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Рабочая программа спецкурса «Английский с удовольствием» для 5- 7х классов разработана на основе программы МОН РК по иностранным языкам (английский язык 5-9 классы), соответствует нормам и стандартам для учащихся данных классов и соотносится с требованиями к обязательному стандарту, утвержденными приказом Министерства образования Республики Казахстан.
Составлена на основе следующих нормативных документов:
1. Государственного общеобразовательного стандарта основного среднего образования, утвержденного приказом Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 31октября 2018 года, № 604;
2. Типовых учебных программ (с расширением) по общеобразовательным предметам основного среднего образования, утвержденных приказом Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 25 октября 2017 года, № 545.
Учитывая специфику иностранного языка как учебного предмета и основываясь на Базисный учебный план общеобразовательных учреждений, на прохождение программы данного курса в 5-7 классах выделяется 1 час в неделю (34 учебных часа в учебный год).
Предлагаемый школьный курс «Английский с удовольствием» относится к числу спецкурсов, которые являются неотъемлемой
составной частью основного образования и реализуется за счет часов дополнительного образования в гимназических классах. Он предназначен для оказания помощи учащимся в понимании, использовании и закреплении лексико-грамматических структур английского языка в процессе выполнения разнообразных практических упражнений, как письменных, так и устных. Учащиеся приобретают дополнительную возможность овладения новыми языковыми средствами, в том числе лексико-грамматическими, осваивают знания о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, разных способах выражения мысли в родном и изучаемом языке. В рамках программы целью обучения иностранным языкам является развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции и ее составляющих- речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной в соответствии с требованиями обновленного содержания обучения.
Данный спецкурс направлен на:
- развитие способностей учащихся использовать английский язык как
средство образования и самообразования в области грамматики и лексики;
- удовлетворение современных познавательных интересов школьников в
познании реалий страны изучаемого языка - Великобритании - в процессе ра-
боты над материалом учебного пособия;
- удовлетворение коммуникативных потребностей обучающихся в меж-
культурном общении.
Цель обучения
Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам в общеобразовательной
школе является формирование навыков иноязычной коммуникации и развитие личности школьников, способной участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации на изучаемом языке, а также совершенствоваться во владении ими иноязычной речевой деятельности.
Цель обучения английскому языку в данных классах:
Дальнейшее развитие иноязычной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих:
Речевая компетенция предполагает развитие коммуникативных умений в 4-х видах речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, аудирование и письмо.
Языковая компетенция предполагает овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с отобранными темами и сферами общения; увеличение объема лексических единиц и оперирование ими в коммуникативных целях.
Социокультурная компетенция предполагает приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям стран изучаемого языка в рамках тем, сфер и ситуаций общения; формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка и представлять свою культуру в условиях иноязычного межкультурного общения.
Компенсаторная компетенция предполагает дальнейшее развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых и речевых средств при получении и передачи иноязычной информации.
Цель курса:
К концу курса учащиеся научаться основным лексическими грамматическим явлениям, что означает способность воспринимать их на слух, в чтении, говорении и аудировании и письме.
Задачи обучения.
Практический компонент цели обучения заключается в формировании
устной и письменной речи на иностранном языке, обеспечивающей основные познавательно-коммуникативные потребности учащихся на каждом этапе обучения, в том числе знаний о системе изучаемого языка и правил оперирования языковыми средствами в речевой деятельности.
В процессе изучения содержания курса учащиеся работают над решением следующих задач:
-систематизация ранее изученного материала, овладение новыми языковыми средствами, увеличение объема используемых лексико-грамматических структур;
- совершенствование умения планировать свое речевое поведение;
-развитие умения выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации;
-развитие общих и специальных учебных умений и навыков, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению иностранным языком;
-развитие и воспитание в себе способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению иностранного языка, дальнейшему самообразованию с его помощью.
Требования к уровню усвоения материала
По окончании изучения курса учащиеся должны:
-владеть грамматическим и лексическим материалом в пределах соответствующего уровня указанного пособия;
-уметь выполнять лексико-грамматические тесты в пределах тем, указанных в тематическом планировании по данному уровню.
Формы обучения
- парная и групповая
- индивидуальная
- с использованием ИКТ
Содержание рабочей программы.
В соответствии с программой и государственными стандартами по английскому языку учащиеся 5-7 классов по завершению данного курса должны узнавать основные грамматические и лексические явления в аудио, печатных текстах, выражать свои мысли в рамках устно и письменно по следующей тематике:
Личная жизнь.
Я и моя семья. Отношения в семье. Мои каникулы.
Мои увлечения. Здоровое питание. Мой питомец.
Известные люди.
Известные англичане. Известные люди России.
Известные люди Казахстана. Отличительные черты знаменитых людей.
Программа предусматривает использование таких образовательных технологий как: информационно-коммуникативная, опережающего развития, личностно-ориентированного подхода.
Требования к уровню подготовки обучающихся.
В результате прохождения данного курса учащиеся к концу 7-го класса должен уметь:
- понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов, выделять значимую информацию, определять тему и выделять главные факты;
-используются адаптированные тексты разных видов и жанров, в том числе легкие аутентичные тексты.
- читать аутентичные тексты разных жанров с пониманием основного содержания;
- читать несложные аутентичные тексты разных жанров с полным и точным пониманием, сравнивать полученную информацию, выражать свое мнение;
- читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации;
Письменная речь:
-использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни:
- письменно фиксировать усвоенный материал (слова, предложения), выполнять письменные задания: отвечать на данные вопросы и т.д.
- вести словарик;
-для социальной адаптации; достижения взаимопонимания в процессе устного и письменного общения с носителями иностранного языка;
- осознавать место и роль родного и изучаемого иностранного языка в полиязычном мире, через приобщение к ценностям мировой культуры.
В результате изучения английского языка ученики должны: знать/понимать:
- основные значения изученных лексических единиц; основные способы словообразования;
- особенности структуры простых и сложных предложений;
- признаки изученных грамматических явлений;
- основные нормы письменного этикета;
Фонетика и орфография.
Учащиеся должны научиться:
• соблюдать правильное правописание слов
Лексическая сторона речи.
Учащимся необходимо:
• овладеть продуктивным лексическим минимумом, который охватывает примерно 120-150 лексических единиц и включает устойчивые словосочетания, реплики-клише;
• научиться использовать способы словообразования
1. Предлоги.
2. Спряжение глаголов.
3. Модальные глаголы can, may, must, should, mustn’t.
4. Единственное и множественное число существительных.
5. Артикли.
6. Глаголы: правильные, неправильные.
7. Основные способы словообразования.
8. Видовременными формами глагола в соответствии с базовым УМК в активном и пассивном залогах;
9. Прилагательные.
1.Понятие о прямом и инвертированном порядке слов. Грамматическая функция инверсии. Грамматическое оформление различных типов вопросов.
2.Коммуникативные типы предложения: утвердительные; вопросительные (с вопросительным словом и без него); отрицательные и побудительные.
Приложения к урокам.
My personal life
It is both pleasant and a bit difficult to speak about myself. It is pleasant because every person enjoys speaking about his or her interests, likes or dislikes. But at the same time it is difficult because to study a person, especially yourself, it is a great journey, not a little walk. Speaking about my character I'd like first of all to define what character is. These are some qualities that make a person different from others. People often say about me that I am not like others. I don't think that I am something special. When candles are out all cats are grey. But of course if you come closer and turn on the light you can see that some features are typical to me.
But to cut the long story short I think I am a good humored, very responsible, hard working and emotional person. I like creativity and appreciate this trait in others. I don't like to he and I feel when others do. I try not to be late and I hate when others don't come on time. I prefer to associate with clever and polite people. It is very annoying when somebody whom I trust turns out to be unreliable.
But I try to treat other people so as I want them to treat me. I see the man whom I am looking for also as a person with a strong and sound body and mind. The person, who is interesting to talk to, whom I can trust and rely on.
As for my interests I am fond of psychology in the sphere of dealing with people and the questions of how to form your thoughts in the most favorable way. I adore travelling, seeing other people, their traditions, customs, to get acquainted with their culture, going sightseeing. Besides I like different kinds of music, I like music with rhythm you can dance to.
1. Why is it both pleasant and a bit difficult to speak about oneself?
2. What can you tell about your character?
3. What personal qualities do you appreciate?
4. What are you fond of doing?
5. What do you hate that other people do?
6. What is it annoying to you about other people?
7. How do you try to treat other people?
8. What are your interests and hobbies?
9. What do you adore doing?
London is the capital of Great Britain. London is a very old town. London is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. There were a lot of villages round it. After many years London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. Some of the names of those villages are the names of the streets in modern London-Kensington, Westminster. Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. The city of London is the business centre. East End includes the poor districts. West of London is the West End where rich people live.Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is the column made of granite. On the top of the column there is a 17-feet-tall statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1809. The total high of the monument is 184 feet (44 meters).On the pedestal is a bronze relief cast from a captured French cannon, representing Nelson’s victory.On the North side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery.The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of pictures in the world.Trafalgar Square is one of the busiest place in London, where people go to and from the work, it is hard to cross the street.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1.What is the capital of Great Britain?
2.How many years is London?
3.What includes the poor districts?
4.Where do rich people live?
5.Where is the Admiral Nelson column?
1.On the top of the column …
2.London is two…
3.On the north side…
4.The total high…
5.There were…
3. Какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста “+”, а какие не соответствуют “-”
1.London is a new town.
2.London is on the Thames.
3.The West End of London is a place where rich people live.
4.In London there aren’t a lot of squares and parks.
Найдите в тексте
1.Национальная галерея имеет одну из прекраснейших коллекций в мире.
2.Трафальгарская площадь находится в центре Вест Енда в Лондоне.
3.Сейчас Лондон –один из красивейших городов с большими площадями и парками.
4.Спустя много лет Лондон и три сотни деревень превратились в один большой город.
5.Некоторые из этих деревень стали названиями в современном Лондоне.
About myself and my family
Let me introduce myself. I’m Natasha Petrova. Natasha is my first name. Petrova is my surname. I’m sixteen years old. I was born on the 10th of December in 1994 in St. Petersburg. I’m rather tall and slim. My hair is fair. I’ve got blue eyes. I like to joke and to laugh. I think I’ve got a sense of humor. I go in for sports. I do gymnastics. I take part in different gymnastic competitions. Last year I finished school number 9. We had many well-educated teachers at our school. I was a good student and did well in all subjects. My favourite subjects were Maths, English and Physics. Now I’m a first year student of the college of Information Technologies and Services.
I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large. There are five of us: my mother, my father, my brother, my sister and me. First of all some words about my parents. My parents have been married for twenty five years. My father is forty-nine years old. He is an engineer. His name is Denis. He works in the office of an aircraft company. He is very experienced. My father is always busy. He likes his job very much. My father is a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. He can make different things with his own hands. We’ve got a car and my father always repairs our car himself. My father is fond of swimming pool together.My mother’s name is Elena. She is forty-eight but she looks much younger. She is slim. My mother has big hazel eyes and brown hair. She is a doctor. She works in a hospital and likes her profession very much. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking. She often cooks something tasty for us. We try to help her about the house. I'm lucky to have an elder brother. My brother Fyodor is about twenty-three. He is married and has a family of his own. My brother is a businessman and his wife Ann is a teacher of English. They have a small daughter who is two years old. Fyodor is my best friend. I can always turn to him with my troubles.My younger sister Olya is only five years old. Olya goes to the kindergarten. She is very funny. I like to spend my free time teaching her something. Sometimes I take Olya to the Zoo.
My grandparents are retired. They don’t live with us but I think them to be members of our family. They often come to see us. My grandparents like gardening. They spend a lot of time in the country. They grow vegetables and fruit.
I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.
Topical vocabulary
introduce – представлять, знакомить
tobeborn – бытьрожденным
computer programmer - программист
to be good at – бытьспособнымк
rather – добровольно, пожалуй
slim - стройный
darkhair – темные волосы
to joke - шутить
to laugh - смеяться
sense of humour – чувствоюмора
to go in for smth. – заниматьсячем-либо
to take part – приниматьучастие
to marry - жениться
experience - опыт
busy - занятой
to repair – чинить, исправлять
to be fond of smth. – увлекатьсячем-либо
free - свободный
totakecareofsmb. – заботиться о ком-либо
tasty - вкусный
toturnto – обратиться к кому-либо
trouble – беспокойство, проблема, волнения
kindergarten – детский сад
toberetired – бытьнапенсии
gardening – возделывать, возводить (сад)
My family
We are an average Russian family. There are four of us: my mother, my father, my brother and me.
I am Kostya Ivanov. Kostya is my first name and Ivanov is my surname. I am sixteen. I’ve got a grandmother and grandfather. They do not live with us, but I feel them members of our family. They often come to see us. My grandmother was a teacher of music. Now she is retired. My grandfather was an engineer and he knows all about radio set and likes to repair old ones. He can fix almost everything: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not. He’s got a few shelves where he keeps everything he needs. On the table there is always a radio in pieces.
My father is forty-four years old. He is an engineer. He works in the office of an engineering company. He is always busy. He has very little free time. He likes his job and there are chances of promotions. He is very experienced. He is not very old. His hair is fair. He has got grey eyes and very kind round face. His forehead is high, his manners are very quiet and pleasant.
My mother is a teacher of Russian literature. She works at a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is fourty-four but she looks much younger. She is slim.
My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She sews perfectly. She can do everything out nothing. She is very practical. My father and I try to help her with the housework. I wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy up.
My brother Alex is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three years ago he dreamt of being a cosmonaut.
I want to become a student. I’d like to be a computer programmer. I think I take after my father. I’m tall, fair-haired and even-tempered. I always try to be in a good mood.
At weekends we usually go the countryside to ski in winter and to walk in the forest in summer. But most of all I like family feasts. We’ve got a lot of relatives. My aunts, uncles and cousins live in different parts of Khabarovsk. On holidays they come often come to our place. We have a very good time together. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well.
Topical vocabulary
average to be in good mood even-tempered experienced fair-haired to fix in piece quiet to retire t o be clever with her hands to be good at cooking to take care to take after to tidy to get on well tobedeeplyattached | средний быть в хорошем настроении уравновешенный квалифицированный светловолосый чинить разобранный на части тихий, спокойный уйти на пенсию умелые руки хорошо готовить заботиться быть похожим приводить в порядок быть в хороших отношениях быть сильно признательным |
Give Englishe quivalents
быть в хорошем настроении, уйти на пенсию, чувство юмора, принимать участие, заботиться, уравновешенный, приводить в порядок, свободное время, семейные праздники, ездить за город, увлекаться чем-либо, быть занятым, родственники.
Translate into English
My summer holidays.
Summer is the most wonderful time for holidays. I always look forward to my summer vacations. There are different ways of holiday-spending and you can vary it. You can stay at home sleeping off, reading interesting books, watching TV or playing computer games all day long.Some people spend their holidays at the seaside or in the mountains.You can also spend several weeks in the country walking through the green fields, watching the clouds and enjoy a nice smell of flowers sitting down on a soft meadow. It’s nice to go for walks to the forest picking mushrooms and berries. If you do not mind of listening to the barking of the dogs and the croaking of the frogs in the evening, go to the country.
Some people want to visit some exotic place like China or Vietnam going sightseeing and visiting the places of interest.To my mind if your idea of a holiday is something relaxing have a camping holiday.
Our company annually spends summer holidays on the coast of the Japan sea.We place a tent in a quiet picturesque place on the sea shore for several weeks.We are not afraid of mosquitoes, damp,typhoons and wind. We enjoy fresh sea air and sun all day long. I never get bored there. As a rule I make new friends when I am on a holiday. In the daytime we play volleyball, go fishing and boating, swim in the warm water of the sea, sunbathe, read magazines, newspapers.I like to walk along the beach collecting beautiful shells and interesting pebbles.
In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the rise and the fall of the waves and enjoying the sunset. Our company finds great pleasure in making bonfires and cooking barbecues. We like to sit around the camp fire telling anecdotes, funny stories and singing to a guitar. At night everyone sleeps except me. I enjoy being alone and observing the sky. The night stars attract me so much that I don’t notice anything else. Later it’s nice to sleep in a tent in your sleeping-bag listening to the noise of the waves.
On this sort of holiday I get absolutely relaxed. There is nothing better for giving you energy to keep you going through the winter. We return home happy and full of impressions.
1. Answer the questions:
1.Do you always look forward to your summer holidays?
2.What do you usually do if you stay at home in summer?
3.Are you fond of travelling?
4.What countries would you like to visit?
5.Have you ever been in the country?
6.What did you do there?
7.Do you like camping holiday?
8.What do you usually do on the sea shore?
9.Are you fond of lying in the sun or swimming?
10.What do you enjoy doing in the evening?
11.What is your idea of an ideal holiday?
2. Find the equivalents:
3.Гулять по полю
4.Смотреть на облака
5.Собирать грибы и ягоды
6.Осматривать достопримечательности
7.Проводить отпуск на берегу моря
8.Наслаждаться свежим морским воздухом
9.Собирать ракушки и камешки
10.Готовить шашлыки
3. Translate into Russian:
1.time for holidays
2.a smell of flowers
3.the barking of the dogs and the croaking of the frogs
4.visiting the places of interest.
5.a camping holiday
6.to be afraid of mosquitoes, damp,typhoons
7.to get bored
8.to go fishing and boating
9.to walk along the beach
10.to sit around the camp fire
11.to sleep in a tent
12.to return home happy and full of impressions
4. Find the adjectives in the text. Agree or disagree using phrases:
1.In my opinion.
2.To my mind.
3.It goes without saying.
4.It’s hard to say.
5.It is a pity.
6.I doubt it.
5.Make sentences out of the following words:
1.I, on, to, beach, like, the, rise, sit, the,watching.
2.Do, like,telling,to, sit, you, anecdotes, the, around, fire?
3.Gives, it, you, to, going, energy, you, through, the, keep,winter.
4.Enjoy, sky, the, observing, I, night.
5.Been, you, have, camping, ever?
How I help about the house.
I live with my parents and I have to help about the house. Every Sunday I do my room. I dust the furniture and vacuum the carpet. I water the flower once a week. I help my mother to lay the table. I wash the dishes after dinner. We take turns with my brother. Sometimes I help my mother to make cakes. I seldom go shopping only when my mother asks me. I buy bread and fruit. Iunderstand that I must help my parents because they work hard. And I don’t mind doing it.
Complete the text.
1.My name is_____________. I live with parents.2.I love my family and help my parents ________the house.3.I always vacuum the ________. 4.Sometimes I help my mother to _______the table. 5.And I usually ________ up after meals. 6.I often ______my room and __________the flowers.7.But I never do the___________. I don’t like it.
My Hobby
Hobby is what people like to do in their free time. We choose a hobby to our tastes. Hobby makes our life interesting. Sometimes it helps us to chose our future profession.I have got a hobby too. My hobby is …… When I have free time, I always … (describe your hobby).Also I like to make toys in my free time. I like reading books, too. My favourite writer is …If your hobby is cooking, you can say how you make cakes and pies.
Complete the text.
1.Different people like ____________ things. 2.That’s why we have ____________ hobbies.3.I am fond of________________________ (3 предложенияосебе).4.My friend Nastya likes __________. 5.She is crazy about_____________(3 предложенияосвоемдруге/ подруге) 6.I think hobbies make our life ______________.
My Pet
Hello there! I would like to tell you about my pet. It is a hamster and her name is Sue.Sue is about one year old. She is very funny. She has soft skin and bright black eyes. Sue is very lively (подвижная) and likes to run around a wheel in her cage.I keep her cage in the hall because she makes noise at night. But in the daytime I let her run about the flat and play with her.Sue eats vegetables and I feed her every day. I clean her cage every week. I like to take care of my pet.I hope that one day my parents buy me one more pet. I would like to get a rabbit on my birthday.
Complete the text.
1.The animals we keep at home are our_____. 2.They can be dogs,_______,________,________ or _______.3.People are fond of pets. 4.They like to watch them and treat them as a real members of the family.5. Dogs and cats are our _________pets.6.I have got a _____pet.7. In my house _________three cats, a dog, two hamsters and a parrot.8.I love them all and I am very _________ when I play with them.9.I _______care of them, too.10.My mum helps me to ________ them. 11.When I grow up, I want to _______a vet and take ________of animals.
Our capital.
Akmola was_________ to Astana in 1998(nineteen and ninety eight). Astana is __________in the North of Kazakhstan. Astana is the________ of our country. Astana is big and modern city. The ________ of Astana is 900 (nine thousand) people. The main river in Astana is Ishim. Astana is ______ ___ its sights. They are Baiterek, Duman, Ak-Orda, Khan-Shatyr and so on. Astana has got beautiful and modern buildings. There are noisy and clean ________. Astana has problems with _________. The Day of Astana is on the 6th July. Astana is the centre of EXPO 2017.
Answer the questions:
1. What is the capital of our country?
2. What is the population of Astana?
3. What is the main river in Astana?
4. What was Akmola renamed to Astana?
5. What is Astana famous for?
Kazakhstan is an independent republic. Its area is over 2.724 million square kilometres. The population of Kazakhstan is about 16 million people. Kazakhstan border s with the Russian Federation to the north and north-west; with China to the east and with the central Asian republics of Kirgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Kazakhstan is rich with mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, uranium, oil, natural gas. Kazakhstan’s largest cities are: Almaty, Karagandа, Chimkent, Karaganda, Pavlodar. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It is situated in the north of the country. It's now a big industrial, cultural, scientific and administrative centre of the republic. More than a hundred nationalities live in Kazakhstan. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan. The largest lake is Balkhash. In the north-west there is the Aral Sea, it is becoming dead because of the poisoned environment. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international communication.A lot of people of different nationalities live in Kazakhstan in a friendly family. Our motto is "Peace and Friendship".
Complete the sentences and describe the text:
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is _____________ republic.
2. Its area is over _____ square kilometers.
2. Its population is about _____ people.
3. The capital of the Republic is _______________.
4. Kazakh is the ________________ of the country.
5. Kazakhstan _____________ with the Russian Federation, China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.
6. More than a ______________________live in Kazakhstan.
The official name of this country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK for short). It is situated on the British Islands and comprises England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain is over 69 million. The majority of the UK population (almost 92%) lives in cities and towns.
The country is washed by the North and Irish seas and by the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. The English Channel separates the country from the European continent. The highest mountain of the country Bev Nevis is in Scotland. Britain has several rivers, but they are not very long. The longest river is the Severn, but the deepest and the most important one is the Thames. The country climate is mild due to the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf Stream warm waters and the mountains. The country weather often changes.
The UK is one of the most highly developed industrial powers in the world. It holds one of the leading places among the European countries. The country is not rich in mineral resources. That is why it has to import some goods, raw materials, gas and oil.
The capital of the country is London. It is the largest political, cultural and industrial center of the country, as well as one of the largest sea ports in the world.
Britain is the country with old cultural traditions and customs. The official languages of the state are English, Welsh, Scottish and Gaelic. The national symbol of the country is the Union Jack- the National Flag having 3 red and white crosses on the dark blue field.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the Queen. Her power is not absolute, it is limited by the Parliament. The British Parliament is one of the oldest Parliaments in the world. It consists of two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. There are several political parties in the country. The largest and the most influential of them are the Conservative (the Tory), the Liberal (the Whigs) and the Labour parties.
Complete the sentences
1.The official name of Great Britain is ……..
2.The United Kingdom comprises……..
3.The country territory is …………
4.The UK is one of the most densely …….
5.It is a constitutional …………
6.The official head of the state is …….
7.The House of Commons and the House of Lords are …….
8.The British Prime Minister is ……
9.English is …….. of the state.
10.London is ……. It is the country ……..
11.Great Britain is one of the world*s …….
12.It is also one of the most ……….
Answer the questions.
1. Give the official name of Great Britain.
2. What does it consist of?
3. What is the highest mountain in the UK?
4. Name the longest rivers of the country.
5. What is the national symbol of the country?
6. Who is formal\real head of the state?
7. Who heads the country government?
8. How many chambers does the British Parliament have?
9. What are the largest political parties of the UK?
Famous People of Great Britain
Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people and always was. There are lots of famous British musicians, sportsmen, scientists, writers, explorers and so on. One of the most important people of the mankind was Charles Darwin, who was a great explorer, scientist and a writer. He has travelled around the world carefully studying the origin of people and some animals and then he produced his famous "On the origin of species" book, where he stated that all human creatures originated from some simpler creatures through evolution and natural selection. Another outstanding Englishman, who has changed the course of literature and theater development, was a great writer William Shakespeare. Thanks to him everybody in the world knows the story of "Romeo and Juliet". One of the most influential changes in music world was brought by the famous English rock band "Beetles". Some of the band leaders are already gone, but their music is still as popular as it used to be decades ago.
Isaac Newton was another great man in the world of science. This prominent Englishmen is considered to be a founder of physics. Many of the famous English men are buried in Westminster Abbey, in London. Speaking about contemporary celebrities of Great Britain, it's important to mention some well-known country leaders, such as Queen Elizabeth II, who has been a monarch of the country for almost 60 years by now.
Another famous politician is the former leader of Labour Party and the 73rd Prime Minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair. Among well-known Britons some sportsmen are worth mentioning, such as David Beckham - a famous footballer, Paula Radcliffe - a famous athlete, Steve Redgrave - a famous rower and many others. Great Britain can be also proud by some of her prominent artists, such as Thomas Gainsborough, William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, John Constable and several others.
Famous People of Russia
Much was done by people to reach the present state of human development. It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting was made by the Russian people. The names of Russian scientists and writers, poets, composers and painters are world-famous-Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Levitan. This chain can be endless. It is almost impossible to name a branch of science in the development of which the Russian scientists haven't played the greatest role. Lomonosov, the founder of the Moscow University was an outstanding innovator both in the humanities and sciences. Mendeleev's greatest discovery was the Periodic System of Elements. Popov invented radio. Sechenov and Pavlov were the world's greatest physiologists. Russia is rightly called the mother of aviation and cosmonautics. Names of Tsiolkovsky, Korolyov and Gagarin are symbols of new space era.People in many countries admire paintings, portraits and landscapes of Surikov, Levitan and Repin.
I want to tell about one of the greatest Russians. PyotrIlyich Tchaikovsky, an outstanding Russian composer, was born in Votkinsk in 1840. He was fond of music since his early childhood. His mother sang him beautiful songs and taught him to play the piano. He graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire only in 1866 because of his poor living conditions. He was the best pupil of Anton Rubinstein. When the Moscow Conservatoire was founded PyotrIlyich became a professor there.He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces.
'Eugene Onegin', a new type of opera, was a great success all over the world. 'His Swan Lake', 'The Nutcracker', the Sleeping Beauty are musical masterpieces. In his music he used folk melodies for the musical descriptions of Russian nature and life. His compositions are full of realist.
Complete the sentences
1. The great contribution to the development of the world ____ and ____, _____, _____ and _____ was made by the Russian people.
2._____the founder of the Moscow University was an outstanding innovator both in the humanities and sciences.
3. Mendeleev's greatest discovery was the ________.
4. _____________were the world's greatest physiologists.
5. The symbols of new space era are_________________.
6. The outstanding Russian composer was ________
7. He created________________.
8. His musical masterpieces are ______________.
Kazakh famous people
IbrayAltynsarin was a famous Kazakh educator and teacher of the 19th century. He was born in 1841 in Torghai region. Altynsarin started a Cyrillic alphabet for the Kazakh language. He opened many Kazakh-Russian schools and schools for girls. He translated books and textbooks. He wrote the first Kazakh Grammar book. Altynsarin travelled a lot and visited many countries. He liked children and wrote poems for them. A lot of streets, institutes and schools are named after Altynsarin.There is an Altynsarin museum in Kostanay.
AbayKunanbayev is a famous writer and poet.He was born in 1945 in Abay region. Grandmother Zere told him tales and sang songs. He went to school in Semipalatinsk. Abay wrote many books and poems. His main book is The Book of Words. He translated Pushkin, Krylov and Lermontov into Kazakh. He lived a long life and did a lot for people. Many streets, squares, theatres are named after Abay. People in many countries know Abay and his works. There are monuments to Abay in many cities.
ToktarAubakirov is the first Kazakh cosmonaut. He was born in 1946 in Karaganda. He studied at the Air Force Institute.In October 1991 he flew into space. There were two other cosmonauts with ToktarAubakirov. They were Russian and Austrian cosmonauts. They left the BaikonurCosmodrome and spent eight days in space. He likes to travel very much. He has friends in many countries. He has a wife and two children.
RozaKuanyshevnaRymbaeva (born 1957) is a Soviet and Kazakh artist, and the most famous singer of Kazakhstan. She was born in 28 October 1957 at the Zhangiz-Tobe station in the East Kazakhstan Province to a family of railway workers. Graduated from the faculty musical-dramatic comedy of theatrical-artistic institute in Almaty (1984).From 1976 to 1979 soloist of republican youth-pop band "Gulder" ("Flowers"), from 1979 in a pop band "Arai", managed by her husband T.Okapov.Since 1979 - a soloist of Kazakhconcert, the main republican concert. She also combines as a teacher of Republic pop-circus college. The winner of various international contests of pop singers (1977 Sopot, Bulgaria, 1979, Istanbul, Turkey).The winner of grand-prix of "Gala-83" international contest in Cuba.Tulegenova, BibigulAkhmetovna was born in December 16, 1929, in Semipalatinsk. Soviet coloratura soprano.People’s Artist of the USSR (1967).
KanyshSatbayev was the prominent Kazakh geologist, a founder and the first President of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Member of the Presidium, the State and Lenin prizewinner.The great learning, the important contribution to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, remarkable geological, scientific and industrial achievements together with social and political activities made KanyshSatpayev as famous as AbaiKunanbayev, ChokanValikhanov and MukhtarAuezov - great sons of the Kazakh people.
AuezovMuhtarOmarhanovich (1897-1961) – the great writer, known in many countries. The first and earliest Auezov’s work was the play "Enlik-Kebek" based on the national legend about tragical destiny of two young people, dared to put the feelings above patrimonial conflicts. The play "Enlik-Kebek" for the first time was put in yurt of Abai’s wife Aigerim and since then didn’t descend from the Kazakh stage. The completion of Auezov’s creative researches was found in a novel-epopee "Abai’s Path", consisting of four books.
1. Choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about IbraiAltynsarin and put them in the correct order:
• He learnt the works of the worldwide writers and poets, such as Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin, Gogol,Lermontov, Ferdausi, Nizami.
• He finished the muslim religious school (medresse). Also he studied at Russian school and started writing poems there.
• In 1860 he opened the specialized school for Kazakh children (for girls) to teach them the Russian language.
• Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry.
• His father died when he was very young, that’s why he was brought up by his grandfather.
• In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.
• He had been elaborating the New Kazakh Alphabet for 3 years.
• He was born in 1841 in Torgai Region.
2. Choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about AbaiKunanbaev, put them in the correct order:
• He died in 1904.
• He died in 1961; his stories and novels became very popular among young people.
• He was born in 1845.
• Sometime later he was moved to the administrative department of Orynbor region as a translator.
• Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry.
• He had been elaborating the New Kazakh Alphabet for 3 years.
• He finished the Muslim religious school (medresse). Also he studied at Russian school and started writing poems there.
• He translated many works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Goethe, Tolstoy, Saltykov – Schedrin and other poets and writers from Russian into Kazakh.
• In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.
• His first work “Enlik-Kebek” was written in 1917, it was the beginning of the great creative way.
3. Choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about MuhtarAuezov, put them in the correct order:
• His first work “Enlik-Kebek” was written in 1917.
• He had been elaborating the New Kazakh Alphabet for 3 years.
• He died in 1961; his stories and novels became very popular among young people.
• He learnt the works of the worldwide writers and poets, such as Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Ferdausi, Nizami.
• In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.
• Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry.
• He was born in 1897 in Semey region.
• He finished the Muslim religious school (medresse).
• He had written a great number of famous stories and novels, interesting articles and books, which represent one of the most important directions in Kazakh written literature.
Пояснительная записка.
Рабочая программа спецкурса «Английский с удовольствием» для 5- 7х классов разработана на основе программы МОН РК по иностранным языкам (английский язык 5-9 классы), соответствует нормам и стандартам для учащихся данных классов и соотносится с требованиями к обязательному стандарту, утвержденными приказом Министерства образования Республики Казахстан.
Составлена на основе следующих нормативных документов:
1. Государственного общеобразовательного стандарта основного среднего образования, утвержденного приказом Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 31октября 2018 года, № 604;
2. Типовых учебных программ (с расширением) по общеобразовательным предметам основного среднего образования, утвержденных приказом Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 25 октября 2017 года, № 545.
Учитывая специфику иностранного языка как учебного предмета и основываясь на Базисный учебный план общеобразовательных учреждений, на прохождение программы данного курса в 5-7 классах выделяется 1 час в неделю (34 учебных часа в учебный год).
Предлагаемый школьный курс «Английский с удовольствием» относится к числу спецкурсов, которые являются неотъемлемой
составной частью основного образования и реализуется за счет часов дополнительного образования в гимназических классах. Он предназначен для оказания помощи учащимся в понимании, использовании и закреплении лексико-грамматических структур английского языка в процессе выполнения разнообразных практических упражнений, как письменных, так и устных. Учащиеся приобретают дополнительную возможность овладения новыми языковыми средствами, в том числе лексико-грамматическими, осваивают знания о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, разных способах выражения мысли в родном и изучаемом языке. В рамках программы целью обучения иностранным языкам является развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции и ее составляющих- речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной в соответствии с требованиями обновленного содержания обучения.
Данный спецкурс направлен на:
- развитие способностей учащихся использовать английский язык как
средство образования и самообразования в области грамматики и лексики;
- удовлетворение современных познавательных интересов школьников в
познании реалий страны изучаемого языка - Великобритании - в процессе ра-
боты над материалом учебного пособия;
- удовлетворение коммуникативных потребностей обучающихся в меж-
культурном общении.
Цель обучения
Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам в общеобразовательной
школе является формирование навыков иноязычной коммуникации и развитие личности школьников, способной участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации на изучаемом языке, а также совершенствоваться во владении ими иноязычной речевой деятельности.
Цель обучения английскому языку в данных классах:
Дальнейшее развитие иноязычной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих:
Речевая компетенция предполагает развитие коммуникативных умений в 4-х видах речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, аудирование и письмо.
Языковая компетенция предполагает овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с отобранными темами и сферами общения; увеличение объема лексических единиц и оперирование ими в коммуникативны
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