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Г р а м м а т и ч е с к и й м а т е р и а л

2017-09-30 853
Г р а м м а т и ч е с к и й м а т е р и а л 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Perfect Tenses.

Времена группы Perfect (Present, Past, Future) выражают действие, которое уже совершилось к определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем.

Времена группы Perfect образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола.

Запомните: 1.Причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle) от стандартных глаголов совпадает по форме с глаголами в Past Indefinite Tense и имеет окончание - ed.

2. Причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle) от нестандартных глаголов можно найти в словаре (так называемая 3 форма глагола) или в специальной таблице нестандартных глаголов (3 колонка).


Present Past Future
have asked has asked had asked shall have asked will have asked

Present Perfect Tense


The Present Perfect Tense употребляется для обозначения действия, которое только что (недавно) закончилось или еще продолжается в настоящем.


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I have asked He has asked Have I asked? Has he asked? I have not asked He has not asked


Обратите внимание!

а) При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол to have ставится перед подлежащим.

б) При образовании отрицательной формы отрицательная частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола.


Запомните основные случаи употребления Present Perfect Tense:

1. Действие совершилось, и результат его связан с настоящим; время не указано.


Science and education have become inseparable.

Наука и образование стали неразрывны.


2. Действие совершилось, в предложениях употребляются наречия неопределенного времени: already – уже, just – только что, ever – когда-либо, never – никогда, lately – недавно, recently – в последнее время, (not) yet – еще не.

Обратите внимание: наречия неопределенного времени ставятся между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами, наречие yet – в конце предложения.

They have already translated this article, you may take it.

Они уже перевели эту статью, вы можете взять ее.

He has not published the results of his work yet.

Он еще не опубликовал результаты своей работы.


Заметьте, наречие yet употребляется только в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.


3. Действие совершилось, а указанный период времени не истек. В предложениях используются обстоятельства типа: this week (month, year, summer) – на этой неделе (в этом месяце, в этом году, летом); today – сегодня.


She has entered the institute this year.

Она поступила в институт в этом году.

4. Действие началось в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи. В предложениях употреблены предлоги since – с, for – в течение.


I haven’t seen you for ages.

Я не видел тебя целую вечность.


I have known him since childhood.

Я знаю его с детства.


Запомните! Предлог for употребляется, когда речь идет о периоде времени:


for two days – два дня (в течении двух дней);

for a week – неделю;


предлог since употребляется, когда обозначается начало периода времени:

since Monday – с понедельника;

since childhood – с детства.


5. После превосходной степени прилагательных.


What a boring film! It is the most boring film I’ve seen.


6. С выражениями:


This is the first (the second) time...

It is the first (the second) time... etc.


This is the first time I have driven a car.

Я веду машину в первый раз.


Правила перевода.


1. Если в предложении говорится о действии, которое только что (уже или недавно) закончилось, сказуемое переводится глаголом прошедшего времени совершенного вида:


I have already posted the letter.

Я уже отправил письмо.


She has been to England twice.

Она была в Англии дважды.

2. Если в предложении говорится о действии, которое еще продолжается в настоящий момент, сказуемое следует перевести глаголом в настоящем времени:


We have been married for 20 years.

Мы женаты 20 лет.


Сравните употребление двух времен:


Present Perfect Past Indefinite
1 cqnUSjrsiC+0ONhta+uv/clpqHG33eHxU46YDpvnu+r1EppM69ubafMEItkp/cHwo8/qULJT5U9k oug1ZJlaMcrBo3oAwcTvptJwv1QLkGUh//9QfgMAAP//AwBQSwECLQAUAAYACAAAACEAtoM4kv4A AADhAQAAEwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW0NvbnRlbnRfVHlwZXNdLnhtbFBLAQItABQABgAIAAAA IQA4/SH/1gAAAJQBAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC8BAABfcmVscy8ucmVsc1BLAQItABQABgAIAAAA IQAxnav+FgIAACwEAAAOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC4CAABkcnMvZTJvRG9jLnhtbFBLAQItABQABgAI AAAAIQAUoksO3gAAAAsBAAAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAEAABkcnMvZG93bnJldi54bWxQSwUGAAAA AAQABADzAAAAewUAAAAA " o:allowincell="f" strokeweight="2.25pt"/> Всегда связано с настоящим: today, this week, recently, lately, ever, never, just, yet.     today past (unfinished present time)     She has been to London this year. (this year is not finished yet).     He has never played golf. (in his life; this period continues up to the present).     Have you seen Nick this morning? (It is still morning)   Tom hasn’t written to me recently. (a period of time between short time ago and now).   I have seen a new film. (new information is announced).   Всегда связанно с законченным моментом в прошлом: yesterday, two years ago, last week, in 1981, when I was a child.   yesterday past (finished present time)     She was in London in 1995. (now it is not 1995, it is finished time in the past).   He didn’t play golf when he was in England last summer. (finished time in the past).     Did you see Nick this morning? (It is now afternoon)   Tom didn’t write to me last year. (finished time in the past).     I saw a new film last week. (an action in the past, not connected with the present).    

Past Perfect Tense


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I had asked He had asked Had I asked? Had he asked? I had not asked He had not asked


Past Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия, совершившегося к определенному моменту в прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен:


а) обстоятельством с предлогом by - к (by the end of the year, by the 1-st of May, etc.)

The students had passed their credit-tests and exams by January, 1.

Студенты сдали зачеты и экзамены к первому января.


б) другим действием в прошлом, выраженным глаголом в Past Indefinite.

She had finished school before she entered the university.

Она окончила школу, прежде чем поступила в университет.


Запомните: Глаголы в Past Perfect Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами прошедшего времени совершенного вида.


Future Perfect Tense


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I shall have asked He will have asked Shall I have asked? Will he have asked? I shall not have asked He will not have asked


Обратите внимание:

а) при образовании вопросительной формы перед подлежащим ставится только первый вспомогательный глагол;

б) при образовании отрицательной формы отрицательная частица not ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола.

Future Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия, которое завершится к определенному моменту в будущем. Этот момент может быть выражен:

а) обстоятельством с предлогом by - к (by 6 o’clock, by the beginning of the week, etс.)

They will have tested this apparatus by the end of the month.

Они проведут испытания этого аппарата к концу месяца.


б) другим действием, относящимся к будущему, с глаголом в Present Perfect или в Present Indefinite Tense.


Помните! В придаточных предложениях времени и условия будущее время не употребляется.


We shall have finished the experiment before you come.

Мы закончим эксперимент до Вашего приезда (до того, как Вы приедете).


Запомните! Глаголы в Future Perfect Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами будущего времени совершенного вида.


2. Словообразование. Приставка re-

(Word –building. The prefix re-)

Приставка re - указывает на повторность действия. Например:

to construct – строить

to reconstruct – перестраивать


to produce – производить

to reproduce - воспроизводить



I. Make the following sentences a) interrogative; b) negative.


1. They have travelled a lot. 2. I have never been to London. 3. She has visited China twice. 4. This is the first time he has driven a car. 5. Tom has met many interesting people. 6. She has already translated this article. 7. Nick has just seen him. 8. He had translated the article by Thursday. 9. The secretary had sent all the faxes off when he came. 10. When we got to the hall, the concert had started. 11. She will have done the job by the beginning of the week. 12. We’ll have arranged everything necessary before the delegation arrives. 13. They’ll have completed the construction by the end of May.


II. Complete these questions. Let your fellow students answer them.


1. Have you seen...? 2. Have you been to...? 3. Have you written...? 4. Have you visited...? 5. Has he booked...? 6. Has she travelled by...? 7. Has Tom done...?


III. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:


1. Nora has traveled a lot. 2. She has already booked tickets. 3. She has visited China twice. 4. I have known him since my childhood. 5. They have seen this film. 6. We have just seen him. 7. He has read a lot of English books.


IV. Put the adverbs in the right place.


1. (ever) Have you travelled? 2. (never) We have seen a flying saucer. 3.(just) They have had a walk in the park. 4. (yet) Have you finished your homework? 5. (yet) She hasn’t sent a telegram. 6. (lately) Have you heard from Mary? 7. (long) He has studied the subject. 8.(ever) Has your sister had any troubles with her son?


V. Mary has had a day off today. Say what she has done. Use the following word combinations:


to clean the windows, to sweep the floor, to dust the furniture, to water the flowers, to wash up the dishes, to go shopping, to buy some food, to pick up the linen from the laundry, to iron clothes, to sew some buttons on the kids’ jackets, to cook dinner, to bake a cake, to make coffee, to take the dog for a walk, to meet the children from school, to have a busy day.


VI. Make up sentences using Present Perfect:


Model: I am very tired. (to work) – I have worked hard.

1. She can speak English (to learn). 2. He can share his impressions about the film (to see). 3. I know the contents of the letter (to read). 4. I like her husband. (to meet) 5. They may come to the party (to return). 6. Ann isn’t here (to leave). 7. I am going to wear a new blouse tonight (to buy). 8. She knows the truth (to tell). 9. They can tell us a lot about London (to visit). 10. I know how to get there (to be). 11. She looks fresh (to have a rest). 12. I have no money (to spend). 13. Sue is looking for her gloves (to lose). 14. Bill can’t play football (to break).


VII. Use Present Perfect or Present Indefinite:


1. Helen (to be) sick since last week. She (to miss) her grammar test. 2. He (to read) a lot and (to know) a lot. 3. Bob’s parents usually (to stay) in the country the whole summer. 4. We (to stay) here for a month, and it (to rain) almost every day. 5. You (to be) at home in the evening? 6. I (to be) here ever since morning. 7. He (to receive) letters from her every week. 8. He (to receive) letters from her since last year. 9. Is it the first time he (to see) a tiger? 10. That’s the third time I (to phone) her today. 11. How long you (to know) each other? 12. I hardly (to hear) anything from her since that time. 13. It long (to be) my dream to visit Canada. 14. She (to dream) of becoming an actress. 15. Normally I (to have) breakfast at 8 in the morning. 16. I (to have) just my breakfast.


VIII. Translate the first part of the sentences using Present Indefinite or Present Perfect:


1. Мы живем в Москве now

since 1960

2. Я изучаю английский twice a week

since childhood

3. Он работает на фирме three days a week

for two years

4. Они ходят в этот магазин every Saturday

since they moved here

5. Мы встречаемся друг с другом sometimes

for many years

6. Я знаю этого человека now

since we went to school

7. Я здесь every day

since 9 o’clock

8. Он играет в футбол once a week

since early childhood

9. Он может водить автомобиль now

since he got the driving license

10. Они получают от него письма regularly

since last spring


IX. Use Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:



1. When you (to go) to the cinema last? – I’m afraid I (not to be) to the cinema for a few months. 2. I (to make) a report at the seminar on Monday. You (to make) your report yet? 3. Anybody (to see) her today? – Yes, I (to see) her an hour ago. 4. Let’s go home, it (to grow) dark. 5. It (to be) dark when we (to come) home. 6. You ever (to see) any plays by Alby? – Yes, I (to see) one last week. 7. Your brother (to graduate) from the University? – Yes, he (to graduate) in May. 8. I (to pass) my last examination. 9. I (to pass) my English exam last week. 10. Moscow (to change) greatly for the last few years. 11. They (to live) in Canada for a few years and then (to move) to Australia.



1. “You (to make) good progress in your English lately,” the teacher said. 2. It (to rain) every weekend since we arrived here. 3. The boss (to be) away the whole day today. 4. What (to happen) to him? – He (to break) his arm yesterday, that’s why he (not to come) today. 5. When you (to receive) a letter from your uncle last? – I (not to hear) from him since he (to leave) three years ago. 6. He (to be) the President of the company ever since its foundation. 7. There (to be) a lot of disasters this year. 8. The plane (to land)? – Yes, it (to land) just. 9. The postman (to bring) the mail? – Yes, he (to come) while you (to be) asleep as usual. 10. It’s a nice dress. Where you (to buy) it? 11. I (not to hear) what you (to say). 12. You (to understand) what I (to say)?


X. Use the correct tense forms.



1. Have you heard about Tom? He (be) to England. Really? When (he/go) there? - He (go) there in July.

2. (You see) Nora recently? - No, she (go) to Italy. - Really? But she (be) there last year. - Yes, but Italy (be) her favourite country. She (go) there every year.

3. Mr. Smith (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

4. Emily lives in Belfast. She (live) there all her life.

5. Bob and Alice (go) to Paris. - (you ever/be) to Paris?

6. When we were on holiday the weather (be) awful.

7. The weather (be) very nice recently, don’t you think?

8. I don’t know Carol’s husband. I (never/meet) him.

9. (you/see) Ann last week?

10. I (play) tennis when I was on holiday.



Dan just (to meet) Tim who (to return) from the USA a few days ago. They (to have) a cup of coffee and (to discuss) Tim’s problems. Tim (to be) unemployed now. He (to lose) his job three years ago. He (to go) to the USA because he (to hope) to find some job there. He (to be) a dentist and he (to discover) that his qualification (not to be) enough to start his own practice there.

So he (to be) out of work for three years now. He (to turn) to a number of employment agencies but he (to be) unsuccessful so far. Dan (to ask), “You (to expect) to find a job easily? I’m afraid it (not to be) so easy. The economic situation in the country (to change) for the worse this year and many companies (to close up). I (to advise) you to consider some other opportunities.” “What you (to mean)?” “Take any job you (to find), no matter how little they (to pay).” “I (to think) about it but I (to spend) all my savings and I (not to know) what tomorrow (to have) in store for me.” “All right. If you (not to find) anything else in the near future, I (to think) my father (to offer) you a job in his office.” “I (to appreciate) it.”


XI. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии? – Нет. А вы? – Я был в Англии дважды. Один раз в прошлом году и второй раз в этом году. 2. Я никогда не путешествовала морем. А вы? – Я путешествовала морем несколько раз. В последний раз я плавала на корабле из Одессы в Варну два года тому назад. 3. Он ездил в Москву на этой неделе. – Когда он ездил? – В понедельник. 4. Мы встретили много интересных людей, когда были в отпуске в прошлом году. 5. Я уже купила билеты. 6. Он ведет машину в первый раз. 7. Это самая красивая страна, которую я посетил. 8. Я еще не заказал билеты, но я сделаю это сегодня. 9. Ты видел Джона сегодня? – Нет, сегодня я его не видел, но видел его вчера. 10. Николай прочитал все пьесы Шекспира.


XII. Analyze the use of the Perfect Forms. Translate the sentences into Russian.



1. I was sure I had never seen that man before. 2.No one had finished his work by the appointed time. 3. When we reached the house the windows were dark as everybody had gone to bed. 4. After they had left the room together he sat in front of the fire for a long time thinking about them. 5. She opened the door only after I had told her who I was and what I wanted. 6. They had prepared everything by 4 o’clock.



1. Don’t come for the article at 6 o’clock. We shall not have finished it by that time. 2. I am sure we shall have prepared everything when you return. 3. If you don’t hurry, the train will have gone by the time you reach the station. 4. By the time you make up your mind to tell him about it he’ll have heard of everything from somebody else. 5. They will have read the first chapter of the book by the end of the week.


XIII. Use "had" or "shall/will have".


1. When we came to the station the train... left. 2. Her friend... waited for her till 5 o'clock and then left. 3. When I walked in Sam... left the room. 4. We... finished all preparations by the time the guests come. 5. He... had a terrible day and looked very tired. 6. We hope they... landed safely in Paris by that time. 7. She... forgotten all about him by the time he returns. 8. The taxi... arrived before we were ready. 9. At last I learnt what... happened to him. 10. By the end of last month they... not completed the experiment yet. 11. She... left the house before you return.


XIV. Use "after," "when," "by," "by the time," "before," "until":

1. My parents had eaten the dinner... I got home. 2. He had been a worker... he became a businessman. 3. It will have grown completely dark... 8 o'clock. 4. Bill had already left... we got there. 5.... the guests had left I went to bed. 6.... she gets the letter, he will have been far away. 7. Where did your sister work... she had graduated from the Institute? 8. Her eyes were red... she had cried. 9. I had never seen any of Turner's paintings... I visited the art museum. 10.... the end of next year her son will have finished school. 11. The train hadn't left yet... they came to the station. 12. Ann hadn't come to Paris... the end of May. 13. I went to the chemist's... I had visited my sick friend. 14. Nick had studied French... he entered the University. 15. She hadn't been able to swim... he taught her. 16.I had seen a new Italian film... the news. 17. She went to London... she had learned English. 18. They had been studying at the University for two years... the war broke out. 19. They won't have left the town... you send them a fax. 20.I hope... the end of the winter I'll have learned to ski.


XV. Combine the sentences using Past Perfect and conjunctions "after," "before," "when," "by the time," "until".

Model: The librarian came back. Peter looked through the magazine. — When (by the time) the librarian came back Peter had looked through the magazine.


1. My friend called on me. I had my breakfast. 2. We went out into the street. The rain stopped. 3. The students reached the camp. The sun set. 4. My father left for the airport. We bought the tickets. 5. Nelly arrived. I baked the cake. 6. I came to her place. She translated the texts. 7. She got home. The table was laid. 8. We got there. She left. 9. He went home. He finished work. 10. John came home. The family had supper. 11. They got married. Her parents gave their consent. 12. We did not disturb him. He finished writing his report. 13. Mother switched off the TV. The film was over. 14.I didn't answer his letter. I received another letter from him. 15.I turned on the light. It got dark. 16. The boat sailed. The lava hit the town. 17. The rescue team took the child out. The house collapsed. 18. The police came. The robber didn't leave the bank.


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