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Essays and other prose writings

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«L’invraisemblable, l’insolite, mon univers…», Paris: Arts, 14 August 1953; also Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959, under the title «Je n’ai jamais réussi …»

{478} «Le ро int du départ», Paris: Coiners des Quatre Saisons, no. 1, August 1955 [this periodical changed its title to Cahiers des Saisons from no. 2, October 1955] (trans. by L. С. Pronko, New York: Theatre Arts, June 1958; by Donald Watson in Plays, vol. I [London: Calder])

«Théâtre et anti-théâtte», Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 2, October 1955 (trans. by L. С. Pronko, New York: Theatre Arts, June 1958)

«Mes pièces tie prétendent pas sauver le monde», Paris: L’Express, 15 – 16 October 1955

«Mes critiques et moi», Paris: Arts, 22 February 1956

«Gammes» (nonsense aphorisms), Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 7, September 1956

«There is no avant-garde theatre», trans. by Richard Howard, New York: Evergreen Review, 1, 4, 1957

«The world of Ionesco», International Theatre Annual, no. 2, ed. Harold Hobson, London: Calder, 1957; Tulane Drama Review, October 1958

«Olympie» (prose poem), Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 10, April-May 1957

«Pour Cocteau», Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 12, October 1957

«The theatre», talk on B. B. C. Third Programme, July 1957 [an early version of «Experience du théâtre» — see below]

«Dans les armes de la ville» (on Kafka), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.‑L. Barrault, no. 20, October 1957

«Qu’est-ce que l’avant-garde en 1958?», Paris: Les Lettres Françaises, 10 April 1958; also Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959, under the title «Lorsque jécris…»

«Expérience du théâtre», Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, February 1958 (trans. by L. С. Pronko, «Discovering the theatre», Tulane Drama Review, September 1959)

«Ni un dieu ni un démon» (on Artaud), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.‑L. Barrault, nos. 22-3, May 1958

«Reality in depth», London: Encore, May — June 1958

«The playwright’s role», London: Observer, 29 June 1958 (The entire controversy with Kenneth Tynan is reproduced as «Controverse londonienne» in Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959)

«La tragédie du langage», Paris: Spectacles, no. 2, July 1958 (trans. by Jack Undank, «The tragedy of language», Tulane Drama Review, Spring 1960)

{479} «Priface» to Les Possédés, adapted from the novel by Dostoevsky by Akakia Viala and Nicolas Bataille, Paris: Emile-Paul, 1959

«Le cœur n’est pas sur la main» (reply to Kenneth Tynan not published by the Observer), Paris: Cottiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959

«Naissance de La Cantatrice», Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959

«La démystification par l’humour noir», Paris: Avant-Scène, 15 February 1959

«Eugène Ionesco ouvre le feu» (with parallel English translation), Paris: World Theatre, vol. VIII, no. 3, Autumn 1959

Interview with Claude Sarraute, Paris: Le Monde, 17 January 1960

Interview with himself, Paris: France-Observateur, 21 January 1960; reprinted Cahiers du Collège de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10 – 11, 1960

Interview, Paris: L’Express, 28 January 1960

«Pages de journal», Paris: Noupelle Revue Française, February 1960

«Printemps 1939. Les débris du souvenir. Pages de journal», Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.‑L. Barrault, no. 29, February 1960

«Propos sur mon théâtre et sur les propos des autres», Brussels: L’ VII, no. 3, 1960

«Le Rhinocéros à New York», Paris: Arts, February 1961

«Some recollections of Brancusi», trans. by John Russell, London Magazine, April 1961

Notes et Centre-notes (collected critical writings), Paris: Gallimard, 1962 (trans. by Donald Watson, Notes and Counter-Notes, London: Calder, 1965)

Journal en miettes, Paris: Mercure de France, 1967

Présent passé, Passé présent, Paris: Mercure de France, 1968

Découvertes, Geneva: Skira, 1969

Antidotes, Paris: Gallimard, 1977

On Ionesco

Das Abenteuer Ionesco. Beiträge zum Theater von Heute (with contributions by Ionesco, A. Schulze Vellinghausen and Rudolf Sellner), Zurich: Verlag H. R. Staufiacher, 1958

Anouilh, Jean, «Du chapitre des Chaises», Paris: Le Figaro, 23 April 1956

{480} Bataille, Nicolas, «La bataille de La Cantatrice», Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1969

Benmusa, Simone, Eugène Ionesco, Paris: Seghers, 1956 (in the series «Théâtre de Tous les Temps»)

Bentlby, Eric, «Ionesco, playwright of the fifties», New York: Columbia Daily Spectator, 11 March 1958

Bonnefoy, claude, Entretiens avec Eugène Ionesco, Paris: Belfond, 1966

Bosquet, Alain, «Le théâtre d’Eugète Ionesco, ou les 36 recettes du comique», Paris: Combat, 17 February 1955

Coe, Richard, Ionesco, Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd, 1961 (no. 5 in the series «Writers & Critics»)

Doubrovsky, Serge, «Ionesco and the comedy of the absurd», Yale French Studies, no. 23, Summer 1959; also Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, February 1960, under the title «Le rire d’Eugène Ionesco»

Duvignaud, Jean, «La désion», Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.‑L. Barrault, no. 29, February 1960

Francueil, Bernard, «Digression automobile & Dilectus quemadmodum filius unicornium» (review of Rhinocéros), Cahiers du Collège de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10 – 11, 1960

Laubreaux, R., «Situation de lonesco», Paris: Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, January — February 1959

Laubreaux, R. (ed.), Les Critiques de notre temps et Ionesco, Paris: Gamier, 1973

Lerminier, Georges, «Clés pour Ionesco», Paris: Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, September — October 1957

Lutembi, «Contribution à une étude de La Cantatrice Chauve», Cahiers du Collège de Pataphysique, nos. 8 – 9, 1953

Marcel, Gabriel, «La crise du théâtre et le crépuscule de l’humanisme», Paris: Revue Théâtrale, no. 39

Robbe-Grillet, Alain, «Notes», Paris: Critique, January 1953

Roud, Richard, «The opposite of sameness», London: Encore, June — July 1957

Saroyan, William, «Ionesco», New York: Theatre Arts, July 1958

Saurel, Renée, «Ionesco ou Les blandices de la culpabilité», Paris: Les Temps Modernes, no. CIII, 1954

«A school of vigilance», London: The Times Literary Supplement, 4. March 1960

{481} Senart, Philippe, Ionesco, Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1964

Tobi, Saint, Eugène Ionesco ou La Recherche du paradis perdu, Paris: Gallimard, 1973

Touchard, P. A., «La loi du théâtre», Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959

— «Un nouveau favuliste», Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.‑L. Barrault, no. 29, February 1960

Towarnicki, F., «Des Chaises vides… à Broadway», Paris: Spectacles, no. 2, July 1958

Vernois, Paul, La Dynamique théâtrale d’Eugène Ionesco, Paris: Klingsieck, 1972

Kopit, Arthur L.

Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling So Sad. A pseudo-classical tragifarce in a bastard French tradition, New York: Hill & Wang, 1960; London: Methuen, 1961

Mrozek, Slawomir

The original texts of Mrozek’s plays can be found in die monthly journal Dialog, published in Warsaw, passim 1958-67.

A Collection in German

Stücke, vol. I, Berlin: Henssel, 1963, contains: Die Polizei, Auf hoher See, Striptease, Karol, Das Martyrium des Peter Ohey, Racket Baby, Der Hirsch

Stücke, vol. II, Berlin: Henssel, 1965, contains: Eine wundersame Nacht, Zabawa, Tango

English translations

Six Plays, trans. by Nicholas Bethell, London: Cape, 1967, contains: The Police, The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey, Out at Sea, Charlie, The Party, Enchanted Night

Tango, trans. by Nicholas Bethell, London: Cape, 1968

{482} Pedrolo, Manuel de

Cruma, in Premi Joan Santamaria 1957, Barcelona: Editorial Nereida, 1958

Homes i No, Barcelona: Quadems de Teatre A. D. B., no. 2, 1960

Pinget, Robert

Lettre Morte, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1959

La Manivelle, Pièce radiophonique (with parallel trans. by Samuel Beckett, The Old Tune), Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1960

Ici ou Ailleurs, suivi de Architruc et de L’Hypothèse, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1961

Pinter, Harold

The Birthday Party and Other Plays, London: Methuen, 1960, contains: The Room, The Dumb Waiter, The Birthday Party. The Dumb Waiter also in Penguin New English Dramatists 2 and Penguin Plays, Harmondswottn: Penguin Books, 1961 and 1964

The Caretaker, London: Methuen 1960

A Slight Ache and Other Plays, London: Methuen, 1961, contains: A Slight Ache, A Night Out, The Dwarfs, and some revue sketches

The Collection and The Lover, London: Methuen, 1963

The Homecoming, London: Methuen, 1965

Tea Party and Other Plays, London: Methuen, 1967, contains the three television plays Tea Party, The Basement, Night School

Landscape and Silence, London: Methuen, 1969

Old Times, London: Methuen, 1971

Five Screen Plays, London: Methuen, 1971

No Man’s Land, London: Eyre Methuen, 1975

Poems and Prose, London: Eyre Methuen, 1978

The Proust Screenplay, London: Eyre Methuen, 1978

Betrayal, London: Eyre Methuen, 1978

{483} On Pintes

Dukore, Bernakd F., Where Laughter Stops. Pinter’s Tragicomedy, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1976

Esslin, Martin, Pinter. A Study of his Plays, 3rd expanded edition, London: Eyre Methuen, 1977

Ganz, Arthur, (ed.), Pinter. A Collection of Critical Essays, in the series «Twentieth-Century Views», Englewood Cliffi, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972

Hinchcliffe, Arnold P., Harold Pinter, New York: Twayne, 1967

Imhof, Rudiger, Pinter. A Bibliography, 2nd revised edition, London: TQ Publications, 1976

Kerr, Walter, Harold Pinter, New York: Columbia University Press, 1967

Simpson, Norman Frederick


A Resounding Tinkle, in The Observer Plays (anthology of prize-winning entries in a playwriting competition), London: Faber & Faber, 1958; also in New English Dramatists 2, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1960, and in Penguin Plays 1, 1964; shorter stage version as performed at the Royal Court Theatre, London, 1 December 1957, in The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches, London: Faber & Faber, 1964

One Way Pendulum, A farce in a new dimension, London: Faber & Faber, 1960

The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches, London: Faber & Faber, 1964, contains: The Hole, A Resounding Tinkle (shorter version), The Form, Gladly Otherwise, Oh, One Blast and Have Done

The Cresta Run, London: Faber & Faber, 1966

Other writings

The Overcoat (short story), London: Man About Town, December 1960

{484} Tardieu, Jean

Théâtre de Chambre I, Gallimard, 1955, contains: Qui Est Là?, La Politesse Inutile, Le Sacre de la Nuit, Le Meuble, La Serrure, Le Guichet, Monsieur Mot, Faust et Yorick, La Senate et les Trois Messieurs ou Comment Parler Musique, La Société d’Apollon ou Comment Parler des Arts, Oswald et Zenaide ou Les Apartés, Ce Que Parler Veut Dire ou Le Patois des Familles, Il у Avail Foule au Manoir ou Les Monologues, Eux Seuls le Savent, Un Geste pour un Autre, Conversation-Sinfonietta

Théâtre II: Poèmes à Jouer, Paris: Gallimard, 1960, contains: L’A.B.C. de Notre Vie, Rhythme à Trois Temps ou Le Temple de Ségeste, Une Voix Sans Personne, Les Temps du Verbe ou Le Pouvoir de la Parole, Les Amants du Métro, Tonnerre Sans Orage ou Les Dieux Inutiles

Théâtre III: Une Soirée en Province, Paris: Gallimard, 1975, contains: Une Soirée en Province ou le mot et le cri, Cinq Divertissements, Candide, Livrets d’opéras de chambre

On Tardieu

Jacottet, Philippe, «Note à propos de Jean Tardieu», Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, July 1960

Vian, Boris

For a full bibliography of Vian’s numerous writings, see Cahiers du Collège de Pataphysique, Dossier 12, 1960


L ’Equarrissage pour Tous (also containing extracts from notices of the performance, «Salut i Boris Vian» by Cocteau, and a second short play, Le Dernier des Métiers, Saynètes pour Patronages), Paris: Toutain, 1950; L’Equarrissage pour Tous reprinted in Paris Théâtre, no. 66, 1952

Les Bâtisseurs d’Empire ou Le Schmürz, Cahiers du Collège de Pataphysique, Dossier 6, 1959; Paris: L’Arche, 1959 (in the series «Collection du Répertoire du TNP»)

{485} Théâtre, Paris: Pauvert, 1965, contains: Les Bâtisseurs d’Empire, Le Goûter des Généraux, L’Equarrissage pour Tous

On Vian

Cahiers du Collège de Pataphysique, Dossier 12, 1960, contains critical and biographical studies

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