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By Roland Gribben Published: 29 March 2010
German electrical giant Siemens has joined the rush to build a plant
in Britain to produce huge turbines for the batteries of wind farms being built offshore to provide a new source of power. The company plans to invest more than £80m and create 700 jobs on the east coast of England.
Siemens is the fourth manufacturer aiming to take advantage of what
is forecast to be a huge market for turbines. Last week GE, the US conglomerate, said it intended to invest £100m and create 1,900 jobs at its facility in Britain, while Japan’s Mitsubishi has already gained government support for its plant
and Clipper Windpower, another US manufacturer, is in business in the North East.
The Siemens and GE announcements come hard on the heels
of the announcement in last week’s Budget that the Government is providing £60m for a competition aimed at attracting turbine and other “green” investment
to Britain’s ports.
Turbine manufacturers have been pressing for support and the government, anxious to encourage investment to reduce imports, has given way. The closure
of the Vestas turbine plant on the Isle of Wight last year left Britain without
a domestic manufacturer and resulted in orders going abroad, a large number
of them to Siemens plants in Germany.
Britain is on course to become the world’s “wind capital” through offshore developments with a capacity of 32,000 megawatts and investment likely to top £100bn.
There are uncertainties about some of the projects and turbine manufacturers acknowledge that new technology, involving the construction of 100ft long blades, has yet to be tested.
Siemens already employs 17,000 staff in Britain at more than 100 locations, which last year produced a turnover of more than £4bn.
Text C
Internal-combustion engine
Electricity does not constitute a prime mover, for however important it may be as a form of energy it has to be derived from a mechanical generator powered by water, steam, or internal combustion. The internal-combustion engine is a prime mover, and it emerged in the 19th century as a result both of greater scientific understanding of the principles of thermodynamics and of a search by engineers for a substitute for steam power in certain circumstances. In an internal-combustion engine the fuel is burned in the engine: the cannon provided an early model of a single-stroke engine; and several persons had experimented
with gunpowder as a means of driving a piston in a cylinder. The major problem was that of finding a suitable fuel, and the secondary problem was that of igniting
the fuel in an enclosed space to produce an action that could be easily and quickly repeated. The first problem was solved in the mid-19th century by the introduction of town gas supplies, but the second problem proved more intractable as it was difficult to maintain ignition evenly. The first successful gas engine was made
by Étienne Lenoir in Paris in 1859. It was modeled closely on a horizontal steam engine, with an explosive mixture of gas and air ignited by an electric spark
on alternate sides of the piston when it was in midstroke position. Although technically satisfactory, the engine was expensive to operate and it was not until the refinement introduced by the German inventor Nikolaus Otto in 1878 that
the gas engine became a commercial success. Otto adopted the four-stroke cycle
of induction-compression-firing-exhaust that has been known by his name ever since. Gas engines became extensively used for small industrial establishments,
which could thus dispense with the upkeep of a boiler necessary in any steam plant, however small.
Words and expressions:
internal-combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания
prime mover – первичный двигатель
mechanical generator – механический генератор
scientific understanding – научное понимание
igniting the fuel – воспламенение топлива
gas engine – газовый двигатель
electric spark – электрическая искра
four-stroke cycle – четырехтактный цикл
industrial establishment – промышленное предприятие
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Does electricity constitute a prime mover?
2. How can electricity be derived?
3. Is internal-combustion engine a prime mover?
4. Was internal-combustion engine’s invention a result of greater scientific understanding of the principles of thermodynamics?
5. Where is the fuel burned in the internal-combustion engine?
6. What was the major problem in the early internal-combustion engine?
7. How was the problem of fuel solved with internal-combustion engine?
8. Who made the first successful internal-combustion gas engine?
9. When did internal-combustion gas engine become a commercial success?
10. Where did internal-combustion gas engines become extensively used?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. Electricity as a form of energy has to be … from a mechanical generator powered by water, steam, or internal combustion.
2. The internal-combustion engine … emerged in the … ….as a result both of greater scientific understanding of the principles of thermodynamics.
3. Fuel is burned in the … in an internal-combustion engine.
4. The main problem with internal-combustion gas engines was to find proper …
5. The problem of … was solved in the mid-19th century by the introduction of town gas supplies.
6. The first successful gas … was made by Etienne Lenoir in Paris in 1859.
7. Etienne Lenoir’s was technically satisfactory but the engine was … to operate.
8. German inventor Nikolas Otto introduced his … in 1878.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. Internal-combustion engine is powered by coal.
2. Electricity has to be derived from a mechanical generator powered
by water, steam, or internal combustion.
3. The internal-combustion engine was invented in 20th century.
4. An internal-combustion engine is a substitute for steam power in certain circumstances.
5. In an internal-combustion engine the fuel is burned in to heat the water.
6. The major problems of internal-combustion engine were its bulk and weight.
7. The problem of fuel was solved in the mid 19th century by the introduction of town gas supplies.
8. The first successful gas engine was made by James Watt in England in 1800.
9. German inventor Nikolas Otto in 1878 introduced the gas engine which became a commercial success.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
internal-combustion engine; prime mover; form of energy; mechanical generator; single-stroke engine; suitable fuel; horizontal steam engine; technically satisfactory; four-stroke cycle; steam plant.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
form of energy; to be powered by; scientific understanding of the principles; search by engineers; an early model; major problem; secondary problem; introduction of; technically satisfactory; to be expensive to operate; commercial success; industrial establishment.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. The internal-combustion engine was invented made by Etienne Lenoir
in Paris in 1859.
2. The internal-combustion engine is a prime mover and can be used
to generate electricity.
3. In the 19th century scientists understood the principles of thermodynamics which resulted in invention of internal-combustion engine.
4. The major problem in application of internal-combustion engine
was finding a suitable fuel.
5. Etienne Lenoir’s was technically satisfactory but it was expensive to operate.
6. Otto cycle internal-combustion engine was introduced by the German inventor Nikolas Otto in 1878.
7. Otto cycle internal-combustion engine was a commercial success.
8. Gas engines are widely used in small industrial establishments.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Генератор преобразовывает механическую энергию в электрическую.
2. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания является первичным двигателем.
3. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания – первичный двигатель был изобретен в XIX столетии.
4. В двигателе внутреннего сгорания топливо сжигается в самом двигателе.
5. В XIX веке основной проблемой двигателя внутреннего сгорания был поиск подходящего топлива.
6. Первый работающий двигатель внутреннего сгорания был создан французским изобретателем Этьеном Ленуаром в Париже в 1859.
7. Технически двигатель был удовлетворительным, но его эксплуатация была очень дорога.
8. В 1878 немецкий изобретатель Николас Отто изобрел четырехтактный двигатель внутреннего сгорания.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
Fugro system mirrors reality
Fugro simulation of an ROV working on subsea infrastructure
Published: 01/02/2010
One of the greatest challenges that traditionally faces the subsea contractor is unequivocally convincing the client that he has the solution to the challenge.
It may be a new project – installing and commissioning subsea hardware – or it may be a repair to existing production infrastructure that must be done expeditiously. Either way, the work has to be executed in an accurate and timely manner.
Simulating a task is commonplace and the degree of sophistication
of that modelling process has increased over the years. It is an aspect in which Fugro has a deep interest – witness the development of the Eng-Sim solution.
Three years of work have gone into Eng-Sim which, in a nutshell, provides Fugro with the ability to take a construction or repair concept to a client
and provide him with an ability to quickly understand that concept
by demonstrating it onscreen in a manner that takes into account actual onsite conditions – perhaps in several thousand metres of water.
The FugroEng-Sim is an engineering tool that accurately simulates
the hostile underwater environment and brings that to bear from the conceptual design stage through to procedural development.
Depending on data feeds used, it will take into account the full range
of conditions that might prevail in a particular location and for a specific task – tidal and current velocities and direction, sea-floor characteristics, geophysical
and geotechnical conditions, relevant engineering design drawings, and so forth. Even bolt torques can be replicated.
FugroEng-Sim is designed to use real-world data on top of FEAs (Finite Element Analysis), CFDs (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and RAOs (Response Amplitude Operator) to produce 3D models with real-world physical characteristics. It combines this with electrical and hydraulic circuit simulation
for an unparalleled level of realism.
In essence, every step of the task can be tested against such parameters
as it is being progressed. It means that, by the time the proposed solution developed reaches the client, it possess a powerful reality – mirroring the real world.
That way, it becomes possible to maximise the time available to carry out front-end engineering design.
FugroEng-Sim is compatible with every mainstream CAD package, survey suite and tracking system used by the subsea industry to precisely represent
the job site and every onsite asset with a navigable 3D representation.
It then allows the addition of ROVs, ships and any other functional equipment required for an operation to simulate this job-specific scenario in real time.
In the early stages of a new or brownfield development, the FugroEng-Sim allows engineers to rapidly assess new ideas without ever cutting metal. Later
in development, it is used for clash checks and accessibility studies, essentially
a virtual SIT in a situation representative of actual environmental conditions.
Nearer completion, it can be used to help develop and refine procedures; further, the navigable 3D replay can be integrated into the procedural documents for distribution.
This comprehensive digital deliverable is unmatched in familiarising crew with the work site and equipment, as well as historic and impending works.
In addition, the FugroEng-Sim can be used onsite with the use of GPS, DVL, Inertial Nav, USBL and ROV telemetry strings. This data is used to display, in real time, an accurate representation of the scene subsea, to be used as a piloting aid or streamed, along with video, over the internet to onshore experts.
The FugroEng-Sim aids in every aspect of the engineering process;
it clarifies every facet of a job; it mitigates risk at a fraction of the cost
and is invaluable in the training of ROV pilots.
Text D
Alternatives to fossil fuels
It may well become a matter of urgency, before the end of the 20th century, that some means of extracting usable power from nuclear fusion be acquired.
At the present rate of consumption, the world’s resources of mineral fuels and of the available radioactive materials used in the present nuclear-power stations will be exhausted within a period of perhaps a few decades. The most attractive alternative is thus a form of energy derived from a controlled fusion reaction
that would use hydrogen from seawater, a virtually limitless source, and that would not create a significant problem of waste disposal. Other sources of energy
that may provide alternatives to mineral fuels include various forms of solar cell, deriving power from the Sun by a chemical or physical reaction such as that
of photosynthesis. Solar cells of this kind are already in regular use on satellites and space probes, where the flow of energy out from the Sun (the solar wind)
can be harnessed without interference from the atmosphere or the rotation of the Earth.
Words and expressions:
fossil fuels – ископаемые источники топлива
extracting usable power – извлечение пригодной энергии
rate of consumption – темпы потребления
mineral fuel – минеральное топливо
radioactive materials – радиоактивные материалы
fusion reaction – реакция расщепления
limitless source – неисчерпаемый источник
waste disposal – утилизация отходов
photosynthesis – фотосинтез
rotation of the Earth – вращение земли
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What alternatives to fossil fuels do you know?
2. When may it become a matter of urgency the extracting usable power from nuclear fusion?
3. What can you say about the rate of consumption of mineral fuels at present?
4. When will mineral resources be exhausted according to estimations
of scientists?
5. What is the most attractive alternative to fossil fuels in future?
6. What source of energy is a virtually limitless source?
7. What other sources of energy that may provide alternatives to mineral fuels do you know?
8. What kind of energy is in regular use on satellites and space probes?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. It may well become a matter of urgency, before the end of the 20th century, that some means of extracting … … from nuclear fusion be acquired.
2. At the present rate of consumption, the world’s resources of mineral fuels, will be … within a period of a few decades.
3. The most attractive alternative is a form of energy … from a controlled fusion reaction.
4. A virtually limitless source is ….
5. Use of hydrogen from seawater would not create a significant problem
of … disposal.
6. Other … … that may provide alternatives to mineral fuels include various forms of solar cell.
7. Solar cells are already in regular use on … ….
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. It is a matter of urgency to find alternatives to fossil fuels.
2. It is a matter of urgency before the end of the 20th century to find some means of extracting usable power from nuclear fusion.
3. At the present rate of consumption, the world's resources of mineral fuels, will be exhausted in a decade.
4. In foreseeable future the most attractive alternative to fossil fuels
is energy derived from a controlled fusion reaction.
5. Hydrogen from seawater is a very limited source of energy which
can be used as fuel.
6. Solar cells deriving power from the Sun can become good alternative
to traditional sources of energy.
7. Solar cells of this kind are already in regular use on satellites and space probes.
8. The solar wind can be harnessed without interference from the atmosphere or the rotation of the Earth.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
alternatives to fossil fuels; matter of urgency; extracting usable power: rate of consumption; mineral fuels resources; available radioactive materials;
to be exhausted; hydrogen from seawater; waste disposal; without interference.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
present nuclear-power stations; most attractive alternative; form of energy; controlled fusion reaction; limitless source; significant problem; alternatives
to mineral fuels; chemical or physical reaction; to be in regular use.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. Usable power from nuclear fusion is an important alternative to traditional forms of energy.
2. Rate of mineral resources consumption at present is very high.
3. The world’s mineral resources extraction at a present rate inevitably brings a lot of environmental problems.
4. World’s mineral resources within a period of perhaps a few decades.
5. The most attractive alternative to fossil fuels is a form of energy derived from a controlled fusion reaction.
6. There are some other sources of energy that may provide alternatives
to mineral fuels.
7. Energy is obtained from the Sun by means of a chemical or physical reaction such as photosynthesis.
8. On satellites solar cells are used to obtain energy without interference from the atmosphere or the rotation of the Earth.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Альтернативой ископаемым источникам энергии в последнее время все чаще называется атомная энергия.
2. В XX столетии наука разработала методы извлечения энергии
при помощи ядерного синтеза.
3. Мировые запасы ископаемых источников энергии при существующих темпах потребления могут быть истощены в ближайшие несколько десятков лет.
4. Самые большие запасы ископаемых источников энергии находятся на территории России.
5. Ядерные реакторы успешно работают во многих странах мира, лидером в этой области является Франция.
6. Безграничным источником энергии может стать водород, извлекаемый из морской воды.
7. Использование энергии полученной на ядерных реакторах практически исключает существующую в настоящее время проблему вывоза отходов и загрязнения окружающей среды.
8. Солнечные батареи заряжаются от солнечных лучей посредством химической или физической реакции.
9. Солнечные батареи широко используются в некоторых странах, как для отопления, так и для охлаждения жилых и производственных помещений.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
World Oil Reserves at “Tipping Point”
Science Daily (March 26, 2010)
The world’s capacity to meet projected future oil demand is at a tipping point, according to research by the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University.
There is a need to accelerate the development of alternative energy fuel resources in order to ensure energy security and reduce emissions, says a paper just published in the journal Energy Policy.
The age of cheap oil has now ended as demand starts to outstrip supply
as we head towards the middle of the decade, says the report. It goes on to suggest that the current oil reserve estimates should be downgraded from between
1150–1350 billion barrels to between 850–900 billion barrels, based on recent research. But how can potential oil shortages be mitigated?
Dr Oliver Inderwildi, Head of the Low Carbon Mobility centre at the Smith School, said: “The common belief that alternative fuels such as biofuels could mitigate oil supply shortages and eventually replace fossil fuels is pie in the sky. There is not sufficient land to cater for both food and fuel demand. Instead
of relying on those silver bullet solutions, we have to make better use
of the remaining resources by improving energy efficiency. Alternatives such
as a hydrogen economy and electric transportation are not mature and will only play a major role in the medium to long term”.
Nick Owen, from the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, added: “Significant oil supply challenges will be compounded in the near future
by rising demand and strengthening environmental policy. Mitigating
the oil crunch without using lower grade resources such as tar sands is the key
to maintaining energy stability and a low carbon future”.
The Smith School paper also highlights that in the past, political and financial objectives have led to misreporting of oil reserves, which has led
to contradictory estimates of oil reserve data available in the public domain.
Sir David King, Director of the Smith School, commented: “We have to face up to a future of oil uncertainty much like the global economic uncertainty we have faced during the past two years. This challenge will have a longer term effect
on our economies unless swift action is taken by governments and business.
We all recognize that oil is a finite resource. We need to look at other low carbon alternatives and make the necessary funding available for research, development and deployment today if we are to mitigate the tipping point”.
The report also raises the worrying issue that additional demand for oil could be met by non-conventional methods, such as the extraction of oil from Canada’s tar sands. However, these methods have a far higher carbon output than conventional drilling, and have been described as having a double impact on emissions owing to the emissions produced during extraction as well as during usage.
Text E
Direct energy-conversion devices
Most of these energy converters, sometimes called static energy-conversion devices, use electrons as their “working fluid” in place of the vapour or gas employed by such dynamic heat engines as the external-combustion and internal-combustion engines mentioned above. In recent years, direct energy-conversion devices have received much attention because of the necessity to develop more efficient ways of transforming available forms of primary energy into electric power. Four such devices – the electric battery, the fuel cell, the thermoelectric generator (or at least its working principle) and the solar cell had their origins
in the early 1800s.
The battery, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in 1800, changes chemical energy directly into an electric current. A device of this type has two electrodes, each of which is made of a different chemical. As chemical reactions occur, electrons are released on the negative electrode and made to flow through an external circuit to the positive electrode. The process continues until
the circuit is interrupted or one of the reactants is exhausted. The forerunners
of the modern dry cell and the lead-acid storage battery appeared during the second half of the 19th century.
The fuel cell, another electrochemical producer of electricity, was developed by William Robert Grove, a British physicist, in 1839. In a fuel cell, continuous operation is achieved by feeding fuel (e.g., hydrogen) and an oxidizer (oxygen)
to the cell and removing the reaction products.
Thermoelectric generators are devices that convert heat directly into electricity. Electric current is generated when electrons are driven by thermal energy across a potential difference at the junction of two conductors made
of dissimilar materials. This effect was discovered by Thomas Johann Seebeck,
a German physicist, in 1821. Seebeck observed that a compass needle near a circuit made of different conducting materials was deflected when one of the junctions was heated. He investigated various materials that produce electric energy
with an efficiency of 3 percent. This efficiency was comparable to that of the steam engines of the day. Yet, the significance of the discovery of the thermoelectric effect went unrecognized as a means of producing electricity because of Seebeck’s misinterpretation of the phenomenon as a magnetic effect caused by a difference
in temperature. A basic theory of thermoelectricity was finally formulated during the early 1900s, though no functional generators were developed until much later.
In a solar cell, radiant energy drives electrons across a potential difference
at a semiconductor junction in which the concentrations of impurities are different on the two sides of the junction. What is often considered the first genuine solar cell was built in the late 1800s by Charles Fritts, who used junctions formed
by coating selenium (a semiconductor) with an extremely thin layer of gold
(see Exploiting renewable energy sources below).
Words and expressions:
energy converters – преобразователь энергии
external-combustion – внешнее сгорание
internal-combustion – внутреннее сгорание
primary energy – первичная энергия
thermoelectric generator – термоэлектрический генератор
fuel cell – топливный элемент
thermal energy – тепловая энергия
conducting material – проводниковый материал
functional generator – действующий генератор
potential difference – разность потенциалов
semiconductor junction – соединение полупроводника
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Why in recent years, direct energy-conversion devices have received much attention?
2. Who invented the battery in 1800 which changed chemical energy directly into an electric current?
3. When did the forerunners of the modern dry cell and the lead-acid storage battery appear?
4. How is the continuous operation achieved in a fuel cell?
5. Who discovered the effect that electric current is generated when electrons are driven by thermal energy across a potential difference?
6. Who investigated various materials that produce electric energy
with an efficiency of 3 percent?
7. When was a basic theory of thermoelectricity finally formulated?
8. Who is considered to be the inventor of the first genuine solar cell?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. Most of energy converters sometimes are called static … devices.
2. In recent years direct energy-conversion devices have received much attention because of the necessity to develop more efficient ways of … available forms of primary energy into electric power.
3. The battery, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in 1800, changes … … directly into an electric current.
4. As chemical reactions occur, electrons are released on the … … and made to flow through an external circuit to the positive electrode.
5. Thermoelectric generators are devices that … heat directly into electricity.
6. Electric current is generated when electrons are driven by … … energy across a potential difference at the junction of two conductors made of dissimilar materials.
7. Seebeck investigated various materials that produce electric energy
with an … of 3 percent.
8. A basic theory of … was finally formulated during the early 1900s, though no functional generators were developed.
9. What is often considered the first genuine … … was built in the late 1800s by Charles Fritts.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. In recent years, direct energy-conversion devices have received much attention because of the necessity to convert electric power into primary energy.
2. Electric battery, fuel cell, thermoelectric generator and the solar cell
had their origins in the early 1800s.
3. The battery, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in 1900, changes chemical energy directly into an electric current.
4. The battery, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta has two electrodes, each of which is made of a different metal.
5. In the battery, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta,
as chemical reactions occur, electrons are released on the positive electrode.
6. The forerunners of the modern dry cell and the lead-acid storage battery appeared during the second half of the 20th century.
7. The fuel cell was developed by Alessandro Volta, a British physicist, in 1839.
8. Electric current is generated when electrons are driven by thermal energy across a potential difference at the junction of two conductors made of dissimilar materials.
9. Thomas Johann Seebeck observed that electric current is generated
when electrons are driven by thermal energy.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
energy-conversion devices; dynamic heat engines; transforming available forms energy; electric power; thermoelectric generator; chemical energy; external circuit; electrochemical producer of electricity; reaction products; thermoelectric generator; dissimilar materials; efficiency; magnetic effect.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
difference in temperature; basic theory; functional generator; to be developed; radiant energy; potential difference; semiconductor junction; to be built in; renewable energy sources.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. Static energy-conversion devices have low power capacity.
2. Direct energy-conversion devices are used to transform available forms
of primary energy into electric power.
3. This battery changes chemical energy directly into an electric current.
4. This battery has two electrodes, each of which is made of a different chemical.
5. In a battery electrons are released on the negative electrode and flow through an external circuit to the positive electrode.
6. The fuel cell is an electrochemical producer of electricity.
7. In this battery electric current is generated when electrons are driven
by thermal energy across a potential difference.
8. The efficiency of this battery is comparable to that used last time.
9. The significance of the discovery of the thermoelectric effect went unrecognized.
10. A basic theory of thermoelectricity was finally formulated during
the early 1900s.
11. No functional model of this car was developed until early 1920s.
Exercise 9
1. Двигатель внутреннего сгорания использует бензин вместо дизельного топлива, используемого более мощными дизельными двигателями позднего поколения.
2. В последние время генераторы такого типа получили широкое распространение из-за потребности развития более эффективных способов преобразования.
3. Первые солнечные батареи явились результатом исследований итальянского физика Алессандро Вольта.
4. Это устройство состоит из двух электродов, каждый из которых сделан из различных материалов.
5. Аккумуляторные батареи были изобретены во второй половине
XX столетия.
6. При помощи термоэлектрических генераторов высокая температура преобразовывается непосредственно в электричество.
7. Эффективность его двигателя была сопоставима с эффективностью аналогичных двигателей.
8. Ученый исследовал различные материалы, чтобы прийти к наиболее эффективному применению своего прибора.
9. Базовая теория термоэлектричества была сформулирована в начале 1900-х.
10. Известно, что первая работающая солнечная батарея была построена в конце 1800-х.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
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