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1)Как долго продлятся практические занятия по английскому языку?
2)Вам налить кофе или чай?
3)Вы умеете играть на пианино?
4)Этот человек известный артист, не так ли?
5)Когда вы успели сделать всю эту работу?
6)Вы говорите по-испански или по-итальянски?
Задание 3.
Выполните упражнения, раскрыв скобки.
1) (Мой) answer was not correct.
2) (Их) children go to the kindergarten.
3) (Наша) laboratory work was checked in time.
4) This is (твоя) bag and that is (ее) do not forget.
5) (Его) future profession is an engineer.
6) This is (мой) cat. (Его) name is Dick.
Задание 4.
Расположите по порядку:
а) предложения, в которых ing-форма является подлежащим;
в) предложения, в которых ing-форма является обстоятельством;
с) предложения, в которых ing-форма является частью сказуемого.
1. The driving wheel of the machine is broken.
2. Driving in a motor car, we passed many villages.
3. We have every chance of passing our examinations well.
4. Having been knocked down by a passing car, the poor man was at once taken to hospital.
5. You don’t know what you miss, not having the desire to listen to good music.
6. These happenings are remarkable.
7. Travelling is a pleasant way of improving one’s education.
8. Every trust arranges for the marketing of its products.
9. I was told of a great friendship existing between two captains.
10. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
11. Asking him for help is useless.
12. Happily we escaped being delayed on our way.
Задание 5.
Прочитайте и переведите текст и составьте собственный на основе данного.
My native city.
My native city is Kazan. I was born here. Kazan is one of the biggest cities in our country. It is the capital of our republic Tatarstan. Its population is over a million people. Kazan is a multinational city: Tatars, Russian, Ukrainian, Chuvashes and many others live together in peace and friendship. Kazan is an industrial city; there are a lot of plants, factures and different enterprises, which produce a lot of goods.
Kazan is a very old city. It is 1000 years old. It has a rich historical culture and tradition.
Kazan is also a big cultural centre. Many festivals are hold here. There are many theaters, cinemas, clubs, a big concert hall, a conservatory and many museums in Kazan. Kazan is also youth city, because many institutions, universities, colleges are situated there. Students from different cities of our country and even abroad come here to study. Many outstanding people lived there such as Lobachevski, Tupolev, Leo Tolstoy, Tukay and many others.
Kazan is a very beautiful city. There are a lot of green parks and squares, where you can walk and enjoy the nature. My favorite place in Kazan is a Bauman street. It is a wide street for pedestrians, where you can walk, take photos near fountains, talk with your friends in a café and go shopping.
There are a lot of wonderful cities in the world but for me Kazan is the best.
native a | родной |
capital n | столица |
population n | население |
multinational a | многонациональный |
goods n | товары |
youth a | молодежный |
abroad n | заграница |
outstanding a | выдающийся |
pedestrian n | пешеход |
Задание 6.
Прочтите и переведите текст.
When the Sun freezes over?
Will the Sun ever burn out? How soon will it happened? And what will happen to us?
If you have ever set by a bonfire in the evening, you would have noticed without constant stocking it would burn out. Nevertheless, our Sun has been burning non-stop over 4.5 billion years without dying out. So will it ever burn out? Yes, it will. However, the Sun has enough fuel last another 5.5 billion years, the remaing is lost as energy in the form of heat, light and x-rays.
Dwarf star, about 1.5 million kilometers across, is our closest star. It is around 150 million kilometers, it weighs about two billion kilograms and 1.3 million times the earth's volume and around 1.4 million kilometers in diameter.
The Sun temperature is 15 million degrees Celsius but the time the heat reaches the surface of the Earth, it has cooled down to 5800 degrees Celsius.
How did the Sun come into existentсе?
Over a period of million years, a cloud formed into rotating disk with a huge central bulge with a temperature of several million degrees. From this time, a powerful solar wind blew away the remaing gas clouds and dust.
The beginning of the end.
In about a billion years, the Sun will be about 10 percent brighter than what it is now. This will cause the Earth's atmosphere to dry out.2.5 billion years later, the Sun would have become 40 percent brighter, than today. This will cause all the oceans to dry out, leading to total annihilation of most life forms of the Earth. The Earth will turn into a massive ball of fire. In addition, it is improbable that the Earth will be able to rejuvenate and give life again.
to burn out v | сгореть, потухнуть |
bonfire n | костер |
constant a | постоянный |
stock v | поддерживать огонь |
fuel n | топливо |
remaining a | оставшийся |
dwarf star | карликовая звезда |
weigh v | весить |
bulge n | округлость |
to blow away | сдувать |
cause v | послужить причиной |
lead v | вести, привести |
rejuvenate v | омолаживаться |
volume n | объем |
heat n | тепло |
surface n | поверхность |
cool down | охлаждаться |
existance n | существование |
cloud n | облако |
rotate v | вращаться |
huge a | огромный |
solar a | солнечный |
remain v | оставаться |
dry out | высохнуть |
annihilation n | (полное) уничтожение, истребление |
improbable a | невозможнo |
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