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Ex. 19. Make up questions as in the model. Answer them.
Model: I wish I were on holiday now.
What would you do if you were on holiday now?
1. I wish I could drive a car.
2. I wish I knew several foreign languages.
3. I wish I were a writer.
4. I wish it were summer (winter) now.
5. I wish I had 3 brothers.
6. I wish I had a car.
7. I wish I were in London now.
Ex. 20. Tom is overweight.
A. Say in what cases he wouldn’t have gained so much weight.
Use if-clauses.
1. He didn’t follow a keep-fit programme.
2. He drank a lot of beer.
3. He never played football.
4. He ate potatoes and macaroni.
5. He spent a lot of time indoors.
6. He walked very little.
7. He avoided doing morning exercises.
B. Say in what cases he would lose weight.
1. Tom never walks to his work.
2. Tom likes cakes and sweets.
3. Tom puts a lot of sugar into his tea or coffee.
4. Tom eats a lot of chocolate and jam.
5. Tom often drinks beer.
6. Tom is used to eating after 9 o’clock in the evening.
7. Tom avoids going for outings on Sundays.
C. Say what Tom might say reproaching himself:
1. I wish I had a lot of …
2. I wish I had avoided…
3. I wish I had never eaten…
4. I wish I had tried to…
5. I wish I had started…
Ex.21 Translate the sentences into Russian.
Analyse the mixed conditional sentences.
1. She would be at the meeting now if she had been told about it.
2. He would have applied for the job if he wanted to work there.
3. If he had taken the job seriously he wouldn’t be unemployed.
4. If he had trained every day he would win the race.
5. We could go to the concert if I had booked seats.
6. I wouldn’t have been in a difficult situation if you had warned me.
7. If I knew him well I would have given him a piece of advice.
8. She would be at the reception if she had been invited.
9. If the film were not popular the director wouldn’t have won an Oscar.
Ex.22. Paraphrase the sentences using mixed conditionals.
1. He has a tooth-ache because he didn’t see his dentist.
2. He won’t go to see the play as he was present at the dress rehearsal.
3. He went to Moscow specially to hear this famous singer because he is fond of him.
4. She could not mend her dress because she has no needle.
5. He isn’t a first-class sportsmen now because he didn’t train enough last year.
6. The students worked hard, so they do well in their exam now.
7. She is good at foreign languages and she tried to enter the foreign languages
8. I am not free because I didn’t write the composition yesterday.
Ex.23 Translate the sentences into Russian.
Define the type of the conditionals.
1. "What", the Prime minister asked rhetorically, "would be thought of a Lord Chief Justice if he won the Derby"?
2. The unique virtues of the English judiciary would not be threatened if its members were brought out of their self-imposed seclusion and into the sunlight where their performance could be more effectively assessed.
3. During the hearing he had said, among other things that "it would be a good thing if the motor-car industry were destroyed".
4. Mr. Justice Willis commented that a "magistrate is at liberty to entertain strong views on a subject, though it were better if he kept them to himself".
5. It would be surprising, indeed alarming, if some of the eminent legal minds that constitute the English judiciary did not, on their rare off days, act injudiciously.
6. Even if judges were all blessed with the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Iob, there would always exist aggrieved litigants whose confidence in the legal system depended on the existence of independent complaints procedures.
7. More recently in the Court of Appeal Lord Denning explained that "no professional judge would be influenced in the least by any criticism that appeared in the newspapers, even if he read them, or on the TV, even if he watched it".
8. If a judge were influenced in his judgment by what may be said by the media, he would not be fit to be a judge.
Ex. 24. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Если бы она не прислала вчера это письмо, мой брат был бы сейчас дома.
2. Что бы мы сейчас делали, если бы мама вчера не испекла пирог?
3. Он так изменился! Если бы вы его встретили, вы бы его не узнали.
4. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы посоветовался с родителями.
5. Жаль, что нам раньше не пришло в голову поискать книгу в библиотеке. Мы бы сделали работу вовремя и сейчас были бы уже свободны.
6. Жаль, что у нас было так мало уроков. Если бы мы больше работали, мы бы лучше знали язык.
7. Если бы он не регулярно тренировался, он бы не добился такого успеха на соревнованиях.
8. Если бы я знал английский, я бы давно поговорил с ней.
9. Все были бы рады, если бы вечер состоялся.
10. Если бы мы купили билеты заранее, мы бы уже были в Москве.
Ex.25. Final test on wishes and conditionals.
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