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The Simple (indefinite) Tense

2017-12-12 377
The Simple (indefinite) Tense 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Глагольные формы Simple Tense выражают действие в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени безотносительно к какому-либо другому действию или моменту времени.

На русский язык переводятся в зависимости от контекста глаголами совершенного или несовершенного вида.

(V – глагол)


Present Simple: -V or Vs (3-е лицо ед.ч.)

I write letters. Do you write letters? Yes, I do.

He writes letters. Does he write letters? No, he doesn’t.


Past Simple: V-ed or VII (неправ. гл..)

He opened the door. Did he open the door? Yes, he did.

I wrote letters. Did you write letters? Yes, I did.


Future Simple: Will V (для всех лиц и чисел)

shall V (I л. ед. и мн.ч.)


I will (I’ll, I shall) write letters. Will you write letters? Yes, I will.




  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
ч л ед.ч. мн.ч. ед.ч. мн.ч. ед.ч. мн.ч.
  I am You Are He is She is It is   We are You are They are I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were I shall be You will be he will be she will be it will be We shall be You will be They will be




Present Simple – have, 3-е лицо ед.ч. – has

Past Simple – had

Future Simple – will have (shall have для 1 лица ед. и мн. числа)



1. Укажите, к какой части речи относятся выделенные слова, переведите предложения,

1. The house has no lift. 2. I must lift this box. 3. I can't l ift it without your help 4. Help me to lift the box. 5. You must rest after your work. 6. I like to rest at home. 7. We rest with a book. 8. They have no work, they can rest. 9. You must have a good sleep. 10. He wants to sleep. 11. This letter has no end, you must end it. 12. Try to place all the books on the shelf. 13. A dinner table is not the place for books.

Определите, к какой части речи относятся выделенные слова по их функции в предложении. Переведите предложения.

1. Fire produces smоке. 2. Smoke fills the room. 3. Man needs electricity for industrial uses. 4. He uses electricity for his needs. 5. This flat houses a worker's family. 6. We have no dark rooms in our new houses. 7. The garage houses twenty cares. 8. Water supplies power for industry. 9. The library has large supplies of books. 10. Man must heat his house. 11. Some plants suffer from heat. 12. A worker times the speed of this machine. 13. You must repeat the experiment many times. 14. Old people remember hard old times. 15. A farmer plants potatoes in spring. 16. Millions of people work at plants, mills and factories. 17. Students have a break between the lectures. 18. The break is not long. 19. Stones break the ice.


3. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1. My sister likes to swim. 2. The bus stops at the insti­tute. 3. The student studies and the worker works. 4. He always gets good marks. 5. She puts her books on the table. 6. Skilled engineer constructs sputniks and spaceships. 7. I go to the institute every day. 8. I see many students in this room. 9. I borrow books from the library. 10. This girl goes in for sport. 11. He likes to read detective stories. 12. My friend speaks English.13. Housewife keeps food in the refrigerator.

Напишите следующие предложения в единственном числе.

1. My friends work in London. 2. These girls go to the -theatre in the evening. 3. These apples are very green. 4. My friends do not like fish. 5. His brothers work much all day long. 6. They get new books from the library every week. 7. They have breakfast at eight o'clock. 8. The postmen bring letters three times a day. 9. They want to buy some toys, because their sons have a birthday tomorrow. 10. My sisters work at the factory.


5. Заполните пропуски выделенными глаголами, согласуйте их с под­лежащим в лице и числе.

1. Steel and aluminum belong to metals, coal... to minerals. 2. The sun shines by day and the stars... at night. 3. Our country lies in Europe and Asia, Cuba and Canada... in America. 4. A tunnel runs under the ground and bridges... across the rivers. 5. Mills and factories produce industrial products, a farm... food.

Переведите, соблюдая порядок слов английского предложения.

1. Я каждый день вижу этого человека. 2. На заводе работа­ют рабочие, в институте работают профессора и преподаватели. 3. Студенты учатся в институте. 4. В институте они изучают иностранные языки. 5. Вечером я читаю или смотрю телевизор.


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