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Интонация причастного оборота

2017-10-11 425
Интонация причастного оборота 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Если причастный оборот стоит в начале предложения, то он произносится с восходя-щим тоном. Например:



Если причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, он может быть выделен в отдель-ную синтагму либо нет в зависимости от отношения говорящего и произносится с нисходя-щим тоном. Например:



Exercise I. Mark the stresses and tunes and read the following sentences.

1. Having picked up Mr Dunn's papers from the library floor, she held them out to him.


2. Arriving back they found Ann in the sitting room reading magazines.

3. Closing the door gently she stole upstairs.


4. In the evening they caught some fish eating part of it and saving the rest for the breakfast.

5. A new road will soon be built joining the airport with the railway station.


6. Taking a book from the shelf, he sits down to read it.

7. Having been examined by the customs, the goods were let through.

8. She smiled remembering the joke.


9. Every now and then David raised his head from the book looking at the clock on the wall.



10. I hope you will write soon explaining your intentions.

11. The text being easy they didn't use the dictionary.


12. Having received his diploma he went to the Far East.

13. Having locked the door I saw that I had left my bag in the room.


14. Walking along the embankment I met an old friend of mine.

15. Our things having been packed we went to the station.


16. The story being funny I couldn't help laughing.

17. I felt very tired having worked the whole day in the sun.


18. The yacht lay well out in the middle of the river being carried down by the current.

19. When you enter the hall you will see a staircase leading to the basement.

20. Having slept two hours I felt refreshed and rested.


21. The play being a success, it was impossible to get tickets.

Exercise II. Complete the following sentences.

1. Having been wounded in the leg, he...

2. Having arrived in a big seaport, I...


3. Having been once found on the beach, the stone...

4. Judging by the colour of the sun, it...


5. Slamming the door on me, he...

6. Taking every thing into consideration, we...

7. Half-turning on his chair, he...


8. Being dissatisfied with the answer, she...

9. The night being too cold and dark, she...


10. The article being dull, she...

11. Waiting outside, we...


12. Striking a match, he...

13. Seeing her approach, John...


14. Having been seen by her, he...


Exercise III. Read the joke and retell it paying special attention to the intonation of Participial con-structions.

Having seen an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful modern cheap bicycle, Tom went to the shop. Being busy with another customers the shopkeeper didn't come to Tom immediately. Waiting for the shopkeeper Tom attentively looked around the shop and saw one bicycle standing in the corner. The bicycle turned out to be exactly the one Tom had seen in the advertisement. But hav-ing examined it carefully he discovered that it lacked the lamp. Turning to the shopkeeper Tom an-grily asked why there was no lamp. Being surprised by his anger the shopkeeper tried to explain that the lamp was not included in the price of the bicycle. Having heard this Tom said that the bicycle in the advertisement had the lamp. Having a good sense of humour the shopkeeper said calmly that there was also a girl on the bicycle in their advertisement but they didn't supply one of them with the bicycle either.


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