Откройте скобки используя Perfect Continuous — КиберПедия 

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Откройте скобки используя Perfect Continuous

2020-04-01 137
Откройте скобки используя Perfect Continuous 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What have you been doing for the past two weeks? 2. Suddenly she understood that she has been speaking for a long time and it was time to stop. 3. He has been painting this picture for two years and I don't know when he is going to finish it. 4. Do you want to know what has been happening since you went away? What I want to know is what you have been doing while I have been away? 5. He took out his watch and looked at it. It was two o'clock. It meant that, he has been waiting since 10 o'clock. 6. For the past few minutes I have been trying to explain to you that you can't make me go there. 7. You're sure you're well, Jack? I have been thinking that this week is a bit hard for your age. 8. The boys have been fighting for some time when the door opened and the teacher came info the classroom.


Откройте скобки

1. He has never read this book. 2. I often meet him upstairs. 3. I have been trying to get her on the phone for about 20 minutes. 4. She has studied English for a year and has learnt many words and expressions. 5. He has known it since yesterday. 6. I have been looking for him since I left the hotel but I haven’t found him. I have been to other hotels but there is no visitor of that name anywhere. 7. I’m sorry, - have you been waiting long? 8. No, I have just come down. 9. He is working in colors of late and he is doing one or two pictures this week. 10. I have just remembered. That woman over there - she has been sitting here since the last bus left. 11. I came to you to ask for some information. 12. I suppose this young man has told you who I am? 13. I don’t know what you have been doing there all this time. 14. We have been living here for a month and it has rained only once.


Закончите предложения Past Perfect


1. He told her that he had bought a TV set a year ago. 2. The man at the station said that the train had already left. 3. Mary told me that she had not got a letter from her son yet. 4. He understood that he had got off at the wrong station. 5. He said that his parents had always lived in the country. 6. I didn't know that she had changed her address. 7. He didn't remember how it all had happened. 8. We were sure that she had told the truth. 9. I saw the child had caught a cold. 10. She hoped that I had already paid for the tickets. 11. When he woke up next morning and looked out of the window, he understood that it had rained heavily during the night.


Откройте скобки. Используя Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous


. I wrote the letter. I had been trying to write it for weeks. 2. He had known the girl since she was a small child and had managed her affairs since she came of age. 3. Lanny said nothing till they were in the dressing-room where they had left their coats. 4. He was quite sure he had seen that face somewhere. She asked me to help her. 5. She asked me to help her because she knew that I had still been working for you. She knew I had helped you for years. She knew I had helped you to solve that missing luggage case. 6. By midnight she lost hope to ever see me again and started to phone the hospitals. 7. The cheerful girl who had come in with Eve was introduced at last. 8. I learnt that nothing had been done though I had left detailed instructions.


Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя Passive form

1. Его можно было видеть в саду в любую погоду. 2. Яблоко разрезано на четыре части. 3. Потолки всегда красят в белый цвет. 4. За игрой следили с большим вниманием. 5. Дом был продан за большую сумму. 6. Правила уличного движения должны всегда соблюдаться. 7. Эти предметы изучаются на первом курсе. 8. Детей поведут в театр в воскресенье. 9. Такие туфли нельзя носить в плохую погоду. 10. Их встретят на станции. 11. Вечер будет организован в конце семестра. 12. Чем она была так расстроена? 13. Он не сразу заметил, что окно было разбито. 14. Эти Документы были утеряны вчера.

1. He could be seen in the garden at any weather.2. Apple is cut into four parts. 3. Ceilings are always painted into white. 4. The game was being watched with great attention. 5. The house was sold for a high price. 6. Rules of traffic must always be complied. 7. These subjects are taught in the first year. 8. Children will be led to the theater on Sunday. 9. Such shoes should not be worn in bad weather. 10. They will be met at the station. 11. The event will be organized at the end of the semester. 12. What was she so upset? 13. He did not notice at once that the window was broken. 14. These documents were lost yesterday.


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