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The English weather on the whole is not exceptionally good. It's very damp, we have a lot of rain. Our weather is very changeable: a fine morning may change into a wet afternoon and evening. Conversely, a miserable morning may give place to a glorious
The English summer is usually disappointing. We expect during winter to have two or three months of extremely good weather, sunshine and hot weather, hot enough to bathe, to go to the sea. But summer months are often cool, there is always plenty of rain. Planning summer holidays is not easy because you can never depend on the weather. One year June may be hot and sunny and July and August rainy, another year it might be the other way round. So many people who look forward to the summer holidays, if they can afford it, go abroad for their holidays, though there are so many lovely beaches on the English coast.
The English winter is not cold. The temperature seldom falls below 3—4 degrees. The usual temperature is about zero. The air is frequently damp and foggy. It often rains and it seldom snows. The snow melts very quickly.
Autumn is the season of foggy, windy days. A spell of sunny weather in October is called an Indian Summer.
Spring is a warm and beautiful season. Spring flowers start to bloom from February. The weather in spring however, is changeable, and even if the sky is blue without a single cloud in the morning there is no guarantee that it may not rain within a short time. It is always wise to take a mac or an umbrella.
No conversation ever starts in England without a comment on the weather It is almost a formality like shaking hands. "How do you do?", "Nice day today, isn't it?", "Isn't it hot today?", "Isn't it a beastly day?", "Shocking weather, isn't it?" — these remarks are often used when speaking about the weather.
/. Listen to the text "The English about the English weather", and say whether England has a pleasant climate.
//. Listen to the text again and say whether the statement is true to the text. Give additional information to prove your answer.
1. The English weather is very changeable. 2. The English summer is usually fine. 3. It is usually cold in winter. 4. Spring is a very pleasant season. 5. The weather in autumn isn't very pleasant as a rule. 6. The English like to speak about the weather.
///. Read the text and analyse the language peculiarities of the text. Do some exercises in the next section to remember them.
Special Difficulties
/. Make up dialogues using the prompts. Observe the use of the verbs "rain" and "snow".
e.g. — Does it sometimes snow/rain in Belarus at this time of the year?
— Yes, quite often, I must say. (England, Siberia, the Ukraine, Poland)
e.g. — It often rains /snows here in November, doesn't it?
— Not very often, in fact. (September, December, October; May, July)
//. Use the correct forms of the verbs "rain" and "snow": 1. It... again today. It... almost every day. 2. We didn't go to the country on the weekend because it... all day long. 3.... it... when you left home? — Yes, it... heavily. 4. — When... it last...? — Two weeks ago. 5. Take an umbrella. It.... 6. It often... last winter,... it? 7.... it still...? — Yes, it is. 8.... it... on Monday morning? — No, it.... 9. It often... here at this time of the year,...?
///. Answer the questions:
What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? on Sunday? in June? in July? in autumn? next week? e.g. I think it'll be hot next week.
Prompts: cool, sunny, rainy, warm, lovely, fine, damp, foggy, windy, cold, wet.
IV. Respond expressing uncertainty. Use the modal verb"may":
e.g. — What will the weather be like this Sunday? (hot)
— It may be hot.
1. What will the weather be like tomorrow? (sunny) 2. What will the weather be like next week? (fine) 3. What will the weather be like in summer? (rainy) 4. What will the weather be like in July? (warm). 5. What will the weather be like in September? (wet). 6. What will the weather be like in winter? (cold)
V. Translate into English (self check):
1. Возможно, что завтра будет дождь. Пожалуй. Дождь идет каждый день. Октябрь всегда здесь очень сырой. 2. Вчера шел сильный дождь и было очень холодно. 3. В прошлом месяце часто шел снег, а в этом месяце часто идут дожди. 4. Обычно в июле здесь тепло, но нынешний июль прохладный. 5. — Когда в последний раз шел снег? — В пятницу. 6. Я с нетерпением жду лета. Я и моя сестра едем на юг. 7. Вчера шел снег? — Да, но он быстро растаял. 8. На небе ни облачка. Думаю, что дождя сегодня не будет.
Text Exercises
/. Ask and answer questions on the text
II. Speak on: a) the English weather on the whole; b) the English summer (winter, spring, autumn)
///. Imagine you've just come from England. Your friends want to know about the English weather. They are asking you questions.
IV. Speak on the English weather.
V. Answer the questions:
What was the weather like yesterday? What is the weather like today? What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? Do you like the climate in Belarus (the place you live in) or not? Why?
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