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a) In the event of the loading port being inaccessible by reason of ice when vessel is ready to proceed from her last port or at any time during the voyage or on vessel's arrival or in case frost sets in after vessel's arrival, the Captain for fear of being frozen in is at
liberty to leave without cargo, and this Charter shall be null and void.
b) If during loading the Captain, for fear of vessel being frozen
in, deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so with what
cargo he has on board and to proceed to any other port or ports with
option of completing cargo for Owner's benefit for any port or ports
including port of discharge. Any part cargo thus loaded under this
Charter to be forwarded to destination at vessel's expense but against
payment of freight, provided that no extra expenses be thereby
caused to the Receivers, freight being paid on quantity delivered (in
proportion to lumpsum), all other conditions as per Charter.
c) In case of more than one loading port, and if one or more of
the ports are closed by ice, the Captain or Owners to be at liberty
either to load the part cargo at the open port and fill up elsewhere
for their own account as under section b or to declare the Charter
null and void unless Charterers agree to load full cargo at the open
d) This Ice Clause not to apply in the Spring.
Port of Discharge
a) Should ice (except in the Spring) prevent vessel from reach- *
ing port of discharge Receivers shall have the option of keeping ves
sel waiting until the re-opening of navigation and paying demurrage,
or of ordering the vessel to a safe and immediately accessible port
where she can safely discharge without risk of detention by ice. Such
orders to be given within 48 hours after Captain or Owners have
given notice to Charterers of the impossibility of reaching port of
b) If during discharging the Captain for fear of vessel being
frozen in deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so with
what cargo he has on board and to proceed to the nearest accessible
port where she can safely discharge.
c) On delivery of the cargo at such port, all conditions of the Bill
of Lading shall apply and vessel shall receive the same freight as if
she had discharged at the original port of destination, except that
if the distance of the substituted port exceeds 100 nautical miles, the
freight on the cargo delivered at the substituted port to be increased
in proportion.
Clauses 16 to 25 inclusive, as attached herewith, are deemed to be incorporated in this Charter Party and to apply.
16. Notwithstanding Clause 2 the Owners to be responsible for
the number of pieces, packages, or barrels loaded according to the
Bills of Lading.
17. Days before Sundays or Fridays (whichever applicable) and
Holidays to count as three quarters of a day unless used. On Monday
or Saturday (whichever applicable) and the days after general or
local Holidays time not to count until 8 a. m. unless used.
18. The vessel to supply power steam, winches, derricks, winch-
men during day and night free of expenses to Charterers, and Char
terers to have free use of ship's lighting for night work, if required.
19. At loading and/or discharging port one berth to be used only.
20. Any time lost by reason of breakdown of winches and/or der
ricks to be deducted from the laytime if loading or discharging was
actually carried out by vessel's winches.
21. The tallying of the cargo in the port of loading or discharg
ing is to be effected alongside the vessel.
Any claim to Shipowners concerning the shortage of or damage to the cargo is to be handed to the Master in writing before the vessel sails from the port or discharge.
If the notification is not given to the Master before the vessel sails from the port of discharge any claim will not be taken into account.
22. Captain to telegraph three days notice to Charterers, The
Takoradi Trading Corporation at loading port, Shippers V/O "So-~-
juzexport," Novorossiysk and to Receivers or their Agents, The Tako
radi Trading Corporation at discharging port.
23. Vessel to pay harbour dues and port charges (upon steamer
only) at the ports of loading and discharging.
24. Despatch at half demurrage rate to be paid by Owners for
working time saved at loading and discharging ports.
25. Arbitration Clause
Any dispute arising under this Charter Party shall be referred to Arbitration in Moscow at the Maritime Arbitration Commission in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the said Commission. In case such arbitrators cannot agree, then the dispute to be reffered to the decision of an Umpire, who shall be appointed by the said arbitrators. On request of Owners a guarantee letter to be signed by or on behalf of Charterers or by their bankers, in which case lien on the cargo not to be exercised by Owners.
inaccessible — недоступный, недосягаемый
by reason of — по причине, из-за, вследствие
frost — мороз
to set in — устанавливаться, наступать (о погоде)
fear — опасение, страх, боязнь for fear of — из-за боязни (чего-либо)
to freeze (froze, frozen) — замерзать, замораживать
to deem — считать, рассматривать
advisable — целесообразный, желательный, рекомендуемый
benefit — польза, выгода
lumpsum — твердая сумма фрахта (независимо от того, сколько фактически погружено на судно)
elsewhere —■ где-нибудь в другом месте
to reach — достигать, доходить до
notwithstanding — несмотря на, вопреки
barrel — бочка, бочонок
whichever — какой бы ни, какой угодно, любой
applicable — применимый, приложи-мый
to supply — снабжать, предоставлять
power steam — пар для работы
winch — лебедка
derrick — грузовая стрела
winchman — лебедчик
free of expense — бесплатно, безвозмездно
free use — бесплатное использование
lighting — электрическое освещение
berth — причал
breakdown — авария, поломка
to deduct — вычитать, удерживать (деньги)
laytime — сталийное время (период времени, обусловленный в чартере на погрузку и разгрузку судна)
to carry out ■— выполнять, осуществлять
to tally -— подсчитывать, учитывать (груз)
to effect — совершать, выполнять, производить
claim •— требование, претензия, рекламация, иск
concerning — относительно, касательно
shortage — недостача, нехватка
notification — извещение, сообщение, предупреждение
to take into account - принимать во внимание, в расчет
harbour dues — портовые сборы
port charges — портовые расходы
despatch (dispatch) — диспач, премия за досрочную погрузку пли выгрузку судна
DHD (dispatch at half demurrage rate) — диспач оплачивается в половинном размере от ставки за простой
to save — сэкономить, сберечь
arbitration — арбитраж, третейский суд
to refer (to) — ссылаться; зд. передавать дело в арбитраж
Maritime Arbitration Commission -Морская арбитражная комиссия
Rule of Procedure — процессуальные нормы {юр. термин)
dispute — спор, разногласия
Umpire — суперарбитр
for and on behalf of — по поручению, букв. за и от имени
1. In the event of the port being inaccessible; for fear of vessel being frozen in — очень распространенное в английском языке употребление герундия с определением, выраженным существительным. Такие выражения переводятся на русский язык, в зависимости от общей конструкции русского предложения, двумя способами: либо придаточным предложением: в случае если порт будет недоступным и из-за опасения, что судно будет сковано льдом, либо существительным: в случае недоступности порта и из-за опасения затирания судна льдом.
2. Не deems it advisable. 3. With what cargo he has on board. 4. Whichever applicable. 5. Three days notice. |
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