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2020-01-13 | 154 |
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saliva - слюна
affect - пора
lick - лизать
skin surface – поверхность
protect - защищать
in a strange manner – странно (странным образом)
swallow - глотать
convulsion - судорога
at the sight of – при виде
dumb - немой
remove - удалять
sore - ссадина
delay - задержка
effort - усилие
completely - полностью
foam - пена
appear - выглядеть
casualty=victim – пострадавший, жертва
treat – обрабатывать, обращаться с чем-то, лечить
II. Ask and answer 5 questions covering the main information of the text “Animal Bites”.
III. Close the books and complete the following sentences:
a) 1. To get over the experience of an animal bite the child may need...
2. The bite should be washed...
3. The doctor should be consulted witnin...
4. It is necessary to examine the wound for...
5. Until the wound is healed, the child should avoid...
6. You should try to find out if the dog...
7. The dog should be...for 10 days for...
b) 1.Rabies is caused by...
2. It is transmitted by...
3.It is transmitted through licks if...
4.The symptoms begin.......
5.Bites on the head face and neck...
6.The treatment can be stopped...
What Is a Poison?
A poison (or toxin) is a substance which, if taken into the body in sufficient quantity, can cause temporary or permanent damage. Poisons may be swallowed, inhaled, absorbed through the skin, instilled at the eye, or injected. Once in the body, poisons may work their way into the bloodstream, and be swiftly carried to all the tissues. Signs and symptoms vary depending on the poison and its method of entry, though vomiting is common to many cases, with the risk to the casualty that stomach contents may be inhaled.
The digestive system
The body "processes" food to extract its nutrients and eliminate waste that includes many mildly toxic elements. From the stomach, food passes into the small intestine, where nutrients are broken down and absorbed into the blood. This blood then filters through the liver, which inactivates many toxins. The kidneys also filter and excrete impurities. The food residue passes to the large intestine, and waste is expelled at the anus.
How poisons enter the body
Poisons may enter the eye, possibly causing chemical bums
Poisonous gases, solvents, vapours or fumes may be inhaled
Swallowed poisons may enter the circulatory system through the walls of the
digestive tract
Injected poisons and drugs enter the bloodstream rapidly.
Poisonous snakes, fish or insects may inject their venom into the skin. Dangerous
drugs, particularly narcotics, are injected by abusers.
Strong chemicals, such as corrosives and pesticides, may be absorbed through the skin. and may also cause burns
How poisons affect the body
. Роison reaching the brain may cause confusion, delirium, fits, and unconsciousness
Swallowed corrosives can burn the lips, mouth, and food passages
Inhaled poisons can cause severe respiratory distress
Some poisons disturb the action ol the heart
The body's poison filters, the liver and kidneys, can be seriously damaged by an "overload" of toxins
Poison in the digestive system can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea
Poisons may damage the blood itself, preventing the red cells from carrying oxygen to the tissues
Food poisoning may be caused by germs or chemicals, or by some poisonous food like certain types of mushrooms. All food should be hygienically prepared and be as fresh as possible. In summer germs multiply quite rapidly, so the food should be kept in a refrigerator. If you do not have one, only freshly cooked food should be eaten. Avoid eating outside the home as much as possible.
Food poisoning can make you anything from a bit off-colour to so seriously ill that you need medical attention. In a few rare cases people can die from food poisoning.
Signs of food poisoning may develop within from a few hours to a few days after the meal. They are cramp-like pain in abdomen accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
If the vomiting is not severe the child can be given weak tea or other fluids in sips
If vomiting is severe the child will need intravenous fluids and so should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.
Words to be remembered:
germ – микроб
chemicals – химические вещества
food/meal – пища\ прием пищи, еда
poison(-ous) – яд, (ядовитый), отравлять
cause - вызывать
fresh - свежий
keep- хранить, держать
multiply - размножаться
rapidly=quickly=fast - быстро
cook – готовить еду, варить
avoid - избегать
outside/inside – вне дома, снаружи \ внутри, в доме
as...as possible – как можно...
a bit=a little – чуть-чуть, немного
rare/frequent – редкий \ частый
sign - признак
develop – развивать(ся)
a few=some=several - несколько
cramp-like pain – схватко-образная боль
abdomen - живот
accompany - сопровождать
vomiting - рвота
diarrhea- понос
severe – сильный, тяжелый
fluid – жидкость weak/strong - слабый \ крепкий,сильный
in sips – маленькими глотками
I. Answer the questions:
1. What is a poison?
2. How can poisons enter the body?
3. What substances can be poisons?
4. What do symptoms of poisoning depend on?
5. How does the human body filter poisons out?
6. How can poisons affect the body?
7.How can we avoid food poisoning?
8. What are the best conditions for keeping food?
9. What symptoms may it cause?
10. When may the symptoms develop?
11. How can we help the victim?
II.Close the books and complete the following sentences:
1.Food poisoning is caused by...
2.All food should...
3.Only freshly cooked food...
4.The person may feel anything from...
5.In unusually severe cases food poisoning may...
6.If the vomiting is not bad...
7. If the vomiting is severe...
III. Speak about:
a) symptoms of food poisoning
b) its cause
c) its prevention
d) its treatment
e) various kinds of poison and how they enter the body
f) how different poisons may affect the body
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