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2018-01-04 | 362 |
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Тексты составлены на базе современных аутентичных источников
с определенной адаптацией к уровню языковой подготовки обучающихся. Тексты снабжены тематическим словарем и элементарными упражнениями преимущественно лексического характера, способствующими развитию навыков устного высказывания. Упражнения в основном унифицированы
и представляют собой задания к каждому из предлагаемых текстов раздела. Каждый раздел содержит тексты для самостоятельной работы
с определенными заданиями к ним, целью которых является развитие навыков чтения, работы со словарем, реферирования и устного высказывания по заданной тематике.
Text A
Power technology
An outstanding feature of the Industrial Revolution has been the advance
in power technology. At the beginning of this period, the major sources of power available to industry and any other potential consumer were animate energy
and the power of wind and water, the only exception of any significance being
the atmospheric steam engines that had been installed for pumping purposes, mainly in coal mines. It is to be emphasized that this use of steam power
was exceptional and remained so for most industrial purposes until well into
the 19th century. Steam did not simply replace other sources of power:
it transformed them. The same sort of scientific inquiry that led to the development of the steam engine was also applied to the traditional sources of inanimate energy, with the result that both waterwheels and windmills were improved in design
and efficiency. Numerous engineers contributed to the refinement of waterwheel construction, and by the middle of the 19th century new designs made possible increases in the speed of revolution of the waterwheel and thus prepared the way for the emergence of the water turbine, which is still an extremely efficient device for converting energy.
Words and expressions:
power technology – энергетическая технология
major sources – основные источники
potential consumer – потенциальный потребитель
pumping purpose – цель откачки
industrial purposes – промышленные цели
traditional sources – традиционные источники
inanimate energy – неодушевленная энергия
waterwheels – водяные мельницы
water turbine – водная турбина
converting energy – преобразование энергии
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What was an outstanding feature of the Industrial Revolution?
2. What kinds of energy were major sources of power available to industry and any other potential consumer before Industrial revolution?
3. What was the main usage of the atmospheric steam engines in the mines of that time?
4. Did steam simply replace other sources of power?
5. Did scientific inquiry lead to the development of the steam engine?
6. Were waterwheels and windmills improved in design and efficiency
as a result of steam engine development?
7. Who contributed to the refinement of waterwheel construction?
8. Did increases in the speed of revolution of the waterwheel prepare
the way for the emergence of the water turbine?
9. Can we say that water turbine is still an extremely efficient device
for converting energy?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. An advance in power technology was an outstanding feature of the… ….
2. At the beginning of Industrial Revolution the major sources of … available to industry and any other potential consumer were animate energy.
3. Atmospheric steam engines had been installed for …. purposes.
4. Steam did not simply replace other … of power, it transformed them.
5. Scientific inquiry led to the development of the …. engine.
6. Waterwheels and windmills were improved in …. and efficiency.
7. Numerous … contributed to the refinement of waterwheel construction.
8. In the middle of the 19th century new designs made possible … in the speed of revolution of the waterwheel.
9. Waterwheel prepared the way for the emergence of the … turbine.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. An outstanding feature of the Industrial Revolution has been the advance in mining industry.
2. The major sources of power available to industry in 18th century were animate energy and the power of wind and water.
3. Atmospheric steam engines had been installed for heating purposes, mainly in coal mines.
4. Use of steam power remained exceptional for most industrial purposes until well into the 19th century.
5. Steam transformed sources of power at the times of Industrial Revolution.
6. Scientific inquiry led to the development of the steam engine.
7. Windmills and watermills were improved in design and efficiency only
in late 20th century.
8. New designs in the speed of revolution of the steam engine prepared
the way for the emergence of the water turbine.
9. Steam engine is still an extremely efficient device for converting energy.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
advance in power technology; major sources; potential consumer; animate energy; the power of wind and water; steam engines; pumping purposes; industrial purposes; scientific inquiry; traditional sources; inanimate energy; waterwheel; windmill; efficiency.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
Industrial Revolution; power of wind and water; exception of any significance; to be installed for; coal mine; to replace other sources of power; to be applied to;
to contributed to; to make possible; speed of revolution; to be extremely efficient.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. Advance in power technology was an outstanding feature of the Industrial Revolution.
2. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution the major sources of power available to industry were animate energy and the power of wind and water.
3. Steam engines were installed for pumping purposes only and mainly
in coal mines.
4. It is to be emphasized that use of steam power was exceptional.
5. Steam power remained as primary source of energy well into the 19th century.
6. In 19th century steam did not replace other sources of power:
it transformed them.
7. Scientific inquiries led to the development of the steam engine in 19th century.
8. Great number of engineers contributed to the development of waterwheel designs.
9. Speed of waterwheel revolution prepared the way for the emergence
of the water turbine.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Период промышленной революции характеризуется бурным ростом энергетических технологий.
2. Основными источниками энергии в XIX веке были энергия ветра
и воды.
3. Паровые двигатели были установлены для откачки воды из шахт.
4. Использование пара оставалось исключительным в промышленности вплоть до конца XIX века.
5. Этот паровой двигатель работает на газе и угле.
6. Развитие энергетических технологий привело к тому, что паровые двигатели стали постепенно заменяться водными турбинами.
7. Дизайн и эффективность ветряных и водяных мельниц к концу
XIX века значительно улучшились.
8. Увеличение скорости вращения водяной турбины дало возможность инженерам расширить сферу ее применения.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
“Washington Post”
Corrosion becomes problem of the past
Victor Kuzmin, Russia Now, 23.02.2010
Infrastructure: Pipelines to outlast national oil and gas reserves JurePromConsulting, a Russian consultancy firm, recently presented a corrosion-resistant technology that could increase the service life of steel structures
to 90 years.
JurePromConsulting’s new corrosion-resistant technology has the potential to eliminate the problem of aging gas infrastructure in Russia. According to state-owned monopoly Gazprom’s experts, the country’s gas reserves will approximately last another 60 years. Utilizing the technology, new pipelines –
such as the Nord and South Stream routes – could function without major repairs almost until the end of the century.
Scientists at Bodycote International confirmed that the new method ensures three to five times better corrosion protection for oil and gas infrastructure.
According to Bodycote, a U.K.-based provider of thermal processing services, the new method can extend the service life of steel structures from
the standard period of 20 years up to 60–90 years depending on the level
of corrosion of the operational environment.
“The sulphur contained in oil and gas as well as the chlorine ions in sea water are highly corrosive. In these media, aluminum coating keeps the steel pipe intact for a much longer period than zinc. Replacing zinc with aluminum will be
a more efficient solution than, for example, increasing the thickness of the zinc layer”, explained project leader Kirill Kulakovsky.
“Aluminum-based corrosion solutions have been very expensive
and inefficient because molten aluminum is very aggressive”, he added.
“The conventional method of hot-dip galvanizing was developed over 50 years ago. It causes environmental pollution and provides only a short-lived protection”.
The new technology boasts a simple design and avoids pollution because
it uses a negligible amount of chemical solutions and operates as a closed-looped system. It is also cheaper than the zinc-based technology and will not increase
the cost of steel structures.
Noteworthy among the advantages of the new method are its high productivity, much lower cost, compact equipment and multiple potential applications across a wide range of products and treatable alloys.
The technology provides a strong basis for a fundamental overhaul
of metallurgy, construction and other industries. “It is high time Russia began adopting modern methods of protecting rolled steel products against corrosion”, said Yakov Usherenko, deputy chief engineer at the West Siberian Iron and Steel Works. “Out of the 90 million tons of steel produced annually in Russia,
15 to 20 percent is destroyed by corrosion. We need to introduce international standards regarding acceptable areas of application for specific steel grades
and sections based on their corrosion resistance and operational safety. Architects are not the only culprits to be blamed for multiple accidents involving collapsed buildings. Time and harsh environment take their toll, too, eroding the joints between structural steel components that have no protective coating. Thus,
it is important to recognize that corrosion protection provided today will translate into safety tomorrow”.
Based on the most conservative estimates, the economic benefit
of introducing the aluminum-based coating technology in Russia alone could be
as high as $5 billion per year. According to Hogan & Hartson, a leading global intellectual property expert, the potential market for the AlumEco technology developed by JurePromConsulting is estimated at about 1.8 billion tons over
the next 10 years in five major steel producing countries – the United States, Germany, China, Brazil and India. By replacing the conventional methods with
the innovative technology, the industry can potentially realize cost savings of more than $14 billion.
Gazprom estimates that 38 percent of its cross-national pipelines are between 10 and 20 years old, and another 18 percent are over 30 years old.
With an average life of around 30 years, the company has spent colossal amounts on upgrades and maintenance. This could soon come to an end.
Text B
The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries was fueled by coal. Though it has been supplanted by oil and natural gas as the primary source of energy in most modern industrial nations, coal nonetheless remains an important fuel.
The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that only about 2 percent
of the world’s minable coal has so far been exploited; known reserves should last for at least 300 to 400 years. Moreover, new coal basins continue to be found,
as, for example, the lignite basin discovered in the mid-1980s in Rājasthān
in northwestern India.
Coal-exploration geologists have found that coal was formed in two different tectonic settings: (1) swampy marine deltas on stable continental margins, and (2) swampy freshwater lakes in graben (long, narrow troughs between
two parallel normal faults) on continental crust. Knowing this and the types
of sedimentary rock formations that commonly include coal, geologists can quite readily locate coal-bearing areas. Their main concern, therefore, is the quality
of the coal and the thickness of the coal bed or seam. (A coal seam must be at least 61 centimeters thick to be mined profitably.) Such information can be derived
from samples obtained by drilling into the rock formation in which the coal occurs.
Words and expressions:
to be fueled by coal – использовать уголь в качестве топлива
primary source of energy – первичный источник энергии
minable coal – уголь, который можно добыть
known reserves – известные запасы
coal basins – угольные месторождения
swampy marine deltas – болотистые морские дельты
stable continental margins – болотистые пресноводные озера
continental crust – континентальный карст
coal-bearing area – регионы богатые углем
quality of the coal – качество угля
thickness of the coal bed – толщина месторождения
to be mined profitably – добывать экономически выгодно
drilling into the rock formation – бурение в породу
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What was the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries fueled by?
2. What is used as the primary source of energy in most modern industrial nations?
3. What can you say about known reserves of minable coal in the world?
4. Do new coal basins continue to be found?
5. In what two different tectonic settings coal was formed?
6. Is the quality and the thickness of the coal bad or seem the main concern of geologists?
7. What thickness of a coal seam must be mined profitably?
8. How information about coal seam thickness can be derived?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries was fueled by….
2. The primary source of energy in most modern industrial nations is … ….,
3. The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that only about …
of the world’s minable coal has been exploited.
4. Known … reserves should last for at least 300 to 400 years.
5. Moreover, new coal basins continue to be found, as, for example,
the lignite basin discovered in the mid-1980s in Rājasthān in northwestern India.
6. Coal was formed in two different … settings.
7. Knowing types of … … that commonly include coal, geologists can locate coal-bearing areas.
8. Main concern of geologists is the quality of the … and the thickness
of the coal bed or seam.
9. A coal seam must be at least 61 centimeters thick to be mined ….
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries was fueled geothermal energy.
2. Coal has been supplanted by nuclear energy as the primary source
of energy in most modern industrial nations.
3. The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that only 10 percent
of the world’s minable coal has been exploited.
4. Known reserves of coal should last for at least 100 years.
5. Coal-exploration geologists have found that coal was formed in two different tectonic settings.
6. Geologists main concerns are the quality of the … and the … of the coal bed or seam.
7. A coal seam must be at least 25 centimeters thick to be mined profitably.
8. Information about thickness of coal seam can be derived from samples obtained by … into the rock formation in which the coal occurs.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
oil and natural gas; primary source of energy; modern industrial nations;
an important fuel; minable coal; known reserves; coal basins; coal-exploration geologists; to locate coal-bearing areas; quality of the coal; thickness of the coal bed; to be mined profitably; drilling into the rock formation.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
to be fueled by; primary source of energy; modern industrial nations;
an important fuel; world’s minable coal; known reserves; coal-exploration geologists; continental crust; to locate coal-bearing areas; the quality of the coal; the thickness of the coal bed; to be mined profitably; information can be derived; samples obtained by drilling; rock formation.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. The Industrial Revolution was fueled by coal.
2. Coal has been supplanted by oil and natural gas as the primary source
of energy.
3. Coal remains an important fuel in most modern industrial nations.
4. It was estimated that only about 2 percent of the world’s minable coal
has been exploited.
5. Known coal reserves should last for at least 300 to 400 years.
6. New coal basins continue to be found in many regions of the world.
7. Coal was formed in two different tectonic settings.
8. Geologists can locate coal-bearing areas.
9. The main concern of geologists is the quality of the coal and the thickness of the coal bed.
10. A coal seam must be at least 61 centimeters thick to be mined profitably.
11. Information about coal layer can be obtained from samples received
by drilling into the rock in which the coal occurs.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. В период развития промышленной революции в XVIII и XIX веках основным источником энергии был уголь.
2. В XX веке нефть и природный газ постепенно вытеснили уголь,
как основной источник энергии.
3. В промышленно развитых странах уголь остается важным источником энергии в наше время.
4. Разведанные запасы угля выработаны на сегодняшний день всего на 2 %.
5. Геологи всего мира продолжают находить новые месторождения угля.
6. Крупнейшим месторождением угля в России является Кузбасс.
7. Рентабельным месторождением угля является то, где толщина пласта составляет 61 см.
8. Геологи при изысканиях учитывают и качество угля на месторождении.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
Pipe dreams come true
“The new oil and gas pipeline will deny any country the position
of dominant importer or exporter, putting politics second to the market”.
Ben Aris, Business New Europe
Energy: New oil and gas routes spell the end of post-Soviet political wrangling Cold War tensions between Russia and Europe will persist as long
as the Cold War energy infrastructure stays in place. However, a lattice
of new pipelines should make relationships more civilized.
Cold War pipelines are still in place, but a raft of energy infrastructure deals and the launch of several important new routes signal major shifts in the post-Soviet oil and gas network. Russia’s imperialistic hold over producers in Central Asia – inherited from the Soviet Union in the form of oil and gas pipelines –
has been broken. A new gas pipeline running from the gas-rich republic
of Turkmenistan to China is a game changer and joins an oil pipeline snaking
from oil-rich Kazakhstan to China that is already in operation.
The Kremlin’s response has been to build more pipelines, also headed east. The result of this emerging lattice of pipelines is that energy relations in the region will become more civilized as competing routes will force both buyer and seller
to put market interests first and politics a definite second.
On December 14, 2009, China’s President Hu Jintao joined his Turkmen counterpart, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, to inaugurate the new Trans Asianpipeline that allows energy-hungry China to tap Central Asia's copious supplies of gas.
“The new pipeline marks an economic power shift to the benefit of three Central Asian countries and China and to the detriment of Russia”, said
Philip H. de Leon, the publisher of OilPrice.com.
The Trans Asian pipeline cost $6.7 billion to build and is the first gas pipeline out of the Caspian Region that runs east, linking Turkmenistan’s massive gas basin with China’s West-East Gas Pipeline. The pipeline will carry up to 40 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas by 2013, accounting for half of China’s gas needs.
China’s growing importance in the region has gotten the attention
of the Kremlin: Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a deal that promises
to deliver 68 bcm a year to China through two new pipelines starting in Siberia.
These pipelines will provide China with the other half of the gas it needs.
The Russian deal represents an abrupt about-face for the Kremlin, which
has traditionally been very wary of its eastern neighbor.
Pipelines are intensely political beasts when they are in the planning stage, but once constructed they are the geopolitical equivalent of marriage.
The Turkmen gas pipeline follows on the heels of a new Kazakh oil pipeline to China that round out the new eastward-looking energy transport infrastructure. The first phase of the Kazakh oil pipeline went into operation in July last year
and a second phase will link Kazakhstan’s rich Caspian oil resources to China.
The two Chinese pipelines have raised the ante in the energy game
for Russia and broken its monopoly on the transport of oil and gas to customers
out of the region in Western Europe. However, the Kremlin is striking back by beefing up its own energy transport infrastructure.
Underpinning the annual clash between Russia and Ukraine is the fact
that Russia is forced to send about 80 percent of its gas to Western European customers through Ukraine.
Russia has proposed two new routes that run to the north and south
of Ukraine to diversify the supply routes: The Nord Stream runs from Northwest Russia to Germany and the South Stream runs from Southern Russia under
the Black Sea to Turkey. Much of Western Europe was cut off from crucial gas supplies when Russia clashed with Ukraine over unpaid gas bills. Future battles with Ukraine over money will be just that and 2009 should be the last time European countries faced the prospect of being cut off from their gas heating
in the depths of winter.
With the gas transport problems well in hand, the Kremlin has turned
its attention to rounding out the oil pipeline infrastructure. Like the Russian gas pipes that will now run both east and west, Putin relaunched a new and ambitious Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline that will run from Siberia
to Russia’s Pacific coast.
The 4857-kilometer ESPO pipeline is by far the longest and most expensive of all the pipeline plans. Strategically it will allow Russia to deliver oil directly
to the whole of the Pacific Rim and significantly diversify Russia’s customer base. Construction of this anaconda of a pipe was begun in April 2006, but the project has only recently regained momentum.
The success of the pipeline will depend on the currently untouched
oil resources thought to exist in Eastern Siberia; serious exploration of the region will begin this year.
Text C
Oil and natural gas
During the last half of the 20th century, the consumption of petroleum products increased sharply. This has led to a depletion of many existing oil fields, notably in the United States, and intensive efforts to find new deposits.
Crude oil and natural gas in commercial quantities are generally found
in sedimentary rocks along rifted continental margins and in intercontinental basins. Such environments exhibit the particular combination of geologic conditions and rock types and structures conducive to the formation
and accumulation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. They contain suitable source rocks (organically rich sedimentary rocks such as black shale), reservoir rocks (those of high porosity and permeability capable of holding the oil and gas that migrate into them), and overlying impermeable rocks that prevent the further upward movement of the fluids. These so-called cap rocks form petroleum traps, which may be either structural or stratigraphic depending on whether they were produced by crustal deformation or original sedimentation patterns.
Although only about 15 percent of the world’s oil has been exploited, petroleum geologists estimate that at the present rate of demand the supply
of recoverable oil will last no more than 100 years. Owing to this rapid depletion of conventional oil sources, economic geologists have explored oil shales
and tar sands as potential supplementary petroleum resources. Extracting oil from these substances is, however, very expensive and involves possible environmental problems. But both are abundant, and advances in recovery technology may yet make them attractive alternative energy resources.
Words and expressions:
oil field – нефтяное месторождение
commercial quantities – коммерческие объемы
geologic conditions – геологические условия
gaseous hydrocarbons – газообразные углеводороды
upward movement – восходящее движение
sedimentation pattern – образец отложения осадка
rate of demand – уровень потребности
recoverable oil – добываемая нефть
conventional oil sources – обычные источники нефти
supplementary resources – дополнительные источники
environmental problems – проблемы окружающей среды
recovery technology – технология добычи
alternative energy resources – альтернативные источники энергии
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Consumption of what products has increased sharply during the last half
of the 20th century?
2. What had happened to many existing oil fields during the last half
of the 20th century?
3. Where crude oil and natural gas in commercial quantities generally found?
4. In what geologic conditions are liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons usually formed?
5. What is the percentage of the world’s recovered oil as for today?
6. Is depletion of conventional oil sources rapid or slow?
7. What can you say about oil shales and tar sands as potential supplementary petroleum resources?
8. What can make oil shales and tar sands to become attractive alternative energy resources?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. The consumption of petroleum products … sharply during the last half
of the 20th century.
2. The increased consumption of petroleum products led to a … of many existing oil fields.
3. Oil and natural gas in … … are generally found in sedimentary rocks.
4. Due to geologic conditions oil and natural gas containing environments are conductive to the … … of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.
5. As for today only about 15 percent of the world’s … has been exploited.
6. Petroleum geologists estimate that at the present rate of demand
the supply of recoverable oil will last no more than 100 years.
7. Oil shales and tar sands are potential … petroleum resources.
8. Advances in recovery technology may make … … attractive alternative energy resources.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. During the last half of the 20th century, the consumption of petroleum products decreased sharply.
2. Crude oil and natural gas in commercial quantities are generally found
in sedimentary rocks along rifted continental margins.
3. Particular combination geologic conditions and rock types and structures are important to the formation and accumulation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.
4. More than 50 percent of the world’s oil has been exploited.
5. Petroleum geologists estimate that the supply of recoverable oil will last no more than 25 years.
6. Economic geologists have explored iron ore and limestone deposits
as potential supplementary petroleum resources.
7. Extracting oil from oil shales and tar sands is economically feasible.
8. Extracting oil from oil shales and tar sands involves possible environmental problems.
9. Advances in recovery technology may yet make oil shales and tar sands attractive alternative energy resources.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
consumption of petroleum products; depletion of oil fields; new deposits; crude oil and natural gas; commercial quantities; geologic conditions; formation and accumulation; liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons; sedimentary rocks; black shale; reservoir rocks; petroleum geologists; recoverable oil; conventional oil sources; oil shales; tar sands; petroleum resources; environmental problems; recovery technology; alternative energy resources.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
crude oil and natural gas; formation and accumulation; liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons; reservoir rocks; overlying impermeable rocks; upward movement
of the fluids; original sedimentation patterns; present rate of demand; conventional oil sources; environmental problems; advances in recovery technology.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. Consumption of petroleum products in Western Europe increased sharply.
2. Intensive efforts to find new deposits of oil and gas were taken by oil companies in mid 1990s.
3. Crude oil and natural gas in commercial quantities are generally found
in Middle East countries.
4. Particular combination of geologic conditions and rock types
are important to the formation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.
5. Only 15 percent of the world’s oil is exploited.
6. Present rate of consumption of recoverable oil will last no more than
100 years.
7. Extracting oil from oil shales and tar sands is very expensive and involves possible environmental problems.
8. Advances in oil recovery technology may make them attractive alternative to energy resources.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. В последние годы потребление нефтепродуктов экономически развитыми странами резко увеличилось.
2. Многие существующие месторождения нефти в мире в последние годы значительно истощились.
3. Сырая нефть и природный газ в коммерческих объемах имеются
во многих странах мира.
4. Геологические условия и типы горных пород и структур способствуют формированию и накоплению жидких и газообразных углеводородов.
5. Около 15 % имеющейся в природе и возможной к добыче нефти израсходовано на сегодняшний день.
6. При нынешних объемах потребления нефти в мире осталось приблизительно на 100 лет.
7. Геологи считают, что битуминозные сланцы и битуминозные пески являются потенциально дополнительными нефтяными ресурсами.
8. Извлечение нефти из этих сланцев и песков достаточно дорогостоящее мероприятие и оно связано с возможными экологическими проблемами.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
Text D
Solar energy
Radiation from the Sun in capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, or generating electricity. The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source, and solar radiation is by far the largest source of energy received by
the Earth, but its intensity at the Earth’s surface is actually quite low. This is partly because the Earth’s atmosphere and its clouds absorb or scatter as much
as 54 percent of all incoming sunlight. Despite this, in the 20th century solar energy became increasingly attractive as an energy source owing to its inexhaustible supply and its nonpolluting character, which are in stark contrast
to such fossil-fuel sources as coal, oil and natural gas.
Words and expressions:
solar energy – солнечная энергия
producing heat – производство тепла
chemical reaction – химическая реакция
generating electricity – выработка электричества
solar radiation – солнечная радиация
incoming sunlight – поступающий солнечный свет
inexhaustible – неистощимый
nonpolluting character – незагрязняющий характер
fossil-fuel sources – ископаемые источники топлива
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is in your understanding solar energy?
2. Is the Sun capable of producing heat?
3. Is the Sun an extremely powerful energy source?
4. What is the largest source of energy received by the Earth?
5. Is the intensity of solar energy at the Earth’s surface quite low?
6. Why does the Earth receive only 54 percent of all incoming sunlight?
7. Why did solar energy become increasingly attractive in the 20th century?
8. How can you explain a stark contrast of solar energy to fossil-fuel sources as coal, oil and natural gas?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. Radiation from the Sun is capable of producing ….
2. The Sun is an extremely powerful … source.
3. Solar radiation is by the largest … of energy received by the Earth.
4. Solar radiation intensity at the Earth’s surface is actually quite ….
5. Earth’s atmosphere and its clouds … as much as 54 percent of all incoming sunlight.
6. In the 20th century solar energy became … as an energy source.
7. Solar energy is attractive due to its … supply and it’s … character.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. Radiation from the Sun is incapable of producing heat.
2. Radiation from the Sun is capable of causing chemical reactions
or generating electricity.
3. The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source.
4. Solar radiation is the smallest source of energy received by the Earth.
5. Intensity of solar radiation at the Earth’s surface is actually quite high.
6. The Earth’s atmosphere and its clouds absorb or scatter as much as
30 percent of all incoming sunlight.
7. In the 18th century solar energy became increasingly attractive as an energy source.
8. Solar energy is inexhaustible and nonpolluting.
9. Fossil-fuel sources as coal, oil, and natural gas are cleaner that solar energy.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
radiation from the Sun; causing chemical reactions; generating electricity; extremely powerful energy source; solar radiation; largest source of energy; intensity; quite low; Earth’s atmosphere; incoming sunlight; attractive energy source; inexhaustible supply; nonpolluting character; natural gas.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
chemical reaction; extremely powerful; energy source, received by the Earth intensity at the Earth’s surface; Earth’s atmosphere; absorb or scatter; increasingly attractive; nonpolluting character; stark contrast; fossil-fuel sources.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. Sun radiation is capable of producing heat.
2. Sun radiation causes chemical reactions and generates electricity.
3. The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source.
4. Solar radiation is the largest source of energy on Earth.
5. Solar radiation’s intensity at the Earth’s surface is quite low.
6. The Earth’s atmosphere and its clouds absorb as much as 54 percent
of all incoming sunlight.
7. In industrialized world solar energy became increasingly attractive
as an energy source.
8. Inexhaustible supply and its nonpolluting character made solar energy very attractive nowadays.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Солнечная радиация способна производить высокую температуру.
2. Солнечная радиация порождает химические реакции и способна вырабатывать электроэнергию.
3. Солнце является самым крупным источником энергии на Земле.
4. Интенсивность солнечной радиации на поверхности Земли относительно невысока.
5. Интенсивность солнечной радиации уменьшается на Земле благодаря ее атмосфере и облакам.
6. В XX столетии солнечная энергия стала все более и более привлекательна как источник энергии.
7. Солнечная энергия по своей сути неистощима и она не загрязняет окружающую среду.
8. В настоящее время все развитые страны мира разрабатывают
и производят оборудование для использования энергии солнца в быту.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
Text E
Geothermal energy
Another alternative energy resource is the heat from the Earth’s interior.
The surface expression of this energy is manifested in volcanoes, fumaroles, steam geysers, hot springs and boiling mud pools. Global heat-flow maps constructed from geophysical data show that the zones of highest heat flow occur along
the active plate boundaries. There is, in effect, a close association between geothermal energy sources and volcanically active regions.
A variety of applications have been developed for geothermal energy.
For example, public buildings, residential dwellings and greenhouses in such areas as Reykjavík, Ice., are heated with water pumped from hot springs and geothermal wells. Hot water from such sources is also used for heating soil to increase crop production (e.g., in Oregon) and for seasoning lumber (e.g., in parts of New Zealand). The most significant application of geothermal energy, however, is the generation of electricity. The first geothermal power station began operation in Larderello, Italy in the early 1900s. Since then similar facilities have been built in various countries, including Iceland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey and the United States. In most cases turbines are driven with steam separated from superheated water tapped from underground geothermal reservoirs and geysers.
Words and expressions:
alternative energy resource – альтернативный источник энергии
volcanoes – вулканы
steam geyser – паровой гейзер
hot springs – горячие источники
boiling mud pool – кипящая глина
global heat-flow map – глобальная карта теплового потока
geothermal energy source – геотермический источник энергии
volcanically active region – вулканически активная область
residential dwellings – жилье
greenhouse – парник
crop production – производство сельхозпродуктов
significant application – важное применение
generation of electricity – выработка электричества
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Is geothermal energy extracted from the Earth’s interior?
2. How did the surface expression of geothermal energy manifest?
3. How are global heat-flow maps constructed?
4. Is there a close association between geothermal energy sources
and volcanically active regions?
5. What applications have been developed for geothermal energy?
6. Is geothermal energy used in public buildings, residential dwellings
and greenhouses?
7. What is the most significant application of geothermal energy?
8. When did the first geothermal power station begin operation?
9. What countries are famous in using the geothermal energy?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. The surface expression of geothermal energy is manifested in …, …, ….
2. A variety of … have been developed for geothermal energy.
3. Hot water from such sources is also used for … soil to increase crop production.
4. The first … power station began operation in Larderello.
5. Geothermal power stations have been … in various countries.
6. At such stations … are driven with steam separated from superheated water.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. Another alternative energy resource is the heat from the Earth’s interior.
2. Global heat-flow maps constructed from geophysical data show that
the zones of highest heat flow occur along the banks of the rivers.
3. There is no any association between geothermal energy sources
and volcanically active regions.
4. A very few applications have been developed for geothermal energy.
5. Geothermal energy is used for heating public buildings, residential dwellings and greenhouses.
6. The most significant application of geothermal energy is the generation
of electricity.
7. The first geothermal power station began operation in Canada in the early 1990s.
8. Since then similar facilities have been built in Russia and Poland.
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами
и выражениями:
alternate energy resource; Earth’s interior; surface expression; hot springs; global heat-flow maps; geophysical data; active plate boundaries; volcanically active regions; a variety of applications; public buildings; residential dwellings; water pumped from; hot springs and geothermal wells; to increase crop production; application of geothermal energy; geothermal power station.
Exercise 5
Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.
Exercise 6
Выделите пять основных идей текста.
Exercise 7
Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:
energy resource; geophysical data; zones of highest heat flow;
close association; variety of applications; hot water from such sources; significant application; generation of electricity; to begin operation; similar facilities; turbines are driven; steam separated; underground geothermal reservoirs.
Exercise 8
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:
1. Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth’s interior.
2. Geothermal energy is manifested in volcanoes, steam geysers, hot springs and boiling mud pools.
3. Scientists state that there is a close association between geothermal energy sources and volcanically active regions.
4. Geothermal energy is applied for heating public buildings, residential dwellings and greenhouses.
5. Public buildings, residential dwellings, and greenhouses are heated
with water pumped from hot springs and geothermal wells.
6. In Oregon hot water from the hot springs and geothermal wells is used
for heating soil to increase crop production.
7. The most significant application of geothermal energy is the generation
of electricity.
8. The first geothermal power station began operation in Italy, in the early 1900s.
9. Nowadays geothermal power stations operate in various countries, including Iceland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey and the United States.
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Одним из важных источников энергии на сегодняшний день является геотермическая энергия.
2. На поверхности Земли геотермическая энергия выражена в вулканах и паровых гейзерах.
3. Карты теплового потока в земной коре составляются учеными геофизиками.
4. Существует тесная и непосредственная связь между геотермическими источниками энергии и вулканически активными регионами.
5. Области применения геотермической энергии очень широки.
6. Во многих европейских странах геотермической энергией отапливаются общественные здания, жилье и оранжереи.
7. Геотермические источники также используются для нагрева почвы
в целях увеличения урожайности.
8. Самой главной областью применения геотермической энергии является выработка электроэнергии.
9. Первая геотермическая электростанция была построена в 1900 году
в Италии.
10. В настоящее время геотермические электростанции успешно работают во многих странах мира.
Exercise 10
Текст для самостоятельного перевода.
The politics of disaster
Lessons to be learned
Disasters can be instructive. Both regulators and oil firms will learn useful lessons from the Deepwater Horizon fiasco, and safety will surely improve
as a result. But it is easy to learn the wrong lessons, too. After the accident
on Three Mile Island in 1979, Americans grew scared of nuclear power
and stopped building new reactors, even though no one died in that accident.
Had the nation not panicked, it would now have many more nuclear reactors, making the shift to a low-carbon economy significantly easier. Similarly today, panic is likely but unhelpful.
So long as Americans do not reduce their consumption of oil, refusing
to drill at home means importing more of the stuff, often from places with looser environmental standards. The net effect is likely to be more pollution, not less. Nigeria, for example, has had a major oil spill every year since 1969, observes
Lisa Margonelli of the New America Foundation, a think-tank. Putting a price
on carbon would eventually spur the development of cleaner fuels, and persuade Americans to switch to them. But in the meantime, oil is both useful and precious. Extracting it domestically, with tougher safety rules, would bring a windfall
to a Treasury that sorely needs one. When the current crisis is past, Mr Obama may remember this.
Text A
Heat pump
Another method for heating with electricity involves the use of the heat pump. Every refrigeration machine is technically a heat pump, pumping heat
from an area of lower temperature (normally the space to be cooled or refrigerated) to an area of higher temperature (normally, the outdoors). The refrigeration machine may be used to pump heat in winter from the outdoor air, or groundwater, or any other source of low-temperature heat, and deliver this heat at higher temperature to a space to be heated. Usually, the heat pump is designed to function as an air conditioner in summer, then to reverse and serve as a heat pump in winter.
A heat pump’s operations can be explained using the following example.
The typical window-mounted air-conditioning unit has a heat-rejection unit (condenser) mounted outside. This unit discharges the heat removed by the indoor coil (evaporator) to the outside air. Therefore the evaporator subtracts heat
from the residence and transfers it to the refrigerant gas, which is pumped
to the outside condenser, where by means of a fan the heat is dissipated in the air outside. This cycle can be inverted: heat is subtracted from the outside air
and is transferred via the refrigerant gas to the indoor coil (evaporator)
and discharged into a residence’s ductwork by means of the evaporator fan.
This is a basic heat-pump system. Where winter climates reach freezing temperatures, however, the system is limited by the freezing of the condenser (outdoor coil); thus, heat pumps work better in mild climates with fairly warm winter temperatures. The complexity of their machinery also makes them uneconomical in many contexts.
Words and expressions:
heat pump – тепловой насос
refrigeration machine – машина охлаждения
to reverse and serve as – изменяться и служить как
heat-rejection unit – устройство отказа от тепла
evaporator – испаритель
refrigerant gas – охлаждающий газ
freezing temperatures – минусовые температуры
uneconomical – экономически не выгодно
Exercise 1
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What unit is involved for heating with the use of electricity?
2. Is refrigeration machine technically a heat pump?
3. May refrigeration machine be used to pump heat?
4. Is heat pump designed to function as an air conditioner in summer?
5. What is mounted outside in a typical window-mounted air-conditioning unit?
6. Can you explain a heat pump’s operations?
7. What is the function in a window-mounted air conditioner?
8. Can window-mounted air conditioner be used in winter climates reach freezing temperatures?
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
1. One of the methods for heating with … involves the use of the heat pump.
2. Every refrigeration machine is … a heat pump.
3. Heat pump is designed to function as an … … in summer.
4. Window-mounted air-conditioning unit has a … mounted outside.
5. Condenser discharges the heat removed by the indoor … to the outside air.
6. Evaporator subtracts … from the residence and transfers it to
the refrigerant gas.
7. Heat is subtracted from the outside air and is … transferred via
the refrigerant gas to the indoor evaporator.
8. In winter climates with … temperatures air conditioning systems
are limited in use.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста?
1. Refrigeration machine is pumping heat from an area of lower temperature to an area of higher temperature.
2. The refrigeration machine may be used to generate electricity
for household needs.
3. The heat pump is designed to function as an air conditioner in winter time at freezing temperatures.
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