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Выполнить контрольную работу № 3 (зимняя сессия)

2018-01-29 1430
Выполнить контрольную работу № 3 (зимняя сессия) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Выполнить контрольную работу № 3 (зимняя сессия)

(см. раздел 1)выслать до 6 февраля)

Проработать по учебнику разделы 6-8. (С.И. Гарагуля, Learning Business Communication in English).


К экзамену (летняя сессия)

Выслать до 1 июня:

2. Написать реферат (текст должен быть из оригинального источника на английском языке по специальности)

объемом 5 тысяч знаков по Вашей специальности или по теме Вашей будущей дипломной работы, перевести на русский язык, составить глоссарий (40-50 слов и выражений на английском языке с переводом на русский) (материал для реферата должен быть из оригинального источника!!!).

3. Подготовить презентацию по одной из тем:

( 5-7 слайдов, устное сообщениена английском языке:

1.Встречи и контакты.

2. Виды деловой корреспонденции.

3. Система высшего образования.

4.Деловые встречи и переговоры.

5.Научная деятельность.


Презентация и реферат должны быть сданы до 1 июня (могут быть защищены на занятии или присланы по электронной почте, результаты учитываются на экзамене).

4. Сдать экзамен по предмету «Иностранный (английский) язык в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций». (С.И. Гарагуля, Learning Business Communication in English).


Экзамен будет проводиться в устной и письменной форме, на подготовку дается 1 час 20 минут.

Структура экзамена:

1.Реферирование текста (выдается на экзамене)

(для подготовки см. контрольную работу № 1,1 курс).

2.Написание деловых писем

(для подготовки см. РАЗДЕЛ 2.Список заданий на экзамен по деловой переписке).


3.Составление высказываний и диалогов по заданной теме.

(для подготовки см. РАЗДЕЛ 2.Список заданий на экзамен по говорению).


4.Презентация и реферат.


Good Luck!


Sincerely Yours,


V.V. Kostovarova




You’re welcome!




(задание на зачет, к зимней сессии)


Read the article below about hotels and business travellers.

Choose the best sentence from A–E below to fill each of the gaps.

For each question 1–5, mark one letter.


Look at the statements below and the extracts from an article on work placements.

Which section (A, B, C or D) does each statement 1–7 refer to?

For each statement 1–7 mark one letter (A, B, C or D).


Look at the statements below and the extracts from an article on negotiation.

Which section (A, B, C or D) does each statement 1–8 refer to?

For each statement 1–8 mark one letter (A, B, C or D).



Read the article on job interviews and sentences 1–6 below.

For each sentence 1–6 mark one letter (A, B, C or D).


It makes sense to interview no more than six candidates because of the cost and time involved. After the short-listing process of reviewing CVs or application forms against the job description and person specifications, preparation for the interviews can be started.


The aim of the interview is to collect information about the suitability of the candidate for a particular post, not to find out if the candidate is likeable. Individual interviews can be useful, but panel interviews can help protect against individual bias, though they are more expensive. Too many people on the panel can be intimidating: three seems to be a good number, with one chairperson. The interviewers should review the job description, person specification and applications, and be familiar with the requirements of the job. They should make notes of the key areas and discuss these with their colleagues. It should be clear before the interviews start who will ask which questions, because a free-for-all can be confusing for the candidate.


The interview should have a clear structure and this should be explained to the candidate at the very start. The chairperson should link between the phases of the interview and between the panelists. This is especially true for telephone interviews.


There are five phases to the interview. An introduction to the interviewers helps to settle the candidate. Then the structure of the interview should be explained.


The main phase is the questioning of the candidate to obtain the information necessary to make a good decision. Questions should focus on the past, not the future and the panel should avoid hypothetical questions. General questions should lead to more focused questions which are looking for evidence of what the candidate did in certain situations. You will use the CV or application form as the basis for this stage. You are looking for concrete answers which highlight learning experiences and achievements. You should also explore the candidate's background, expertise, knowledge and skills as well as what they think of as their strengths and weaknesses. You are also checking to see if there are any inconsistencies between what the application and the candidate says.


After this, the longest phase, the candidate should be invited to ask any questions they have about the job, the company, or anything else they might want clarified. Remember that the interview is not just about whether you feel the candidate is right for the job: it is also the time for the candidate to decide if the job and the company are suitable for them, and the opportunity for the candidate to question you is essential for them to be able to make this decision. At the conclusion of the interview the chairperson should make it clear when the candidate will hear the results of the interview.


An interview should be relaxed and friendly, but the interviewers should remain in control and be able to draw out nervous or shy candidates and to manage over-confident ones. Making a recruitment error can be very expensive and difficult to correct and interviewing should be seen as a moment of truth in the selection process.



1 In the first paragraph, the writer suggests that six people should be interviewed because

A not everyone deserves an interview.

B it is the right thing to do.

C it takes a long time to read all the applications.

D it is expensive and time-consuming to interview more than six.


2 In the second paragraph, the writer suggests there should be

A a large panel of good interviewers.

B four on a panel including one chairperson.

C a good number of people on the panel.

D a chairperson and two others on the panel.


3 The questioning phase of the interview is

A when the candidate can ask questions about the company.

B the longest and most important part of the whole interview.

C a time to talk about the past and future of the candidate.

D when you can ask what the candidate would do in certain situations.


4 The chairperson's role is important because they

A introduce the interviewers and close the interview at the end.

B control the structure of the interview and connect the phases.
C decide if there will be a second interview or not.
D check to make sure the candidate did not lie on their CV.


5 According to the text the candidate can ask questions

A about what they have forgotten to say in the interview.

B to find out more about the interview.

C to find out when the results will be known.

D to help them decide if they are a good match for the job.


6 Which of the following best summarizes the text?

A An interview takes a long time.

B Interviews should be the same for everyone.

C Interviews are too important to get wrong.



(задания на экзамен, к летней сессии)

Список заданий на экзамен по деловой переписке:

(готовятся дома, высылать не нужно, на экзамене в билете будет одно из заданий).

III. Writing

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5.

Task 6.

Your friend Sam Browne has decided to look for a new job.

Write an email to him:

· Say he could go freelance and giving reasons for this

· Suggest he could also start a serious job search and giving some ideas where to start

· Wish him good luck

To: Sam Browne
Subject: Freelancing



Список заданий на экзамен по говорению:

(готовятся дома, высылать не нужно, на экзамене в билете будет одно из заданий).


В данной таблице даны выражения, которые помогут Вам составить высказывания и диалоги:

Expressing one's opinion I think... I feel that... As far as I know... As far as I remember... As far as I understood... To my mind... In my opinion... It seems to me I'd like to tell you that... It should be mentioned that... It should be noted that... To begin with... To tell the truth... Вы выражаете свое мнение Я думаю... Я полагаю... Я чувствую... Насколько я знаю... Насколько я помню... Насколько я понял(а)... По моему мнению... По моему мнению... Мне кажется... Я бы хотел сказать, что... Необходимо заметить, что.. Необходимо отметить, что... Прежде всего... Сказать по правде...
Asking for someone's opinion Do you think that...? What do you feel/think about...'? Are you sure that...? Выяснение чьего-то мнения Думаете ли вы, что...? Что вы думаете о...? Вы уверены, что...?
Giving reasons I think it is right because......that's why I feel that......and so I think that... Аргументация, обоснование Я полагаю, это правильно, потому что... ...поэтому я думаю, что......в итоге я считаю, что...
Asking for reasons Why? Why do you think that...? What makes you feel that...? Выяснение причин Почему? Почему вы думаете, что...? Что заставляет вас думать, что...?
Defending one's opinion Yes, but what I really mean is... What I'm trying to say is... On the contrary, I... What you said is really an argument for my point of view. Зашита собственного мнения Да, но что я в действительности имею ввиду, так это... То, что я пытаюсь сказать, — это... Наоборот, я... То, что вы сказали, действительно довод в пользу моей точки зрения.
Agreeing/supporting other people's opinions Yes, that's right. That's what I feel, too/I think so, too. Exactly. I (fully) agree with you. … put it very well. I feel that … is right. … raised some important points. Согласие/поддержка мнения других людей Да, это так. Да, я тоже так думаю. Именно так. Я (полностью) согласен с вами. … сказал об этом очень хорошо. Я думаю, что … прав. … затронул очень важные вопросы.
Disagreeing/contradicting other people's opinions I don't agree with you/I disagree with you. I don't think so. I'm afraid you are wrong. I'm afraid I can't agree. It is not worth talking about it. Вы не соглашаетесь Я не согласен с вами. Я так не думаю. Боюсь, что вы неправы. Боюсь, я не могу согласиться. Не стоит об этом говорить.
Expressing certainty and uncertain­ty, probability and possibility I'm absolutely certain that... I'm sure that... Perhaps... I'm not at all sure that... It is not possible. Выражение уверенности и неуверенности, вероятности и возможности Я абсолютно уверен, что... Я уверен, что... Возможно Я совсем не уверен, что... Это не возможно.
Expressing interest or indifference I'm interested in... I'd like to know more about... ...sounds interesting. Please tell me more about... I'm keen on... It doesn't interest me. I don't care. What a boring topic. Вы выражаете интерес или безразличие Мне интересно/Я интересуюсь... Мне бы хотелось знать больше о... ...звучит интересно. Пожалуйста, расскажите больше о... Я очень увлечен... Меня это не интересует Мне все равно/Меня это не волнует. Какая скучная тема.
Expressing likes and dislikes I love/like/adore... It is great/very good/fun/fantastic/mar- vellous I enjoy... What I like best is... I hate/dislike... Вы выражаете предпочтения и неприязнь Мне нравится/Я обожаю/преклоняюсь Это здорово/очень хорошо/ весело/ фантастично/изумительно... Я люблю/получаю удовольствие от... Что мне нравится больше всего, так это... Терпеть не могу/мне не нравится...
Stating preferences I'd rather... I prefer... Вы выражаете предпочтения Я бы лучше/я скорее бы... Я предпочитаю...
Expressing doubt I have my doubts about that/I doubt it. It's very doubtful. You haven't convinced me yet. You may have a point there, but I'm still not sure. Вы выражаете сомнение Я сомневаюсь в этом. Это вызывает сомнения. Вы пока меня не убедили. Возможно, что-то в этом есть, но я пока не уверен.

Part 1.

Prepare a one -minute talk on one ofthese topics.

(готовится студентом в форме монолога)


I think that when talking about a problem to someone it is important to

be friendly, because…….

What is important when changing jobs?

· Salary

· Responsibility

2. What is important when choosing a career?

· Personal interests

· Salary

What is important when being ethical in business?

· Obeying the law

· Acting with integrity

What is important when choosing someone for a placement?

· Experience

· Personal qualities

What is important when writing a report?

· Clear sections

· Paragraphs

What is important when solving a problem?

· Defining the problem

· Talking to people involved


What is important when preparing and using visuals in a presentation?

· Too many visuals confuse the audience

· Don't read out text on slides


What is important when negotiating with someone from another culture?

· Focus of negotiation

· Communication style


What is important when writing a CV?

· Introduction

· Needs/background


What is important when negotiating?

· Planning

· Knowing what you want

11.What is important when having a job interview?

· Being prepared

· Smiling


What is important when working abroad?

· Learning the language

· Preparation reading



Part 2.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

(составляется в парах, готовится на экзамене, пары выбирает преподаватель, разрешается пользоваться домашними заготовками)

Task 1

Work placement

Your company has decided to offer a one-month work placement to a small group of business students from the local university.

You have been asked to prepare the programme.

Discuss the situation together and decide:

· what kind of information you should provide to the students at the start of their placement.

· what kind of work the students could do.

· what kind of evaluation of the programme should be done.


Task 2

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

Career advice

You are part of a small team set up in your company to offer career advice to junior members of staff.

You have been asked to advise Will Smith, who is considering taking a career break.

Discuss the options together and decide:

· what are the different options.

· what are the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Task 3

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

Interview a candidate

You are the boss, who is looking for a travel agent in your company. Interview a candidate who is applying for this position covering the following areas:

1. His / her hobbies, habits and interests.

2. Details of all the jobs he / she has ever had.

3. Details of the examinations he / she passed at school, diplomas and degrees he / she has gained, training courses, etc.

4. His / her strengths and weaknesses.

5. The reason for leaving his / her present job.

6. The salary he / she would expect to receive.

Student B

You are a confident, enthusiastic young person with a good sense of humour and communication skills. You're applying for the position of the a travel agent in a large company. You dial the telephone number mentioned in the advert. You are eager to impress your interviewer.

Task 4.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

Making CV

A colleague of yours wants to rewrite their CV. Give some advice for him or her on how they should lay out their CV, and give reasons. Use the notes below to help you.


Name, address, nationality at top.

Work experience since leaving university. Latest job first.

Include details of job and responsibilities – why?

Education and qualifications– start with university.

Voluntary roles/positions of responsibility – why?

Additional skills – why? For example?

References – where? How many?

Task 5.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

Rules of behaviour

Somebody comes to your manager, but he is late for the meeting. Find out the guest's name and where he is from. Show him the way to your manager, introduce him and phone for coffee.


Task 6.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

You are in a hurry, but unfortunately you got into the traffic jam. You phone your colleague, explain the situation and say the hypothetical time of your arrival.

Task 7.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

You are the Front Desk Clerk in the Mariot Hotel. A tourist is checking in to the hotel and you should explain him what kind of rooms and services you have in this hotel, what the number of his room is, what floor it is on and where the lift is.You should explain him how to fill in the form, how much it will be for a night and what the forms of payment are.

Task 8.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

You are a Front Desk clerk and you are asked about eating out in the U.S. What would you say?

Task 9.

Make up dialogues for the following situations:

One of you is a secretary in a big firm. The other makes a call to this firm to make an appointment with the director. The secretary asks you about your business, explains that the director is not in and asks you if you could come at... time and...(day of the week). You ask how you can get there. The secretary explains you the way.

Выполнить контрольную работу № 3 (зимняя сессия)

(см. раздел 1)выслать до 6 февраля)

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