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· How much did the house cost?
· Why was the house called Antilia?
· What is inside the house?
· What can you see out of the windows of Antilia?
The richest man in India, Mukesh Ambani, has moved into his new home in Mumbai, which is 27 floors high and worth 630 million£.
Ambani, his wife and three children have moved into the building which is named Antilia, after a mythical island. It includes a health club with a gym and dance studio, a ballroom, guestrooms and lounges and a 50 seat cinema. There is even a garden. There are 600 workers in the building.
The roof has three helicopter pads and there is also underground parking for 160 cars, which will be used by guests at Ambani's housewarming party.
From the top floors of the 173m high building, there is a fantastic view of Mumbai and of the Arabian Sea.
The 53 year-old businessman is not only the richest man in India but the fourth richest man in the world. In total, there is 37,000 square metres of land, which is more than the Palace of Versailles.
(By Laura Roberts, The Telegraph)
4. Read the text again and say if the following sentences are true or false.
· The house of Mukesh Ambani is located on a mythical island.
· To take care of the house you need many workers.
· Mukesh Ambani has already organized the housewarming party.
· Mukesh Ambani is famous not only in India.
· Antilia is better than the Palace of Versailles.
Do you want to live in the house like this? Why? Why not?
Grammar: Defining and non- defining relative clauses
Read the examples below and complete the sentences in the box with the underlined words.
· The text is about Mukesh Ambani who lives in India.
· He has built a house which is the most expensive in the world.
· There is an underground parking in the house where they can park 160 cars.
Defining relative clauses give information about people, things and places. They come directly after the noun. Use who for people. Use which for things. Use where to say what happens in a place. You can use that instead of who or which (informal) |
2. Fill in: which, where, who or whose.
Defining relative clauses 1) I like films ________ are about teenagers. 2) Tom Cruise is the actor _________I admire most. 3) The man __________I wanted to see was on holiday. |
Non-defining relative clauses 1) Bob, ______ father is a pianist, is an actor. 2) New York, _______she lives, is a big city. 3) Tom, _______was born in Scotland, moved to Spain. 4) Astana, __is the capital of Kazakhstan, is a beautiful city. |
Put commas where necessary and decide if the following clauses are defining or non-defining.
4. Complete these sentences with which, where, who or whose.
a) My parents, _______ were born in the north of England, moved to London to find work.
b) The man _________ lives upstairs is always playing music when I'm trying to get a sleep.
c) The building _________ I live in was built in the 1920s.
d) Do you remember the name of the man _________book you took?
e) The hotel _________ we stayed was very good.
Rewrite the following paragraph using non-defining relative clauses to make it more interesting.
A man called Tom went to Warsaw to visit a friend.
When he arrived at the house he knocked on the door, but an old man answered. He invited Tom inside and gave him a drink. Tom sat in an armchair and fell asleep. When he woke up, he was on a boat.
E.g. A man called Tom, who was 29, went to Warsaw, where he lived 10 years ago, to visit a friend, who he went to school with.
Writing: chain story
Work as a class. Sit in a circle and rewrite the following sentences with gaps on a paper. You are going to write a fairy tale. Each student fills in the gap and gives the paper to the student next to him/her. After you finish writing, the last person reads the whole story. Choose the best story.
1. Once upon a time there lived a prince who ______________.
2. The prince lived in the country where________________.
3. He lived a happy life until ______________________.
4. The prince decided to go to the fairy who ________________.
5. The fairy sent him to the castle where __________________.
6. In the castle he met a princess who ______________________.
7. The princess told him that ___________________________.
8. The prince came back home when _______________.
9. At home he saw his father, the King who___________.
10. In the end, everybody ________________.
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