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2022-10-29 | 104 |
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Руки и кисти | Hands and Arms |
рука (вся) | arm (left and right) |
локоть | elbow |
ноготь (на пальце руки) | finger nail |
палец (на руке) | finger |
предплечье | forearm |
кисть руки (левая, правая) | hand |
Голова и плечи | Head and Shoulders |
голова | head |
волосы | hair |
глаз | eye |
бровь | eyebrow |
горло | throat |
губа | lip |
зуб (зубы) | tooth (teeth) |
лицо | face |
лоб | forehead |
нос | nose |
плечо | shoulder |
подбородок | chin |
ресницы | eyelashes |
рот | mouth |
усы | moustache |
ухо | ear |
челюсть | jaw |
шея | neck |
щека | cheek |
язык | tongue |
Ноги и ступни | Legs and Feet |
колено | knee |
нога (вся) | leg |
палец (на ноге) | toe |
пятка | heel |
ступня (ступни) | foot (feet) |
Торс | Trunk |
грудь | breast |
живот | abdomen, stomach, tummy |
спина | back |
талия | waist |
1. колено
2. рука
3. шея
4. ухо
5. живот
6. челюсть
7. губа
8. локоть
9. ступня
10. волосы
a) foot
b) neck
c) lip
d) knee
e) hair
f) abdomen
g) ear
h) arm
i) jaw
j) elbow
1. eye
2. hand
3. breast
4. forearm
5. cheek
6. nail
7. face
8. mouth
9. throat
10. back
a) щека
b) горло
c) глаз
d) ноготь
e) кисть руки
f) спина
g) лицо
h) предплечье
i) рот
j) грудь
1. I have a pair of … on my face.
2. I have a … on my face.
1. усы – shoulder
2. ресницы – tongue
3. талия – heel
4. зуб – eyebrow
5. лоб – eyelashes
6. плечо – nail
7. челюсть – foot
1. А man has 2 arms.
2. Hands have10 fingers.
3. A foot has 5 toes.
4. A trunk has 2 shoulders.
5. Eyes have eyelashes.
6. A mouth has 2 lips.
1. My face has ….
2. His head has ….
3. Our feet have ….
4. Her hands have ….
5. My trunk has ….
6. Her eyes have ….
7. His mouth has ….
back, chin, cheeks, ears, eyes, forehead, hair, head, hands, lips, legs, neck, nose, stomach.
You see with your ___
You hear with your ___
You bite with your ___
You hold with your ___
You smell with your ___
You eat with your ___
You walk with your ___
You stand on your ___
You kneel on your ___
You carry a backpack on your ___
1. The BROW is part of the........
ear stomach eye hand
2. The TOE is part of the........
hand foot eye ear
3. The KNEE is part of the........
leg arm chest head
4. The FINGER is part of the........
hand foot eye ear
5. The eyelash is part of the........
hand foot eye ear
6. The HEEL is part of the........
hand foot eye breast
7. The FINGER NAIL is part of the.......
hand foot ear breast
8. The LIP is part of the........
hand face ear breast
9. The NOSE is part of the........
hand foot head chest
10. The ABDOMEN is part of the........
arm trunk head breast
1. The front part of your face below your mouth.
4. The part of your face above your eyes and below your hair.
6. The way someone or something looks for other people.
8. The line of hair above your eye.
9. Part of the body that people and animals use to see.
2. The mass of things that grows on your head.
3. The front part of the head.
5. Small hairs that grow on your eyes.
7. The part of your face that you smell with and breathe through.
Horizontal: 2. Волосы. 3. Нога. 5. Нос. 6. Кисть руки. 11. Лоб. 12. Зуб. 13. Локоть. 14. Колено. 16. Рука. 17. Глаз.
Vertical: 1. Губы. 4. Бровь. 6. Голова. 7. Шея. 8. Щека. 9. Ступня. 10. Подбородок. 11. Лицо. 15. Тело. 18. Ухо.
| 1 |
2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 5 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 |
12 |
| 13 |
| 15 |
| 14 |
| 18 |
| 16 |
| 17 |
long – длинное
oval – овальное
round – круглое
square – квадратное
thin – худое
freckled – веснушчатое
swarthy [ 'swɔ:ði ] – смуглое
sunburned / tanned / browned – загорелое
Черты лица - Features
delicate [ 'delikət ] – тонкие
regular – правильные
irregular – неправильные
large / massive – крупные
small – мелкие
Улыбка - Smile
charming – прелестная, очаровательная
happy – счастливая
pleasant [ 'plezənt ] – приятная
sweet – ласковая, милая
broad – широкая
cunning – хитрая
ironical – ироническая
sad – печальная
enigmatic [ enig'mætik ] – загадочная
winning – привлекательная
Цвет лица - Complexion
dark – темный
fair – белый, светлый
sallow – болезненно-желтый
Кожа - Skin
delicate [ 'delikət ] – нежная
rough [ 'rʌf ] – грубая
Нос - Nose
strait – прямой
snub – курносый
Губы - Lips
full – полные
thick – толстые
rosy – розовые
painted – накрашенные
Щеки - Cheeks
plump – пухлые
pale – бледные
pink – розовые
dimples in her (his) cheeks – ямочки на щеках
Рот - Mouth
large / big – большой
small – маленький
vivid – выразительный, живой
Брови - Eyebrows
arched – дугой
bushy – густые
Лоб - Forehead
broad – широкий
high / tall – высокий
large – большой
open – открытый
low – низкий
narrow [ 'nærəu ] – узкий
Зубы - Teeth
even [ 'i:vən ] – ровные
uneven [ ʌn'i:vən ] – неровные
large – крупные
small / tiny – мелкие
Челюсть - Jaw
square – квадратная
strong – крепкая
Подбородок - Chin
pointed – острый
round – круглый
Глаза - Eyes
kind / good – добрые
warm – от которых веет теплом
blue – голубые
brown – карие
dark – темные, черные
grey – серые
hazel – светло-карие
Ресницы - Eyelashes
curving – загнутые
straight [ 'streit ] – прямые
thick – густые
Волосы - Hair
black – черные
dark – темные
brown – каштановые
fair – русые
blond – светлые
golden – золотистые
red – рыжие
curly – кудрявые
straight – прямые
thick – густые
short – короткие
silky – шелковистые
disheveled – растрепанные
long – длинные
bald – лысый
braids – косы
brunette – брюнетка
blond(e) – блондин, блондинка
Фигура - Figure
fat – тучная
plump – полная
well-fed – упитанная
lean – худощавая (употребляется обычно по отношению к мужчинам)
slender – тонкая, стройная
slim – тонкая, стройная (употребляется обычно по отношению к женщинам)
slight – хрупкая
neat – изящная, стройная (употребляется обычно по отношению к женщинам)
graceful – изящная, грациозная
Рост - Hight
tall – высокий
short – низкий
middle-sized – средний
Руки - Arms
large – большие
small – маленькие
puffy – пухлые
soft – мягкие
Ноги - Legs
long – длинные
short – короткие
slender – стройные
shapely – красивой формы
1. красивое лицо
2. курносый нос
3. пухлые губы
4. длинные ресницы
5. синие глаза
6. белые зубы
7. розовые щеки
8. черные брови
9. высокий лоб
10. маленькие уши
11. тонкая талия
12. прямая спина
1. I am a (boy / girl).
2. I am (young / old).
3. I am (tall / low).
4. My hair is (fair / dark).
5. My eyes are (brown / green / grey / blue).
6. My cheeks are (rosy / pale).
7. My lips are (rosy / green).
8. I am a (pupil / people).
9. I take my (bed / bag) to school.
10. At school I have (lessons / listens).
I have a (good / bad) body. I have two (hands / heads). I have two (legs / necks). My head is on my (knee / neck). My face is (oval / round). My eyes are (big / small). My ears are (big / small). My lips are (thin / thick). My cheeks are (pink / green). My nose is (long / short). I have a (thin / thick) neck. My hair is (fair/ dark). My teeth are (black / white). My forehead is (long / short).
big |
| hair |
little | ears | |
long | nose | |
short | eyes | |
fair | cheeks | |
dark | neck | |
blue | lips | |
red | legs | |
round | eyebrows | |
oval | chin | |
rosy | face | |
sharp | head | |
long | hands | |
short | feet |
dark |
| thin |
kind | bad | |
black | light | |
fat | round | |
good | big | |
short | white | |
little | angry | |
square | boring | |
small | long | |
interesting | large |
ВСТАВЬ: my, her, your, his, their, our, its
1. I have blue eyes. … eyes are blue.
2. He has big nose. … nose is big.
3. A girl has long hair. … hair is long.
4. They have rosy cheeks. … cheeks are rosy.
5. Peter has white teeth. … teeth are white.
6. Kate has beautiful nails. … nails are beautiful.
1. Его глаза черные.
2. Она высокая.
3. Петя сильный.
4. Её зубы белые.
5. Его пальцы тонкие.
6. Мой нос маленький.
7. Его плечи широкие.
8. Его лоб низкий.
9. Её ресницы длинные.
10. Аня красивая.
1. У мамы красивые голубые глаза.
2. У него сильные большие руки.
3. У неё широкие брови и чёрные ресницы.
4. У Пети маленькие кисти рук.
5. У меня круглое лицо и пухлые щёки.
6. У неё рыжие волосы и веснушки на лице.
7. У папы широкие плечи.
8. У Ани ровные белые зубы.
9. У меня острый подбородок.
10. У неё ямочки на щеках.
1. High
2. Long
3. Bushy
4. Dark
5. Straight
6. Thick
7. Broad
8. Tall
9. Round
a) Short
b) Square
c) Narrow
d) Thin
e) Low
f) Fair
g) Penciled
h) Short
i) Curly
1. Describe the face of someone you know well.
2. Would you ever have plastic surgery? Why? Why not?
3. Do you like when a man wears a beard or a moustache? Why do you think men grow them?
Песня о частях тела - Body Parts Song
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
You have 10 fingers
You have 10 toes
You have 2 eyes
And you have 1 nose
You have 2 arms
You have 2 legs
And you have hair on the top of your head
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
You use your hands to pick things up
You use your arms to give great big hugs
You use your legs to run around
And your feet always touch the ground
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
You use your eyes when you’re looking
You use your nose to smell what’s cooking
You use your ears to hear this song
You use your mouth to sing along
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts
Hey everyone… I have an idea!
Why don’t we all play a game…ok, here we go!
Touch you head
Touch your toes
Touch your arms
And touch your nose
Shake your head
Wiggle your toes
Wave your arms
And wrinkle your nose
Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts, body parts, body parts
История отношений
adopt [ ə'dɔpt ] (BrE) / [ ə'dʌpt ] – усыновлять, удочерять
adult [ 'ædʌlt ] (BrE) / [ ə'dʌlt ] / grown-up – взрослый человек
ancestor [ 'ænsestə ] - предок
bachelor [ 'bætʃələ ] - холостяк
baptize – крестить
be engaged – быть помолвленным
be in love – быть влюбленным
be married to – быть женатым на, бать замужем за
be pregnant – быть беременной
birthday – день рождения
born – рожденный
bring up / raise – воспитывать
couple – пара (супружеская)
divorced – разведенный
expect a baby – ожидать ребенка
fall in love - влюбиться
give birth to (somebody) – родить (кого-либо)
go to school – ходить в школу
marry / get married – жениться, выйти замуж
orphan [ 'ɔ:fn ] - сирота
spinster – старая дева, незамужняя женщина
teenager – подросток
wedding - свадьба
widow – вдова
widower – вдовец
MO | TER | BRO | CLE | |||
LIT | THER | PU | MOTHER | |||
SIS | TLE | WO | THER | |||
FA | TER | UN | PIL | |||
1. mother-in-law
2. sister
3. son
4. aunt
5. nephew
6. grandson
7. wife
8. girlfriend
9. grandfather
a) niece
b) brother
c) daughter
d) granddaughter
e) father-in-law
f) uncle
g) boyfriend
h) grandmother
i) husband
1. My grandmother’s husband is ______________________________________.
2. My mother’s grandmother is _______________________________________.
3. My brother’s sister is _____________________________________________.
4. My daughter’s son is _____________________________________________.
5. My aunt and uncle’s daughter is ____________________________________.
6. My cousins’ father is _____________________________________________.
7. My wife’s mother is ______________________________________________.
8. My daughter’s brother is __________________________________________.
9. My brother’s daughter is __________________________________________.
10. My parents’ only child is __________________________________________.
1. My father and my mother are my…
2. My mother’s daughter is my …
3. My father’s mother is my …
4. My father’s brother is my …
5. My mother’s sister is my …
6. My aunt’s son is my …
7. The daughter of my brother or a sister is my…
8. The son of my brother or a sister is my …
D | A | U | G | H | T | E | R |
W | H | E | R | E | V | S | F |
Y | O | U | R | F | E | I | A |
T | U | R | M | A | R | S | M |
H | N | U | O | T | Y | T | I |
A | C | S | T | H | F | E | L |
N | L | S | H | E | R | R | Y |
K | E | I | E | R | O | H | E |
S | W | A | R | X | M | W | S |
1. She is the daughter of my mother. She is my…
a) aunt c) grandmother
b) sister d) cousin
2. He is the father of my father. He is my…
a) grandfather c) uncle
b) grandson d) cousin
3. He is the father of my brother. He is my…
a) uncle c) father
b) son d) grandfather
4. He is the son of my uncle. He is my…
a) cousin c) grandfather
b) father d) brother
5. She is the sister of my mother. She is my…
a) grandmother c) aunt
b) daughter d) cousin
6. He is the son of my brother. He is my…
a) cousin c) uncle
b) nephew d) father
7. He is the brother of my mother. He is my…
a) nephew c) uncle
b) son d) cousin
8. He is the husband of my aunt. He is my…
a) uncle c) cousin
b) father d) brother
9. She is the mother of my mother. She is my…
a) aunt c) daughter
b) niece d) grandmother
10. She is the daughter of my sister. She is my…
a) niece c) mother
b) aunt d) cousin
11. She is the wife of my uncle. She is my…
a) mother c) aunt
b) daughter d) niece
12. She is the daughter of my aunt. She is my…
a) cousin c) mother
b) niece d) grandmother
1. We need a family for ---- and protection.
a) love b) extended c) annoying
2. ----- is important in the family
a) discussions b) privacy c) understanding
3. ------ is very valuable in a family.
a) miracle b) respect c) gift
4. Caring and sharing are the main ---- in my family.
a) evil b) tradition c) price
5. The children are being well ----- for.
a) dressed b) cared c) punished
6. I ----- your worries about this.
a) share b) trust c) believe
7. Living with my -----, is good but not like living with my own parents.
a) relatives b) friends c) in-lows
8. One of the most important problems in families is a problem of ----.
a) gap b) food c) generations
9. His ----- was a really kind woman.
a) mother-in-law b) teacher c) shop assistant
1. Your father and your mother are your …
2. Your mother’s father or your father’s father are your …
3. Your mother’s mother or your father’s mother are your …
4. Your father’s sister or your mother’s sister are your …
5. Your father’s brother or your mother’s brother are your …
6. Your aunt’s or uncle’s children are your …
7. The daughter of your brother or a sister is your …
8. The son of your brother or a sister is your …
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12 |
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Horizontal: 3. Сын брата. 7. Папа для мамы. 11. Дочь дочери. 12. Папа папы. 13. Родственники. 14. Брат дочери. 15. Жена д
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