall come, completes, studies, will attend, employed, trains.


7.1.2. Пользуясь списком нестандартных глаголов, найдите недостающие формы. Заполните таблицу и запомните 3 формы глагола:


Was, begun, win, did, went, hold, knew, strike, taken, speak, sing, wrote, teach, saw, rose, grow, forgotten, chose, shook, broken.

7.1.3. Распределите данные ниже формы сказуемого по клеткам грамматической решетки:

Is speaking, went, shall come, had written, plays, was reading, will have finished, had done, shall be running, finished.


7.1.4. Заполните грамматическую решетку формами глаголов «to invite» и «to ask» в действительном залоге с местоимениями I и he:



7.1.5. Определите, какая из форм английского глагола соответствует русскому варианту (повторение группы Simple):

1) строил – build, built, builds;

2) был – were, is, are, was, am;

3) дает – give, gave, gives;

4) занимаются – goes in for, go in for, went in for;

5) имел – has, have, had;

6) стал – become, becomes, became.

7.1.6. Определите, какая глагольная форма соответствует русскому варианту (повторение группы Continuous):

1) идет – is going, goes, go;

2) летят – flies, are flying, fly;

3) бегут – run, runs, are running;

4) летают – flies, are flying, fly;

5) бегаю – run, runs, am running;

6) ходит – is going, goes, go.


7.1.7. Определите, какая глагольная форма соответствует русскому варианту (повторение группы Perfect):

1) сделал – does, has done, did;

2) появлялся – appeared, has appeared, appears;

3) делал - does, has done, did;

4) уже стал – become, becomes, has become;

5) появился – appeared, has appeared, appears;

6) стал - became, becomes, has become.

7.1.8. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. We/my friend often works on Sundays.

2. We all/The teacher thinks you are clever.

3. I/my friend want a new job.

4. Bread/Books cost a lot.

5. Mary/ Pete and Mary likes parties.

6. You/ She drive too first.

7. That child / Children makes a lot of noise.

8. My brother/ His parents teaches English.


7.1.9. Заполните пропуск формами глаголов в Present Simple:


ask, get up, go, make, play, speak.


1. My brother always …….. late on Sundays.

2. We sometimes ……. football at weekends.

3. Our teacher often......... English at the lesson.

4. Children ……. many questions.

5. Andy …….... to see his grandmother twice a week.

6. I …….. many mistakes in my dictations.


7.1.10. Составьте вопросы.

Пример: Where\she live? – Where does she live?

1. What\you want? ________________________________________

2. What\ this word mean? __________________________________

3. What time\your train leave?_______________________________

4. How much\these shoes cost? ______________________________

5. How\this camera work? __________________________________

6. Who\ you want to see? ___________________________________

Present Progressive

Past Simple

7.4.1. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. He break\broke a record last week.

2. We did not go\ went to the institute yesterday.

3. Did you work\worked in this company last year?

4. He feels\felt fine last weekend.

5. My cousin come\came to see us on Friday.

6. Our plane did not arrive\arrives on time.


Present Perfect

Модальные глаголы


9.1. Найдите в предложениях модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, переведите их:

1. Не can’t swim now, but soon he will be able to do it.

2. Не is to participate in the tournament, so he has to train hard.

3. Contests, matches and competitions in soccer, boxing and some other sports were not able to develop.

4. The first step to future sporting victories may be taken at an ordinary physical training class at school.

5. Тhere is another point which has to be dealt with.

6. While in Moscow we were able to talk to officials and athletes, meet with journalists and ordinary spectators.

7. From that time all athletes and their coaches had to compete without any clothes.

8. Artists and sculptors painted wall pictures and made statues of marble and bronze, so we can admire the corporal beauty of ancient athletes.

9. Russian strongmen could lift а log with а dozen people on it.

10. At the Olympic competitions there are 7 judges who may give up to 10 points for а dive.

11. Today skaters must skate the figures ""eight", "three", "loop" and "rocker" ("крюк").

12. Only men could take part in the Olympic Games.

13. Competitors were allowed to grip or catch each other only above the waist.

14. Divers may use only one trial for each dive.

15. Ice dancers may use certain free skating movements which must be brief.

16. Like in baseball, handball players must not touch, grab or hug their opponents.


10. Многозначность глаголов BE и HAVE

10.1. В следующих предложениях определите функцию глагола be:


a) смысловой глагол, b) связка, c) вспомогательный глагол, d) модальный глагол.


Образец 1: The work is done in time.

is — вспомогательный глагол для образования страдательного залога.

Образец 2: Не is doing his translation.

is — вспомогательный глагол для образования группы Progressive.

Образец 3: Не was in Moscow last year.

was — смысловой глагол.

Образец 4: Не was the champion of Moscow Olympics.

was — глагол-связка.

Образец 5: 1 am to get up early.

am (to get) — модальный глагол.

1. That was at the 21-st Olympic Games.

2. They were discussing a new plan when he саmе.

3. The state finals are to begin on June, 1.

4. Не was shown the way to the stadium.

5. The 19th Olympic Games were in Mexico in 1968.


10.2. В следующих предложениях определите функции глагола have.

Образец 1: Не has done the work in time.

has — вспомогательный глагол для образования группы Perfect.

Образец 2: You have to train hard.

have (to train) — модальный глагол.

Образец 3: Не has nothing to do.

has — смысловой глагол.

1. Не has dedicated his life to sport.

2. We had to set out early to get there.

3. They will have English classes three times а week.

4. They said they had visited the new sports complex.

5. Не has to change the method of training.

6. We have different coaches.

7. Не has never seen such competitions.


10.3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции глаголов be и have:

1. Wimbledon was famous for another game before tennis was invented.

2. Table tennis tournament is becoming more and more рорular.

3. In 1874 Wimbledon was а country village, but it had а railway station and it was the home of the All England Croquet Club. The Club had been there since 1864.

4. The longest tournament of the Moscow Olympics was in soccer.

5. Clothes are different for different kinds of skiing.

6. Boots for Alpine skiing (горнолыжный спорт) are made of rigid leather and plastics.

7. Target shooting has been practiced for more than five hundred years.

8. All sportsmen have to skate four ice skating figures.

9. All hockey goalkeepers have а mask for face protection.

10. We are to take exams twice a year.

11. The first Olympics of the modern times were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

12. Athletics is not only the oldest, but also the most popular sport.

13. The fighters had special leather straps on their hands and arms to make their punches (прямой удар) harder.

14. At first boxers were fighting on solid ground which was marked with ropes and called a «ring».

15. Two goals looking like football goals are at the opposite ends of the court.

16. The VI-th Olympic Games had been allotted to Berlin (1916) but were cancelled because of the World War I.



Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 1


1.1. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны только притяжательные местоимения:

a) my, him, our, their, you;

b) my, his, our, their, your;

c) my, his, we, your, us.


1.2. Выберите нужное местоимение:

1. She can’t go to your birthday, she hasn’t got……… to wear (anything, everything, something, nothing).

2. Oh, ……… would be lovely to see him again (it, that, there, you).


1.3. Исправьте ошибки в каждом предложении:

I didn’t want my old car so I sold her _______________________________

Its train is leaving in 5 minutes ____________________________________


2.1. Заполните таблицу выбранными из предложений прилагательными и переведите их:


Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________


1. The tracks are usually prepared in advance for better skiing. 2. One of the earliest swimming competitions in Europe was held in 1515 in Venice. 3. Ice hockey became a popular game. 4. Those dances were also the prototypes of one of the most attractive and graceful sport.


2.2. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны прилагательные только в превосходной степени:

a) easiest, most interesting, worse, best;

b) easiest, most interesting, worst, best;

c) easiest, interesting, better, bad.

2.3. Исправьте ошибки там, где они есть:

I have the better marks in English in my group. _______________________

Silver is cheaper than gold._______________________________________

2.4. Прочтите информацию, напишите предложения, употребляя сравнительную форму прилагательных:

The area of Brazil is 8,5 million km². The area of Australia is 7,6 million km² (big).


The River Volga is 3,500 km long. The river Mississippi is 6,000 km long (long).



2.5. Напишите превосходную степень сравнения прилагательного, подчеркните правильный ответ:

Where is ………….. (busy) department store in the world?

a) Harrods in London;

b) Marcus in New York;

c) Corter Ingles in Madrid.




4.1. Вставьте in, at, on, to или ничего:

1. He will come again ……… this afternoon. 2. We met ….… Wednesday. 3. We usually go to the cinema ……..the weekend. 4. I’ve read about our city …….. the newspaper. 5. This electric train stops …….. every station. 6. What time does this bus come……… Sochi?

4.2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

1. I'll see you in 2 o' clock __________________________________________

2. He has been waiting since hours___________________________________

3. I'd like to go on the seaside_______________________________________

4. She always goes away on Christmas________________________________


4.3. Измените предлоги там, где нужно, или уберите лишние слова:

1. Put the computer into the table.____________________________________

2. Take the vase out from the chair.___________________________________

3. Our train is coming on the station.__________________________________

4. Why don’t you take the child from to the Zoo?________________________


4.4. Переведите словосочетания:

In the evening, in the early spring,

in June, at 12 p.m., at dawn,

on Tuesday, by 10 a.m.,

during the competitions_____________, for two weeks, from morning till night,

after training, in a week, since Monday______


4.5. Выберите правильный предлог:

1. I like to watch humorous programmes ……… TV (at, from, on, in).

2. We finished our translation ……… the end of the lesson (to, for, by, in).

3. I’ve studied here ……… last year (after, from, since, by).

4. Read the information ……… the screen (at, in, on, from).


Времена английского глагола


Society in Britain and the US is traditionally based on a nuclear family living in the same house and closely involved in each other’s live. Fifty years ago, the typical family was a husband and wife, and two or three children. The father spends all day at work and made most of the decisions about how the money he earned was spent. The mother stayed at home (1)________________. Children were expected to obey their parents.

Many modern families live differently, and because of this some people think that the family unit is dying and society is being weakened. Many couples still get married, but other live together without getting married. A few years ago, couples living together usually got married when they wanted to start a family (=have children), but this happens less now. Another trend is for people to get married later in life (2) ______________, so the size of the average family is shrinking.

Many families are disturbed each year as a result of divorce. In the US about half of all married couples get divorced. In Britain the divorce rate has more than doubled (3)___________. Many children are brought up in single-parent families (=families in which children are looked after by their mother or father, not both) and only see the other parent occasionally. Other children have two homes (4)___________. If their parents remarry (=each marry other people) the children may have to fit into a step-family (= a family in which the parents have been married before and have children from their previous marriages). They may later have half-brothers or half-sisters (5)____________. Families in which some children are adopted (= legally and permanently made part of another family) or fostered (= looked after by another family for a period of time) because their own parents cannot take care of them are not uncommon.


1. Вставьте в пропуски (1-5) буквы (a-e), соответствующие данные ниже:

a) and divide their time between them;

b) and to have fewer children;

c) from the new marriage;

d) to manage the house and look after the children;

e) since the early 1980 s.


2. Отметьте данные ниже предложения как истинные (T) или ложные (F):

1. Fifty years ago, the typical family was a husband and wife and one child. ¨

2. Children were very naughty. ¨

3. Many couples live together unmarried. ¨

4. People usually get married later in life. ¨

5. In the USA two-thirds of married couples get divorced. ¨

6. Families with adopted children are common. ¨


Baseball, basketball, American football, and ice hockey are the most popular spectator and participation sports, but Americans enjoy an enormous range of activities, including soccer, cycling, racket-ball (a hybrid of squash and handball), tennis, swimming, skin diving, golf, bowling, martial arts, walking, jogging, and aerobic exercise. Schools, cities, and other organizations sponsor team sports for the young, and professional sports are an important part of the culture.

Sports and games in the United States take both forms: amateur and profes­sional. Professional sport is big business. The players and athletes are paid much money, and they are bought and sold between clubs.

BASEBALL is the most popular summer sport in the United States. It is played by schools, colleges and professional teams. Baseball is a game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine players. The first American baseball match was in 1839 in New York, but some people think that baseball comes from a much older game called "rounders", played in Europe for many years..

BASKETBALL is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are only five players on each team. The players try to shoot the ball into the basket, or hoop. As a rule, the players are very tall.

FOOTBALL is a field game between two teams ·of eleven players each. But American football rules differ from those of the ordinary football. The field looks different and Americans play with an oval-shaped ball. The players can run with the ball, touch and push each other. So the players are often hurt in American foot­ball. The teams wear special clothes and helmets as in hockey because the game can be dangerous.

SOCCER is the American name for the ordinary European football. It is one of the most popular international sports in the United States as well as tennis, wres­tling, boxing, horse-racing and others.

In general, most Americans spend a large amount of their leisure time social­izing or watching television. Other leisure activities include going to the cinema or concerts, picnicking, and travelling. Many Americans enjoy volunteering for a wide range of causes: from raising funds to help those who are less fortunate to tu­toring, students, or leading Scout troops or youth sports. Even city dwellers enjoy spending time in the "great outdoors", camping. hiking or hunting.

Отметьте данные ниже предложения как соответствующие (T) или несоответствующие (F) информации текста:

  1. There are spectator and participation sports. ¨
  2. Different organizations sponsor team sport for disabled.¨
  3. There are only professional sport and games in the US. ¨
  4. Baseball is the most popular sport through the year.¨
  5. Baseball comes from an old European game.¨
  6. Basketball players are not very tall. ¨
  7. American football does not differ from soccer. ¨
  8. American football is as dangerous as hockey. ¨
  9. Tennis, boxing and wrestling are as popular international sports in the USA as soccer. ¨
  10. Americans do not like to watch TV. ¨
  11. Americans enjoy helping less fortunate people. ¨
  12. Camping, hiking and hunting are not for city dwellers. ¨


Вариант 2


1.1. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны только притяжательные местоимения:

a) her, his, our, their, mine;

b) me, we, he, they, them;

c) her, him, us, them, me.


1.2. Выберите нужное местоимение:

1. If you want some fruit, I'll buy you……… at the shop (any, it, one, some).

2. We’ve brought some wine with ……… (me, ourselves, us, we).


1.3. Исправьте ошибки в каждом предложении:

1. I hear someone are coming to us ___________________________________

2. I haven’t got a CD player, but I'd like some__________________________


2.1. Заполните таблицу выбранными из предложений прилагательными и переведите их:


Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________


1. The giant slalom shows a skier’s ability to find and keep to the fastest roots.

2. Many of them have achieved good results.

3. Those teams consisted of the best players in North America and the world.

4. In Russia sledging was always more popular than in some European countries.

2.2. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны прилагательные только в положительной степени:

a) interesting, very nice, less beautiful, more wonderful;

b) interesting, nicer, little, bad;

c) interesting, very nice, little, bad.


2.3. Исправьте ошибки там, где они есть:

1. London is bigger than Krasnodar.

2. To my mind Russian food is the nicest than Chinese.


2.4. Прочтите информацию, напишите предложения, употребляя сравнительную форму прилагательных:

Blue whales usually weigh about 130 tones. Elephants usually weigh about 7 tones (heavy).


The Pyramids in Egypt are about 4,000 years old. The Parthenon in Greece is about 2,500 years old (old).



2.5. Напишите превосходную степень сравнения прилагательного, подчеркните правильный ответ:

Where is the ……... (old) university in the world?

a) Bolo;

b) Karneein in Morocco;

c) Oxford.


3.1. Зачеркните лишнее слово там, где оно есть:

1. There is a hair on your shoulder. 2. I bought a bottle of some milk.

3. There’s some new furniture in the room. 4. A constant noise makes me nervous.

3.2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

1. Do you want a sugar in your coffee?

2. All my furnitures were broken.


3.3. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. I haven’t got many / much English books.

2. I like this sunglass / these sunglasses.

3. He had a job at the steelwork/steelworks.

4. We couldn’t find an/any accommodation.


3.4. Поставьте существительные во множественном числе:

family___________________ datum ___________________

penny ___________________ thief ______________________

tomato __________________ knowledge____________________

life_______________________ information____________________

sheep______________________ holiday_______________________


4.1. Вставьте in, at, on, to или оставьте пропуск:

1. I can’t work … night.

2. I saw her … last Monday.

3. She always goes away … Christmas.

4. Her birthday is … June.

5. What is the best way … the stadium?


4.2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

1. We had a great time on the disco.

2. Look! They are getting from the car.

3. Can you finish this translation until Saturday.

4. All the players must have numbers at their shirts.

4.3. Измените предлоги там, где нужно, или уберите лишние слова:

1. There is a park in the front of our house. ____________________________

2. They spoke during 2 hours._______________________________________

3. We have a test on next week.______________________________________

4. Look! She is taking something from your bag.________________________


4.4. Выберите правильный предлог:

1. What’s the matter ……… you? (on, in, with, for)

2. She saw a plane high ……… the town (up, on, above, in)

3. They came to us ……… we were out. (at, during, since, while)

4. What’s the difference ……… a city and a town? (with, from, under, between)

Времена английского глагола

Действительный и страдательный залоги

5.1. Выберите соответствующее подлежащее:

1. I/Nigel don’t like to work on Saturday.

2. We all/The teacher think your translation is the best.

3. Meat/Sweats costs a lot.


5.2. Исправьте ошибку в каждом предложении:

1. Her dog is bark very loud. __________________________________________

2. What films you like best?___________________________________________

3. My baby is weighing 5 kilos.________________________________________

4. Everything was seeming OK.________________________________________

5. Where bought you this dog?_________________________________________

6. I’m not know her name.____________________________________________


5.3. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple или Present Continuous (Progressive):

1. Look! She wears/ is wearing such a wonderful dress.

2. What are you looking/do you look at? A strange bird.

3. I stay/am staying with John for a week until my parents come.

4. We usually stay/are usually staying with Phil when we go to Chicago.

5. Do you know why it snows/is snowing in winter?

6. What do you do/are you doing with my new hat?


5.4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в ΙΙΙ форму (V3):

1. Why have you (write) it in pencil? _________________________________

2. I’ve (make) a lot of sandwiches.___________________________________

3. We haven’t (have) our lunch yet.__________________________________

4. Our team has (score) a goal.______________________________________



Some families are very child-centred (= put the children’s interests first). The closest families eat meals at the same time (1)____________. Some families, however, only see each other for a short time in the evening, and though the children are still considered important, they have to fit in with the lives oа their parents.

The average day for many families begins with getting the children up and ready for school. There is usually a rush for everyone to use the bathroom, (2)___________, eat breakfast, and catch the bus. In the meantime the parents have to get ready for work themselves. Early mornings are a scramble for many families.

The school day usually ends about 3 p.m. in the US and 4 p.m. in Britain, and the working day at 5 p.m. or later, so many parents have to make arrangements for younger children to be cared for after school. They may go to an after-school club (AmE after-school center) (3)____________. Other children often do activities like sports or music at their school, or go home and do their homework. Children often also have to do chores (= small jobs around the house).

In many families, the children eat when they get home (4)__________. In the evening the children play or go and see friends. If everyone is staying in they may watch television together. Many parents make an effort to spend quality time with their children, an hour or so each day when they give them their full attention.

At the weekend families may go to sports games together, go shopping (5)___________. In school holidays/vacations they may visit other family members or go to the beach.


1. Вставьте в пропуски (1-5) буквы (a-e), соответствующие данным ниже фразам:

a) and their parents eat later;

b) find clean clothes;

c) or go on trips to museums, parks, etc;

d) and spend their free time together;

e) or stay with a neighbor’s children.


2. Отметьте данные ниже предложения как истинные (T) или ложные (F):

1. Some families see each other only in the morning. ¨

2. The day usually begins with the family breakfast. ¨

3. The school day ends at 3 p.m. in Britain and 4 p.m. in the USA. ¨

4. Older children often go home after school. ¨

5. Parents and children may watch TV together. ¨

6. American parents respect their children’s opinions. ¨

Вариант 3


1.1. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны только личные местоимения:

a) I, we, our, their, his;

b) I, them, you, his, us;

c) I, them, you, him, us.


1.2. Выберите нужное местоимение:

1. Who does this bag belong to? - … (I, me, mine, myself)

2. Is … a bookshop near here, please? (here, it, there, this)


1.3. Исправьте ошибки в каждом предложении:

1. I’m afraid he hasn’t done something today. ___________________________

2. Everyone enjoyed himself at the party._______________________________



2.1. Заполните таблицу выбранными из предложений прилагательными и переведите их:


Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

1. Both in ancient Greece and Rome swimming was as important as reading.

2. Their results often were better than official world and European records.

3. Among foreign swimmers the most famous was Mark Spitz of the USA.

4. Speed-skaters´ boots are lighter than those for figure skating or ice hockey.


2.2. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны прилагательные только в положительной степени:

a) more difficult, interesting, good, the most interesting;

b) more difficult, less interesting, worse, hotter;

c) very difficult, not interesting, old, hot.

2.3. Исправьте ошибки там, где они есть:

1. Internet is one of the most useful inventions.__________________________

2. I feel a much better now, thank you.________________________________


2.4. Прочтите информацию, напишите предложения, употребляя сравнительную форму прилагательных:

The World Trade Center, New York, is 415 m tall. The Sears Tower in Chicago is 443 m tall (tall).


The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is nearly 2,000 m long. The Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia is 500 m long (long).



2.5. Напишите превосходную степень сравнения прилагательного, подчеркните правильный ответ:


Where is the ……..(tall) hotel in the world?

a) Sydney in Australia

b) Seoul in Korea

c) Bangkok in Thailand


3.1. Зачеркните лишнее слово там, где оно есть:

1. That’s a sad news! 2. I have never seen him playing a golf. 3. Can I give you a piece of advice? 4. Did you buy a computer?


3.2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

1. Did they give you any informations about the company?

2. Can we have two coffee, please.


3.3. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. Do you like ice-cream / an ice-cream?

2. Noise/ a noise in the yard woke me at 2 o clock.

3. One of the windows is/ are open.

4. Space-ships can't travel at the speed of a light/ light.


3.4. Поставьте существительные во множественном числе:

person_________________ monkey ___________________

leaf _________________ furniture___________________

child _________________ bread______________________

goose_______________________ country__________________

baby______________________ glass______________________


4.1. Вставьте in, at, on, to или оставьте пропуск:

1. The classes at our university start … 8.

2. Read the text … page 10.

3. I like to get up late … Sunday morning.

4. Where shall we go … this Saturday?

5. Come… me at 9.30.

6. She lives … a small town near the Black Sea.

4.2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

1. Can I speak to you during a few minutes?

2. I'll come in 5 o clock.

3. He goes at the stadium 3 times a week.

4. They are sitting on front of me.


4.3. Измените предлоги там, где нужно, или уберите лишние слова:

1. I could not see her because she was standing before a tree.


2. I went to see my brother to the USA. _______________________________

3. I will be 20 on next Wednesday.___________________________________

4. We shall go to the seaside in bus.__________________________________


4.4. Выберите правильный предлог:

1. I saw Julia in the lecture room a minute ……… (before, back, ago, behind).

2. Don’t put your bicycles ……the shop window (behind, on, before, in front of).

3. Bob will stay with us ……… the end of the month (to, till, for, from).

4. You mustn’t be late ……… the meeting (on, at, for, to).

Времена английского глагола

Действительный и страдательный залоги

5.1. Выберите соответствующее подлежащее:

1. Robert/The girls dances very well.

2. My sister/ my brothers like parties.

3. You/she speak too long.

5.2. Исправьте ошибку в каждом предложении:

1. At that moment I watch TV. _________________________________________

2. What your favourite book?__________________________________________

3. Bob is living next door._____________________________________________

4. We pass our school two minutes ago.__________________________________

5. I were talking to my mother when the bell rang.__________________________

6. Please, don’t shout, the baby sleeps.___________________________________


5.3. Выберите правильный вариант (Present Simple или Present Continuous (Progressive):

1. Nobody gets/ is getting early for fun.

2. Not many passenger planes fly/ are flying faster than sound.

3. I think/am thinking he’s away.

4. Do you know what I mean/am meaning.

5. She always complains/ is complaining.

6. When I read/am reading she switches/is switching a loud music.


5.4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в ΙΙΙ форму (V3):

1. Have you (do) the work yet? ____________________________________

2. I’ve (send) you 3 e-mails today.__________________________________

3. Someone has (break) the calculator._______________________________

4. I’ve (learn) your telephone number at last.__________________________


5.5. Составьте предложение в Present Perfect:

Пример: John/leave/?-Has John left?

1. I /never hear/ such news. _________________________________________

2. The dogs /come back?___________________________________________

3. What /Barbara/ tell the police?_____________________________________

4. I/just see /Joanna. ______________________________________________

5. Charles /speak /to me /today yet. __________________________________


5.6. Какой вариант правильный: А, В или оба?

1. A. Did you ever visit Dublin? B. Have you ever visited Dublin?

2. A. Colin has gone to the USA. B. Colin went to the USA.

3. A. My brother has never been to Moscow. B. My brother hasn’t been to Moscow.

4. A. We know this family since 1996. B. We have known this family since 1996.


5.7. Выберите правильное слово:

1. The girls have … gone to the cinema.

a) been; b) just; c) never.

2. I haven’t seen my parents … last Christmas.

a) already; b) before; c) since.

3. I have … lived away from home.

a) since; b) ever; c) never.

4. I haven’t been here … 3 years.

a) since; b) just; c) for.



1. Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River. Washington does not belong to a state. It is a city and district, the District of Columbia (D.C.). The district is a piece of land ten miles square. The city is named in honour of the nation's first President George Washington. The district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. Don't confuse it with the State of Washington, which is located in the northwest of the United States.

2. The capital owes very much to the first President of the United States, George Washington. It was Washington who chose the place for the District and laid in 1790 the corner-stone of the Capitol, where Congress sits. It was decided that the new seat of government should be situated on the left bank of the Potomac River, between the states of Maryland and Virginia - a compromise area, between the states of the North and of the South.

3. Along the banks of the Potomac River there are many green parks and gar­dens. In 1912 the famous cherry trees were planted in Washingto

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