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Разговорные клише - Conversational Formulas

2018-01-04 313
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- I’m afraid - боюсь, что

- I shouldn’t say so. - Я бы так не сказал.

- Not at all. - отнюдь нет; вовсе нет

- What about...? - А как насчет...?

- Haven’t seen you...

a) for a while - какое-то время, давненькo;

b) for ages / for donkey’s years - давно; целую вечность.

3.1 Давайте посмотрим, насколько хорошо вы запомнили значения новых слов и словосочетаний. Дайте русские эквиваленты, не глядя в словарь:

a white-collar worker; ready-made clothes; truthful information; to be crazy about designing; to make up one’s mind; to be sure; to have a dress made to order; to have a fridge repaired; a vacuum-cleaner; to enjoy painting; a bit early; not as good as; for donkey’s years; to have a popular profession; to be cut out to be an artist; to be a surgeon by calling; the profession of an architect.

3.1.1 Дайте английские эквиваленты:

боюсь, что...; работник сферы обслуживания; быть портным по призванию; манекенщица; вовсе нет; магнитофон; быть на высоте; профессия адвоката; профессия таксиста; профессия женского парикмахера; профессия шахтера.

3.1.2 Прочтите следующие слова и скажите: 1) какие из них обозначают профессию, а какие 2) место работы. Сгруппируйте по указанным признакам в письменной форме.

Surgeon, school, white-collar worker, hospital, teacher, cook, secretary-linguist, bank, restaurant, hotel, post-office, postman, agronomist, tailor, academy, technician, dressmaking establishment (atelier), press agency, port, miner, driver, sailor, mine, shop, geologist, newspaper reporter, university, artist, painter, musician, fashion house, shoemaker, lawyer, factory, publisher, lecturer, ministry, minister, construction worker, company.

3.1.3 Определите, какое слово в каждом ряду лишнее (т.е. не относится к определенной понятийной группе или части речи).

1) a. taxi-driver, b. miner, c. hairdresser, d. computer, e. tailor

2) a. office, b. hotel, c. hospital, d. press agency, e. telephone

3) a. line, b. career, c. occupation, d. information, e. trade

4) a. table, b. tape recorder, c. TV set, d. fridge, e. vacuum cleaner

5) a. choose, b. choice, c. create, d. correct, e. consider

6) a. against, b. about, c. already, d. under, e. above

3.1.4 Давайте учиться сочетать слова.

a) Назовите существительные, которые могут сочетаться по смыслу с предлагаемыми глаголами. Продолжите список. Воспроизведите сочетания, не глядя в учебник.

to choose: a profession, a trade, a career, a job, a friend, a car, a wife,...

to work as: a TV mechanic, a clerk, a shop assistant, a librarian, a manager, a tailor...

b) Назовите глагольную форму с - ing окончанием (герундий), чтобы дополнить следующие слова и словосочетания.

to enjoy: reading books; making clothes for dolls; creating new models; listening to classic music; doing shopping;....

to be crazy about: designing, painting, dancing, listening to music, repairing radio sets, playing football,....

what about: going for a walk after classes; helping the parents about the house; having supper in the restaurant;...?

3.1.5 А теперь расскажите об увлечениях ваших сверсников, составив все возможные варианты предложений с предлагаемыми словами.

a) Many teenagers enjoy playing computer games.

Young people


My younger brothers

My groupmates

b) Many teenagers enjoy playing computer games.


are crazy about


are fond of

c) Many teenagers enjoy playing computer games.

listening to pop music

playing tennis

watching thrillers on TV

reading detective stories

3.1.6 Побеседуйте в группе о том, что вы любите делать больше всего. Расскажите о своих увлечениях, постарайтесь выяснить, что любят делать другие, используя фразу What about...?

3.1.7 Убедитесь, что вы узнаете и правильно переводите слова, одинаковые в написании, но принадлежащие к разным частям речи.

1) A secretary writes letters, answers the telephone and meets people. His answers to the questions were wrong.

2) The teachers form the students’ views and characters. What form is your younger brother in?

3) My life has greatly changed since I left school. The left side of the dress is a bit shorter than the right one. Soldiers always dress quickly.

4) Could you show me that camera, please? She is a dress designer and visits all fashion shows in the Fashion House.

5) There was a design competition (конкурс) for under 16-year- olds and fashion photography exhibition. His clothes are old and dirty.

6) My sister has made up her mind to become an English teacher. If you don’t mind, I shall open the windows.

3.1.8 Вставьте вместо пропусков слова в скобках. Постарайтесь не пользоваться словарем.

(character, hobby, machine, offices, operation, potraits, reporter, talent).

1) I am sure the profession of a writer or an artist is impossible without ______.

2) A ______ gives information about world, home or sports events in the newspaper, on the radio and the television.

3) After the ______ the boy stayed in the hospital for ten days.

4) Painting ______ of old people was his ______.

5) A computer is a new type of ______ used at factories and ______.

6) Only people with strong ______ become pilots, cosmonauts or miners.



4 Text and Dialogues

4.1 Прочтите и переведите диалоги. Обратите внимание на употребление новых слов. Определите основную идею каждого из них.

Making a Choice

1)- Say, Steve, why haven’t you chosen a profession to your calling?

- But I have. I’m really a surgeon by calling.

- I shouldn’t say so. You seem to be very good at repairing TV sets and tape recorders.

- Well, it’s nothing but hobby.

2) - Ann, have you made up your mind what career you will take up?

- Well, it’s a bit too early to decide on my career. I haven’t even got to the Academy yet.

- Not at all. One must think of such things in good time. As for me

I’m sure you are cut out to be a dress designer.

-I’ve thought of that but....

- But what?

- I’m afraid I know nothing about the difficulties of this profession.

4.2 Прочтите текст и определите его основную тему. Отметьте для себя слова, которые помогли вам в этом.

What is your Line?

Do you remember the time when you were schoolchildren?

School! Lessons, games, clubs, homework! But the day came when you went to school for the last time. And you were to decide what to do after that. People who have known since their childhood what they will become after leaving school are not numerous. For many young people to decide on the career is not an easy task.

Every day you meet people with different jobs. You buy food, clothes, books from a shop assistant. You meet teachers at school and doctors at the hospital. The construction workers built the house you live in. Many have become engineers, economists, journalists, lawyers, etc. How did they choose their jobs out of hundreds that there are?

Before you can choose, you must ask yourself a lot of questions. What do you enjoy doing? What do you know you are good at? Do you enjoy working with your hands or do you prefer using your head-your brains? Are you interested in machines? Or do you like meeting people? Where do you prefer to work? At an office, at a factory, at home?

There are jobs indoors and jobs in the open air. There are jobs where you have to sit down and jobs where you have to stand up.

It is difficult to know all the answers to these questions. But many people never think about them. Many teenagers choose a “popular” trade and are sure that this is just what they want. But soon afterwards they realize they have made a mistake which is sometimes difficult to correct.

It’s very important to feel that the job is your calling. But how do you know this if you haven’t worked yet? Try to remember what you enjoyed doing in your childhood. Perhaps you spent a lot of time designing and making clothes for your dolls. Many girls try to choose something that is closer to their nature-making dresses, for example. Every girl wants to be nicely dressed. Some can make dresses for themselves, others will have to go to a dressmaking establishment to have their clothes made or else buy ready-made clothes. But someone has to make them too. It is so nice to be able to make people happy and self-confident by making them look beautiful. Dressmaking is just as important as any other occupation, especially if you have a talent for it and will find the place where you will be at your best.

Choosing the profession is a difficult choice but an important one, and nobody else can make it for you.

4.2.1 Давайте обсудим некоторые проблемы, которые возникают, когда приходит время выбирать профессию.

1) What must one decide before one chooses a profession?

2) Did you have the same problems when you were a schoolleaver?

3) Do you agree that teenagers often choose a “popular” trade?

4) Was it the case with you? (И с тобой было тоже самое?)

5) Is it easy to make the right choice?

6) Is it really a matter of calling when you decide on your future career?

7) What experience (опыт) did you have when you made up your mind to become a dressmaker, a technologist or a designer?

8) What can you say about your parents and elder brother or sister? Have they chosen their occupations/professions according to their calling?

9) Do you think you have come to the right decision? Don’t you regret your choice?

10) Has your life greatly changed since you left school? What do you do every day?

4.2.2 Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1) Скажите, какие мысли, высказанные автором в тексте, вы полностью разделяете.

2) Какие вопросы из приведенных в тексте вы себе задавали?

3) Какие профессии молодые люди считают “популярными” или престижными в наши дни? А 10/20 лет назад? Что, на ваш взгляд, делает ту или иную профессию “популярной”?

4.2.3 Найдите в диалогах и в тексте следующие предложения или части предложений.

1) Видишь ли, пока рановато принимать решения, связанные с моей будущей карьерой.

2)... другим придется пойти в ателье, чтобы сшить одежду или же купить готовую.

3) Выбор профессии - трудный выбор... и никто не может сделать его вместо вас.

4) Есть такие виды деятельности, когда приходится сидеть, и виды деятельности, когда приходится стоять.

5) Многие молодые люди выбирают “популярную” профессию и уверены, что это именно то, что им нужно.


5 Oral Practice


5.1 Вы звоните домой и беседуете со своей младшей сестрой. Вы хотите знать, чем занимаются члены семьи. Связь плохая и вы не расслышали некоторые ответы. Попробуйте их восстановить, используя подсказку в конце диалога.

- Hello, Ann. Busy as usual?

- Well, I am drawing sketches. You know I am crazy about designing clothes.

- That’s nice. Where is everyone?

- Well, mother is making dinner in the kitchen.

- Is she? And what about father?

- Father....

- I don’t! What is father doing? And what about grandmother?

- Grandmother....

(repair the car, work in the garden).

5.1.1 Учимся выражать средствами английского языка свое отношение к получаемой информации.

a) Согласие (agreement):

it / he / is / does, can, etc. простейший способ

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