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Отработайте произношение данных слов и слов словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю.

2017-10-16 331
Отработайте произношение данных слов и слов словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Проректор по учебно-методической работе

_________ Н.В. Бабина

«___»___________20 г.







Направление подготовки: все направления подготовки

Профиль: нет

Квалификация (степень) выпускника: бакалавр

Форма обучения: очная, заочная



Красикова Т.И., Арутюнян Д.Д. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студентов первого курса неязыковых вузов.

Техн.ред.:Уражок Т.В.


- Аввакумова Т.А., профессор кафедры иностранных языков РГУТС, кандидат педагогических наук.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся на первом курсе в неязыковых вузах.

Данное пособие содержит страноведческий материал по Великобритании и США.

Работа с пособием может помочь обучающимся извлекать детальную информацию из текстов, совершенствовать навыки и умения в быстром чтении текстов, совершенствовать умения и навыки в устной речи, а также способствовать развитию письменной речи.


Учебное пособие рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании кафедры:

Заведующий кафедрой (ФИО, ученая степень, звание, подпись) Красикова Т. И., к.филол.н., профессор        
Год утверждения (переутверждения)        
Номер и дата протокола заседания кафедры №6 от 27.01.2017 г.      

Учебное пособие рекомендовано на заседании УМС:

Год утверждения (переутверждения)        
Номер и дата протокола заседания УМС        




Данное пособие предназначено для студентов первого курса Технологического университета и ставит целью совершенствование межкультурной компетенции в речевой деятельности на английском языке на основе материалов страноведческого характера (Великобритании и США).

Пособие состоит из двух частей.

Первая часть пособия состоит из восьми модулей. Каждый модуль имеет четыре раздела, ориентирующие на различные виды чтения, устную и письменную речь.

Инструкции к упражнениям нацеливают студентов на пользование словарем, нахождение основной идеи текста (ознакомительное чтение), детальное понимание текста (изучающее чтение), изложение мыслей на английском языке в устной и письменной форме, обсуждение поставленных вопросов, проведение ролевых игр.

В первой части также даны комплексы упражнений на грамматический и словообразовательный материал, выполняемых студентами самостоятельно вне аудитории.

Во второй части представлен грамматический материал и словообразовательные модели в схемах и таблицах, а также список слов.

Работа в аудитории предполагает парную и групповую деятельность под руководством преподавателя.

Самостоятельная работа проводится дистанционно под руководством преподавателя.

При написании письменных работ, подготовке к обсуждениям, ролевым играм по заданным темам студентам предлагается использовать дополнительную литературу и ресурсы Интернета.

Для совершенствования грамматических навыков и умений предлагается использование следующих пособий:

· Betty S. Azar, Stacy A., Hagen. Understanding and Reading English Grammar. Fourth Edition. N-Y

· My Grammar Lab,

· Murphy R., English Grammar in Use,

· Macmillan, English Grammar in Context Essential/Intermediate.

В качестве внеаудиторного чтения предлагается использование зарубежной литературы с аутентичными текстами для совершенствования навыков и умений в речевой деятельности.





Грамматика: Indefinite (Present, Past, Future), Continuous (Present, Past, Future).


Тема: English as a World Language.

Раздел 1.1.

Отработайте произношение данных слов и слов словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю.

native speaker носитель языка
trade n торговля
numerous adj многочисленный
exceed v превышать, превосходить
respect n уважение, отношение
in this respect в этом отношении
acquire v получать
development n развитие
mutual aid взаимопомощь
literacy n грамотность
frequent adj частый
establishment n учреждение, установление
above all прежде всего
assist v помогать, содействовать
standing n положение, репутация


1.1.2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на данные вопросы:

In what countries is English

a) the only official language;

b) one of the existing official languages?


English has become a world language. In Shakespeare’s time it was a “provincial” language of secondary importance with only six million native speakers. Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa.

Even more widely English is studied and used as a foreign language. In this respect it acquired an international status. It is used for communication, listening to broadcasts, reading books and newspapers, in commerce and travel. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. English is associated with technological and economic development and it is the principal language of international aid. It is the language of automation and computer technology. It is not only the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport. It is to a considerable degree the universal language of literacy and public communication. It is the major language of diplomacy, and is the most frequently used language both in the debates in the United Nations and in the general conduct of the UN business.

English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century with the first settlements in North America. The English had visited America at different times. But they had never stayed very long. The companies were not successful. In the year 1606, some English people decided they did not like the way their king, James the First, was treating them. They formed a group, which they called the London Company, and made plans to sail for America. The London Company sent three ships to America.

Above all it is the greatest growth of population in the United States assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that has given the English language its present standing in the world.


1.1.3. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.


1. English has become the world’s language in the course of the last decade.

2. In a number of speakers it is the first language in the world.

3. It is one of the official languages in Canada.

4. English has got an international status because it is widely used as a foreign language.

5. Many people in different countries of Africa speak English as a second language.

6. One third of the world’s scientific literature is in English.

7. English is the major language of international aid.

8. French is the principal language for the debates in the United Nations.

9. English has become a world language only because it is widely studied as a foreign language.

10. It is used only as a foreign language outside Great Britain.


1.1.4. Ответьте на данные вопросы (работа в парах).


1. When did English become a world language?

2. In what spheres is English the world’s most important language?

3. Where is it the only one official language?

4. Where is it used as one of the official languages?

5. Where is English spoken as a second language?

6. In what way is it used more widely?

7. Where is English the major language?

8. What is the reason of English becoming a world language?

1.2.5. Просмотрите текст и найдите фразам, данным в левой колонке (1-8) подходящее завершение в правой колонке (a-h).

1) English has become a) as a second language
2) a provincial language b) of literacy and public communication
3) It is also spoken c) communication and listening to broadcasting
4) even more widely d) in the nineteenth
5) In this respect e) acquired an international status
6) It is used for f) a world language
7) the universal language g) English is studied and used as a foreign language
8) by massive immigration h) of secondary importance


Раздел 1.2.

Раздел 1.3.

Ролевая игра.

Situation. You are students A, B, C, … from different countries. (Work in pairs.)

Ask your partner the following question:

- How many foreign languages does she /he speak?

- How did she/he manage to learn these languages?

- What other languages is she/he going to study?

- What is the reason of her/his learning any foreign languages?


Раздел 1.4.

1.4.1. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

Friend/ is/ his/ she/ good. She is his good friend.

1. Work/ are ready/ we/ to start/.2. At maths/ are good/ you. 3. Intelligent very/ is/ he/ 4. With me/ is/ angry/ she. 5. Are/ in/ Europe/ they/ now. 6. Are hungry/ we. 7. She very/ is tired. 8. Now/ is/ tired/ very/ now/ he. 9. After a long walk/ are thirsty/ they. 10. Is/ always/ to help/ he/ ready/ his friends.


1.4.2. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицу«Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

She is his good friend. Is she his good friend? -Yes, she is. - No, she is not (isn’t).

1. We are ready to start work. 2. You are good at maths. 3. He is very intelligent. 4. She is angry with me.


1.4.3.Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицу«Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

They are in Europe now. Where are they now?

1. They are in London at present. 2. He is very busy now. 3. They are thirsty after a long walk. 4. He is always ready to help his friends?


1.4.4. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

She is very tired. Who is very tired? - She is.

1. He is always late for the lessons.

2. We are very glad to see our friends.

3. I am always ready to help my friends.

4. My classmates are often ready to help me.


1.4.5. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

Was/ his/ good/ she/ friend. She was his good friend.

1. Yesterday /at work/ I / was. 2. Last spring/ in France /was/ he. 3. Was/in the office/an hour ago/she. 4. For the performance/yesterday/ were late/ we. 5. Was/ in the country/ last summer/ granny. 6. Were/ they/ last Sunday/at home. 7. Dad/ with me/ yesterday/ angry/ was. 8. With me/ last time/ was/ very/ polite/ he. 9. Was/ he/ an hour ago/ busy/. 10. Windy/ was/ the day before yesterday/ it.

1.4.6. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

She was his good friend. Was she his good friend? – Yes, she was. No, she was not (wasn’t).

1. I was at work yesterday. 2. He was in France last spring. 3. She was in the office an hour ago. 4. We were late for the performance yesterday.


1.4.7. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

1. They were at home last Sunday. 2. Dad was angry with me yesterday. 3. He was very polite with me last time. 4. He was busy half an hour ago.


1.4.8. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

Dad was angry with me yesterday. Who was angry with you yesterday? - Dad was.

1. I was good at maths when at school.

2. My sister was late for the lessons yesterday.

3. Her friends were at her party last week.

4. We were in Britain two years ago.


1.4.9. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

His friend/ she/ will be/ soon. She will be his friend soon.

1. Will/be/ready/she/ in five minute. 2. Will be/ in half an hour/ they/ at home. 3. Will be/ we/for / the next/ late/ lesson. 4. Will be/ you/ in a year/ an accountant. 5. They/after a long walk/ tired/ will be. 6. i/ will be/ soon/back. 7. Will be/tomorrow/ warm/it. 8. Next week/nice/ will be/the weather. 9. Our new teacher/ she/next term/ will be. 10. Tomorrow/ will be/ we/ out of town.

1.4.10. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

She will be his friend soon. Will she be his friend soon? - Yes. She will. No, she will not (won’t).

1. She will be ready in five minutes. 2. The will be at home in half an hour. 3. We will be late for the next lesson. 4. You will be an accountant in a year.


1.4.11. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

We will be out of town tomorrow. Where will you be tomorrow? When will you be out of town?

1. They will be tired after a long walk. 2. I will be back soon. 3. It will be warm tomorrow. 4. The weather will be nice next week. 4. She will be our new teacher next term


1.4.12. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицу «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101.)

I will be back soon. Who will be back soon? -I will.

1. They will be hungry after the work in the forest. 2. I will be an economist in four years. 3. My friend will be back from London soon. 4. You will go home in some hours.


1.4.13. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Ice cream/ likes/ she. She likes ice cream.

1. Comes/ in time/usually/he. 2. Hard/you/always/work. 3. Gets up/ early/ Tom/ seldom. 4. By car/go/often/I/to the university. 5. To the office/ comes/in time/he/always. 6. Well/usually/feels/she. 7. About art/ know/ they/a lot. 8. Hard/you/always/work. 9. English/ speaks/she/well. 10. Well/ does/ he/ with people.

1.4.14. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

She likes/ice cream. Does she like ice cream? – Yes, she does. No, she does not (doesn`t).

1. He usually comes in time. 2. You always work hard. 3. Don seldom gets up early. 4. I often go to the university by car.


1.4.15. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He always comes to the office in time. Where does he always come in time? What does he always do in time?

1. She usually feels well. 2. They know a lot about art. 3. You always work hard. 4. He speaks English well.


1.4.16. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He usually helps his friend with the lessons. Who usually helps his friends with the lessons? -He does.

1. He likes to attend students parties.

2. He goes to the university by bus.

3. I like arts.

4. We speak English quite well.

1.4.17. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Traveled/ they/ last year/ a lot. They traveled a lot last year.

1. Went/ they/ yesterday/ to London/ by plane. 2. A lot/ my friend/ last year/ traveled. 3. Hard/ worked/ he/ yesterday. 4. Bought/ they/ a new car/ last week. 5. The train/ arrived/ an hour ago. 6. Trains/ changed/ we/ yesterday/ Berlin/ evening. 7. Sold/ a house/ a year ago/ his family. 8. Yesterday/ well/ she/ felt. 9. For the classes/ arrived/ Tom/ last Monday/ late. 10. Did/ Helen/ yesterday/ a lot of work/.


1.4.18. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

They /traveled/ much/ last year/? Did they travel much last year? – Yes, they did. No, they did not (didn’t).

1. They went to London by plane yesterday. 2. My friend traveled a lot last year. 3. He worked hard yesterday. 4. They bought a new car last week.


1.4.19. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Helen did a lot of work yesterday. When did Helen do a lot of work? What did Helen do yesterday?

1. The train arrived an hour ago. 2. We changed trains in Berlin yesterday evening. 3. His family sold the house a year ago. 4. She felt well yesterday.


1.4.20. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He always came to the University in time. Who always came to the University in time? – He did.

1. Dan arrived late for the classes last Monday. 2. They bought a lot of flowers last Sunday. 3. They left for London two days ago. 4. I watched a new film yesterday.


1.4.21. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицs «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Will/he/ski/tomorrow with us. He will ski with us tomorrow.

1. Him/ I/ tomorrow/ will phone. 2. Will meet/ us/ at the station/ he/next Friday. 3. Next term/ will learn/ she/ a great deal. 5. Back/ will come/ I/ in two days. 6. Get married/ she/ will/ next month. 7. For Italy/ my friends/ in a week/ will leave. 8. My brother/ next Sunday/ with this work/ me/ will help. 9. All/ his/will pay/ bills/ tomorrow/ he. 10. Will sign/ next week/ the contract/ we.

1.4.22. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицуы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

We will ski tomorrow. Will you ski tomorrow? –Yes, we will. No, we will not (won`t).

1. I will phone you tomorrow. 2. He will meet us at the station next Friday. 3. She will learn a great deal next term. 4. We will pass the exam soon.


1.4.23. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицs «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

I will come back in two days. When will you come back? What will you do in two days?

1. She will get married next month. 2. My friends will leave for Italy in a week. 3. My brother will help me with this work next Tuesday. 4. He will pay all his bills tomorrow.

1.4.24.Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицs «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

We will meet you at the station. Who will meet me at the station? – I will.

1. You will go on holiday soon. 2. I will show you my pictures at the lesson. 3. My sister will help me with my work. 4. We will sign the contract next week.


1.4.25. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102).

Are/ we/ watching/ now/ TV We are watching TV now.

1. Is/ working/ he/ now/. 2. Is listening/ with/ interest/ to/ you/ she/ at the moment. 3. Now/ in the South/ is raining.it. 4. At this problem/ we/ right now/ are working. 5. They/ shopping/ are doing/ at the moment. 6. At present/ are playing/ the children/ computer/ games. 7. Dinner/ is cooking/ Ann/ now/ in the kitchen. 8. Tom/ is having/ a shower/ now. 9. Are going/ they/tomorrow/ to Spain. 10. Next Friday/ them/ he/ is meeting.

1.4.26. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He is watching TV now. Is he watching TV now? – Yes, he is. No, he is not (isn`t).

1. He is working in the lab now. 2. She is listening to you with interest at the moment. 3. It is raining in the South now. 4. We are working at this problem right now.

1.4.27. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопроса к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Ann is cooking dinner in the kitchen at the moment. What is Ann cooking? What is Ann doing? Where is Ann cooking dinner?

1. They are doing shopping at the moment. 2. The children are playing computer games at present. 3. Ann is cooking dinner in the kitchen now. 4. Don is having a shower just now. 5. They are going to Spain tomorrow. 6. He is meeting them next Friday.

1.4.28. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Ann is meeting a friend from Spain at present. Who is meeting a friend from Spain at present? – Ann is.

1. Tom is working in the lab at the moment. 2. Don having supper now. 3. Ann is sleeping in her room now. 4. We are learning grammar.


1.4.29. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)


Was watching/at this time/ he/TV/yesterday. He was watching TV at this time yesterday.

1. At 7 o’clock/ he/ TV/ was watching/ yesterday. 2. Yesterday/ was reading/ from. 3. till 10 p.m./ she/ for the exam. 3. It/ all day long/ was raining/ yesterday. 4. We/ at that moment/ yesterday/ for him/ were waiting. 5. We/ before/ our last exam/ all night/ were studying. 6. Last year/ at this time/ were traveling/ they/ in Europe. 7. Was reading/ from. 5. Till 7/ yesterday evening/ I/. 8. My friends/ were waiting/ at the metro station/ for me/ at this time/ the day before yesterday. 9. When I came/ was reading/ father/ a paper. 10. When her husband came/ was cooking/ she/ dinner.

1.4.30. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He was watching TV at this time yesterday. Was he watching TV at this time yesterday? – Yes, he was. No, he was not (wasn`t).

1. He was watching TV at 7 o’clock yesterday. 2. She was reading for the exam from 3 to 10 p.m. yesterday. 3. It was raining all day long yesterday. 4. We were waiting for him at that moment yesterday.

1.4.31. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice” на странице 102.)

He was writing a report at this time yesterday. What was he writing at this time yesterday? What was doing at this time yesterday?

1. You were studying all night before your last exam. 2. They were traveling in Europe at this time last year. 3. I was reading from 5 till 7 o’clock yesterday evening. 4. My friends were waiting for me at the metro station when I saw them.


1.4.32. Письменно составьте к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицуы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

We were watching a football match when you rang up. Who was watching a football match when I rang up. We were.

1. Father was reading a paper when I came. 2. She was cooking when her husband came. 3. We were watching a new film when mother called us. 4. My brother was making a report at this time last Monday.


1.4.33.Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Tomorrow/at 7 o’clock/will be watching/ they/TV. They will be watching TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

1. To Berlin/ will be going/ I/ tomorrow/ at 3 o’clock. 2. We/ a party/ will be having/ this evening/ at 7 o’clock. 3. In her office/ will be working/ tomorrow/ at 10 o’clock/ she. 4. Ourselves/ will be enjoying/ tomorrow/ at this time/ we. 5. You/ next week/ at this time/ in the sea/ will be swimming. 6. All day long/ they/ tomorrow/ will be studying. 7 tomorrow/ will be reading/ Ann/ for the exam/ all night. 8. Her parents/ next Sunday/ at this time/ to Spain/ will be flying. 9. Will be having rest/ he/ all through the weekend. 10. The whole evening/ tomorrow/ her friends/ will be dancing.

1.4.34. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

They will be watching TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow. Will they be watching TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow? -Yes, they will. No, they will not (won’t).

1. At 3 o’clock tomorrow I will be going to Berlin. 2. At 7 o’clock this evening he will be having party. 3. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning she will be working in her office. 4. We will be enjoying ourselves at this time tomorrow.


1.4.35.Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

We will be preparing for the exam at this time tomorrow. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? What will you be preparing for at this time tomorrow?

1. You will be swimming in the sea at this time next week. 2. They will be studying all day long tomorrow. 3. Ann will be reading for the exam all night tomorrow. 4. His parents will be flying to Spain at that time next Sunday.


1.4.36. Письменно составьте к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицs «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

She will be getting ready for the party when we come to her place tomorrow. Who will be getting ready for the party when we come to her place? – She will.

1. He will be having rest all through the weekend. 2. Her friends will be dancing the whole evening tomorrow. 3. We will be preparing for the conference at three tomorrow. 4. My sister will be arriving home at five the day after tomorrow.



Грамматика: Perfect Tenses, Perfect Continuous Tenses.


Тема: Life at College and University in Britain

Раздел 2.1.

Раздел 2.2.

2.2.1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

crucial adj gain v employment n skilled adj to be keen various adj occupation n catering n introduce v primarily adv provide v opportunity n curriculum vitae cover v complete v require v   viable adj loan n enterprise n решающий, ключевой, критический получать, приобретать работа, занятие, наём (на работу) опытный, умелый, квалифицированный сильно желать, стремиться сделать что-то различный, разнообразный занятие, вид деятельности, профессия обслуживание обедов, свадеб вводить, внедрять, устанавливать в первую очередь, главным образом снабжать, обеспечивать, предоставлять возможность, удобный случай биография покрывать, пройти, предусматривать заканчивать, завершать требовать, приказывать, испытывать необходимость конкурентоспособный, осуществлённый ссуда, заём предприятие, предприимчивость, инициатива  

2.2.2. Прочитайте текст и назовите, какие возможности получить работу есть у британской молодёжи:


Sixteen is a crucial age. This is when young men and women have to decide whether to stay at school, to go on to a college, to look for a job, or to start a Young Training Program. All have to think about gaining employment in a job market which demands increasingly skilled workers. Most study for “A” and “AS” level qualifications. These are two-year courses in single subject. Students will usually take two or three subjects which may be combined with one or two “AS” courses. These are offered by schools and colleges.

The government is keen that more young people should stay on at school or college for the period between 16 and 18 to gain practical skills which will prepare them for employment. Colleges of further education offer a number of more vocationally orientated courses for 16 to 18 year-olds. After their period in further education young people have the opportunity to go on to higher education in a university, polytechnic or college, provided they have good “A” level exam results or good passes in vocational qualifications.

The first stop for young people entering the job market at 16 is their local Job centre or careers office. Some school careers advisers teach such skills as filling out a curriculum vita or writing letters applying for jobs. Youth workers in the Youth Service organizations also give advice and counseling.

A large number of 16 and 17 year-olds enter Youth Training programs established by the Government as a means of helping young people to gain vocational experience through training which can lead to National Vocational Qualifications at level II and above. The Government guarantees a place on the scheme to everybody under 18 who is not in full-time education or in work. Youth training programs, cover a wide range of vocational skills from hairdressing to engineering and a large percentage of trainees are able to find work once they have completed a Youth Training course.

Another option is to become self-employed. This requires a product or service which has a clear market as well as good advice and motivation. It isn’t easy as is testified by the high proportion of business start-ups which fail during their first year. However, a number of organizations offer grants as well as start-up advice. For example, the Prince’s Youth Business Trust (assister of The Prince’s Trust organization) helps unemployed and disadvantaged 18 to 29 year-olds set up viable businesses and provides grants and loans to both individuals and groups. The Shell-sponsored Livewire scheme helps young people between 16 and 25 to start business enterprise with advice and cash awards. Free advice is offered by the network of Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs), co-ordinated through the Department of Trade and Industry and run by professional advisers and business people. Also the Business Enterprise Program provides training in skills needed to run small business.


2.2.3. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы (работа в парах).

1. Why is sixteen a crucial age?

2. Where can one study to gain “A” or “AS” levels?

3. What courses are provided for young people in schools and colleges?

4. Where do young people get advice about entering the job market?

5. What do you know about Youth Training course?

6. Do most business start-ups succeed or fail?

7. What organizations help young people to start their own business?

8. What program provides training if a young man wants to start small business?


Раздел 2.3.

2.3.1. Прочитайте текст. Дайте ответ на вопрос: “What are the ways of getting education at school?”


1. Grammar school – классическая школа

2. “O” levels – экзамены «обычного» уровня

3. “A” levels – экзамены «продвинутого» уровня


My schooling really started at the age of five, and until I was nine I went to a private school, which is quite unusual in England. Then my parents moved and I went to a village school in the countryside. This was a primary school, which children usually go from the ages from five to eleven. At eleven we took an exam called the eleven plus. If we passed that we could go to grammar school, and if we failed we had to go to secondary school. I went to a grammar school. That was quite a good school. It was good for languages. We studied about nine subjects.

My favourite teacher was my Russian teacher. She was a French teacher who was married to a very old Russian emigrant.

At the age of sixteen we took “O” level exams, then some people left after that. That was one option or we could go on to a technical college or “Tech”, and study some kind of technical or computer studies, or we could stay on for another two years, and take “A” levels, which are Advanced level exams. I took “A” levels in English Literature, Russian and Spanish. I had to read so many books. I had to sit and read Tolstoy, Dickens and Cervantes.

At the age of about eighteen, in August, everybody in my year was waiting for their “A” level results to see if they got high enough grades to go on to university. We had to apply for five universities, which we put on a list, with the best one at the top. If you want to go to Oxford or Cambridge, you have to put that as number one, and then it goes down, so Oxford and Cambridge would have to be the first, and then maybe Bristol, Manchester, Leeds, and the rest.

University usually lasts for three or four years. When I was at university we were given a grant, or a sum of money to live on, and we didn’t have to pay it back. The amount you got was graded according to your parents’ income. So, if your parents didn’t have very much money you got a full grant, which was not a lot of money, but you could live on it. So you could pay your rent, get food and go out quite a lot, and buy your books. Going to live in Leeds in the North was better, because things were much cheaper than in London, where it’s very difficult for a student to survive, especially these days.

At university, it’s quite different from being at school because you have to rely on your own motivation. I know a lot of people who just didn’t go to any of their classes because they weren’t compulsory.

Final exams at university were based on the whole three years’ studies, so there was a lot to learn.


2.3.2. Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста:

1. School And University Life

2. Ways of Student Life.

3. Schooling

4. My Education


Ролевая игра.

В Москве проходит международная студенческая конференция. Студенты общаются и расспрашивают друг друга об учебе вузах, в которых они учатся (Оксфордский университет, Токийский университет, университет в Торонто, Варшавский университет, Московский университет и т.д.).


Раздел 2.4.

2.4.1. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

out/ they/ have/ just/ gone/. They have just gone out.

1. To him/ have/ I/ just/spoken. 2. Paris/ has/ she/ never/ been/ to. 3. Lately/I/busy/have/been. 4. Yet/have/not/they/come. 5. A new house/ Sue/ has/bought/already. 6. Today/Mike/met/her/has. 7. Interesting programs/we/this week/on TV/ have watched. 8. Three times/this film/have/I/seen. 9. For many years/he/in this house/lived/has. 10. For three years/has/she/married/been.

2.4.2. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He has already heard the news. Has he the news yet? – Yes, he has. No, he has not (hasn`t).

1. I have just spoken to him. 2. She has never been to Paris. 3. I have been very busy lately 4. They have not come yet. 5. Sue has already bought a new house 6. Mike has met her today 7. We have watched interesting programs on TV this week. 8. I have seen this film three times. 9. He has lived in this house for many years. 10. She has been married for three years.


2.4.3. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы, кроме вопроса к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

They have just gone out. What have they done?

1. He has lived in this flat for three years. 2. We have read this text three times. 3. The lesson has already begun. 4. I have called you twice.


2.4.4. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

They have just gone out. Who has just gone out? -They have.

1. They have written a report on this problem. 2. She has brought tickets for the concert. 3. The lesson has already begun. 4. I have called you twice.


2.4.5. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Before they came/ had/begun/the lesson The lesson had begun before they came.

1. When we arrived/ my friend/ left/had. 2. Had/ left/ we/ an hour/ before he returned. 3. By last Friday/ had/ they/ done/work. 4. Before we went sightseeing/ had/ we/ studied/ the map. 5. By the time I called/ had/ sold/ they/ the tickets. 6. We/ studied/ had/ the train schedule/ before went to the booking office. 7. By the time he came/ cleaned/ the house/ we/ had. 8. They/ all the bills/ paid/ had/ before they left for/ home. 9. Before they left for Moscow/ had/ they/ visited/ their granny. 10. When I came to the office/ our/ manager/ had/ signed/ the contract.


2.4.6. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

He had cleaned the house by five yesterday.- Had he cleaned the house by five yesterday. -Yes, he had. No, he had not (hadn’t).

1. They had done their work by last Wednesday. 2. We had studied the words before the control work. 3. She had left for London by Sunday. 4. He had bought a new house before his mother came.

2.4.7. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему). (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice”» на странице 102.)

They had passed their last exam by twelve yesterday. What had they passed by twelve yesterday?

1. They had sold all the tickets by the time I called. 2.We had studied the train schedule before we went to the booking office.3. By the time he came we had cleaned the house. 4. They had paid all the bills before they left for home.


2.4.8. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

We had seen the film before we read the book. Who had seen the film? – We had.

1. They had visited their granny before they left London.2. Our manager had signed the contract when I came to the office. 3. My friend had booked the tickets by the end of last week. 4. Our students had left for Rome by the end of last month.


2.4.9. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

By Friday/have/will/done/she /her work. She will have done her work by Friday.

1. By that date/my father/have/will/booked/the tickets. 2. When they come/ the lesson/begun/will/have. 3. Have/come/from/his trip/he/ by/tomorrow/will. 4. Their car/they/sold/will/have/by next month. 5. By that time/Ton/will/written/have/his report. 6. When we come/mother/the dinner/will/have/prepared. 7. I called/will/have/him/ by that time. 8. By next Wednesday/ the clerk/ will/printed/have/the papers. 9. By noon/ will/he/have/the papers/signed. 10. Jane will/answered/have/the letter/by that time.


2.4.10. Письменно составьте общие вопросы. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

The lesson will have begun before they come. Will the lesson have begun before they come? -Yes, it will. No, it will not (won’t).

1. My friend will have had left when we arrive. 2. We will have left an hour before he returns. 3. They will have done that work by next Friday. 4. Before we we go sightseeing we shall have studied the map.


2.4.11. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

Since morning/ raining/it/ has/been. It has been raining since morning.

1. Since August/ has/ he/ been/ working/ at this problem/. 2. For two hours/ they/ been/have/ studying/ the contract/. 3. Have/ been/ the managers/ this matter/ discussing/ for half an hour/. 4. They/ have/ since/ nine/ been/ dancing/ they. 5. On the phone/ has/ she/ speaking/ been/ for/ half an hour/. 6. The TV/ the children/ watching/ have/ been/ since morning/. 7. Since three o’clock/ has/ she/ reading/ she/ been/. 8. Have/ doing/ they/ been/ this work/ for/ two hours/. 9. They/ been/ dancing/ since nine/ have/.10. my brother/ writing/ has/been/ his report/ for two hours/.


2.4.12. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

When they left/it/for an hour/been/had/raining. It had been raining for an hour when they left.

1. Had/ been/ doing/ this work/ they/ for several days/ when they got this offer. 2. The documents/ been/ preparing/ had/ for twenty minutes/ the clerks/ when their boss arrived. 3. For half an hour/ we/ been/ skiing/ had/ when the snowfall began. 4. When my friends came I/ been/ for an hour/ had/ cooking. 5. The TV/ for two hours/ had/ watching/ been/ the children/ when mother switched it off. 6. When they finally came to an agreement/ they/ discussing/ the contract/ had/ been/ since 10 a.m. 7. Had/ been/ having a shower/ for/ he/ ten minutes/ when this TV program began. 8. Had/ the car/ running/ been/ had/ for an hour/ when the accident happened. 9. By the time I met my friends/ walking/ been/ I/ had/ for three hours. 10. Tennis/ had/ he/ playing/ been/ for some years/ before he managed to win at the competition.


2.4.13. Письменно составьте утвердительные предложения из данных слов и словосочетаний. (Используйте таблицы «Структура английского предложения» на странице 101 и «Tense Forms/Active Voice» на странице 102.)

For two hours/Ann/have/will/been/working/have/ when she finishes her composition. Ann will have been working for two hours when she finishes her composition.

1. Will/ have been/ working/ I/ over this article/ by next Monday/ for a week. 2. This program/ will/ he/ been/ have/ watching/ for twenty minutes/ when his friend comes. 3. For ten minutes/ will/ she/ have/ been/ having/ a shower/ when the film begins. 4. His car/ he/ washing/ have/ been/ will/ for some minutes/ when the mechanic comes. 5. The managers/ this matter/ discussing/ have/ been/ will/ when the boss comes. 6. They/ will/ have/ been/ having/ talks/ for two hours/ when they come to an agreement. 7. When mother comes/ the children/ watching/ have/ been/ will/ the TV/ for an hour. 8. When I return/ will/ have/ computer games/ been/ for forty minutes/the children/ playing.



Грамматика: Passive Voice.


Тема: English Customs and Traditions


Раздел 3.1.

3.1.1. Отработайте произношение данных слов и словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:


consideration n take into consideration faithfulness n trait n desire n retain v behaviour n initial adj contemporary adj point n point of view differentiate v sharp adj completely adv accustom v experience n slightly adv rent v extreme n absurd n forbid v (forbade, forbidden) force v entire adj supply n inconvenience n tap n imagine v fill up v washbasin n communal adj fade v rinse v instead adv advert n (advertisement) remain v silent adj order n in order to content n ensure v total adj внимание принимать во внимание, учитывать верность, честность особенность, свойство желание, страсть удерживать, сохранять поведение, поступки начальная, заглавная современный точка, пункт, вопрос точка зрения отличать, различать острый совершенно, полностью приучать опыт слегка, немного арендовать крайность, чрезмерность абсурд запрещать, не давать сделать   заставлять силой полный, целый запас неудобство, беспокойство пробка, затычка воображать, представлять себе заполнять, наполнять умывальная раковина общественный, коммунальный увядать полоскать, ополоснуться вместо, взамен объявление   оставаться, пребывать молчаливый порядок, последовательность для того, чтобы содержимое, содержание обеспечивать, гарантировать, всеобщий


3.1.2. Прочитайте текст и назовите, какие национальные особенности отметил автор статьи:


Раздел 3.2.

3.2.1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

weakness n justify v semi-formal adj remark n inevitable adj meaningf

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