Which of these can you find in your neighbourhood? — КиберПедия 

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Which of these can you find in your neighbourhood?

2017-10-16 204
Which of these can you find in your neighbourhood? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

bookshop post office bank

church park school

block of flats shop parking lot

playground sports ground bus stop

train station mall hospital

library metro station market


Draw a map of your neighbourhood. Write sentences about it using prepositions of place: opposite, across the street, between, in front of, next to, on the left/right, at the corner of the street.

Work in pairs. Give your partner some directions around your neighbourhood. Use the expressions from the table below.

How to ask for directions Excuse me. How can I get to the …? Can you tell me how to get to the …? Can you tell me the way to the …? Is there a......... near here?
How to give directions Turn left/ right at the bookshop. Go straight on to the metro station. Go along the street. It’s on the right. Go past the mall.



Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Use the Active Vocabulary.

1) Современная жизнь невозможна без путешествий. Сотни людей путешествуют на самолете, поезде, корабле или на автомобиле.

2) Конечно, путешествовать самолетом — самый быстрый и наиболее удобный способ, но он также и самый дорогой. Кроме этого (Besides), нужно приехать в аэропорт за 2 часа до рейса, зарегистрировать багаж и пройти таможенный досмотр.

3) Путешествие поездом медленнее, чем путешествие на самолете, но оно имеет свои преимущества. Вы можете видеть намного больше достопримечательностей страны, по которой вы путешествуете.

4) Что касается меня (As for me), я предпочитаю путешествие на автомобиле. Я думаю, что это очень удобно. Вам не надо резервировать билеты на поезд, не надо нести тяжелые чемоданы. Вы можете останавливаться, где вам хочется, и в любом месте проводить столько времени, сколько пожелаете.

5) На мой взгляд, лучший способ путешествовать по городу — это ходить пешком. Когда вы ходите пешком, вы не зависите ни от какого вида транспорта. Вы можете также путешествовать по городу на машине, если она у вас имеется. Но передвигаться по большому городу на машине довольно тяжело, особенно в дневное время. На дорогах много пробок, поэтому удобнее ездить на метро.

Here are instructions to get to John’s house from the airport.


When you arrive at the airport, take a number 10 bus to the railway station. Then take a train to Greentown. The journey takes half an hour and you get off the train at the second stop. Take a taxi from the station to John’s house.

Write instructions for someone to get to your house from the airport.


Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1) How do people in your town/ city go to work, college or university?

2) How do you get to university every day? How long does your journey take?

3) Can you use different means of transport?


Write a paragraph about travelling around your town/ city.


The best way to get around my town is … because …


Transport go by bicycle/ by bus/ by car/ by tram/ by train/ by metro/ by plane go on foot motorbike taxi public transport be on the bus/ train/ plane catch/ miss the train get into/ out of the car get on/ off the bus take a taxi     Road/ rail drive a car park a car platform train station bus stop get a seat ride a bike exhaust fumes carriage hire/ rent a car junction garage     Air departure lounge arrivals area airport flight terminal check-in desk gate baggage reclaim go through the customs boarding card customs officer collect the bags take off/ land passport control  
Places in the city bookshop post office bank church park school block of flats shop parking lot playground sports ground mall hospital library metro station market   Giving directions opposite across the street between in front of next to on the left/right at the corner of the street Turn left/ right at... Go straight on to... Go along the street. Go past... Additional vocabulary get lost commute crowded destination one-way/ return ticket passenger rush hour traffic lights get stuck in a traffic jam book a ticket pollution dangerous/ safe comfortable/ convenient fare journey zebra crossing sidewalk litter lorry  




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