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Karen writes a lot. Right now she's writing a letter to her sister Doris in Seattle. Yesterday she wrote a letter to her friend Mary in Detroit. Tomorrow she's going to write a letter to her friend Miguel in Mexico City. People always ask Karen, "Why do you write so often?" She usually answers, "It's very simple. I like to write".
/. Listen to the text and answer the questions:
Karen writes a lot, doesn't she? What is she doing right now? Who did she write to yesterday? Who is she going to write to tomorrow? Why does Karen write so often?
//. Make up your own stories. Begin like that:
1. My sister reads a lot... 2. Victor travels a lot...
Very Good Friends: East or West
Tom and Janet are very good friends. They grew together, they went to high school together, and they went to college together. Now Tom lives in San Diego and Janet lives in Philadelphia. Even though they live far apart, they're still very good friends.
They write to each other very often. He writes her letters about life on the West Coast, and she writes him letters about life on the East Coast.
They never forget each other's birthdays. Last year he sent her a silver bracelet and she sent him a silk necktie.
Tom and Janet also help each other very often. Last year he lent her money when she was in the hospital, and she gave him advice when he lost his job.
Tom and Janet like each other very much, they were always very good friends, and they still are.
/. Listen to the text and answer the questions:
What is the life story of Tom and Janet? Where do they live? Do they still keep up their friendship? In what way? How did they help each other?
//. Have you got a good friend? Do you often see each other? When did you last see your friend? How did you spend your time? Did your friend ever help you? And what about you?
Robbie and the Rebels,,
(ill: Good morning, Shirley...
Shirley: Hello, Jill.
Jill: Oh, I'm tired this morning.
Shirley: Are you? Why?
Jill: Well, I went to a concert last night.
Shirley: Which concert?
Jill: The pop concert, the one at the Town Hall.
Shirley: Oh, which group did you see?
Jill: I saw "Robbie and the Rebels"... they're a new group.
Shirley: Are they good?
Jill: Hmm... they usually play well but last night they played
Shirley: Is Robbie a good singer? Jill: Oh, yes, he usually sings well. Shirley: Did he sing well last night? Jill: No, he didn't... he sang very badly. Shirley: What about the group? Jill: Oh, the guitarist played beautifully... but the drummer
was loud.
Shirley: Yes, pop drummers always play loudly. Jill: I know! I had a headache after the concert. Shirley: Hmm... I never go to pop concerts. I prefer classical
/. Listen to the conversation "Robbie and the Rebels" and answer the questions:
Why is Jill tired? Which concert did she go to? Which group did she see? How do they usually play? How did they play last night? How does Robbie usually sing? How did he sing last night? How did the guitarist play? Do pop drummers always play loudly? Did Jill have a headache before the concert? Does Shirley prefer pop music or classical music?
//. Role-play the conversation.
III. Say a few words about the concert you heard last. What do you think of it? Did you enjoy it?
Self check
/. Use the necessary tense forms:
A. It (be) two weeks before Christmas and Mrs Smith (be) very busy. She (buy) a lot of Christmas cards to send to her friends and to her husband's friends and (put) them on the table
in the living-room. Then, when her husband (come) from work, she (say) to him, "Here (be) the Christmas cards for our friends, here (be) some stamps, a pen and our book of addresses. Will you please write the cards while I am cooking? Mr Smith (say, not) anything, but (walk) out of the living-room and (go) to his study. Mrs Smith (be) very angry with him but (say, not) anything either. Then a minute later he (come) back with a box full of Christmas cards. All of them (have) addresses and stamps on them.
"These (be) from last year", he (say). "I (forget) to post them".
B. I (get) home at 6 o'clock in the evening. My wife (open) the door for me.
"Good evening, Ted", she (say). "Good evening, my dear!" I (answer). "You (be) tired?" she (ask). "No," I (answer), "I (be, not) tired, but I (be) very hungry". "Dinner (be) ready", she (say).
I (take) off my coat and (sit) down. My wife (sit) beside me. "You (catch) your train this morning?" she (ask). "No", I (answer). "I (miss) it. I (run) all the way to the station and (get) there four minutes past nine". "Which train you (catch)?" "The 9.15" "What time you (get) to the office?" she (ask). "At 10 o'clock!" I (answer). "At ten o'clock?" my wife (exclaim), "the boss (be, not) angry?" "No, he (be, not) at the office", I (say). "He (arrive) at 10.30. He (miss) his train, too".
//. Translate into English:
1. Вчера вечером мы были в клубе. Там был концерт. На концерте было много рабочих с нашего завода. 2. 5 лет назад я жил в Москве, тогда я работал на заводе. 3. — Когда ты в последний раз видел Нину? — На прошлой неделе. 4. — Ты был дома в понедельник утром? — Нет, я был на работе. 5. — Когда ты обедал? — В 3 часа. 6. — Какой язык ты изучал в школе? — Немецкий. 7. — Когда ты женился? — В 1988 году. 8. На прошлой неделе почтальон принес мне письмо от отца. 9. — Ты вовремя пришел вчера на работу? — Да. 10. — Где ты был в воскресенье вечером? — У Виктора. 11. — Когда ты был в театре в последний раз? — Месяц назад. 12. Вчера я проснулся в 7 часов. Я умылся, позавтракал и пошел на завод. Я пришел на завод в 8 часов, просмотрел бумаги, продиктовал секретарю деловые письма. После обеда я присутствовал на собрании и выступил с докладом. На собрании мы обсудили много вопросов. Я был занят до 8 часов. 13. — Тебе понравился концерт? — Да.— Мне тоже. 14. — Я не был вчера в институте.— Я тоже. 15. Почему ты мне не позвонил вчера? — Я вернулся домой слишком поздно. 16. — Разве ты не был вчера в кино? — Нет,
я был на вечере 17. — Мне не понравился фильм.— Мне тоже. 18. Я сегодня не завтракал, потому что поздно встал и торопился на работу. Мне пришлось взять такси. 19. Вчера вечером я был в библиотеке.— Я тоже. 20. — Я не опоздал.— Я тоже. 21. Когда ты впервые слышал «Аиду»? — 6 лет назад. 22. — Где он купил этот словарь? — Я не имею ни малейшего представления, где он его купил. 23. В прошлом году я имел обыкновение рано вставать.
Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...
Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...
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