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Adverbial clauses of this type contain some condition (either real or unreal) which makes the action in the main clause possible.
Adverbial clauses of condition may be introduced by conjunctions: if, unless, once, in case. There are also several conjunctions derived from verbal forms sometimes followed by the optional that: provided (that), providing (that), suppose (that), supposing (that), considering (that), given (that), granted (that), granting (that), admitting (that), presuming (that), seeing (that).
Depending on the relation between the subordinate and the main clauses and on the use of tense and mood forms, complex sentences with conditional clauses may be subdivided into three types:
Complex sentences with clauses of real condition. | Complex sentences with clauses of open condition. Accordingly the subjunctive-mood forms are used both in the subordinate and the principal clause to denote actions or states. | Complex sentences with clauses of rejected condition imply non-fulfillment of the condition, as the actions or events described in the conditional clause refer to the past and the time of their realization is over. |
If I have offended you, I am very sorry. Why did he send us matches if he knew there was no gas? If Jules comes back, simply defy him to enter – that is all. I won’t phone you, unless something unforeseen happens. | In case the state of the patient became worse he would be taken to a hospital. If I were you, I would change into another dress. You wouldn’t be talking that way unless you were hurt. | If I hadn’t woken you, you’d (would) have lain there for the whole fortnight. She would have been playing her part well unless she had been stiff with fright. I might have persuaded her to change her mind if she had not been so obstinate. If the book had been published they could have bought a copy in the shops. |
Exercise 1. Write out the conjunctions used to join the adverbial clauses of condition and point out the sentences with asyndetic subordination.
1. I don’t know what’11 become of him if he goes on like this. (Galsworthy). 2. I will leave the door ajar, in case you call me. (Voynich). 3. Work’s no use unless you believe in it. (Galsworthy). 4. For my part I was very much against your having anything to do with him when he came back; but my father, just at the last, consented to let him teach you, on condition he never attempted to see your mother. (Voynich). 5. Supposing she was the thief, why should she let out her secret to Mr. Franklin? (Collins).
Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russsian.
1. If your Eminence (to know) what I and my assistants have put up with from this man, you (to feel) differently about the matter. (Voynich). 2. Martel told me he believed they never (to go) through the expedition at all if it (not to be) for Rivares. (Voynich). 3. Her jealous reproaches (to act) on his nerves if he (to be) to hear much of them tonight. (Voynich). 4. “I doubt whether it could be managed,” Marcone answered with a very grave face. “But – if it (to be) possible – you (to do) it?” (Voynich). 5. She had some jewelry – a diamond ring and pin and several other pieces. She (can, to get) fifty dollars for those if she (to go) to a pawnbroker. (Dreiser). 6. Jim, dear, if anger and passion (can, to save) Italy, she (to be) free long ago, it is not hatred that she needs it is love. (Voynich). 7. But I wish you could have accepted the invitation of your English doctor friend; if you (to spend) a month in his house, you (to be) more fit to study. (Voynich). 8. I (to talk) to mother if I (to think) of it; but it went right out of my head. (Voynich). 9. If I ever sincerely (to love) you, if I (to love) you still, I (not to loathe) so and (to hate) myself for my weakness as I do now. (Hardy). 10. How you (to like) it if we (to move) to New York? (Wilson). 11. It (to be) so much better if he (can, to go) straight up to the house and (to walk) in, Lanny thought. (Abrahams). 12. If I (to have) a chance to save a while, I (can, to open) a place that would give us plenty of money. (Dreiser).
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the use of verb forms in the adverbial clauses of condition.
1. Мейбл сказала, что, если бы она попыталась рассказать (рассказала бы) кому-нибудь о своей любви к белому человеку, её бы назвали сумасшедшей. (По Абрахамсу). 2. Лэнни понимал, что, если бы он проявил смирение и страх в разговоре с белым человеком, тот не ударил бы его. (По Абрахамсу). 3. Герт предупредил Лэнни, что, если он сделает хоть один неверный шаг, это будет стоить ему жизни. (По Абрахамсу). 4. Керри не понимала, что, если бы она была одна, она должна была бы платить за комнату и стол и не могла бы тратить весь свой заработок на одежду и другие вещи. (По Драйзеру). 5. Друг Давида Копперфильда просил его не думать о нём плохо, если бы их вдруг когда-либо разлучили. (По Диккенсу).
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