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Role play. Make up the dialogues “At the check –in desk”, use character prompts and passports.

2018-01-04 576
Role play. Make up the dialogues “At the check –in desk”, use character prompts and passports. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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You are a German tourist. You have just come from Brazil. You want to stay for 3 weeks. You are just sight seeing. You are staying at a hotel.   Passport Name: Nationality: Germany   Expiry Date: 1994 Number: 213456  
You are visiting your uncle who lives in this country. You will be staying for the summer vacation (2 months). Youwillbestayingatyouruncle’shouse.   Passport Name: Nationality: France   Expiry Date: 2007 Number:AB35242  
You are an exchange student. You will be studying at a language school. You will be staying for 6 months. You will be staying in a dormitory.   Passport   Name: Nationality: Sweden   Expiry Date: 2008 Number: XY23838  
You are on a business trip. You are selling wine. You will be staying for 2 week. Youwillbestayingat a hotel.   Passport Name: Nationality: Chile   Expiry Date: 2010 Number: GHG4234


You are a Brazilian soccer player. You are coming to play a soccer game. Youwillstayfor 3 daysat a hotel.   Passport Name: Nationality: Brazil   Expiry Date: 2009 Number: 213456  

Read the dialogues given below and you'll see how to change money at the bank or at the exchange desk. Act these dialogues out.

The following words will help you:


exchange desk (the bureau de change) (n) – обменныйпункт.

certificate – справка.

cash a cheque – обменивать чек на деньги; получать деньги по чеку.

rate of exchange – обменныйкурс.

noticeboard – доска обьявлений.

cash – наличные деньги.

identification – документ, удостоверяющий личность.

traveller'scheques – туристкие чеки (обмениваются на деньги или принимаются без обмена в магазине, ресторане и т. п.)

be (in) valid – быть не (действительным).

signature – подпись.


Dialogue 1.

• Excuse me, would you change these Roubles to Dollars, please.

• May I have your customs declaration and the certificate, please.

• Here you are. And what was the second paper you wanted?

• The certificate you got when you changed your Dollars to Roubles.

• I see, here it is


Dialogue 2.

• I'd like to cash this cheque, please.

• Yes, madam... $ 30. You haven't signed it yet.

• I'm sorry. Here you are.


Dialogue 3.

• I'd like to change these francs, please.

• Yes, sir. How many francs have you got?

• What's the rate of exchange?

• The current rates are on the notice board.


Dialogue 4.

• Good morning. Can I help you?

• Yes, my name is Dixon. I am expecting some money from my bank in Toronto.

• By post, cable or telex, sir?

• By telex.

• Let me see. Oh, yes, 200 from the Royal Bank of Canada. Have you got any identifications?

• Here you are.


10.8 Read the text and answer the questions.


Text A. Travelling

Nowadays travelling abroad is very popular. Some people prefer to travel by plane, especially businessmen, because it's the fastest means of transportation. Those who are not short of time usually travel by train or by ship. It takes more time but gives the opportunity to see the coun­try you travel through, its picturesque landscapes and na­ture.

While travelling abroad you have to go through cus­toms, sometimes several times.

As a rule the customs officers check your passports and visas if they are required. When coming to some countries you may need a health certificate or a certificate of vaccination. If you have anything to declare, then you are to fill in the declaration form.

The customs officers may ask you to show your luggage to them. Usually articles for personal use and wear and also used items and gifts are not liable to duty anywhere. If you are carrying much currency you should also declare it. If you are carrying weapons you need a permit. Although some items are liable to duty, if you carry only a small amount of them, they are duty free.

Occasionally the customs officers may take some of your things for a more detailed inspection but usually they re­turn them soon.

Do not try to break the customs rules and regulations because you may have a lot of troubles.

1. Why do people prefer to travel by plane?

2. What are the advantages of travelling by train?

3. What are the rules of going through the customs?

4. What items should be declared?

5. In what case do you need a permit?


10.9 Read the text and say are the sentences true or false.


Text B. The smuggler

Sam Lewis was a custom officer. He used to work in a small border town. It was not a busy town and there was not much work. The road was usually very quiet and there were not many travellers. It was not a very interesting job, but Sam liked an easy life. About once a week, he used to meet an old man. His name was Draper. He always used to arrive to at the border early in the morning in a big truck. The truck was always empty. After a while Sam became suspicious. He often used to search the truck, but never found anything. One day he asked Draper about his job. Draper laughed and said “I’m a smuggler”.

Last year Sam retired. He spent his saving on an expensive holiday. He flew to Bermuda, and stayed in a luxury hotel. One day he was sitting by the pool and opposite him he saw Draper drinking champagne. Sam walked over to him.

Sam: Hello, there!

Draper: Hi!

Sam: Do you remember me?

Draper: Yes… of course I do. You’re a customs officer.

Sam: I used to be, but I’m not anymore. I retired last month. I often used to search your


Draper: … but you never found anything!

Sam: No, I didn’t. Can I ask you something?

Draper: Of course you can.

Sam: Were you a smuggler?

Draper: Of course I was.

Sam: But… the truck was always empty. What were you smuggling?

Draper: Trucks…

True or false?

1. Sam Lewis was a smuggler.

2. He liked his job.

3. About twice a week Sam used to meet an old man in a small truck full of different stuff.

4. Draper was a custom officer.

5. Draper smuggled trucks.

Part II. Grammar practice

Unit 1.The verb to be

Глагол «быть, находиться»

Значение глагола tobe - "быть, находиться". В отличие от других английских глаголов, глагол tobe спрягается (т.е. изменяется по лицам и числам).

Формы глагола tobe

I amя есть (существую)

He / She / Itis он, она, оно есть (существует)

Weare мы есть (существуем)

Youare ты, вы есть (существуете)

Тheyare они есть (существуют)

I am in the room.


The book is on the table.

Книга лежит на столе.

В данных примерах глагол tobe является самостоятельным глаголом. Так же, как и в русском языке, глагол tobe может быть глаголом-связкой в именном сказуемом (в значении "есть").

В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке глагол-связка никогда не опускается, поскольку английское предложение имеет строго фиксированный порядок слов: подлежащее (subject) + сказуемое (verb) + дополнение (object). Глагол-связка tobe в английском предложении никогда не опускается, т.к. он входит в именное сказуемое, и его место после подлежащего.

I am a doctor.

Яврач. (Яестьврач.)

The weather is bad.


They are from Paris.

Они из Парижа.

Глагол tobe не требует вспомогательного глагола для образования вопросительной или отрицательной формы.Чтобы задать вопрос нужно поставить глагол tobe перед подлежащим:

Am I happy?

Is the book interesting?

Is heourteacher?

Для образования отрицательной формы достаточно поставить отрицательную частицу not после глагола tobe:

I amnot happy.

The book is not interesting.

He is not our teacher.


В разговорной речи отрицательная частица not часто сливается с глаголом tobe, образуя сокращения:

is not = isn't

are not = aren't

Также глагол tobe может сокращаться, сливаясь с личным местоимением:

I am = I'm

We are = we're

Heis = he's

В прошедшем времени глагол tobe имеет две формы: was для единственного числа и were для множественного числа. В будущем времени данный глагол имеет одну форму willbe для всех лиц. Образование отрицательных и вопросительных форм в прошедшем и будущем времени происходит так же как и в настоящем (см.выше)


Exercise 1.1Fill in the gaps with is or are:

1. She.........a girl.

2. I.........a pupil of the fifth form.

3. the classroom.

4. It........a book.

5. John.........from New York.

6. The sun.........very hot.

7. I...........happy.

8. She............from China.

9. Mary............a nice girl.

10. John............a student.


Exercise 1.2.Fill in the gaps with is or are. Then guess who the person is:



1. She is American. She is from New York. Jenny._

2. They …. teachers. One…. American and the other ….. Japanese. ………, ……….

3. They ….. students. He … 12 and she …. 9 years old. ……..,…………..

4. She …. Spanish. She ….. from Madrid. ………...

5. They ….. twenty-six years old. She ….. a teacher and he …. a doctor. …….., ……….

6. She ….. twenty-four years old. She …. from Japan. ………….

7. He ….. from London. He ….. 12 years old. ……….

8. He …… a doctor. He ….. from Athens. ………...

Exercise 1.3. Look at Ex.1.2 again and say are these sentences true or false?

Follow the model:

- Chad is 10. He is a student from Madrid. No, he isn’t. He is 12 and he is from London.

1. Jenny is 26. She is a doctor from York.

2. Alejandra is 24. She is Japanese. She works as a teacher in Tokyo.

3. Adriane is 9. She is a British student. She lives in London.

4. Natsumi is 12. She is from Athens. She is a Greek teacher.

5. Stelios is 26. He lives in New York and he is a student.


Exercise 1.4. Restore the sentences as in the example:

Example: Jane / a singer? - No, / a doctor. -Is Jane a singer? - No, she is a doctor.


1. George / from the USA? - No, / from Scotland.

2. Kevin / a teacher? - No, / a farmer.

3. Bill / 19 years old? - No, / 21.

4. Julie and Mary / sisters? - No, / friends.

5. George and Michael Jones / from Spain? — No / from Italy.

6. You / at home? - No, / in the office.

7. Your car / red? - No, / black.

8. The Kremlin / in Tokyo? - No, / in Moscow.

9. They / policemen? — No, / pilots.

10. Simon / in London? — No, / in Paris.


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