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Работа над разговорной темой «OUR UNIVERSITY»

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1. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

to study – изучать, учиться to found – основывать, учреждать, создавать to last – продолжаться, длиться to train – готовить, обучать to divide into – подразделять, делить на to comprise – включать, содержать to do practical work – проходить практику to take a bachelor’s degree – получить степень бакалавра to take a master’s degree – получить степень магистра to attend lectures and classes – посещать лекции и практические занятия to take tests and exams – сдавать зачёты и экзамены term-paper – семестровая работа installations – сооружения branch – филиал hostel – студенческое общежитие graduate – выпускник университета research – исследование lecturer – преподаватель вуза enterprise – (промышленное) предприятие track – путь transportation engineer – инженер транспорта course of study – курс обучения representative office – представительство specialized secondary educational institution – среднее специальное учебное заведение academic year – учебный год legal address – юридический адрес general educational subjects – общеобразовательные предметы electrical engineering – электротехника strength of materials – сопротивление материалов library well-stocked with books – библиотека, хорошо обеспеченная книгами Imperial Moscow Engineering School – Императорское московское инженерное училище Railway rolling stock – Подвижной состав железных дорог Railways operation – Эксплуатация железных дорог Construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels – Строительство железных дорог, мостов и транспортных тоннелей various – различный, разный numerous – многочисленный a number of – ряд as well as – а также

Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний; закройте правую (левую) колонку и воспроизведите лексику по памяти.

to found course of study to take part in seminars to carry out laboratory works to take a bachelor’s degree to last to comprise numerous branch various academic year general educational subjects semester research term-paper to divide into hostel to do practical work получить степень бакалавра продолжаться филиал многочисленный принимать участие в семинарах различный, разный общеобразовательные предметы курс обучения выполнять лабораторные работы включать исследование семестровая работа основывать студенческое общежитие подразделять на проходить практику семестр учебный год

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Our University

I study at Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT). It is the second oldest university for transportation engineers in our country. It was founded on the 4th of June 1896 as Imperial Moscow Engineering School. The first rector of MIIT was professor F.Ye. Maksimenko. The course of study lasted 3 years, then the students did practical work for 2 years and presented their reports. In 1913 the Engineering School was transformed into the Institute of Railway Engineers with a five-year course of study. On the 19th of November 1924 the Institute was named Moscow Institute of Railway Engineering (MIIT). On the 15th of July 1993 MIIT became a university and was given its present name: Moscow State University of Railway Engineering.

Nowadays it is a university complex training specialists for the sphere of transport. It comprises 3 academies and 9 institutes (the Russian Open Academy of Transport, the Institute of Track, Construction and Installations, the Institute of Transport Machinery and Control Systems and others), 29 branches and representative offices in various Russian towns, as well as a number of specialized secondary educational institutions. Today more than 118,000 students study at the University. Over 2500 lecturers work here. MIIT has 10 libraries well-stocked with books, 25 hostels for students from other towns, a palace of culture. The legal address of MIIT is Obraztsova Street 9, building 9, Moscow.

Our university trains experts in such specialities and areas as: “Railway rolling stock”, “Railways operation”, “Construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels”, “Information systems and technologies”, “Technospheric safety”, “Economics” and many others. The course of study lasts 5, 4 or 6 years. The graduates may take a qualification of a specialist, a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. The academic year begins in September and ends in June. It is divided into 2 semesters. During the semester the students attend lectures and classes, take part in seminars, carry out laboratory works, write term-papers. They use modern lecture rooms and laboratories, computer classes, educational and methodical centres in their studies. At the end of each semester all the students take tests and exams. In the first year they study general educational subjects such as higher mathematics, physics, foreign languages, history, and information science. In the second year they begin to study specialized subjects such as electrical engineering, electronics, metrology, geodesy, strength of materials and many others. The graduates of our University may work in numerous branches and departments of the Russian Railways Company and other enterprises and organizations of our country.

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