Unit 17. Intonation of apposition — КиберПедия 

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Unit 17. Intonation of apposition

2017-10-11 864
Unit 17. Intonation of apposition 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Приложение, ограничивающее значение существительного, тесно связано с ним и не выделяется в отдельную синтагму. Например:


Приложение, выступающее в качестве дополнительной информации в форме ремарки, обычно выделяется в отдельную синтагму, ударно и произносится тем же тоном, что и опре-деляемое слово, но на более низком уровне. Например:



Exercise I. Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the intonation of apposition.

1. Mark Twain, the famous American writer was travelling in France. 2. The part of Great Britain, lying south of the Scottish border, (Cheviot Hills), and east of Wales is England. 3. All my family (except for me) is involved in farming. 4. Robert Burns, Scotland's bard and the world's poet was born in 1759. 5. My brother-in-law, Peter Smith, is a teacher. 6. I'm speaking of Caracus, the capital of Venezuella. 7. That's my son, the local doctor. 8. Is that your host, the famous steel mag-net? 9. That's William the Conqueror. 10. I'm from Dayton, Ohio. 11. Another Englishman John Be-lias, the author or Little Guide Book of Moscow wrote: "Who would not wish to visit the old capital


— Moscow, with its Kremlin and golden domes?" 12. Before bills (proposed laws) can become acts (laws) they must be approved by both Houses of Parliament.

Exercise II. Listen to the sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes. Read them.


1. Buckingham Palace, one of the homes of the king and queen, is not far from the Hall. 2. Jo-celyn, my other sister, is seventeen. 3. If the Kremlin is the symbol of Russia then the Saviour's



Tower (Spasskaya Bashnya) is the symbol of the Kremlin. 4. The House of Lords cannot originate, amend or reject money bills (bills concerned with imposing taxes and authorising the spending of public money). 5. Another Tower, the Clock Tower, is famous for the clock named "Big Ben". 6. It was designed by Christopher Wren, famous English architect. 7. Geoffrey Chaucer, the famous Eng-lish poet of the 14th century, was the first to be buried in the Poet's Corner. 8. Here we can see one of the most colourful and stirring of all London ceremonies, the Changing of the Guards. 9. The name of one of London's lost rivers is commemorated in Fleet Street, the former centre of the British newspaper industry.


Exercise III. Read the text. Find the apposition. Mark the stresses and tunes. Render the text.The Tower of London, one of the most fascinating historical places, is situated on the North


bank of the Thames. It dates back from Roman times and was strengthened by William the Conque-ror. It was at times a fortress, palace and prison. Many great people were beheaded in the Tower. Among them were Sir Thomas More, the author of the famous "Utopia", Sir Walter Relaigh, explor-er and historian and others. As English people are very fond of traditions the Tower guards (Beefea-ters) wear the same uniform as the one they wore many centuries ago.


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