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THE SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES is put on all official documents signed by the President. On July 4, 1776, the Congress appointed a committee of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson to organize the design of a seal of the United States of America. After some time the seal designed by William Barton was adopted by the Congress in 1782.
The seal shows an American eagle with a ribbon in its mouth bearing the Latin phrase Epluribus unum, which means: "Many made one". Its breast bears the red and white stripes of the American flag. The eagle is holding an olive branch of peace and 13 arrows of war. Over the eagle's head there is a rosette with 13 stars symbolizing the first 13 states.
A flag with thirteen blue and silver stripes was carried by an American military unit in Philadelphia in 1775. However, the first official American flag, the Continental or Grand Union flag was displayed on January 1, 1775 when the Americans encircled Boston. It had 13 red and white stripes symbolizing the first 13 American states.
The Union Jack of Britain containing the red cross of St. George and the white cross of St. Andrew was in the upper left corner of the flag.
On June 14, 1777 the American Congress adopted the design for a new flag with 13 stars (one for each state) on the blue field instead of the British Union Jack.
In 1818 Congress passed a law providing that the flag of the United States be 13 horizontal red and white stripes (7 red stripes and 6 white ones), and twenty stars symbolizing the 20 states of the American Union. It was also decided that on the admission of each new state to the union another star was to be added to the flag. Thus, today there are 50 stars in the flag, symbolizing the 50 states in the American Union. Alaska was the 49th state, and the 50th star was for Hawaii. The 13 red and white stripes symbolize the first 13 states of the United States of America. Now we know why the American flag is called the "Stars and Stripes".
The red colour in the flag symbolizes courage, the white — purity, and the blue colour — firmness and justice. There is a story according to which George Washington asked Betsy Ross to sew the first American flag, the "Stars and Stripes" in 17T6, and she did it very well.
The National Anthem. By a special Act of Congress in 1931, the famous song, The Star-Spangled Banner, became the National Anthem of the United States of America.
However, the verses were written long ago in 1814 during the war between Britain and America by Francis Scott Key, a lawyer in Baltimore.
In that year Francis Scott Key tried to free his friend, William Beanes, who was held prisoner on a British ship in the harbour of Baltimore. Using a boat to reach the British warship and carrying a white flag of peace as well as a letter from the American President, Key reached the British ship. The English agreed to free his friend, but they kept the two men on board the ship because they were planning to bombard Fort McHenry which protected Baltimore from the sea.
Key watched the American flag above the fort during the bombardment. At sunrise the next morning he was very happy to see that the flag had not fallen. While on the ship he wrote the first verses of his poem, and finished it after he had returned to the shore. It was published in the paper The Baltimore American and right away it became very popular. Soon the verses were adapted to an English song, Anacreon in Heaven.
There are other popular patriotic songs, such as: My Country, Tis of Thee, America, the Beautiful, God Bless America.
When the flag is displayed and the National Anthem is played, all who are present should face toward the flag and salute.
The Americans also have their official Creed, which expresses their attitude to their country and its political system. The Creed was written in 1917 by William T. Page. It was accepted by the House of Representatives as the official Creed on April 3, 1918. The Creed is as follows:
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies". The Creed is said by every young soldier when he joins the US forces.
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