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Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

What languages belong to the Germanic group of languages?

2020-06-02 271
What languages belong to the Germanic group of languages? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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a) Afrikaans, Swedish, Danish, Italian;

 b) Norwegian, Yiddish, Dutch, English;

c) German, English, Spanish, French;

d) Icelandic, French, English, German.

4. The first constant shift (the correspondences between IE (Indo-European) and Germanic consonants):

P – f    b – p    bh – b

T – p    d – t    dh – d

k – h   g – k    gh – g    is also called:

a) Grimm’s Law; b) Verner’s Law; c) Rask’s Law; d) Umlaut.

5. The modern English plural ending -s(-es) goes back to the plural ending of:

a) o – stem nouns;

b) n – stem nouns;

c) root – stem nouns.

d)   a – stem nouns.

6. What words were borrowed from French?

a) fellow, window, law, husband, sister;

b) painter, army, river, table, dinner;

c) devil, school, inch, cheese, wine;

d) pray, large, iceberg, kindergarten, nickel.

7. What kind of verbs became the source of modern modal verbs?

a) Preterite –Present Verbs,

b) Strong verbs;

c) Weak verbs;

d) Anomalous verbs.

8. An analytical form the Present Perfect Passive of the verb appeared from free combination:

a) habban + eom + PII;

b) bēon +habban + PII;

c) habban +bēon + PII;

d) eom + PII.

 9. The pronouns they, them, their are of:

a) Celtic origin;

b) Scandinavian origin;

c) French origin;

d) Greek origin.

10. A year-for-year account of the events in English history, starting at

  787 is the prose work:

a) Ormulum;

b) Cura Pastoralis;

c) Orosius (the history of the World);

d) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

5. ФондЫ оценочных средств для проведения промежуточной аттестации обучающихся по дисциплине

Форма контроля Сроки проведения для ОФО (при необходимости) Максимальное количество баллов
Контрольные работы по разделам1и 2 8и 16 недели 20
Фонетический и грамматический анализ слов в текстах на др.-англ., ср.-англ и современном английском 6и 14 недели 6
Презентация по выбранной теме 2и 10 недели 6
Тест по темам 18 неделя 9
Посещение занятий В течение семестра 9
ИТОГО:   50 баллов


От обучающихся требуется посещение лекционных и практических занятий, обязательное участие в дискуссиях, представление докладов и сообщений по темам практических занятий.

Финальная оценка складывается из оценки, полученной на экзамене, а также на основании общих баллов за выполнение текущих заданий по разделу курса.

Студент к набравшему за семестр количеству баллов получает максимальные 50 баллов за экзамен (два теоретических вопроса по 20 баллов и один практический – 10 баллов) и в итоге набирает максимальные 100 баллов.

Примерная тематика докладов, презентаций по дисциплине

1. History of the Germanic Invasion = История германского завоевания.

2. OE Written Records = Памятники письменности в древнеанглийском периоде.

3. Influence of the Scandinavian and Norman Conquests on the ME Word Stock = Влияние скандинавского и нормандского завоеваний на словарный состав среднеанглийского языка.

4. History of Printing in England = История книгопечатания в Англии.

5. London Dialect = Лондонский диалект.

6. NE Word Stock. Borrowings = Современный словарный состав английского языка. Заимствования.

7. Peculiarities of the English Language Variants = Особенности вариантов английского языка.


Образец контрольной работы по дисциплине


Выполнить следующие задания:

1. Enumerate OE main historical events.

2. Describe phonetic processes in the system of OE vowels and consonants.

3. Represent Celtic and Latin elements in the geographical names.

4. Make the degrees of comparison of the adjectives: ʒōd (good), yfel (bad, wicked).

Вопросы к экзамену

1. The subject of the history of the English language.

2. Division into the periods in the history of the English language.

3. Historical background of the OE period.

4. Germanic invasion of the British Isles.

5. Classification of Modern Germanic languages.

6. OE dialects and written records.

7. OE alphabet, word–stress, pronunciation.

8. Grimm's Law. Verner's Law.

9. OE vowel changes.

10.  Main peculiarities of the OE consonants.

11.  OE grammar. Ways of form-building in OE.

12.  OE nouns. Grammatical categories and declension.

13.  Classes of OE pronouns.

14.  OE adjectives. Degrees of comparison.

15.  OE cardinal and ordinal numerals.

16.  OE verbal system. Grammatical categories.

17.  Morphological classification of the OE verbs. Strong Verbs.

18.  OE weak verbs, their classes and principal distinctive features.

19.  OE preterite-present and anomalous verbs.

20.  OE word-stock. Morphological characteristics of the OE words.

21.  OE word-stock. Etymological characteristics. Celtic elements. Latin borrowings.

22.  The Roman conquest.

23.  The Scandinavian invasion.

24.  The Norman conquest.

25.  Historical background of the ME period.

26.  Linguistic situation in 11 – 14 cc. The position of Anglo-Norman.

27.  Development of the word-stock in ME. Scandinavian borrowings.

28.  Borrowings from French in ME, the semantic spheres.

29.  ENE historical back-ground.

30.  ENE vocabulary. Influence of Latin and other languages.

31.  Borrowings in 17 – 20 cc.

32.  Changes in the ME alphabet and spelling.

33.  Qualitative changes of vowels in ME and ENE.

34.  Quantitative changes of vowels in ME and ENE.

35.  Great Vowel Shift.

36.  The development of the short vowels in ME and ENE.

37.  The development of the diphthongs in ME and ENE.

38.  Consonant changes in ME and ENE.

39.  Formation of the literary language.

40.  Changes in the morphological structure and in the grammar in ME and ENE.

41.  General characteristics of the verbal system in ME and ENE.

42.  ME dialects.

43.  ME written records.

44.  Development of the nouns in ME and ENE.

45.  Development of the pronouns in ME and ENE.

46.  Development of adjectives in ME and ENE.

47.  History of analytical forms.

48.  Development of two morphological divisions of the verbs (strong and weak) in ME and ENE.

49.  Development of the preterite-present and anomalous verbs in ME and ENE.

50.  History of the Infinitive.

51.  History of the Participle I and Participle II.

52.  History of the Gerund.

53.  OE syntax.

54.  Development of syntax in ME and ENE.

55.  Causes of the grammatical changes.

56.  Etymological classification of the English words. Causes of borrowings.

57.  Types of borrowings.

58.  Assimilation of borrowings. Types of assimilation.

59.  American English.

60.  Canadian and Australian English.


Practical tasks:

1. Translate the sentence from OE into NE and analyze the underlined words from the point of view of phonetics and grammar.

2. Explain the history of the sounds and spelling, grammar peculiarities of the underlined words in the sentence (NE) and comment on the etymology of the words.

3. Explain changes in spelling and reading of the following words (OE < ME < ENE < NE).

4. Comment on the etymology of the following words.

5. Give synonyms of Germanic (Scandinavian, Romanic) origin to the words.

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