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Exercise 48. Change the sentences according to the model.

2019-09-17 2727
Exercise 48. Change the sentences according to the model. 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки
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Model: It is not necessary to go there. – You needn’t go there / You don’t need to go there.

1. It is not necessary to copy the text. 2. It is not necessary to go shopping today. There is plenty of food in the fridge. 3. It is not necessary for you to be at the meeting. 4. It is not necessary to come so early. 5. It is not necessary for our secretary to be in the office on Saturday. 6. It is not necessary to buy this book, you can borrow it from the library. 7. It is not necessary to shout, I can hear you quite clearly.


Exercise 49. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Мне нужно помочь тебе? – Нет, спасибо, я все сделаю сам. 2. Вам не   нужно звонить мне, я помню о своем обещании (promise). 3. Тебе нужно увидеться с деканом. 4. Вам не нужно переводить этот текст. 5. Мне нужно купить хлеб? 6. Вам нужно написать тест заново. 7. Тебе не нужно ходить в библиотеку, я дам тебе эту книгу. 8. Тебе не нужно брать зонт, сегодня солнечно.


NB!!! Обратите внимание на перевод сочетаний глагола NEED c инфинитивом

needn’t / don’t need to + inf. Конструкция показывает отсутствие необходимости. You needn’t hurry / You don’t need to hurry. Можешь не торопиться (мы знаем, что у нас есть время в запасе)
didn ’ t need to + inf. Конструкция используется, чтобы показать, что действия не произошло, потому что мы знали, что оно не нужно. I didn’t need to go to the Academy yesterday because it was Sunday. Мне не нужно было идти в Академию вчера, потому что было воскресенье.
needn’t + perfect inf (have done). Конструкция используется, чтобы показать, что что-то было сделано в прошлом, а делать этого было не нужно. You needn’t have bought any bread because I have already bought some. Тебе не нужно было покупать хлеб, потому что я уже купила. (Этого не нужно б делать, а ты сделал!)


Exercise 50. Translate from English into Russian.

1. You needn’t have sent a car for us, we could have walked. 2. She needn’t have washed the plates, we have a dishwasher. 3. You needn’t have walked up the stairs, You could have taken a lift. 4. You needn’t have bought me a gift. 5. You needn’t have baked a cake, we bought a nice cake at the bakery. 6. You needn’t have done this exercise.


Exercise 51. Rephrase the following sentences using DIDN’T NEED TO or NEEDN’T HAVE DONE.

1. It wasn’t necessary for him to wash the car. It wasn’t dirty. – He didn’t need to wash the car.

2. It wasn’t necessary for her to buy so many oranges, but she did.

3. It wasn’t necessary for us to take an umbrella. It wasn’t raining.

4. It wasn’t necessary for us to turn on the light. It wasn’t dark.

5. It wasn’t necessary for him to call me today, but he did.

6. It wasn’t necessary for you to make sandwiches, but you did.


Exercise 52. Fill the gaps with NEEDN’T HAVE or DIDN’T NEED TO and the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

Model: I ran all the way to work, but I needn’t have hurried (hurry) because I was the first person to arrive.


1. We … (hurry), so we stopped to have lunch on the way.

2. I went to the academy today, but I … (go), as all the lectures were cancelled.

3. I … (ask) the way to Pavlovsk since I had been there before.

4. I … (buy) any food, because we had plenty at home.

5. I … (buy) any food, so I didn’t go to the supermarket.

6. I … (pack) any shorts, as it rained all week.

7. We … (pack) many things, as we would be away for one night.


NB!!! Отсутствие необходимости можно также передать выражением DON’ T HAVE TO / DIDN’ HAVE TO. Это выражение абсолютно идентично выражениям NEEDN’ T/ DON’ T NEED TO →   DON’ T HAVE TO = NEEDN’ T= DON’ T NEED TO. Таким образом, одно и то же значение может быть выражено разнообразными средствами: We needn’t call a doctor since the temperature was normal = We don’t need to call a doctor …. = We don’t have to call a doctor …. Аналогично выражение DIDN’ T NEED TO идентично выражению DIDN’ T HAVE TO. Например, I didn’t need to take a taxi = I didn’t have to take a taxi.



Exercise 53. Read the situations and complete the sentences with SHOULD / SHOULDN’T / OUGHT TO / OUGHTN’T TO or NEEDN’T/ DON’T NEED TO.

Model: 1. A boy was impolite to a girl and didn’t apologize. – You should have apologized to a girl. 2. A student did all the exercises in written form, which was not necessary. – You needn’t have done all the exercises in written form. 3. Your sister is running a temperature. – You ought to consult a doctor. What will you say to a person who: 1) bought bread which wasn’t necessary? 2) was not present at the meeting though it was important? 3) sent a letter which was quite unnecessary? 4) went out without a coat and caught cold? 5) apologized for asking you a question? 6) didn’t attend a very important lecture? 7) got up at 6 o’clock on Sunday morning, which was not at all necessary? 8) has a splitting headache?


Глагол SHALL в модальном значении в основном употребляется в вопросительных предложениях.


1. Предложение помощи. Shall I help you with the papers?
2. Предложение плана действий. Shall we go to the movies today?
3. Запрос об инструкции или плане действий. Where shall we go tonight?


NB!!! Перечисленные выше значения модального глагола «SHALL» могут быть выражены и другими модальными глаголами, которые являются взаимозаменяемыми:

· Shall / Can / Could I help you with the p apers? Ответом на такой вопрос являются фразы – Certainly / Of course / I’ m sorry, but …

Модальное значение глагола «SHALL» может быть передано другими конструкциями английского языка

· Shall I explain this rule again? / Do you want me to explain this rule again?

Exercise 54. Fill in the gaps with SHALL. Translate the sentences.

1. A. … I help with you home assignment?

B. No, I can manage by myself.

2. A. … we have pizza for dinner tonight?

B. I’d rather have steak.

3. A. What … we buy for Bob’s birthday?

    B. I think he’d like a book.

4. A. Where … we sit in the classroom?

    B. Next to the window.

5. A. … I translate this text?

    B. No, we’ll read it first.

6. A. … we have a barbecue next weekend?

    B. Yes, if the weather is fine.

7. A. Where … I put these flowers?

    B. Put them, please, in this vase.

8. A. … we go to the theatre tomorrow night?

    B. I’d rather not. We can go to the movies instead.

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