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The Russian Federation occupies a vast territory in Eurasia. Russia has an extensive coastline along the Arctic and the Pacific Oceans, as well as the Baltic, the Black and the Caspian seas. The country has approximately one-quarter of the world's unfrozen fresh water reserves. The Volga is the longest river. The major lakes are Lake Baikal, Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega. Lake Baikal is the world's deepest and purest freshwater lake. Russia has the world's largest forest reserves. That’s why the country is sometimes called “the lungs” of Europe. Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Russia. Russia has the largest natural gas reserves, the second largest coal reserves and the eighth largest oil reserves in the world. It is the world's leading natural gas exporter and the second leading oil exporter. Oil, natural gas, metals, and timber account for more than 80% of Russian export. Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. The population of the city is more than 10 million people. The populationof the Russian Federation is about 140 ml people. The country is a multi-ethnic society; it has 160 different ethnic groups. However, Russian is the only official language, though the Constitution gives the federal subjects the right to make their native language co-official. The flag of the country is the white-blue-red banner. The coat of arms is the two-headed eagle; the national anthem is “Russia, the Holy Land”. According to the Constitution, Russia is a federation and a presidential republic. The Russian Federation is a representative democracy. The President is the Head of state. He is the commander-in-chief of armed forces; he can veto legislative bills before they become laws. He is elected for a six-year term. The Russian Federation comprises 83 federal subjects. They have equal representation in the Federation Council. Federal subjects are grouped into federal districts. Federal districts are administered by envoys. They are responsible for overseeing the complianc e of the federal laws. Legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly. It is made up of the State Duma (lower chamber) and the Federation Council (upper chamber). It makes federal laws and has power of impeachment. The leading political parties of Russia are the United Russia, the Communist Party, and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Executive power is exercised by the Government. The Prime Minister is head of the Government..The current Russian government is made up of the Prime Minister, two first deputy prime ministers, seven deputy prime ministers and 17 ministers. Most ministries and federal services report directly to the Prime Minister, who in his turn reports to the President. Judicial power belongs to the system of courts. There are the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration and lower federal courts. Being one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia plays a major role in maintaining international peace and security. Russia is a member of the Group of Eight (G8), the Council of Europe, OSCE and APEC. Russia usually takes a leading role in regional organisations such as the CIS, EurAsEC, CSTO, and the SCO.
Примечание. Выделенные слова должны стать ссылками на словарь
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и разбейте его на абзацы.
Задание 2. Озаглавите каждую часть текста и передайте содержание каждого абзаца одним предложением.
Задание 3. Выделите основную идею текста и запишите ее на английском языке.
Задание 4. Скажите, какие предложения не соответствуют содержанию текста.
1. The country is rich in mineral resources.
2. Russia occupies the whole continent of Eurasia.
3. Legislative power is exercised by the Government.
4. The Prime Minister is the head of the General Assembly.
5. The current Russian government is made up of the Prime Minister, two first deputy prime ministers, seven deputy prime ministers and 17 ministers.
6. Most ministries and federal prime services can report directly to the Prime Minister.
7. The Russian Parliament is called the State Duma.
8. The President controls all the branches of the government.
Задание 5.Выберите правильное определение к заданным словам
1) constitution a) the elected head of a republican state
2) government b) all the inhabitants of a particular place
3) president c) the basic written set of principles and precedents of the state
d) the group of people with the authority to govern a country
Задание 6. Прочитайте следующие предложения и скажите, какое предложение не соответствует информации в тексте.
The Russian Federation comprises 83 federal subjects. They have equal representation in the Federation Council. Federal subjects are grouped into federal districts. Federal districts are administered by the president. They are responsible for overseeing the compliance of the federal laws. Legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly. It is made up of the State Duma (lower chamber) and the Federation Council (upper chamber). It makes federal laws and has power of impeachment.
Задание 7. Прочитайте ряд предложений. Выразите значение каждого предложения одним выражением или словом.
1. The Russian Federation has approximately one-quarter of the world's unfrozen fresh water reserves as well as the world's largest forest resources.
2. The Russian Federation is a multinational state which comprises many national districts, republics and regions.
3. Moscow is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial centre of the country.
4. The foreign policy of the RF is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations of the world in spite of their political and social systems.
Задание 8. Переведите следующие выражения на английский язык.
- занимать территорию -
- многонациональное государство -
- законодательная/исполнительная/судебная ветвь власти -
- верхняя и нижняя палаты-
-конституционный/ верховный/ федеральный суд-
- поддерживать безопасность и мир во всем мире-
Задание 9. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.
1. Вам нужно рассказывать подробно об экономике Российской Федерации.
2. Она никак не хотела ехать на озеро Байкал.
3. Не могли бы вы рассказать нам, из каких палат состоит российский парламент?
4. Может ли Дума отстранить президента от власти?
5. Кем должен назначаться Премьер Министр в России?
6. Следует ли России вступать в НАТО?
7. Могу я подробнее узнать информацию о лидерах политических партий?
8. Мы должны провожать делегацию представителей Дальневосточного округа? – Нет.
9. В России президент избирается на 6-ти летний срок.
Задание 10. Прочитайте смысловой кусок и передайте его содержание одним предложением.
Russia has the largest natural gas reserves, the second largest coal reserves and the eighth largest oil reserves in the world. It is the world's leading natural gas exporter and the second leading oil exporter. Oil, natural gas, metals, andtimber account for more than 80% of Russian export.
Задание 11. Прочитайте текст во второй раз и ответьте на следующие вопрос ы.
1. Why do we say that Russia is “the lungs” of Europe?
2. What are the natural reserves of Russia?
3. What can you tell us about the capital of Russia?
4. What are the symbols of Russia?
5. Who is the head of the Russian Federation?
6 Who appoints the Cabinet of Ministers?
7. Who represents the executive power of the RF?
8. What are the leading political parties of Russia?
9. What does the judicial system include?
10. What international organisations is the RF a member of?
Задание 12. Составьте предложения из предложенных в каждой цепочке слов
1. tell, the, political, of, about Great, system, Britain, you, I, shall?
2. would, often, Kremlin,she, Palace, visit, the.
3. ask, the, Federation, your, should, about, parties, partner, Russian, you, of, political.
4 ruling, of, is, body, Russia what, the?
5. is, organisations, of, Russia, member, what, a, international?
Задание 13. Опираясь на информацию текста, сделайте краткое сообщение по теме "Россия ".
Задание 14. Назовите дополнительную информацию к предложенной теме, не указанную в тексте.
Задание 15. Составьте аннотацию к тексту.
Задание 16. Изучите Тема 3 Приложение 4, Раздел II -."Методические указания к составлению презентаций".
Задание 17. Просмотрите учебные презентации по теме "Страноведение". Подготовьте презентацию, продолжительностью не более пяти минут, целью которой является представление области или края, в котором Вы живете.
Задание 18. Найдите (в электронных или печатных СМИ) материал о роли России в международных отношениях и процессах. Подготовьте краткое выступление, продолжительностью не более пяти минут, цель которого – политико-культурная оценка найденного Вами материала.
Текст 2. Великобритания.
Грамматика - Глагол. Общие сведения. Модальные и вспомогательные глаголы.
Словообразование - слова интернационального значения.
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