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Task : Read questions 1 – 5 and find the answers to them in texts A – E.

2021-01-29 207
Task : Read questions 1 – 5 and find the answers to them in texts A – E. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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KEY: 1. –a; 2 – b; 3 – c; 4 – c; 5 – a

 5 класс


                                               Fast Food


Fast Food restaurants and cafes are very popular all over the world. But they aren’t like ordinary restaurants.

There aren’t waiters. You order your food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks and spoons. You eat with your fingers.

Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. There are no saucers. You eat your meal.

Then you throw all the bags, boxes and cups away.

It’s easy. It’s cheap and it’s fast.


Task: Find out which restaurant is that: fast food (FR) or ordinary (OR).

     (Какой ресторан обычный, а какой – быстрого питания?)

Variant 1.


1. You eat with a knife and a fork.

2. You get your food at the counter.

3. A waiter brings you food.

4. You drink from a paper cup.

5. You pay for your meal at the end.


Variant 2.


1. You get your hamburger in a bag or in a plastic box.

2. You eat with your fingers.

3. You drink from the ordinary cup.

4. You throw away the bags and the boxes.

5. You pay for your meal at the counter.



6 класс


At Christmas, which is a home and family celebration in Britain, those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.

As Christmas comes nearer, everyone is buying Christmas presents for friends and relatives. At Christmas people try to give the children everything they want.

         The children count the weeks, then the days, to Christmas.

       On Christmas Eve families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don’t go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas – tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.


Task: Fill the table (Заполни таблицу).      


Номер задания  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Цифра ответа          


1. This text is about…

1) Christmas presents    3) Christmas celebration

 2) Father Christmas       4) the Christmas tree

2. Finish this sentence using the text.

When Christmas comes the children are given presents….

1) at the Christmas table. 3) at schools.

2) in the streets.                4) at home.


Choose wrong sentence.

1) Christmas is a family holiday.

2) Presents are usually given on Christmas.

3) On Christmas children usually don’t go to sleep.

4) The children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.


Choose headline.

1) British Children     3) Christmas parties

2) British Christmas   4) British Homes


Find wrong word.

1) Christmas     3) Easter celebration

2) Presents        4) Christmas Father


7 класс


    Two friends went on a trip to London. In London they went into a restaurant for dinner. On a table stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them took a big spoonful into his mouth. Tears immediately filled his eyes. His friend asked him what he was crying about. “ I am crying at the thought of the death of my unfortunate father, who was hanged twenty years ago”, the man answered.

    They continued eating, and soon the other traveler also took a big doze of mustard. As soon as he had done so, tears ran down his cheeks also. “What are you crying about?” asked his friend. “Oh, I’m crying because you were not hanged many years ago with your poor father”, was the answer.


1. The text is about….

1) the friends who wanted to buy the house

2) the friends who met at the theatre

3) the travelers who didn’t know what mustard was

4) the friends who went to the restaurant on business

2. … went into a restaurant for dinner.

          1) Students 3) Dockers

          2) Travelers 4) Doctors

3. Why did one of the friends cry?

1) He cried because his father had been hanged.

2)  He was unfortunate.

3) He ate a big spoonful of mustard.

4) He was sorry for his friend.

4. The friends were…

1) true  3) devoted

2) false4) real

Choose right headline.

1) A Trip to London.

2) A Mistake.

3) Two Real Friends.

4) Two Travelers. 




   Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.

   At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.

  At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.

  “You see”, said the treveller who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.

   After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bull – fight.

 1. The text describes ….

1) the difficulties of two Americans in Spain.

2) the difficulties of two Americans, who didn’t know the Spanish language.

3) the traditions of people in Spain.

4) the habits and customs of Americans in foreign countries.

Choose right headline.

1) Two Americans in Spain.

2) A Lunch in a Spanish Restaurant.

3) He Understood!

4) A Talk in a Restaurant.

3. The Americans had difficulties with ….

1) Lunch        3) tickets

2) paper   4) the language 

Choose wrong sentence.

1) The American wrote the word “milk”.

2) The American spelled the word ‘milk”.

3) The American drew a cow on a piece of paper.

4) The waiter did not bring milk.

5. The waiter was ….

1) Kind  3) silly

2) Rude  4) quick – witted





Задание: Прочитай вопросы 1 – 5, найди ответы в текстах A – E.

A. The East End is especially famous as the centre of clothing industry in London. For centuries people from abroad have come to find work there. Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cockney although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner. Typically they change certain vowel sounds and like some foreign learners of English they have a few problems with “th” and “f” instead.

B. I looked up. The fireworks had started. It was a very fine display. Sometimes the rockets went up singly, sometimes in group. There were some which burst a deafening crack and scattered out a rain of tiny golden stars, and others which opened with a soft sound and set out almost motionless in the air a configuration of big coloured lights. My neck was getting stiff.

C. One day Robert Burns was walking near the docks. Suddenly he heard a cry for help. He ran towards the water. Just then a sailor jumped into the water. He saved the man who was calling for help. The man who was saved was a rich merchant. When he came to himself, he thanked the brave sailor and gave him a shilling. By this time a lot of people were standing round them. They called the sailor a hero when the rich man gave him only a shilling. But Burns stopped them and said, “Let him alone. The gentleman is the best judge of what his life is worth.”

D. There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double – decker and the single – decker. The single – decker buses travel between the main stations and stop at fewer stops than the double – deckers. The double – deckers have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are five passengers already standing.

E. The Welsh are known in Great Britain for their singing. They like singing together. Choral singing is a national art. Every village has more than one choir. Welshman sing everywhere - in competitions, on holidays, in a bus. People like to sing loudly. There are singing competitions in a festival of Welsh culture.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.





Задание: Прочти отрывки из газет, соедини каждый из заголовков A – F c нужным по смыслу текстом 1 – 5. Один текст подходит к каждому заголовку. 

Один заголовок лишний.

A   Language Problems

B Animals

C   Royal Family

D   Teen’s Problem

E Music Review

F   Travel


1. If you want to improve your language skills, and can’t jet off to spend your time abroad, there are number of things you can do to help without leaving home. Here are some easy steps to help you improve.

2. Athlete, however, are a rarity, they make music that I’ve never heard before and it sounds fantastic. There is a great selection of electronic trickery, squelchy noise and kooky beats. Despite exploring these electric sounds and styles each tune is held together seamlessly.

3. Many animals are adapted to the weather, and where they are found is tied closely to the climate and its impact on the availability of suitable food. Over time, animals will also adapt to changes in the local climate.

4. As an official royal residence, Britannia was all the more special since the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh took a personal involvement in the design and furnishing of their new floating home. The Royal Yacht Britannia has helped to make the Queen the most traveled monarch the world has ever known.

5. The boy is really desperate to move school because he is being bullied. He can’t break it to his parents as they don’t know what’s going on at school. We think he should tell the teacher and then have a meeting with everyone.

    1.    2.   3.     4.       5.

11 класс


Задание: Вы прочитаете отрывки из рассказов о Второй мировой войне. Для вопросов 1 –10 выберите имена, обозначенные буквами A – G. В рассказе одного и того же человека может содержаться ответ не только на один вопрос. В задании имеются лишние вопросы.

Who/ Whose




Variant 1:             Variant 2:


1. OR                 1. FR

2. FR                2. FR

3. OR                3. OR

4. FR                4. FR

5. OR                5. FR


№ 1 - 3 №2 - 4 №3 - 3 №4 - 2 №5 - 3



№1 – 3 №3 – 3 №5 – 3

№2 – 2  №4 - 2



№1 – 2  №3 – 4 №5 – 4

№2 – 2  №4 - 1

Класс                                                                       10 класс


№1 – B    №3 - E №5 - A                                №1 - A

№2 – C    №4 - D                                                  №2 - E

                                                                                    №3 - B

Класс                                                                     №4 - C

№1 – E                                                                       №5 - D

№2 – F

№3 – C

№4 – B

№5 – D

№6 –A

№7 –G

№8 – ---

№9 –C

№10 - ---




2 – 4 классы:


Кузнецова Н.В.

Английский язык. Проверочные работы. 2 - 4 кл.: учебно – методическое пособие / Н.В. Кузнецова. – 2 –е изд., стереотип. –М.: Дрофа, 2006. – 125 с.



5 класс – 6 класс:


Контрольные и проверочные работы по английскому языку: метод. пособие/ Н.Г. Брюсова, Н.А. Лебедева, Г.Ю. Настенкова, Т. М. Сапгир. – 2 – е изд., перераб., - М.: Дрофа, 2000.


7 – 8 класс:


Английский язык: метод. пособие/ Бурлак А.И.; Бурлак Д.Г.; Гравцова Л.И., - М.: Астрель, АСТ, 2000.


9 –11 класс:


Чадаева М.А.

Английский язык. Интенсивный курс подготовки к Единому государственному экзамену. – 2 –е изд. – М.: Айрис – пресс, 2005. – 144 с. – (Домашний репетитор: Подготовка к ЕГЭ).    




      Тип речевой деятельности: Аудирование


2 класс


Задание: Послушайте загадки про животных. Отгадайте их. Заполните таблицу. Поставьте номер загадки 1 –5 под соответствующим словом – отгадкой.



Вариант № 1


Отгадка: A dog A rabbit A frog A fox A bear



2 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


После первого прочтения каждой загадки выдерживается 10 секундная пауза, затем повторяется загадка ещё раз.

Загадка № 1


It is an animal. It is grey. It can jump. It lives on a farm. It can’t swim. (Пауза 10 секунд. Повтор загадки).

Загадка № 2


I have a friend. It is black. It has a long nose. It can run, jump and swim but it can’t fly. Its name is Rex. It lives with me.


Загадка № 3


It is an animal too. It is red. It lives in the forest. It can run. It likes chickens.


Загадка № 4


It is brown. It is very big. It likes to eat berries and honey. It lives in the forest.


Загадка № 5


It is green. It can hop and swim. It lives in the river.


KEY (ответы):


Отгадка: A dog A rabbit A frog A fox A bear
Загадка: 2. 1. 5. 3. 4.



3 класс


Задание: Прослушайте тексты и заполните таблицу. В первой строке записаны названия членов семьи, во второй строке надо вписать под каждым названием номер текста. (В каждом тексте описывается тот или иной член семьи).



                                            “My Family”


My family Grandmother Mother Father Brother Sister




3 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


Через 10 секунд повтор текста.


Текст № 1.


She is young. She is a schoolgirl. She is nine. She is my mother’s and father’s daughter. (Пауза 10 секунд. Повтор текста).

Текст № 2.


He is not old. He is forty. He is a worker. He is my brother’s and my sister’s father.


Текст № 3.


She is not old. She is thirty – nine. She is a teacher. She is my grandmother’s daughter.


Текст № 4.


She is not young. She is sixty – three. She is a pensioner. She is my mother’s mother.


Текст № 5.


He is young. He is not a school – boy. He is a student. He is eighteen. He is my mother’s and father’s son.



KEY (Ответы):


My family Grandmother Mother Father Brother Sister
   4 3 2 5 1











4 класс


Задание: Прослушайте тексты и заполните таблицу. В первой строке даны названия частей квартиры, во второй строке поставьте номер соответствующего по содержанию текста.


                                             “ Our Flat”



Rooms Kitchen Dining-room Living-room Bedroom Children’s room


4 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.


Текст № 1.


There is no TV set in this room. There are no bookshelves in it. We can see a wardrobe there. There are two beds in the room.


Текст № 2.


The room is large. There is a table in the middle of the room. We can see two armchairs and a sofa in it. We have a TV set in the room.


Текст № 3.


The room is not large. There is a table and five chairs in this room. We can see a sideboard in it. There are plates with soup on the table.


Текст № 4.


This room is small. There is no TV set and no sofa in it. There are no beds, no bookshelves in this room. There is a table in it. On the table we can see cups, plates and forks. There is water and gas in this room.


Текст № 5.


The room is not large. There is a bookcase in the room. In the bookcase you can see Russian and English books. On the right there is a desk. On the desk you can see textbooks, pens and pencils. There are many toys in it.



Key (Ответы):


Rooms Kitchen Dining-room Living-room Bedroom Children’s room
4 3   2   1   5


5 класс


Задание: Прослушайте тексты и заполните таблицу. В первой строке даны названия школьных предметов, во второй строке поставьте номер соответствующего текста.



                                            “At School”


Lessons English Russian Mathematics Singing Physical Training




5 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.

Текст № 1


We read. We write. We do exercises. We write dictations. We do not speak English.


Текст № 2


We write on the blackboard. We write in our exercise – books. The teacher may ask, “How much is five plus twenty? We answer, “It is twenty – five”.


Текст № 3


At this lesson we don’t count. We don’t write. We do not do exercises. We listen to music. We sing songs.


Текст № 4


We don’t write. We don’t read. We do physical exercises. We play with a ball. We like this lesson very much.


Текст № 5


At this lesson we do exercises. We ask questions. We answer the teacher’s questions. We read and write. Sometimes we sing songs. Sometimes we do physical exercises. We do not speak Russian at this lesson.


Key (ответы):


                                               “At School”


Lessons English Russian Mathematics Singing Physical Training
5 1    2 3 4


6 класс



Задание: Прослушайте тексты и заполните таблицу. В первой строке даны названия городов и сельской местности, во второй строке поставьте номер соответствующего текста.



                        “In City and In the Country”


Cities, a village Moscow London St. Petersburg A small town A village



6 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.

Текст № 1


It is very beautiful. It is big. There are a lot of historical monuments, museums, picture galleries, theatres. It is on the river Neva. It is in the north of our country.


Текст № 2


It is not big. There is some traffic, but not much. There is no metro. There are no trams, no trolley – buses. There are some museums, monuments, cinemas, but not many. There are only small factories. The block of flats are not very large.


Текст № 3


It is big. There are a lot of museums, historical monuments, theatres. There is a lot of traffic. Cars, lorries, buses are going down the left side of the road. When we cross a street, we must look first to the right and then to the left. This city is on the river Thames.


Текст № 4


It is very green. It is not big. There is not a lot of traffic there. There are no factories in it. It has no high blocks of flats. It is very nice to be there in summer.


Текст № 5


It is very large. It is beautiful. There are a lot of museums, historical monuments, theatres, cinemas. All Russian people love it. They all want to visit it. 



KEY (ответы):


Cities, a village Moscow London St. Petersburg A small town A village
5 3       1 2 4


7 класс


Задание: Прослушайте текст и заполните таблицу. Выберите верный вариант

ответа на задания к тексту.



1. Buckingham Palace was built by ….

a) King George III

b) Queen Elizabeth II

c) The Duke of Buckingham


2. Buckingham Palace is the official home of ….

a) King George III

b) Queen Elisabeth II

c) The Duke of Buckingham


3. Sir Charles Barry designed and started to build the Houses of Parliament….

a) in 1840 – 1860

b) in the 16th century

c) in 1834


4. The Westminster Palace was the home of ….

a) Sir Charles Barry

b) the Royal family

c) the church


5. The building of the Westminster Abbey was started by ….

a) King William I

b) King Henry III

c) Queen Elizabeth II


  1.      2.       3.       4.       5.





7 класс


Текст для аудирования.


После первого прочтения повтор текста через 20 секунд.

                                Three Centres of Power


   There are three centers of power in London. Buckingham Palace is the center of royal power. The Houses of Parliament are the center of political power. Westminster Abbey is the center of church power.

   Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. King George III bought the palace in 1761. It is now the official home of Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal Family. There are nearly six hundred rooms in the palace.

The two Houses of Parliament (the House of Lords and the House of Commons) are in the Westminster Palace. It was built between 1840 and 1860. It was designed by architect Sir Charles Barry. The original Palace of Westminster was the home for the Royal Family until the 16th century. Then it became the meeting place of the Parliament.

  Westminster Abbey was a Norman church. The present building was started in 1245 by King Henry III. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. Nearly all the English Kings and Queens since William I were crowned in Westminster Abbey. In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Abbey.


Key (ответы):




  1.      2.       3.       4.       5.
  c.      b.       a.       b.       b.



 8 класс


Задание: Вы услышите высказывания пяти подростков о книгах, которые они читают. Соотнесите содержание высказывания каждого говорящего с утверждениями 1 –5, данными в списке A – E. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. Вы услышите текст дважды.


A I am reading all the books about Harry Potter now.

B I like the book more than the film.

C I don’t have any favourite books. 

D I have read the book four times.

E I don’t understand Tolkien’s books. 




Speaker 1     


Speaker 2        


Speaker 3         


Speaker 4


Speaker 5




8 класс


Тексты для аудирования.

После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.

Speaker 1

1984 is so cool! It’s completely different from other books. It’s a serious book, but rather depressing. My friends like Tolkien. I can’t get into all that magic and fantasy stuff.


Speaker 2

The Picture of Dorian Grey is fantastic. I’ve read it four times. In fact, I love everything Oscar Wilde ever wrote.


Speaker 3

I am pretty sure Lord of the Rings is the best one. I’ve read it at least 5 times. The movie is excellent too, but the book is better than the movie.


Speaker 4

I don’t have a favourite book or even a favourite author. I’ve just started reading the book about two very different Internet organizations. I think it’s a very entertaining, informative and well – researched book.


Speaker 5

Harry Potter, actually, I should really be doing revision for my exams but instead I’m reading all the books about Harry Potter.


Key (ответы):

Speaker 1 – E           


Speaker 2 – D            


Speaker 3 – B          


Speaker 4 – C


Speaker 5 – A 



9 класс


Задание: Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 – 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A – E. Используйте букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. Вы услышите тексты дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.



A. She likes living the life of people of the country she is visiting.


B. Travelling helped her to become a different person.


C. She found out that the stereotypes she had about the country were wrong.


D. She enjoys doing sights in her own country.


E. She liked the relationships among people in the country she visited.



Говорящий 1. 2. 3.    4.     5.



9 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


  После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.

Speaker 1

I was always bad at languages and communicating with people. Then I decided to go to France to study French. I took a 4 – week course and when I came back, I passed my French exam very well. But the most important thing is that I’ve changed very much. I have become more open to people and I have also changed my views on fashion and many other things.


Speaker 2

I’ m from Boston. A few years ago, my family and I took a two – week trip to Italy. I liked it that the Italians were very helpful and kind to each other. I also enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and respect in Italian families. I mean I really would like to bring back home the idea of a big family, where the old and the young live together.


Speaker 3

When I travel I try not to stay in a hotel but with a host family. I travel to meet people and communicate with them to get to know their lifestyle better. I like shopping where local people shop and trying the foods they eat. I enjoy learning the culture and traditions of those I’m visiting and also I like living the way they do.

Speaker 4

I’m English, I was born in England and I understand the wish of English people to see other places. I agree the weather in England is awful, but the grey sky doesn’t stop those who want to see all the wonderful museums, palaces, tearooms and such. I spend every Christmas and summer holidays visiting different parts of Britain and I must say Britain is very beautiful.


Speaker 5

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first arrived in Britain, except that I knew that British people were very cold and the food was awful. Well, in fact, of course, the family I stayed with were very friendly and I never felt like a stranger in their house.  


Key (ответы):

Говорящий 1. 2. 3.    4.     5.
Утверждение B E A    D    C


10 класс


Задание: Вы услышите высказывания людей в 5 различных ситуациях. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию высказываний, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Вы услышите каждое высказывание дважды. Во время прослушивания в заданиях 1 – 5 обведите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным и внесите верный ответ в таблицу.

  1. You’ll hear a girl talking about her shopping experience. Why did she send her trousers back to the company?
    1. They weren’t her size.
    2. She ordered another colour.
    3. They cost too much.
  1. You’ll hear a young man speaking about life in a big city. How does he feel about it?
    1. He is indifferent to it.
    2. He is critical of it.
    3. He prefers to live in a big city.
  1. You’ll hear an expert on freak weather conditions. What explanation he gives for mysterious happening?
    1. She thinks that crop circles are caused by flying sausers.
    2. She likes to find scientific explanation.
    3. She thinks they are all just tricks.
  1. You will hear a boy talking about dieting. What’s his idea of it?
    1. He finds it disappointed.
    2. He has no problem with his health.
    3. He finds it useless.
  1. A girl shares her impressions. How does she feel about it?
    1. excited.
    2. disappointed.
    3. tired.
     1.     2.      3.      4.       5.


10 класс


Тексты для аудирования.

После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.


Text 1

I ordered a part of trousers from a mail company but when they arrived I didn’t like the colour because it was different from the colour in the picture in the catalogue. I posted the trousers back and asked for a different colour.


Text 2

Some of my friends say that people living in the country are rather narrow – minded in their views. A lot of great friends of mine live in the country. I wouldn’t call them narrow – minded at all. I’d love to live in the country though much of my work is in town. I’m very disillusioned with big cities now. They are not the big exciting places as once they were.


Text 3

There’s a very strange phenomenon known as ‘crop circles” where round shapes appear in fields of wheat or other growing crops. They are best seen from the air and some people think that they are caused by flying saucers or fairies or whatever. But I’m a scientist and I think they are probably caused by some sort of wind but so far no one has actually seen this happening.


Text 4

We are what we eat. It’s impossible to change. We live only once. So why not enjoy yourself?


Text 5

I’m unable to tell you everything. I was just overwhelmed. Really, you can’t consider yourself a worldly – wise person if you haven’t been to the Crimea. Don’t miss the chance.



        Key (ответы):



     1.     2.      3.      4.       5.
     B.     B.     B.      C.      A.




11 класс


Задание: Вы услышите высказывания людей в 5 различных ситуациях. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию высказываний, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Вы услышите каждое высказывание дважды. Во время прослушивания в заданиях 1 –5 обведите номер ответа и внесите верный ответ в таблицу.

  1. What is your friend smoking?
    1. She wants to control her weight.
    2. She can’t give it up.
    3. She thinks it’s cool.
  1. You’ll listen to a boy speaking about Jack London. What impressed him greatly?
    1. He never saw the places he described in his books.
    2. He wrote historical novels.
    3. He lived a hard and adventurous life.
  1. You’ll listen to your mother speaking about your great – grandfather. What is special about him?
    1. He is proud of being so old.
    2. He has taken the driving test.
    3. He has never had an accident. 
  1. What’s the boy’s view on advertising?
    1. He likes commercials.
    2. They give him a lot of new information.
    3. He never watches it.
  1. What does she feel about descriptions?
    1. She is bored.
    2. She feels annoyed.
    3. She loves it.
     1.     2.      3.      4.       5.

11 класс


Тексты для аудирования.


После первого прочтения повтор каждого текста через 10 секунд.

Text 1

Your friend smokes. She smokes as a way to control her weight. She says nicotine suppresses her appetite and it also relieves stress. You think she is being influenced by supermodels who are thin and glamorous. But your friend is not right. She is very mistaken. Smoking is only poison for everybody.


Text 2

I’m interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me no less a his work. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventure and hardships so he knew well what he was writing about.


Text 3

Your great – grandfather, who is now 104 years old still, drives the car. He is very proud of the fact that his name is going to be put in the Guinness book of Records. He has never had an accident.


Text 4

I’d like to complain about the amount of advertising on TV. When I sit down to watch a show suddenly the film stops. Really, watching a TV program is like watching a hundred commercials. But I never watch them when I think they put unnecessary pressure on me. I go to the kitchen and have a snack during the commercial interruptions. 


Text 5

Reading is like a great adventure for me. Starting a book is always a great thrill, and I want the writer to carry me off to new, unknown places, places I’ve never been to before. That’s why, I love the descriptive passages, because, if they are well done, they can make me feel that I’m in a particular landscape, make me feel hot or cold.


        KEY (ответы):


     1.     2.      3.      4.       5.
     A.          C.     C.      C.      C.



                 Ключи к заданиям по аудированию.



2 класс


Отгадка: A dog A rabbit A frog A fox A bear
Загадка: 2. 1. 5. 3. 4.


3 класс


My family Grandmother Mother Father Brother Sister
   4 3 2 5 1


4 класс

Rooms Kitchen Dining-room Living-room Bedroom Children’s room
4 3   2   1   5


5 класс

Lessons English Russian Mathematics Singing Physical Training
5 1    2 3 4


6 класс

Cities, a village Moscow London St. Petersburg A small town A village
5 3          1 2 4

7 класс

  1.      2.       3.       4.       5.
  c.      b.       a.       b.       b.

8 класс

1.    2.     3.     4.      5.
E.   D.   B.    C.     A.

9 класс

Говорящий 1. 2. 3.    4.     5.
Утверждение B E A    D    C

10 класс

     1.     2.      3.      4.       5.
     B.     B.     B.      C.      A.

11 класс

     1.     2.      3.      4.       5.
     A.          C.     C.      C.      C.



           Список используемой литературы.


2 – 6 класс

Контрольные и проверочные работы по английскому языку: метод. пособие/ Н.Г. Брюсова, Н.А. Лебедева, Г.Ю. Настенкова, Т. М. Сапгир. – 2 – е изд., перераб., - М.: Дрофа, 2003.


7 – 8 класс

Оценка качества подготовки выпускников основной школы по иностранному языку/ Сост. В.Н. Симкин. – М.: Дрофа, 2002. – 160 с.


9 – 11 класс  


ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Практикум по выполнению типовых тестовых заданий ЕГЭ: учебно – методическое пособие / О.Д. Ивашова. – М.: «Экзамен», 2005 – 96 с. (Серия «ЕГЭ. Практикум»)







                  Письменная речь.



                                    2 класс


Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания – 15 минут.



Задание: Прочитай анкету Тома. Заполни свою анкету.



1. Name:__ Tom ________________________________

2. Surname:__ Brown ____________________________

3. Age: ____7 ___________________________________

4. Date of birth (day/month/year):__ 02.04.2001 _______

5. My pet:____ dog ______________________________


1. Name:_____________________________________

2. Surname:___________________________________

3. Age:_______________________________________

4. Date of birth (day/month/year):__________________

5. My pet:_____________________________________



                                   3 класс


Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания – 20 минут.



Задание: Прочитай письмо Тома из Америки. Напиши Тому поздравительную открытку с днём рождения.



Dear pen friend,

My name is Tom. I am 8. I am a boy. My birthday is on the 15th of December. I am from the USA. I live in Boston. My school is nice. My favourite sport is football. I live with my mum and my sisters.

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

Tom Brown.



Dear ___________,

My name is____________________________.

I am _____________. I am _______________.




Best wishes.





                                   4 класс  


Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания – 20 минут.



Задание: Дополни письмо, которое написала Лиза соей подруге, недостающими словами. 



wash, Jane, get up, teeth, family, swim, dog, play with a ball, school, tennis, write, please



                                                                                            2 July

Dear …,

I am on the farm. I am here with my …. I have my … with me. It likes to … and to … …. …near the river.

I like my summer holidays. I do not go to …. So I … … at 9 am and … my face and ears. I don’t forget about my ….

I have got many friends here. After breakfast we play … and ride scooters. In the evening my friends and I listen to fairy tales and … letters.

I go to bed at 10 pm.

Jane, I miss you and my school friends. Come and see me, ….

Your Lisa  


                            ОБРАЗЕЦ ПИСЬМА


                                     4 класс


                                                                                            2 July

Dear Jane,

I am on the farm. I am here with my family. I have my dog with me. It likes to swim and to play with a ball near the river.

I like my summer holidays. I do not go to school. So I get up at 9 am and wash my face and ears. I don’t forget about my teeth.

I have got many friends here. After breakfast we play tennis and ride scooters. In the evening my friends and I listen to fairy tales and write letters.

I go to bed at 10 pm.

Jane, I miss you and my school friends. Come and see me, please.

Your Lisa  


                                        5 класс


Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания – 15 минут.



Задание: Напиши записку своему другу.


You want to invite your friend to a birthday party. Write him/her a note:


· Invite him/her to your birthday party;

· Say when and where it will take place;

· Ask if your friend can help you to prepare for it.


Write about 25 – 35 words.






                                            6 класс


Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания – 35 минут.


Задание: Выберите одну из следующих тем и напишите сочинение (140 – 180 слов). Помните о делении текста на смысловые абзацы.


Choose one of the following topics and write a composition.


1. Your school: what you like or don’t like in it.

2. A school of your dream.

3. I’d like to be a teacher.


In your composition write about:


· type of school;

· teachers;

· uniform;

· compulsory and voluntary subjects;

· optional courses and clubs;

· meals at school;

· equipment.



Write 140 – 180 words.

Write 100 – 140 words.

Crystal Palace Park

Victorian “Jurassic Park”


1. Museum                 photos, things from the Palace, books, videos, souvenirs


2. Picture Galleries    the history of the last 150 years of the Palace in pictures


3. Dinosaur Park       life – size dinosaurs, prehistoric landscape, geological   


4. The Play Area       swings, roundabouts, stadium



Write 100 – 140 words.

Write 140 – 180 words.

Remember to use paragraphs.

                                           11 класс


Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого задания – 35 минут.

Задание: Напишите сообщение – эссе по заданной теме и статистическим данным. Объём текста 140 – 180 слов. Помните о делении текс

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