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Exercise 3. Insert the particle “to” before the infinitive where required. Translate into Russian.
1. He can … speak French. 2. I like … play volleyball. 3. I would rather … stay home today, I’m not well. 4. I wanted …speak to the teacher but she left. 5. Let me … help you with your homework. 6. You look tired. You’d better … go home. 7. They wanted …take their exam. 8. What makes you…think so?
Exercise 4. Replace the group of words in bold by the infinitive.
Model: He was the first student who came to the lecture.
He was the first (student) to come to the lecture.
1. He was the first scientist who discovered this virus. 2. I was astonished when I heard about this experiment. 3. There was no place in the room where he could sit. 4. He was not the only one who realized how dangerous the bird flu virus was. 5. I can’t go to the conference; I have nothing that I can report about.
Exercise 5. Combine each of the following parts of the sentences into one sentence using the infinitive.
Model: They sent me to the Academy, they wanted me to study medicine.
They sent me to the Academy to study medicine.
1. I study medicine. I want to become a vet. 2. The farmer keeps his hens surrounded by the wire netting. He wants to protect them from foxes. 3. He is working hard on his research. He wants to report about his findings at the international conference. 4. I stayed in the conference room. I wanted to listen to the next report. 5. I went to the library. I wanted to read a book on anatomy.
Exercise 6. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using “enough” or “too” with the infinitive.
Model: He is clever. He can answer the question.
He is clever enough to answer the question.
1. The sun is very hot. We can’t lie in the sun. 2. He is very smart. He couldn’t have made such mistake. 3. The coffee isn’t very strong. It won’t keep us awake. 4. He is very ill. He can’t work today. 5. He wasn’t strong. He couldn’t move laboratory equipment all by himself. 6. He was very nervous. He couldn’t speak.
Exercise 7.Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using “so as/in order to” with the infinitive. Define the function of the infinitive in the sentence.
Model: He got up early. He wanted to get ready for his exam.
He got up early in order to get ready for his exam.
1. He put the sick animal on the table. He wanted to examine it. 2. The doctor opened the dog’s mouth. He wanted to see its gums. 3. He went out of the room. He didn’t want to disturb anyone. 4. He went to Moscow. He wanted to participate in the international conference. 5. Veterinarians came to the farm. They wanted to vaccinate the cattle. 6. Farmers isolated the sick animals. They wanted to avoid the disease outbreak.
Exercise 8. Read the following sentences paying attention to the translation of modal verbs and infinitives.
1. He cannot do it. 2. He cannot have done it. 3. Can he have done it? | 1.Он не может этого сделать. 2.Не может быть, чтобы он это сделал. 3.Неужели он это сделал? |
4. He may be performing operation on the heart now. 5. He may have performed an operation on the heart. | 4.Возможно, он сейчас делает операцию на сердце. 5.Может быть, (возможно) он сделал операцию на сердце. |
6. You must make a report. 7. You must have made a report. | 6.Вы должны сделать доклад. 7.Должно быть, вы уже сделали доклад |
Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences by adding the infinitive to each sentence.
Model: Her dream was – to become an actress.
1.Our plan was –. 2.His hobby is –.3.The first thing you must do is -. 4. The last thing I meant was - 5. Our next step must be -. 6. Your only chance is -. 7. Your job will be -. 8. My only wish is -. 9. What I want is -. 10. My point is …
Exercise 15.Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the use of Complex Object.
1. We knew him to be very talented. 2. I want you to attend classes regularly. 3. I saw him enter the classroom. 4. I heard him speak at the conference. 5. Let me think about it. 6. Do you want me to show you my homework? 7. I don’t like you to say such things.8. The doctor wants his assistants to help him. 9. Scientists consider this theory to be highly original. 10. The doctors acknowledge their prognosis for recovery to be over-optimistic. 11. Why don’t you make her pay more attention to her studies?
Indefinite Participle | asking | being asked |
Past Participle | - | asked |
Perfect participle | having asked | having been asked |
Форма Indefinite Participle (Active и Passive) передает действие, которое протекает одновременно с действием глагола-сказуемого.
Do you see the student sitting at the table?
Ты видишь студента, сидящего за столом?
That day we spent in the library reading for the exam.
Тот день мы провели в библиотеке, готовясь к экзамену.
Past Participle выражает действие, одновременное или предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.
The dog carried by the child was really cute.
Собака, которую нес мальчик, была очень милой.
He returned me a book forgotten by me in the classroom two days ago.
Он вернул мне книгу, забытую в аудитории, два дня назад.
Perfect Participle (Active и Passive) передает действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.
Having finished the lecture, he went to the Dean’s office.
Закончив лекцию, он пошел в кабинет декана.
Having done his homework, he started reading a book.
Сделав домашнюю работу, он начал читать книгу.
Предшествующее действие, однако, не всегда передается с помощью Perfect Participle. С некоторыми глаголами чувственного восприятия и движения: to see, to hear, to come, to arrive, to look предшествующее действие передается Indefinite Participle.
Hearing footsteps he went to open the door.
Услышав шаги, он пошел открывать дверь.
Причастие, как видно из таблицы, имеет особые формы для активного и пассивного залога.
The man writing a letter is my brother. (Indefinite Active)
Человек, пишущий письмо, мой брат.
Being written by Nobel Prize Winner, this article became very popular. (Indefinite Passive)
Написанная Нобелевским лауреатом, эта статья стала очень популярной.
Having written the letter, he went to the post-office. (Perfect Active)
Написав письмо, он пошел на почту.
Having been written long ago, this book is still in great demand. (Perfect Passive)
Написанная много времени назад, эта книга все еще пользуется спросом.
В предложении причастие в основном выполняет две синтаксические функции – определения (attribute) и обстоятельства (adverbial modifier).
Attribute | Adverbial modifier | |
writing | The young peoplewriting a test are my group mates. Молодые люди, которые пишут тест, из моей группы. | He made his living writing stories for fashion magazines. (adverbial modifier of manner) Он зарабатывал на жизнь, тем, что писал истории для журналов моды. |
being written | The test being written by him now is final. Тест, который он сейчас пишет, последний. | Being written in pencil, his letter was difficult to read. (adverbial modifier of cause) Так как его письмо было написано карандашом, его было трудно читать. |
written | They are working with the books written in the 17th century now. Сейчас они работают с книгами, написанными в 17 веке. | If written with care and attention, your test may be the best.(adverbial modifier of condition) Твой тест может стать лучшим, если его написать внимательно. |
having written | - | Having written the letter, he went to the post office. (adverbial modifier of time) Написав письмо, он пошел на почту. |
having been written | - | Having been written long ago, the manuscript was impossible to read. (adverbial modifier of cause) Так как манускрипт был написан давно, его невозможно было прочитать. |
NB - Past Participle выполняет функцию обстоятельства, когда оно используется с союзами when, while, as if/as though, though, unless, if:
When asked to prepare a report, he agreed immediately. (adverbial modifier of time)
Когда его попросили приготовить доклад, он сразу же согласился.
Russian | English | Examples |
читающий, который читает | reading | Look at this reading boy! He is only five. |
читавший, который читал (тогда) | reading | We looked at the reading student. She had a nice voice. |
применяющиеся, применяемые, которые применяются | used | These are the methodsused in our experiment. |
применявшиеся, которые применялись | used | There are some methods usedbefore our experiment |
примененные, которые были применены | used | This is the method used in our first experiment. |
применяемые, которые применяются сейчас | being used | What do you think of the method being used? |
II. (B)
1.разбитая чашка; 2. кипяченая вода; 3.кипящая вода; 4.забытый метод;5.выбранная тема; 6.лающая собака; 7.прыгающая собака; 8.написанное письмо; 9. переведенный рассказ; 10. смеющийся голос.
Active | Passive | |
Indefinite | writing | being written |
Perfect | having written | having been written |
Форма Indefinite Gerund передает действие одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого:
He avoided making the same mistake again.
Он избегал делать одну и ту же ошибку.
Форма Perfect Gerund передает действие, которое произошло ранее действия, выраженного глаголом-сказуемым:
He admitted having made the mistake.
Он признал, что сделал эту ошибку.
NOTE: Предшествующее действие не всегда выражается формой Perfect Gerund. В отдельных случаях, а именно: после глаголов: remember, excuse, forgive, thank, а также после предлогов: on (upon), after, without предшествующее действие может быть передано формой Indefinite Gerund.
I don’t remember hearing his name before.
Я не помню, что слышал его имя раньше.
On coming home he started doing his homework.
После того, как он пришел домой, он начал делать уроки.
Как показано в таблице, герундий имеет формы Активного и Пассивного залогов. После глаголов to want, to need, to deserve, to require, а также выражения to be worth используется форма Active Indefinite Gerund, хотя передается пассивное значение.
This book is worth reading.
Эта книга стоит того, чтобы ее прочитали.
The Use of the Gerund/
Использование Герундия
В современном английском языке герундий всегда используется после следующих глаголов и выражений:
I.Глаголов с послелогами: accuse of object to apologize for persist in approve of prevent from blame smb for result in forgive for stop from congratulate on succeed in count on think of depend on thank for hear of inform of insist on | They succeeded in achieving good results. Thank you for coming.I apologize for coming late. Can you stop him from getting into trouble? Forgive me for being so rude. I object to hisparticipating in the project. |
II.Существительных с предлогами: chance of opportunity of difficulty in importance of experience in reason for idea of sense of interest in way of habit of means of plan for point in | There are different ways of solving this problem. Do you have any reason for saying such a thing? There is no chance of curing this animal. I have no experience in vaccinating animals. |
III. Фразовых глаголов: give up keep on go on burst out put off leave off | She gave up smokingseveral years ago. She kept on interrupting me while I was speaking. |
После глаголов: avoid involve consider justify delay mind deny miss escape postpone excuse practice fancy recall finish recollect forgive resent include risk report anticipate (foresee) | Would you mind closing the door? You can hardly avoid meeting her. My work involves treating animals. He denied having seen him before. He finished making his report. |
IV. После выражений: be afraid of be guilty of be aware of be interested in be fond of be proud of be good/clever at be sure of have difficulty in be responsible for be sorry for be surprised at be grateful for be worried about be used to it is no use it is no good feel like can’t help | I couldn’t help laughing. He is interested in developing the project. He was surprised at having been asked about it. He was proud of having won the Nobel Prize. It’s no use worrying about it. |
V. После предлогов: after in spite of before on besides without instead of by | Beforegoing to bed she locked the door. He went to the Academy in spite of being ill. Instead ofdoing his homework he started watching TV. After graduating from the Veterinary Academy, he started working in one of the vet clinics. |
NB: Есть несколько глаголов, после которых может употребляться как герундий, так и THAT clause (придаточное дополнительное предложение, которое начинается с союза THAT)
Verb | Gerund | THAT-clause |
1.admit –признавать, допускать | He admitted having seen him. | He admitted that he had seen him. |
2.report-сообщать | He reported having made a discovery. | He reported that he had made a discovery. |
3.deny-отрицать | He denied having said that. | He denied that he had said that. |
4.suggest-предлагать | He suggested going home. | He suggested that they should go home. |
5.acknowledge-допускать, признавать | He acknowledged having madea mistake. | He acknowledged that he had made a mistake. |
6.anticipate, foresee-ожидать, предвидеть | We didn’t anticipate makingsuch a progress. | We didn’t anticipate that we would make such a progress. |
7.imagine- воображать | I can’t imagine goingthere. | I can’t imagine that I’ll go there. |
После ряда указанных глаголов и выражений, а именно: to be afraid, to begin, to continue, to forget, to hate, to like (to dislike), to prefer, to remember, to start, to stop возможно употребление как герундия, так и инфинитива.
She continued to look at me.
She continued looking at me.
При этом, может быть разница в значении. Так, герундий используется для констатации общего факта – I don’t like interrupting people. Я не люблю прерывать людей (вообще).
А инфинитив используется для передачи конкретного действия:
I don’t like to interrupt him, he seems very busy. Мне не хочется прерывать его (сейчас), кажется, он очень занят.
Don’t forget shutting the window when you leave home. Не забывайте закрывать окна, когда уходите из дому (вообще)
Don’t forget to shut the window when you leave home. Не забудьте закрыть окно, когда будете выходить из дому.(сейчас)
На русский язык герундий может переводиться разными способами:
1) существительным
Reading is my hobby. - Чтение – мое хобби.
2) инфинитивом
She had breakfast before leaving for the Academy. - Она позавтракала перед тем, как уйти в Академию.
3) деепричастием
He went away without waiting for her answer. -Он вышел, не дожидаясь ее ответа.
4) придаточным предложением
He regretted having done that. - Он сожалел, что сделал это.
При этом надо отметить, что пассивные формы герундия практически всегда переводятся придаточным предложением.
After having been informed of the conference, he immediately decided to participate in it.
После того, как ему сообщили о конференции, он сразу же решил принять в ней участие.
NB! В связи с тем, что формы герундия практически совпадают с формами причастия, возникает вопрос, как отличить причастие от герундия? В большинстве случаев это не составляет труда, при этом надо помнить, что в отличие от причастия, перед герундием может быть предлог, герундий может определяться существительным в притяжательном падеже (Possessive Case)или притяжательным местоимением. Кроме этого, герундий в отличие от причастия может выступать в функции подлежащего, дополнения и именной части сказуемого.
Сложность разграничения герундия и причастия может возникнуть при употреблении причастия в функции определения к существительному и герундия как части сложного существительного, например, a dancing child – a dancing hall. При этом следует иметь в виду, что в случае причастия в качестве определения к существительному, это существительное обозначает субъект/объект, совершающий действие a dancing girl. Если же мы имеем герундий в качестве части сложного существительного, то это существительное не обозначает субъект /объект, совершающий действие: a dancing hall (a hall for dancing); writing table (table for writing); walking shoes (shoes for walking).
I. Define the ing-form as the Participle, Gerund or Verbal Noun. Find the Absolute Participial Construction, if any. Translate sentences with the Absolute Participial Construction. Define forms of the Participle or the Gerund.
1. Having been treated for a long period of time, the patient began feeling better.
2. The treating of this disease at the initial stage is very important.
3. The disease of the endocrine system caused by a large amount of sugar in the blood is called diabetes.
4. Having been discharged from the hospital, the patient came to the clinic for regular follow-up examination.
5. The electrocardiogram taken during the heart attack showed a disturbance in the coronary blood circulation.
6. The patient was thankful to the doctor for his having been so attentive to him.
7. Abdominal pain having increased, the doctor ordered the nurse to give the patient another injection.
8. Leaving the hospital without doctor’s permission is impossible.
9. The diagnosis having been made, the dog was sent to the veterinary clinic for further examination.
I. Define the ing-form as the Participle, Gerund or Verbal Noun. Translate the sentences with the Absolute Participial Construction. Define forms of the Participle or the Gerund.
1. Any drug causing a strong reaction must be taken only if the doctor administered it.
2. On having examined the patient, the doctor made the diagnosis of bronchitis.
3. The doctor palpated the animal’s abdomen, the pain becoming severe.
4. The patient having developed hepatitis, severe jaundice was clearly marked.
5. It is no use extending our investigation as the nature of this phenomenon has become clear.
6. The approaching car will take the patient to the hospital
7. The electrocardiogram taken during the heart attack showed a disturbance in the coronary blood circulation.
8. Leaving the clinic without surgeon’s permission is impossible.
9. Your rapid recovery depends on properly following the administered treatment.
10. The course of fowl cholera being extremely acute, the birds are found dead in their nests.
II. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the Complex Object and Complex Subject constructions.
1. I expected my pet to be operated on as soon as its temperature returned to normal.
2. Too hot food is supposed to contribute to the development of gastritis.
3. Jaundice is known to be present in the diseases of the liver.
4. Clinical manifestations of gastritis proved to vary with the stage of its development.
5. The doctor heard the heart beating.
6. The doctor made the patient lie down.
7. I felt the pain become less.
8. The patient is likely to be administered antibiotics.
9. The veterinarian wants the animals to be vaccinated immediately.
10. The cause of this disease is supposed to be a virus.
Список использованной литературы 54 стр.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Ю.Б. Голицынский. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений, издание третье, переработанное и дополненное. ООО ИПЦ «КАРО», 2000.
2.В.Л.Каушанская и др. Грамматика английского языка (на английском языке). Л.: Изд-во «Просвещение», 1973.
3. E.Н. Комарова Английский язык для специальностей «Зоотехния» и «Ветеринария»Б Москва, Издательский центр «Академия», 2010.
4. А.М. Маслова, З.И.Вайнштейн, Л.С. Плебейская Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. – 3-е изд., М.: Лист Нью, 2002.
5. М.С. Муравейская, Л.К. Орлова Английский язык для медиков. Учебное пособие для студентов, аспирантов, врачей и научных сотрудников. – 3-е изд. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2000.
Exercise 3. Insert the particle “to” before the infinitive where required. Translate into Russian.
1. He can … speak French. 2. I like … play volleyball. 3. I would rather … stay home today, I’m not well. 4. I wanted …speak to the teacher but she left. 5. Let me … help you with your homework. 6. You look tired. You’d better … go home. 7. They wanted …take their exam. 8. What makes you…think so?
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