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Разработка занятия по аудированию по теме «работа»

2020-05-07 228
Разработка занятия по аудированию по теме «работа» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- Прослушайте фразы (микротекст), в которых содержатся незнакомые слова, постарайтесь догадаться о значении этих слов по словообразовательным элементам.

1. Прослушайте отрывок из интервью с Эприл Консидайн. Догадайтесь, кем она работает.

Teacher /Design engineer/ Doctor /Pilot

«You’ve got to be a really hard worker. Some jobs will come in on a Friday afternoon and they need to be done by Sunday morning, so you have to work over the weekend. You need to be able to work on your own as well as work with a team. You’ve got to be able to communicate with the others to understand if anything they are doing affects you…umm  .. you’ve got to be quite organized and quite decisive really».

2. Прочитайте текст следующий и проверьте правильность своей догадки.

«At the age of 22 April Considine has just won the UK “Young woman of the year” engineering award/After school she went to train with a company called Marshal’s Aerospace in Cambridge, UK/She now works there as a design engineer/She is one of only 6 women in the company where there are 250 employees.

Customers often bring their aeroplanes to be changed in some way- a new door, new seats inside the plane. Or they want to add something to the wing or have a new video system. It is April’s job to design the necessary changes».

3.Прослушайте следующий текст и ответьте на вопросы.

 1. Who first encouraged April to be interested in engineering?

 2. On the whole, does April think that being a woman in a male environment is a good thing or a bad thing?

«A.-I come from a very small village. My father is Irish. He is a lorry driver but he has always been really keen on engineering and he is working on cars/I suppose I picked up a bit from him and he’s always been interested in flying - he did a little bit himself- but then he got interested in the gliding club that moved to our village/I started going up in gliders with him to look around and then I got involved with that and learned to fly. That led me on to working for Marshal Aerospace.

Interviewer -What sort of personal qualities do you think a good designer like you needs?

A. - You’ve got to be a really hard worker. Some jobs will come in on a Friday afternoon and they need to be done by Sunday morning, so you have to work over the weekend/// You need to be able to work on your own as well as work with a team/You’ve got to be able to communicate with the others to understand if anything they are doing affects you…umm..you’ve got to be quite organized and quite decisive really..

You are doing a job that will affect an aeroplane  and, even though about four other people check your work to make sure it’s OK, it still comes down to you. You are responsible and you’ve got to make sure it’s right.

Int. – Most engineers are men, so what sort of qualities does a 22-year-old woman need in a male environment?

A,- You’ve got to be able to prove yourself to people that might wonder how well you are going to do the job/.You’ve got to show initiative really and ask questions and want to learn. You won’t be successful if you just sit there and do the minimum. There’ll always be I think that bit extra to do so that people will notice you for the right reasons. But as a woman you are watched a lot. When I worked on the planes in the hangars everyone knew me because I was the only girl there so that now they all know my name and they all keep an eye on what I’m doing. I know a lot of the male apprentices know very few people in the hangars even though they worked in there for the same time. But when I worked in ther a lot of people spoke to me to find out how I was getting on».


4.Верны ли следующие высказывания,True or False? (T/F)

1. April’s father is Irish.

2. A glider is an aeroplane without an engine.

3. April can fly a glider.

4. April sometimes works at Marshal’s at the weekend.

5. April ‘s work is usually checked by four other people.

6. A hangar is a big building where you put aeroplanes.

7. April works in the hangars.

8 There were many girls in the hangars.

9. Nobody spoke to April in the hangars.


5. Отметьте те пункты, которые Эприл считает важными в своей работе.


It is important to:

a. arrive and leave work on time

b...be a hard worker

c...be able to communicate

d...be able to prove yourself

e...be able to work on your own

f...be decisive

g...be courteous

h...be energetic

i... show initiative

j...go out in the evening with colleagues

6. Переведите следующие фразы (для групп продвинутого уровня- объясните смысл высказывания)

1. He’s always been really keen on engineering.

2. He did a little bit himself.

3. I got involved with that.

4….if you sit there and just do the minimum.

5. They all keep an eye on what I’m doing.

6….to find out how I was getting on


Обучение чтению

Целью обучения чтению на иностранном языке является в конечном итоге умение слушателей читать незнакомый оригинальный текст без посторонней помощи, в нужном темпе, с правильным пониманием.

В зависимости от цели чтения обучаемый должен уметь использовать разные его виды:

- беглое, ознакомительное чтение с целью получения общего

представления о тексте;

- просмотровое чтение с целью нахождения в тексте нужного


- изучающее чтение с целью детального понимания текста.

Требуемые показатели темпа (скорости) изучающего чтения не превышают 160 слов/мин; просмотрового чтения - 500-550 слов/мин.


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