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Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных (гласных с согласными)

2018-01-13 528
Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных (гласных с согласными) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Буква Буквосочетания Звук Примеры
A a a + ir [εə] air, hair, chair, pair, fair
ay, ai [eı]   play, pay, say, day, today, aim, rain, paint, main, nail
a + n a + f a + s+ согласная a + th a + l   [a:]     plant, branch, can't after, craft grass, class, fast, task   path, rather, father half, palm
a + ll a + lk w + ar     [ɔ:]     all, ball, tall, call, small chalk, talk, walk war, warm, award, warn, reward
w(h) + a   [wɔ] was, what, want, wash, watch
aw [ɔ:] law, saw, draw, strawberry
a + nge [eı] change, strange, 'exchange
au (gh) [ɔ:] author, autumn, daughter
E e ee, ea [i:] see, meet, tree, green, street, feel, sea, meat, tea, team, peace
ea + d, th, lth   но: [e]   [i:] head, dead, bread, death, health read, lead, reader, leader
ea + r + согл. [ə:] earn, earth, early, learn
ear, eer [ıə] hear, near, ear, clear, dear, fear
ew [ju:] new, knew, newspaper, few
ei [i:] ceiling, receive, deceive, seize
er (в суффиксе) [ə] worker, driver, painter
ey (под ударением) но: [eı] they, grey, obey key [ki:]
ey (в неударном слоге) [ı] money, hockey, trolley
I i ie (перед согласной) [i:] field, piece, niece, brief, chief
ie (в конце слова) [aı] lie, tie, die
igh [aı] night, fight, high, sigh, sight, flight
i + nd но: I + ld [aı] [ı] [aı] kind, find, mind, blind wind, window mild, child, (но: children)
O o oo + n, l [u:] moon, soon, too, spoon, cool, fool
oo + k [u] look, book, took, cook
ou но: [au] [u] house, round, out, about should, could
ough + t   [ɔ:]   bought, thought, fought, brought
oa [əυ] coat, boat, soap, road, toast
ow (в середине слова) [aυ] town, brown, down, power, powder
ow (в конце слова)   но: [əυ]   [au] window, slow, row, snow, grow now, how
oy oi [ɔı] boy, toy, noise, voice, soil choice, coin, boil
o + ld [əυ] old, cold, sold, hold, told, bold
our [ɔ:]   four, court, course, your, fourth
our, ower [aυə] our, hour, shower, flower, tower, power
o + m + n + v +th но: [Λ]   [u:] some, come, among, money son, won, wonderful, front glove, love, lovely mother, brother, other prove, move, movement, improvement
ous [ə] famous, dangerous, various
or [ə] doctor, tractor, conductor
U u ue [ju:] due, sue, hue
после r, l [u:] true, blue
ure – в открытом слоге после –s но: [υə]   [υ] sure, surely   sugar
u – в закрытом слоге после f, p, b [υ] full, push, bush, bull
в открытом слоге после r, j [u:] rule, June, jubilee, rumour
Y y перед гласной в начале слова [j] yes, yet, year, yesterday
в безударном положении на конце слова [ı] city, money, holiday, lady, lazy, fifty, seventy

Не следует испытывать отчаяние при виде подобных таблиц. Мы приводим их для того, чтобы Вы могли внимательно изучить звукобуквенные соответствия и использовать их для тренировки чтения. Настоящая уверенность к Вам придет тогда, когда Вы будете употреблять эти слова в своей речи.


Pronunciation exercises

Read the words. Compare their pronunciation and spelling.

ear air girl goal took tour were war was
beer bear burn bone put poor work warm want
here hear turn tone shook sure worst water watch

Match the words and the vowel symbols.

Eg. 1-f

1. Meet a. [a:]

2. Let b. [æ]

3. Bit c. [e]

4. Law d. [ə]

5. Back e. [ı]

6. Cut f. [i:]

7. Third g. [b]

8. Mood h. [3:]

9. Clock i. [ɔ:]

10. Good g. [u:]

11. Arch k. [υ]

12. About l. [ Λ ]


Match the words and the vowel symbols.

Eg. 1-c

1. May a. [əυ]

2. Buy b. [aı]

3. Poor c. [eı]

4. No d. [ıə]

5. Toy e. [aυ]

6. Dare f. [υə]

7. Mouse g. [eə]

8. Dear h. [ɔı]


Write out the pairs with the same vowel sound.

Eg. Car – farm

1. Blue – you

2. One – phone

3. Arm – are

4. Five – eye

5. Red – head

6. Book – door

7. Eight – they

8. Watch – bad

9. Chair – their

10. Box – dog

11. Your – our

12. Where – here


Find the word which doesn’t contain the same sound.

Eg. root, school, good, cool – good.

1. Life, mine, live, ride, pie

2. Read, big, street, jeans, meat

3. Phone, bowl, house, boat, home

4. Hair, wear, here, air, pear

5. Bar, charm, war, rather, far

6. Box, yellow, phone, post, home


Правила чтения согласных

Буква и буквосочетание Звук Примечание Примеры
B b bt [b]   [t]     в конце слова bus, but, about, better, butter, by, book, bed, bag, bad debt, doubt
С с [s]   [k]   [∫] перед e, i, y в остальных случаях перед безударной гласной face, city, cinema, cycle, since, ice, space, centre cap, cat, cut, cry, copy, capital, come, close, clock ocean, social, special, musician, ancient, racial
cc [ks] [k] перед e, i, y в остальных случаях accept, success, accent, accident occur, according, accomplish, accumulate, occupy, occasion
ch tch [t∫]     chess, rich, cheese, chop, much, match, kitchen, watch, catch
ch [k]     [∫]     в словах греческого происхождения в словах французского происхождения school, architect, chemistry, character, archeology, technical   machine, machinery, machinist    
ck [k]   black, sick, back, pack, neck, check
D d dg [d] [-]   [ʤ]   перед согласными date, made, end, decide, old grandmother, handsome, handkerchief bridge, knowledge, judge, sledge
F f ften [f] [fn]   five, if, finish, face, family often, soften
G g [ʤ]   [g] перед e, i, y в остальных случаях page, change, gymnasium, stage но: [g] - get, give, begin go, green, grey, grow
gh [-]   [f]     после au, ou в словах: weight, eight, bought, brought, fought, daughter laugh, enough, cough
gn [n] в начале и в конце слова foreign, sign
H h [h]   [-]   he, his, here, have, home, hundred, husband hour, honour, honest, exhibition
K k kn [k] [n]   в начале слова kill, keep, king, kitchen, kiss know, knee, knife, knock
L l alm, alf, alk [l] [-]   lake, late, light, listen, leg talk, calm, half, chalk
M m mb mn [m] [m]   в конце слова miss, meal, seem, team climb, bomb, comb autumn, column
N n ng nk [n]   [ŋ] [ŋk]     в конце слова never, number, nobody, next, notice sing, song, interesting, thing drink, bank, ink, tank, thank
P p ph [p] [f]   в словах греческого происхождения pen, pencil, pupil, publish, top phone, physics, philoso­phy, philologist, sym­phony, phase  
Qu [kw] [k]   в словах французского происхождения queen, question, quick, quite, queue unique, technique
Rr [r]   red, ready, rain, sorry, mirror, trip
S s ss ssion sion sure sh sc sten stle [s]   [z]     [s] [∫]   [∫(ə)n]   [ʒn]   [ʒə] [∫] [s] [sn] [sl] в начале слова но: [∫] после глухих согласных после звонких согласных и гласных   перед безудар- ным слогом     в конце слова   перед е, i, у see, sea, son, sun, stand, stop sugar, sure maps, cats, books, hats, caps   pens, bags, days, girls, boys these, cheese, please, nose, rose   class, pass, success, kiss, miss Russian   session, discussion, comission, opression decision, conclusion, revision, invasion, confusion, television pleasure, treasure, leisure, measure she, ship, fish, shop, short science, scientist, scene, scenery listen, fasten whistle, wrestling
T t th tion ture [t] [θ] [ð] [∫(ə)n]   [t∫ə]   ten, twenty, table, sit, teeth thing, thank, three, tooth this, those, with, without, weather demonstration, revolution, dictation, translation, attention picture, future, lecture, culture, nature, feature, furniture
V v [v]   live, leave, voice, move, vase
W w wh wh+o wr [w] [w]   [h] [r]   win, want, water, wind, twins when, where, why, what, which, white, whisper, while who, whom, whose, whole wrong, write, writer, wrestling
X x [ks]     [gz] в конце слова и перед согласными перед ударной гласной box, fox, six, taxi, text, excuse, exercise   examination, example, exist, exact
Z z [z]   lazy, zone, zero, zoo, zoo­logy

Pronunciation exercises

1. Read the words with the letter h. Decide which of them contain the sound [h].

hotel hour home
who why happy
honest hospital half
which when honour


2. Read the words with the letter c. Write out the words with the sound [k].

cat cut since
city centre clock
face cake come
cube space cinema
ocean special occur

3. Put the words into 2 columns according to the pronunciation of the letters th.

Clothes, month, they, other, health, three, leather, north, father, thank, tooth, weather, with.



Can you add more words?

4. Read the words with the letter s. What sounds can you hear?

Miss, safe, easy, ship, measure, mechanic, profession, cheese, sun, session, listen, sugar, sea, please, days, television, sure, books, science.


5. Read the words and decide which of them contain the sound [w].

warm own heavy watch write
two view when violence white
how world borrow question who

6. Read the words with the letter g and decide which of them contain the sound [g].

gentle girl give green grace
guest begin change sign go
ago page gate guide enough

7. Read the words below and decide which of them contain the sound [ ŋ ].

winter drink young thing
sink thanks children expensive
English window modern thin
pond uncle win darling

8. Read the words below and decide which of them contain the sound [].

chef children shoes she
special ship measure ocean
catch sure profession teacher
short mechanic certain action


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